Re: Planet X Sighting Efforts 1
In Article <> Andek wrote:
> Nancy Lieder <> wrote:
>> The path of the comet is dead on. It is aiming for
>> your Sun, and you are so very close to your Sun.
>> The Earth's movements to this side or that are slight,
>> in the scheme of things, and give to the comet an
>> almost imperceptible wobble at best.
> If the alleged comet/planet was anywhere near the solar
> system (say: within half a light year) the wobble would
> be big enough to be obvious even to a visual observer
> (with a scope big enough to catch the feeble light of this
> 2nd magnitude object). By gosh - distances to nearby
> *stars* can be measured this way.
Ah, you’ve got INFRARED detection equipment now, do you Andek? Then its
a Magnitude 2 object for you, and you can give us a 45 minute CCD of the
coordinates, thanks so much! We’re having problems getting
observatories to allow folks to LOOK at those coordinates, and that’s
because, obviously, there is NOTHING THERE to hide! Else why not LOOK?
The Zetas wish to respond to your remark about wobble, as with
Magnitude, you get matters confused. We’re not talking about STARS
here, we’re talking about a smoldering brown dwarf near at hand and with
a consistent light from its entire surface, surrounded by red dust and
swirling moons (causing the ancients to describe this as a dragon with
tail, when passing the Earth) not a pinpoint of intense light that can
be PINPOINTED as to EXACT location.
The wobble of stars is determined by the location, when
magnified, of the EXACT center of the light emitted
from the star. This can be easily discerned with starlight
as the diffuse area of diminishing light in what is termed
starlight has a DRAMATIC drop from the center. A
simple view from a telescope does not do it. A high
degree of magnification of the starlight, including the
center, is required. This of course has been done with
Planet X, being closely monitored by NASA et al and the
reason for infrared capability in observing equipment
lately, but YOU don’t get to hear about it. This is
because you don’t count. You and your dependents can
be taken by surprise, unprepared, while the elite are
snug in their well guarded and well stocked enclaves. Or
don’t you wonder AT ALL why the New Zealand
observatory would not allow Sonja a peek? What is
there to hide?