Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis Shift in Cayce Quotes
David Paterson wrote:
> Can you post references to papers, articles or sites that give
> details of the direction of the magnetic field of Mercury
> and other planets and moons?
Surveyor reports indicate that the surface of Mars indicates magnetic
fields pointing in different directions, as with the Earth, past pole
shifts on Mars. Something the Zetas stated does and has ocurred during
passage of Planet X.
[Planet X], barreling though the Solar System, affects
more than just the Earth, as might be imagined. How
could it not affect the other planets, particularly those
close to the Sun. Where the Earth experiences a pole
shift each time, being composed of materials that
magnetically align with the giant comet, other planets
have wholly different reactions. Venus, for instance,
is relatively unaffected, outside of a slight change in
orbit toward the path of the comet. Mars also has a
pole shift, but this is slight as this planet has cooled
and has less fluidity in its core than the Earth. The
planets in the outer orbits, depending on their weight,
pull slightly inward during the comet's passage, but
find their normal route later, the influence of other
factors determining their normal orbit weighing in
again. And how does the Sun itself react?
Imperturbable, not even a flare, as its activity is
influenced from within, not without.
ZetaTalk, Other Planets
Magnetic Stripes Preserve Record of Ancient Mars
Scientists using the spacecraft's MAGNETOMETER have
discovered banded patterns of MAGNETIC FIELDS on the
Martian surface. The adjacent magnetic bands point
in opposite directions, giving these invisible stripes
a striking similarity to patterns seen in the crust of
Earth's sea floors. On the Earth, the sea floor spreads
apart slowly at mid-oceanic ridges as new crust flows
up from Earth's hot interior. Meanwhile, the direction
of Earth's magnetic field reverses occasionally,
resulting in alternating stripes in the new crust that
carry a fossil record of the past hundreds of million
years of Earth's magnetic history.