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Re: The Genesis of Spin

In Article <> Astrodomesam wrote:
> I am searching for current theories and opinions as to 
> what physical mechanisms impart/cause the spin of 
> planetary bodies on an axis, the motion of planetary 
> bodies around the sun, the motion of galaxies
> revolving around their central cores.

Posing the question of why we have SPIN, at all, much less spin that
affects suns and planets (rotation), solar systems (ecliptic planes),
and glaxies that seem to be consistent far outside of a random pattern.
So if, in the following postings, the Zetas have said is it NOT
collision and NOT angular momentum and NOT magnetism that is influensing
galactic synchronized spin, then what is it?  The Zetas explain, with
some new ZetaTalk and a reference to their existing ZetaTalk on how
matter behaves, on the move.

    Big Bangs affect vast areas, a fact which man is aware
    of as all he can see seems to have been affected by the 
    same event.  But prior to clumping and becoming dense, 
    matter is more homogeneous and fluid and thus each 
    atom more easily influenced. As in all events, 
    SOMETHING came first, and as in all events, something
    clumps or moves FIRST, and this sets the stage for what 
    follows. Explosions send things in all directions, so 
    motion outward is rapid and has no brakes other than the
    matter that lies behind it.   Thus, matter on the periphery 
    has PUSH behind it, and matter closer to the center of the
    Big Bang finds it has NO push behind it, eventually.  The 
    center is a void, and thus nearby matter, from the inside 
    out, starts returning to this void to escape the crowding it 
    finds everywhere else.  As this matter returns, it interacts 
    with other matter, attempting to equalize crowding.  Even
    in homogeneous matter ANY motion, even on the 
    sub-atomic level with a single atom on the move, creates 
    a zigzag due to the pressure created when moving in ANY 
    direction.  Motion become circular, to develop a spin, when
    ANY inequality on either side of the zigzag occurs, such
    that the zig or zag is not simply back and forth, but takes a 
    curve.  During the time it takes for galaxies to form from a 
    Big Bang, matter is fluid for a long enough time for the 
    motion in the CENTER to affect and establish the motion 
    throughout.  This takes the form of individual or local 
    dramas, here and there, but the synchronized spin of galaxies
    stands as a mute witness to the fluidity of the spurt coming 
    out of a Big Bang, and to the extent to which what is called
    Dark Matter, which we have termed tiny matter, exists as a
    glue binding the Universe together in ways mankind little 
And existing ZetaTalk, as promised, on how matter on the move behaves.

    Coming out of what is called a big bang, particles are sent
    in all directions. All are on the move. As explosions are 
    never of equal strength throughout the explosion, some 
    particles are moving faster than others, and when parts of 
    the explosion collide with other parts, toward the center of 
    the explosion or on the periphery, circular movement begins
    to equalize the pressure. After a time, what results is what
    you see in your Universe. All this moving about never 
    settles down, nor does it diminish or increase, overall. 
    Mankind has noted this tendency and termed it conservation
    of energy. Even within forming black holes movement is 
    still occurring, and in accordance with the patterns outside 
    of black holes.

    Within atoms, subatomic particles are bound to the nucleus
    just as planets are bound to a sun, due to the presence of a
    subatomic particle which behaves in a similar manner to 
    gravity particles in a solar system. Forever on the move as 
    rushing to the center of the nucleus creates crowding that 
    is relieved by an outward flow, these particles soon find 
    themselves on the periphery in an uncrowded state and 
    cycle back into the nucleus due to their inherent attraction 
    of each other. What all matter seeks is a static state where 
    all parts of it are equal and none moving, like a jell, but as
    equality in matter can never exist due to inherent 
    differences in particle size and nature, motion never ceases.
    Always trying, but never succeeding.

    Subatomic particles move in a wave pattern due to this 
    attraction and desire to equalize crowding. Vacillation, 
    repeating patterns, occur often in Nature, as the buildup is 
    followed by the gradual drop, until a threshold is reached 
    and the buildup begins again. Pulsing is found in the cosmos, 
    dying stars pulsing, the heartbeat pulsing, and in like 
    manner subatomic particles pulse. The same mechanism 
    is at play, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the rate 
    of release from a source, the current fanciful explanation 
    by scientists. Space, even the space within an atom, is 
    scarcely empty, but is filled with all manner of tiny 
    particles as yet undiscovered by man. Many particles or 
    groups of particles follow a path less than straight, as
    on their way they create a pressure in front of them, 
    causing a sideways zig, only to find they again create a 
    pressure in front of them so must zag. This path is not 
    chaotic, but becomes a zig-zag line in a straight direction,
    as the pressure created on the left encourages the zig to 
    the right, and the pressure created on the right finds a 
    void on the left where an essential vacuum has just been
    created. The zig-zag perpetuates itself.
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Energy Waves