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Re: ZetaTalk Gravity: Insight or Insanity?

In Article <> Brian Kelly wrote:
> Can the zetas now comment whether the recent
> discovery of a mysterious "repulsion force" in science,
> which is responsible for the galaxies slowing down their
> outward acceleration from one another, in the distant past,
> is indeed the same repulsion force that they speak of; a
> recurrent updraft of gravity particles from objects of large
> mass who constantly attract vagrant particles and eject
> some to make more space?  Was this ejection of gravity
> particles from large-mass objects cores, what eventually
> slowed down the acceleration of galaxies from one
> another?  Is the mysterious repulsion force discovered by
> modern science within the past year indeed congruent
> with the zeta's repulsion force?

    Repulsion keeps suns APART, at the distance they are,
    or at least is a factor in this.  The reach of the force of
    gravity is immense, as with the distance that light
    particles travel, but like light particles gravity particles
    on the move can be deflected.  Light particles reaching
    man from across the galaxies has moved in essentially a
    straight path, unless being deflected or absorbed by
    something in its path. What is the drama that occurs
    when MORE than two gravity giants are in a vicinity,
    and why is it that binary suns are so common?

     - Gravity particles with a SINGLE gravitational giant
       in the vicinity float into the giant and spurt out, without
       conflict.  At the end of a spurt, their desire to clump
       with their kind causes them to return to the nearest
       clump.  This could be equated to light escaping from
       a Black Hole, where it is on the move but not leaving,
       rather returning.  The fact that other gravity particles
       in the vicinity are returning is no small part in this, as
       those in the flow are attracted to one another also, so
       the particles at the end of a spurt find they also are
       MOVING toward the gravitational giant as a result of
       trying to move to gravity particles nearby.

     - When there are two gravitational giants of equal size,
       as in binary suns, the drama is joined by a dither point
       between the two.  Gravity particles at the end of a spurt,
       or slowing in their exit due to reduced pressure as
       disipation occurs, find a mixture of streams going back
       to BOTH giants at this dither point.  Repulsion outbursts
       are intermitent, so at one time the dither leans more
       toward one giant where a return flow is ongoing, but at
       another time the return stream to the other giant is
       stronger, and a particular gravity particle switches to
       flow into and out of the other sun.  Where the suns are
       matched in size, they stay apart where the Repulsion
       Force keeps them, to the extent that their dance is
       dominated by gravity.

     - Gravity particles streaming in an outburst from a giant
       but NOT encountering another outburst from a nearby
       giant can move outward to a great distance.  This is
       dependent upon the force with which they are expelled
       from the giant, giving them great momentum.  At the
       same time, the single drama of each gravity giant
       continues, and any binary dance that has developed
       between balanced suns continues, so the particles
       escaping the area are those not caught in other dramas.
       Gravity attraction is a SMALL factor in slowing the
       escape of matter ejected during a Big Bang, and
       bringing this together again during a collapse,
       ultimately into another immense Black Hole.  Other
       subatomic particles are more significant in the dance
       between galaxies, however.  Gravity dances tend to be
       a local affair.