Re: Planet X: ALTERNATIVE Garbage <= THOLEN! 3
tholen@AntiSpam.ham Iwhose real e-mail address is writes:
> Steve Holland writes:
> >> Nancy Lieder writes:
> >>>>>>>>> And they move in egg-shaped orbits in the plane
> >>>>>>>>> of the ecliptic? So we have motion ALONG the
> >>>>>>>>> ecliptic, lateral, not plunging ACROSS, right?
> >>>>>>>>> So known KBO's would not be likely to take the
> >>>>>>>>> path the Zetas have laid out for Planet X between
> >>>>>>>>> now and May 2003, right?
> >>>>>>>> Your path is non-gravitational. KBOs behave according
> >>>>>>>> to a gravitational ephemeris.
> >>>>>>> Wha'zat? Can you expand and explain? Just what can
> >>>>>>> we expect KBO's to DO?
> >>>>>> Get back to me when you've demonstrated an ability to
> >>>>>> understand. My sentence above already contains the answer.
> >>>>> And here, where you HAVE an opportunity to clarify, you don't.
> >>>> On the contrary, I've already clarified. You simply don't
> >>>> understand the clarification.
> >>>>> That's because clarifying the orbits of KBO's would make them
> >>>>> LESS of a disinfo tool,
> >>>> As a matter of fact, we spent 20 hours of telescope time this past
> >>>> week clarifying the orbits of KBOs, including 2001 KX76. It's
> >>>> a minor improvement in the case of 2001 KX76, because the
> >>>> length of the observational arc wasn't increased significantly, but
> >>>> it can be a major improvement in the cases of the other objects.
> >>> Which leaves my initial question, what TYPE of orbit (in general terms
> >>> the public could understand) these KBO's have - unanswered!
> >> On the contrary, your initial question has been answered. That you
> >> do not understand the answer is your problem. Fortunately, you are
> >> not "the public".
> > No, you have never answered the question.
> That is incorrect. The answer is above. See the second sentece of my
> first response.
No, you have not. You say that KBOs behave according to a
gravitational ephemeris, which is a fairly technical term that
non-astronomers are unlikely to understand. It's a bit like expecting
a non-astronomer to understand that B-V=-0.5 is a very blue colour.
> > Why don't you just tell Nancy that KBOs follow elliptical orbits
> > about the Sun.
> I've already done that.
No, you said that KBOs behave according to a gravitational
ephemeris. In order to know that that means the orbits follow a conic
sections that might be an ellipse you would have to have a fairly
strong grounding in geometry or celestial mechanics; not something
that the general public has.
> > There's no need to confuse the issue by introducing parabolic &
> > hyperbolic orbits because they are very rare in the Kuiper Belt.
> You're erroneously presupposing that I've introduced "parabolic &
> hyperbolic orbits". No such words appear in my response.
I never said that they did. All that I said is that you could
have simply stated that KBOs generally are on elliptical orbits and
that there is no need to go any deeper than that by mentioning that
they could also be on other conic section orbits.
> > You could have saved a lot of posts by simply writing two sentences.
> My one sentence was already sufficient. You could have saved your
> post by simply understanding what I wrote.
I plan to. This is my last post in this thread.
> > instead of replying in a way that makes you (and, by association,
> > asstronomers in general) look childish.
> How ironic, coming from the way you just spelled "astronomers".
It was an unfortunate typo wasn't it.
> > Is this the way that you teach your students?
> My students tend to be brighter than Nancy.
You are not dealing just with Nancy. You are dealing with
everyone who reads this thread. If you just want to deal with Nancy
take it to e-mail (
Bye Dave. May-be I'll drop in next time I'm at IFA and laugh at
Steve Holland
To find out who and where I am look at: