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Re: Seventy-Day Jupiter Movie Pulls Patterns Out Of Chaos 1

Ron Baalke wrote:
>  A kaleidoscopic movie made from about 1,200 Jupiter
>  images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft reveals
>  unexpectedly persistent polar weather patterns on the
>  giant planet. ... one notion concerning the nature of the
>  circulation on Jupiter is incomplete at best, and possibly
>  wrong ... The model in question suggests that Jupiter's
>  alternating bands of east-west winds are the exposed
>  edges of deeper, closely-packed rotating cylinders that
>  extend north-south  through the planet.  ... many such
>  cylinders sit side-by-side, girdling the planet like rings
>  of narrow solid-rockets strapped to the outside of a larger
>  rocket ... alternating with latitude and symmetric
>  about the equator.  "However, the east-west winds that the
>  movie shows in the polar regions don't fit that model," ...
>  Jupiter's wind pattern may involve a mix of
>  rotation-on-cylinders near the equator and some other
>  circulation mechanism near the poles.

Planetary rotation has been explained by the Zetas (next post 2) as due
to lack of homogeniety in a mobile or liquid core, parts of which chase
or retreat from elements they are attracted to or repulsed from OUTSIDE
of the planet. The question raised by the NASA post is why their model
does not work, as the movies made of the pole shots show that the poles,
and not just the equatorial latitudes, also rotate. If the NASA model no
longer works, then what IS causing the alternating east-west motion
within Jupiter's latitude bands? The Zetas will explain (next post 3).
And why the longevity (next post 4) of the storms produced?