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Re: Planet X: MAY Coordinates

In Article <k6kK6.2434$> David Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> Planet X has a redish glow, and we know from the Jewish
>> Exodus descriptions that the tail has red iron dust in it
> Red iron dust has a non-zero albedo.  Yet another contradiction.

Are you saying that astronomers should be able to see Planet X because
the iron dust cloud around it would reflect sunlight?  It:
    1. is 9 times further out than Pluto
    2. is smaller than Pluto because of that when seen from Earth
    3. is at a distance that precludes reflecting sunlight

But these little iron dust particles should be visible to astronomers
with home scopes?  That's what you're saying, Dave?  The Zetas wish to

    If Planet X is primarily a water planet, then why would it
    appear to be a red planet, as Mars, virtually devoid of water
    on its surface? Why would it not, as the Earth, appear to
    be a blue planet?  The explanation lies in the space trash
    Planet X has gathered not only traversing back and forth
    between its two foci but also from the Asteroid Belt during
    the pelting process where the planets that rode there were
    destroyed during various passages of Planet X.  Early in its
    life, Planet X gathered moons about it as do most large
    planets, and these moons trail behind it during a rapid transit.
    In the past, when the Sun had more mass and the Repulsion
    Force between the Sun and Planet X was greater, Planet X
    traversed the solar system in the Asteroid belt, and the
    trailing moons, lashing from side to side, pelted small planets
    and moon which themselves became missiles of death.
    During these repeated passages, then, Planet X and its moons
    had opportunity to gather space trash, and being a magnetic
    planet, Planet X would be particularly attractive to iron dust.

    Why does this dust not settle into the atmosphere of Planet X,
    and drift down into the ocean and cease to be a cloud giving
    Planet X a reddish appearance?  Given a static environment,
    this would eventually be the case, but Planet X is not static,
    it's perpetually on the move.  The dust cloud is far outside
    what would be termed the atmosphere of Planet X, so that
    during the passage through the solar system, is streams behind
    Planet X to become a long tail of red dust, oxidized iron, which
    during a close passage to Earth, when Earth is caught in the tail,
    causes rivers and ponds to temporarily turn a blood red color
    and assume a bitter taste.  To those peering at Planet X from
    Earth, its appearance is always blood red, due to this cloud.
    In that the iron dust does not itself emit light, the reddish
    appearance of Planet X comes from the light the planet emits,
    passed THROUGH the red dust.  When Planet X is close enough
    to reflect sunlight, the light must  likewise bounces off the ocean
    surface and must pass THROUGH the red dust to return to those
    peering at it from Earth.