White Moose
- White Moose Off-limits to Idaho Hunters
Oct 18, 2002
- White moose off-limits to Idaho hunters
October 18, 2002
A group of eastern Idahoans smitten by a white moose have persuaded the state to make
the animal off-limits to hunters. Steve Huffaker, director of the Idaho Department of Fish
and Game, made an emergency order last week making it illegal to shoot the albino cow
moose, which has been spotted with a black calf on private land in southeastern Idaho.
Albino moose have been showing up in the area for several years, said Dale Toweill,
trophy species manager for the fish and game department. Normally, only 1 in 100,000
moose have the albino trait, which is recessive. But the gene appears to run in the herd in
southeastern Idaho, where Toweill theorizes the probability of an albino moose may be 1
in 10,000.