Crop Failures in 2003, 2004
- Signs of the Times #1565
- This info can be found on Page 21 of 'Power Down" by Richard Heinberg: Worldwide Total Cereal Crop, Year and Reserves, all in Millions of
Metric Tonnes 1999 ... 684.5, 2000 ... 633.4, 2001 ... 584.2, 2002 ... 466.6, 2003 ... 371.9
- Signs of the Times #1017
- Floods destroy crops in North Korea [Aug 3, 2004] http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200408/s1167102.htm Reports from North Korea say
heavy rains and floods have caused widespread destruction in the country. The country's official news agency says there has been severe damage
to crops and farmland. Millions of North Koreans already depend on food aid from abroad and famine has caused thousands of people to leave
the country for China.[and from another source] Rain offers little for grain crops [Jul 29]
http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200407/s1164319.htm Recent rain has been too little too late for the Darling Downs grain growing areas
of southern Queensland. Graincorp is predicting a 13 million tonne winter harvest, up 2.8 million tonnes on last year. In terms of the inner-Downs,
we estimate only about 25 per cent of that has been planted. [Note: the weather related crop failures Predicted by the Zetas.]
- Signs of the Times #942
- Fifth Consecutive Year of Decline in Level of Stocks of Grain is Forseen by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization The trend shown reflects
all the various aspects of an economy in breakdown - lack of infrastructure to compensate for adverse weather, high energy costs for agriculture
inputs, loss of family farm systems in many big grain regions, domination of grain trade by cartels, etc. Year World Grain Stocks (million metric
tons) 2000/2001 598.5 2001/2002 570.8 2002/2003 474.9 2003/2004 est. 397.8 2004/2005 forecast 362.7 [Note: the Crop Shortages predicted by
the Zetas.]