MUFON Journal
The March 1996 MUFON Journal featured an article by Kent Jeffrey,
the coordinator of the International Roswell Initiative,
who concluded that the Roswell autopsy film was a fake. His findings
support many of the contentions that the Zetas made in August, 1995, to
- ZetaTalk on the Body
- The body of the alien in the autopsy film, so human in appearance with
few exceptions, was in fact a human. The differences noted were in some
cases natural, in some augmented by plastic surgery, and in some cases
faked. The base body was of a prepubescent girl who sickened and died in
an institution for the retarded, and had long been a ward of the state.
Retardation was caused by water on the brain, a condition that creates
an enlarged head. The large eye sockets came with the package, but the
eyes themselves were replaced by even larger orbs, the reason for the
unblinking appearance due to the eyelids being stretched and incapable
of closing. This girl was essentially a vegetable toward death, and was
unable to consent or refuse treatment. Plastic surgery was performed in
her last months to remove her navel and nipples, but the occurrence of
six fingers and toes, a common recessive gene, was already present.
- MUFON on the Body
- The humanlike qualities of the supposed alien suggest that it is
either a doctored human corpse or a dummy patterned after a human body.
... Particular aspects of the alleged alien's external body shape, such
as the protrusions of certain underlying muscles and bones, like the
clavicle, imply a corresponding human internal structure ...
- ZetaTalk on the Organs
- As for the organs, never seen clearly while being removed, these were
substituted while all was a blur and in motion.
- MUFON on the Organs
- Quoting the Houston pathologist Ed Uthman, the article states "The
most implausible thing of all is that the 'alien' just had amorphous
lumps of tissue in 'her' body cavities. I cannot fathom that an alien
who had external organs so much like ours could not have some sort of
definitive structural organs internally."
- ZetaTalk on the Cameraman
- Of course the cameraman's story is hokum, and this is because the
cameraman is hokum! As with Ray Santilli's story, the cameraman's story
has been carefully staged and the search for the cameraman just props on
the stage to make the cameraman's story somewhat credible.
- MUFON on the Cameraman
- Pointing out many flaws in the cameraman's story, the article states:
"One almost humorous aspect of the American cameraman's storyis that it
was told in British English. While the nuances may not be readily
apparent to those who speak the 'King's English' (the language would,
naturally, seem normal to them), they are obvious to Americans."
- ZetaTalk on the Sloppy Filming
- How would it be that at an autopsy of such importance that a camera
man would blur the image? Does he not understand how to operate
his camera? Was he not chosen for his expertise? And if not, if he was
inexperienced, why did he seem to have no learning curve in this regard?
- MUFON on Sloppy Filming
- Having located and extensively interviewed three military cameramen -
Joe Longo, president of the international Combat Camera Association,
Bill Gibson, who photographed balloon launches and recovery operations
of Project Mogul, and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel McGovern, who was the
project officer on classified projects Twinkle and Grudge and shot
footage of the Hirochima and Nagasaki nuclear devastation - the article
states: "All three consider the quality of the camera work in the
Santilli film appalling and, for a myriad of reasons, not even close to
meeting military standards."
- ZetaTalk on Fraud Charges
- Will someone go to prison for having committed fraud? For what crime?
Fraud must have monitory damages, and this has none. Fraud must have
some sort of damages, and none will be forthcoming. What would be the
claim? I was assured that aliens were real and then found they were not.
Laughed right out of court.
- MUFON on Fraud Charges
- Contacting the Serious Fraud Office of Scotland Yard with the evidence
that the Santilli autopsy film was a fraud, the author received a
written response to the effect "that this was not 'a matter suitable for
investigation by this office.' In a follow-up phone call, I was told
that before they could act, 'there had to be a victim in the U.K."
- ZetaTalk on the Outcome
- What was its intent? Of course it was to acclimate the public to the
alien presence, the sight of alien bodies, the thought that humans and
aliens have contact, the image of their government in contact - but
reassuringly with the impression that humans have the upper hand. How
could it not be so, when alien bodies are being cut apart by humans in
white coats. And for those too frightened by this thought, whose hearts
are beating, blood pressure rising, anxieties distracting them from the
day's work - there are the doubts about the authenticity of the film,
which will soon be strengthened as more and more skeptics come forward
with specifics.