Night View
Size Increase
- Proof of an approaching object, the dramatic increase in size! Examine the detail for Night View on pages for June 7, June 11, June 24,
and September 12.
- Nancy

- Note per a discussion on GodlikeProduction Message Board, the appearance of this object on June 7, June 11, September 12, and
October 13 and October 14 coincides with the Moon being within a 30 degree horizontal and 25 degree vertical view. The increase in size
and spiky appearance of this object does not appear to be the Moon, but the argument was made that plexiglas cover over the webcam
was scratched, creating these flares. The size increase may be due to Planet X shining its light on the Moon as well as the Sun, and the
stream of red dust could just be in the area at the time. Factors in support of the Moon theory are:
- - it seems to show up about every 32 days, June 11, (missing July, missing August, Sepember 12, October 14)
- if the cam could encompass 30 degrees across the horizon, and 25 degrees above, then the Moon was visible at those time
On June 7 there was a half moon in the area,
- 15 degrees above the horizon and at
- 307 degrees NW,
- and is centered in the photos
On June 11 there was a 3/4 moon in the area,
- 25 degrees above the horizon and at
- 285 degres NW,
- and is in the upper left of the photo
On June 24 there is a crescent moon 15 degrees above the horizon in the east, for this west view cam. There is a red glow coming from
the upper righthand side.
On September 12 there is a full moon
- 25 degrees above the horizon and
- 290 degrees NW,
- and is in the upper left of the photo
On October 14 facing west at pre-dawn there is a nearly full Moon about
- 10 degrees above the horizon at
- 315 degrees NW,
- is in the upper right of the photo
- Nancy