Q&A: Induce Flowering
- How can we induce more flowering in a cucumber plant, to get more yield without fertilizer? Will the biological
clock method work?
- Tian
- Cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers have about the same requirements each. Cucumbers grow
best with 6000 mWm2 of light, 16 hours a day.
- Steve
- Cucumbers have little nutritional value. Haven't tried.
- John
- I've never had a problem with lack of flowering in cukes so I have no suggestions to give other
than to make sure the temperature is warm and stable. Little nutritional value, perhaps, valuable
nonetheless for culinary diversity. Shredded and pickled, they become a condiment, sliced and
pickled they are also a condiment and provide vinegar that aids in digestion, simply sliced they
become a salad topping that helps one to avoid culinary boredom.
- Roger
- Cucumbers are an excellent source of silica
- Janar