ZetaTalk: Trust
Note: written Feb 15, 1997
Trust among the trustworthy is a marvelous life, as one goes about one's work not concerned whether what others promised will be forthcoming, as they are
trustworthy. This is a highly productive environment, with each pouring themselves into the work at hand, able to meet their commitments because they can
concentrate and devote themselves fully. This is the environment those in the Service-to-Others orientation find themselves in when living with others of the same
orientation, and it is what those humans strongly in the Service-to-Other orientation experience periodically now on Earth when they have the rare opportunity to be
exclusively working with others of a like mind. However, on a 3rd Density world, trust can seldom be placed on others with complete confidence, as trust can be
broken even when intentions are firm and the commitment made by someone who would normally be trustworthy.
Trust can be broken under many circumstances, and thus until one has reached a community where all are trustworthy, one's guard must be up. There are several
reasons trust can be shattered:
- Even if a commitment was made by one strongly in the Service-to-Other, one known to be trustworthy, they themselves might be leaning on others who
would not come through, thus placing the Service-to-Other individual in crisis and preventing them from meeting their commitments. Take the example of an
individual who promised to deliver food to a family without transportation. The food is purchased, the individual on his way with the delivery, when the car
breaks down. Another family member who promised to take the car in for maintenance failed to do so, and lied about the matter to avoid criticism, so the
car is now quite dead and the family waiting for a food delivery are hungry and wondering why they are being left bereft.
- Commitments made by the spiritually immature are often difficult to sort out from commitments made by those strongly in the Service-to-Other, as they
sound the same at the time. The spiritually immature will put on a good show, even fooling themselves, until the going gets rough. It is then that their resolve
wavers, and the commitment is put aside in favor of another avenue. The spiritually immature one makes all manner of excuses to themselves and others, and
where they forgive themselves readily they often leave those who took them seriously aghast and distraught. To avoid such a situation, look carefully at the
individual's track record, especially at their performance when times got rough.
- Those leaning toward the Service-to-Self will make commitments readily, with no intention of honoring the commitment whatsoever. In general, they will say
whatever gains them an inch at the moment, so those who know them are not fooled, but those who are first encountering the selfish one can indeed be
fooled and badly hurt. In this situation, where one suspects they are dealing with a self-focused individual, it helps to give a test or two. Place them in a
situation where they must meet their commitment, putting themselves out in order to do so, and watch what happens. With remarkable regularity, the
self-focused one makes some excuse and tends to themselves, showing how very shallow their commitment to others is.
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