Board Meeting
September 22, 2002
The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:30 UT. Those attending: Brent (President, and chairing the meeting);
Shirley, Gerard, Jan, Steve.
- Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting Approval
- - For the last two months, July and August, the minutes have not been ratified due to a broken link, which meant that
some Board members could not read them. This link has been fixed, the minutes read, and so both the minutes from
July, and also those from August, are now considered ratified as correct.
- Agenda Item 2: Troubled Times, Inc. Booklet Discussion
- - The issue really was what to do with foreign currency orders.
- - Motion, made by Shirley, seconded by Jan: THAT we recommend the use of money orders from foreign countries,
and review the possibility of Paypal as well with the treasurer. Carried Unanimously.
- Agenda Item 3: Ongoing Projects Discussion
- - Both the reportsRogers and Stans Acreage and Shirleys Short Wave Radiowere read, and there were no
comments or questions concerning either.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 19:14, UT.