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- 543 router
- 190 installation
- 2,502 (139/mo * 18 mo)
is 3,235 for server support to 5/15/2003

- 300 (150 * 2 years) for TCC agent in Delaware
- 30 (15 * 2) for WI registration
- 300 for insurance here at WI site mid 2002
- 900 (150/Q) for Wegner bookkeeping (lets do less often!)
  Note unless we get $25,000 in a year, no 990 form EOY required
- 594 (32/mo * 18 mo) for 800 number support
is 2,124 for admin

- 1,000 booklet postage and supplies next 18 months
- 700 KS garden supplies through 2002
- 500 WI hydroponic lab support next 18 months
is 2,200 for project support

$7,559 <=========== required