Board Meeting
October 23, 1999
- 1. Film Clip Approval - Vote or NOT
- Geson's film clip had not yet been viewed by all Board members at the last Board
Meeting in August, 1999. The CD received by Nancy was circulated to Ron, then
Roger, then Clipper, then Shirley for their review. Board members in Europe (Jan,
Gerard, and Michel) were able to retrieve it from Geson's web site. The clip is now
ready for an approval vote. Lacking a quorum on this vote, any absent members will
be polled via e-mail.
- 2. Film Clip Distribution - Discussion on Approach
- A VHS copy of the film clip, in both common formats, will be requested from
Geson upon approval of his clip. Since the August, 1999 Board Meeting it has been
learned that free air time is limited and usually given to nonprofits sponsored by
Hollywood stars and the like. A member has expressed interest in a copy of the CD
for his local club. Thus, broad distribution to any club or station willing to give
coverage might be an option. The cost of copies and distribution has not yet been
- 3. Acceptance of $3,000 Contribution(s) - Vote or NOT
- The corporation has received several generous $1,000 gifts from the White's in
Michigan. $1,000 has a stipulation that it be used for the bermed hut and another
$1,000 has a stipulation that it be used for the metal roof or dome which is to be a
protection from high winds. The third $1,000 carried no stipulation.
- The Bylaws state in Article 6, Section 2, that Gifts of $1,000 or less, carrying no
stipulations or restrictions, do not require review or approval by the Board of
Directors, but all gifts over $1,000 or which carry stipulations or restrictions do
require such review and approval by the Board of Directors. Thus, acceptance of
these gifts requires approval of the Board.
- Since separate funding to build a Biodome prototype has recently been made
available for Duralock Panels, Inc., and since the prototype client wishes this 30
foot dome to be situated on the bermed hut site and partially bermed, it may be
possible to combine the effect of these two contributions. The $1,000 specified for
a metal roof may have to be accepted, conditionally, upon the donor's wishes being
ascertained and accommodated.
- 4. Distribution of Gifts - Vote or NOT
- Additional gifts have been received, including a $500 (nonspecific) gift. This
combined with the $1,000 nonspecific gift from the White's of Michigan presents the
Board with over $1,500 in available funds to be distributed. Where much work on
the prototypes has been accomplished, there are allocated funds for the
campgrounds (including cottage repairs) and worm beds that have not yet been spent
or put to use.
- The headquarters site is hosted by Nancy, who has given up her paid job to move to
the locale, and is temporarily financially distressed and over extended. During the
April 26, 1998 Board Meeting, a Caveat on acceptance of $1,500 from Nancy as a
gift for startup costs was placed on acceptance of the gift. The gift was to be repaid
at a future date, when funds were available. Since taxes of $1,300 will be due in
January, Nancy has called in this Board resolution at this time. The April 26, 1998
vote required discussion an approval by the Board prior to any such repayment..
- 5. Quarterly Balance Statement - Report by Treasurer
- The Bylaws require the Treasurer to report on the financial status of the
corporation, quarterly. The Treasurer has prepared a Balance Statement. The
purchase of a copy of Quickbooks for the Internal Auditor has been make, which
will be shipped pending verification that the software is compatible with the
Treasurer's version.
- 6. Conditional Use of Headquarters - Report by President
- The Village has zoned the headquarters site for residential use,
but a business can be operated from the home contingent upon compliance with a
Village Statute that require a hearing to be held and approval by the Village Board.
The Board next meets on November 14, 1999. The President intents to apply for
such use, pay the $150 fee required for the hearing, and address any questions
raised. Until such approval is granted, no shingle can be hung on the premises.