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Board Meeting

October 19, 1997

The meeting was conducted on NetMeeting, and was called to order and proceded according to the published agenda. Whiteboard contents during the meeting were the scheduled Agenda, and a sample of the Template Documents, the Invoice. 5 of the 8 active Board members were in attendance, a quorum - Clipper, Diane, Gerard, Nancy, and Ron. All votes were unanimous, the 50% of the active board required by the Bylaws or better.
1. Approval of Grant Proposal 97-001, with the following caveats:
- allowing the author to showcase the film script The Passage on the Troubled Times, Inc. web site
- with the understanding that 10% of the author's net royalties would be gifted to Troubled Times, Inc.
- and the nonprofit mentioned on the credits of the movie.
2. Approval of Template Documents to be used for Purchase Order, Invoice, and Voucher.