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Printing and Binding Costs
Report by Mary

I used Staples On-Line for costs, using their lowest costs - purchase policy with no shipping charnges for purchases of $50 or more.

Initial Outlays: Office Equipment
- Personal Copier - $200-$500
- Paper Cutter - $30
Cost of Binding Machines
- 6 page manual punch - $60
(If we purchased the prepunched paper, this would be used for the covers only.)
- 12 page manual punch - $150
(Next available size costs $299 and punches 20 sheets.)
Booklet Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Comments by Mary on 1/2 Letter size: I have a school recipe book that is 1/2 page with the plastic binding strips and it is quite attractive and sturdy.
Comments by Nancy on 1/2 Letter size: The cheapest envelope (manila, lick and clasp) in the Staples catalog comes in a size close to the 1/2 Letter, in that it is an inch on either side. None come close to 1/2 Legal.
1/2 Letter Envelope: 9.5" x 6.5", for 8.5" x 5.5" <= best
1/2 Legal Envelope: 9" x 12" or 7.5 " 10.5" etc. <= too big!
Binding side would be the 8.5
- 5,000 sheets of regular 20# bond - $23.00
- Plastic binding strips, holds 127 sheets, 100 count - $15.79
- Plastic binding strips, holds 188 sheets, 100 count - $18.99
(Binding strips can only be purchased 11" long, so each would need to be cut)
- 36# Booket cover paper, 50 sheets (1 full sheet for 1 book) - $11
- Mailing envelopes - 6x9 100 count - $7.85
Per Book Cost
- Spines - $1.58 or $1.90
- Paper, 60 full size pages - $.28
- Cover pages - $.22
- Envelopes - $.08
- Total Costs - $2.16 or $2.48
Coping costs for 120 pages at $.05 each page would equal $6.00 additional per book. Assuming a copier was purchased for $200 it would pay for itself after 34 books. After that copying costs would be for toner only. For a booklet with 120 pages, this is our only option 1 found for binding without going to a book publisher.