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Board Meeting

July 27, 2003

The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:12 UT. Those attending: Brent (President, and chairing the meeting); Shirley, Nancy, Jan, Mary, Roger.

Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting – Approval
- There being no objections, questions or comments, the minutes of the last meeting were considered ratified as correct.
Agenda Item 2: Treasurer’s 2Q Report – Report
- Nancy gave the Treasurer’s Report, and Jan had several questions and comments regarding this report, and how the accounts had been handled.
- But it seemed to be generally agreed by the Board that, given the low activity and the small amount of money being worked with, that the level of accounting was appropriate.
- After a lot more discussion: Motion, made by Nancy, seconded by Roger, THAT: “this 2Q discussion be closed”.
- Brent noted in the log that the Board Members all seemed to be in agreement that this should happen, save for Jan.
Agenda Item 3: Future of the Nonprofit – Discussion and Vote
- Nancy asked if this had been formally put to the membership for their ideas, and a vote. Jan did write an email discussing what, in his opinion, are the three options, or courses that the TT-Inc. could follow, but nothing was solicited from the membership per se.
- It was agreed that Brent should send an email out to the membership, asking for their ideas and suggestions re the future of the Inc.; the members should respond within a week, then a vote would be called for.
- Several Board Members made motions to the effect that Brent should send out such an email asking for responses from the members, and though these motions were in fact seconded, the President pointed out that such a premise—that any such decision should be put to the membership—was already covered in the bylaws, and therefore no formal vote was needed.
Another item was added to the agenda after it was published, since Jan wished to have a discussion re the Inc. vs. the volunteer group. But when Brent suggested that this be tabled for the next meeting, no one objected. In fact, Roger made a motion to that effect, and Nancy seconded it; but no vote was taken or needed.

The meeting was finally adjourned at 20:08, UT.