Board Meeting
July 14, 2002
The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:01 UT. Those attending: Brent (President, and chairing the meeting);
Nancy, Mary, Shirley, Gerard, Stan, Jan.
- Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting Approval
- - Motion, made by Nancy, seconded by Shirley: THAT We ratify the Minutes even though Jan is unsure. Carried,
with Jan abstaining due to his having not read the minutes.
- Agenda Item 2: Treasurers 2nd Quarter Report
- - Nancy told the Board that she has not yet taken the 2nd quarter transactions to Wegner, but the material she has put
together should be very close.
- - Nancy stated that, due to a coming change in her circumstances, she would soon be in a position to pay the Nonprofit
the small debt owed. It was agreed that this should just be done, with no need for any action by the Board. Nancy will
just inform the Board when it is paid, for the record.
- - A motion was made by Jan to the effect that the balance sheet etc. should be accepted as is on the web, but there was
no second, and no vote was taken.
- Agenda Item 3: Troubled Times, Inc. Booklet Review and Discussion
- - Because of the absence of Roger, not much could actually be determined concerning the Booklet status with Kinkos.
- - (Note: After the meeting had been adjourned, Stan informed the Board that he had just talked to Roger, who had
received the bad Booklets and is going to take them to Kinkos tomorrow, 15 July).
- - The situation is going to be monitored via email discussion.
- Agenda Item 4: Ongoing Projects Discussion
- - Stan gave his report on the Acreage Project.
- - Shirleys Short Wave Radio Report was linked off the agenda, and there were no comments or questions. Jan
indicated that both he and Shirley are set up and ready to go should the need arise, but no activity on his side yet.
- - With regard to the server, what was probably a minor miracle occurred. After some discussion, Nancy suggested that
the Board ask Sirgrim if he would take charge of the server, and install and maintain it. When Sirgrim was asked
this, he agreed! A simple solution to a thorny problem, since Jurians resignation precluded sending the server his
way. The Non-Profit will of course pay for co-location.
At this point the agenda was concluded; but there was one more motion: Motion, made by Nancy, seconded by Jan: THAT
We have a mid-year election, due to open board seats, as our Bylaws allow. Carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 19:11.