Board Meeting
Jan 22, 2006
The meeting was called to order at approximately 18:00 UT. Those attending: Roger, (chairing President), Gerard, Mary, and Nancy.
- Agenda Item 1: Minutes of Last Meeting - Approval
- - Since there were no objections, the Minutes of the last Board Meeting were considered ratified as correct.
- Agenda Item 3: Projects Review Discussion
- - A motion THAT Roger seek new bids for both the Survival Booklet reprinting and CD burning was tabled, due to adequate inventory at
present. An emergency could be handled by email vote, if needed. A request to price bulk orders raises the possibily that such order in future
might arise, given the weather extremes. Nancy noted that she had appeared on OutthereTV, and the nonprofit booklet and CD twinset had
been mentioned. OutthereTV is carried by channels in the US, Carribbean, Canada, and Europe.
- - Nancy reported on Daikon raddish qualities, including Vitamin C as a winter raddish (able to be stored in cool storage for months). Daikon is
a seed Ichi brought from Japan and a germination test Summer of 2005 showed those collected in Wisconsin viable. Nancy will mail Roger
some seed, and plans to increase seed production Summer of 2006 in Wisconsin.
- - The Kansas is on Roger's DSL and has Windows 2000 installed as OS. Research and experimentation with ftp software has resulted in
ServeU as the ftp product of choice. A motion THAT the Board authorize Roger to purchase ServeU and a large gig hard drive was approved.
- - Nancy reported that the nonprofit booklet and CD twinset are advertised on the Blog radio shows that deal with Troubled Times website or
survival information, and the archives are free to all. Roger taped the commercial for the Blog. Nancy's show was the first for the new Blog
show, starting in mid 2005, and has always been the most popular.
- Agenda Item 4: Adjournment
- - The meeting was adjourned at 19:00 UT.