Troubled Times, Inc.
Profit & Loss
January through March 2002 |
| Income | | | |
| | 501 - Sales of Video Tapes | | | |
| | 502 - Donations/Contributions | | | |
| | | 502-100 Restricted | | | |
| | | 502-200 Unrestricted | | 2,000.00 | |
| | | ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| | Total 502 - Donations/Contributions | | | 2,000.00 |
| Total Income | | | 2,000.00 |
| ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
Gross Profit | | | 2,000.00 |
| | | | |
| Expense | | | |
| | Administration | | | 50.00 |
| | 700 - Program Expenses | | | |
| | | Booklet | | 500.00 | |
| | | Hydroponics | | 103.07 | |
| | | Seed Team | | 437.37 | |
| | | Worm Culture | | 51.92 | |
| | | Web Servers | | 955.09 | |
| | | | | ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| | Total 700 - Program Expenses | | | 2,047.45 |
| | | | | |
| | 773 - Insurance | | | |
| | 800 - Licenses and Permits | | | |
| | 840 - Postage and Delivery | | | 9.92 |
| | 841 - Printing and Reproduction | | | 21.13 |
| | 842 - Professional Fees | | | 45.75 |
| | 896 - Telephone | | | 146.97 |
| | | | | ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| Total Expenses | | | 2,321.22 |
| ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
Net Ordinary Income | | | -321.22 |
Other Income/Expenses | | | |
| | 957 - Interest Income | | | 8.44 |
| | 950 - Other Expenses | | | |
| | | | | ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
Net Other Income | | | | 8.44 |
| | | | | ---------- | ------------ | ------------ |
NET INCOME | | | -312.78 |
| | | | | ====== | ======= | ======= |