Copier Repair Costs
I will not be at the meeting on the 28th so here is a brief report
on the status of the booklets. I posted earlier that the drum for
the copier needs replacing and more toner purchased at an estimated
cost of $250 for both.
To date, the cost of materials has been $851.86. 135 booklets have
been made and sent out, I have none left and have no way of making
more at this time. The total cost per book,for materials only, not
postage, breaks out to $6.35 each.
Roger is trying to get the booklets made for around $5.50 each.
Considering the amount of time involved to copy, cut, correlate,
punch and bind the booklets, I would like to see all printing done
by the printer. The cost to ship the booklets to me is around
$16-$20. I would continue to mail the booklets from my home.
My husband and I are in the process of making a major move,
assisting an individual in creating a survival location. My husband
has already left and I will be joining him about the first of July.
This is not going to leave me much time to make the booklets.
Mailing the booklets would continue from my new location.
If the board wants to spend the $150 for copier supplies, I am more
than willing to continue making the booklets until such time that it
is impossible for me to continue.
I will be unavailable from April 24th until about May 13th.