In response to the questions posed in your correspondence dated April 8, 1998, I am offering the following.
Please be aware that we are retaining an attorney, having incorporated in Delaware and having filed Form 1023
without benefit of legal advice. If this response is not sufficient, I beg you to give us an opportunity to respond
via our attorney. I understand from a conversation with you this day that for this to occur, I must provide you with
a Power of Attorney form giving our attorney such rights.
In response to the item numbered 4) on your correspondence, we do not anticipate any patent or copyrights
evolving from Troubled Times, Inc. funded efforts. The point is to get information out to the public, on common
sense solutions that can be garnered easily by the common man. For instance, eating earthworms, however grizzly
the thought, is a solution available to the common man. They are 82% protein, have Omega 3 as the essential oil,
eat garbage, dont run away, dont require artificial lighting, and are a proven diet supplement. We have members
who have prepared and eaten them. This is not a copyrighted idea, but one offered to the public, hopefully with
recipes developed by our funded activities.
In response to the item numbered 3) on your correspondence, we do not anticipate contracting research or
studies. We have no contracts, and are giving no preference to any individual or organization. We intent to fund
efforts by volunteers, who may need supplies, and primarily to use funding from grants or gifts to distribute
information on how to live a healthy subsistence during difficult times. It may prove to be the case in the future
that contracting might be done, but at present we have extremely capable scientists are part of the Troubled Times
volunteer teams, as examination of the Lumens TOPIC in the Energy section of the web site will show, or the
Radio TOPIC in the Information section. I would like our attorney to address this item is this response is not
In response to the item numbered 1) and 2) on your correspondence, the information to be made available, free of
charge to the public based on gifts or grants to the nonprofit, does include information by which the public can
make their own determinations. The information will be taken from the Troubled Times web site, which I have
printed off and included for your convenience. These are samples of the information at that web site, which is
growing apace, and include the following:
- Nonprofit home page, wherein the goals of educating the public on everyday solutions, in addition to pole
shift information.
- Troubled Times web site section pages [Energy] [Food] [Shelter] [Health] [Information] [The Word],
which show the TOPICs addressed. Please note they are heavily solutions that the common man can use
whether a pole shift occurs of not!
- Evidence of Magnetic Dispersal [Magnetic Decay] (the effect of an approaching pole shift), USA Today
- Increasing Meteor Showers, Niels Bohr Institute and Associated Press.
- Physical evidence of previous pole shifts, quoting Future Fate magazine, Science Frontiers, New York
Times, and Reuters.
- Slowing rotation evidence, quoting New York Times [Chronicle] and Washington Post.
- Exponential increase in Deep Earthquakes since 1994, statistics taken from the Berkeley Council of the
National Seismic System.
- Recent Mammoth Extinction, Quaternary Studies Program, Department of Geology NAU e-mail.
- Record Ocean Heating, CBS.
- 3,600 Period [7,200] [Other] cycle evidence, historical, quotes from Encarta, World Book Encyclopedia,
Ancient Europe, Lost Cities of Africa, Early Greece, New York Times, Koster Settlement, New World, and
Seattle Times.
- Planet X discussions, Washington Post article, NASA News
- Elliptical Orbits such as the Summerians described do occur, Associated Press, CNN
- The Flood, the Bible, indicators of past and future cataclysms. Quotes from Genesis Revisited, Passing
Time on Planet X, and Washington Post.
- Interview of Sitchin in Fate magazine.
- Quotes from archeologist Sitchin from his book The 12th Planet.
- Quotes from Velikovsky, a peer and friend of Einstein, quoting numerous scientific studies such as Daleys
in his books Earth in Upheaval and Words in Collision, and quote from Carl Sagan.
- Quote on UN Conclusions on weather, by Reuters, and increasing weather irregularities since 1995 [1996]
[1997] [1998] from various media sources, as noted on the pages.
- Ocean Turbulence articles, El Nino (caused by heating oceans) creating Crop Shortages.
- Increasing crop shortages, article by Geri Guidetti, biologist.
- Description of how tidal waves accompany quakes, Great Lisbon quake, and warning on plate centers
versus Fault Lines.
- Numerous Cambridge Conference mailing list postings [Garuda] [Mammoth] [Climate Changes] [Thera
Catastrophe] [Shaky End] [Greenland Ice] [ Jewish Exodus ], quoting various scientists from England and
citing various scientific studies.
- Quote from University of Washington article on rotation being driven by the core of the Earth, proof.