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Part III Technical Requirements (Continued)
11 If you checked box h, i, or j in question 10, has the organization completed a tax year of at least 8 months?
[.. ] Yes - Indicate whether you are requesting:
[.. ] A definite ruling (Answer questions 12 through 15)
[.. ] An advanced ruling (Answer questions 12 and 15 and attach two Forms 872-C completed and signed.)
[X] No - You must request an advance ruling by completing and signing two Forms 782-C and attaching them to the application.
12 If the organization received any unusual grants during any of the tax years shown in Part IV-A, attach a list for each year showing the name of the contributor; the date and amount of the grant; and a brief description of the nature of the grant.



13 If you are requesting a definite ruling under section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) or (vi), check here [.. ] and
a. Enter 2% of line 8, column (e), Total, of Part IV-A _________

b. Attach a list showing the name and amoung contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or "publicly supported" organization) whose total gifts, grants, contributions, etc., were more than the amount entered on line 13a above.
14 If you are requesting a definitive ruling under section 509(a)(2) check here [.. ] and:
a For each of the yearas included on lines 1, 2, and 9 of Part IV-A, attach a list showing the name of and amount received from each "disqualified person". (For a definition of "disqualified person", see Specific Instructions, Part II, Line 4d, on page 3)

b. For each of the years included on line 9 of Part IV-A, attach a list showing the name of and amount received from each payer (other than a "disqualified person") whose payments to the organization were more than $5,000. For this purpose, "payer" includes, but is not limited to, any organization described in sections 170(b)(a)(A)(i) through (vi) and any governmental agency or bureau.

15 Indicate if your organization is one of the following. If so, complete the required schedule. (Submit only those schedules that apply to your organization. Do not submit blank schedules).Yes No Schedule
Is the organization a church?[.. ] [.. ] A
Is the organization, or any part of it, a school?[.. ] [.. ] B
Is the organization, or any part of it, a hospital or medical research organization?[.. ] [.. ] C
Is the organization a section 509(a)(3) supporting organization?[.. ] [.. ] D
Is the organization a private operation foundation?[.. ] [.. ] E
Is the organization, or any part of it, a home for the aged or handicapped?[.. ] [.. ] F
Is the organization, or any part of it, a child care organization?[.. ] [.. ] G
Does the organization provide or administer any scholarship benefits, student aid, etc.?[.. ] [.. ] H
Has the organization taken over, or will it take over, the faciltities of a "for profit" institution?[.. ] [.. ] I