The Interim
Now that Washington DC is under Martial Law, with an
illegitimate President Biden purported to be in control, what
next? At what point are things set right, and when does the
public learn the truth? Biden is shown signing blank Executive
Orders. The National Guard is still occupying DC. Per the Zetas,
the federal agencies are not complying with any Executive Orders
from Biden, and we hear that the Pentagon is refusing to
transition. This cannot go on indefinitely, but might last until
March 4, the original date for Inauguration specified in the

ZetaTalk Comment
1/31/2021: As
is rumored by insiders but not yet public knowledge, the
inauguration of the Biden White Hat Double was not a valid
inauguration of a President. It was a farce, an act, and since
many of the players are Doubles, it was an act appropriately
performed by actors. DC was under Martial Law on January 20th,
and thus Congress and SCOTUS were not in force. This fact is
available for those with eyes to see in the many discrepancies
in the process - for instance Biden signing blank Executive
Orders. The US Military and heads of the various US agencies
know this, and will not comply with any orders given by the
Biden crowd.
Why is this farce being
broadcast to the public, and how long will this last? As we
stated when the Biden candidate became a White Hat Biden under
the control of the Junta last Summer, this is a sting
operation which has been running strong right through the
selection of Biden during the Electoral College farce and
certification by Congress and now through the Inauguration.
The sting op could have been ended at any time, but the
harvest of traitors was so rich the Junta has continued it.
This is still the situation, so the Junta is reluctant to end
But the bounds of this
Military operation must end at some point, and it will likely
be March 4 when President Trump is expected to be sworn in as
the legitimately elected President. March 4 is the date
specified for inauguration in the Constitution. Thus as
General Walker, the Commanding General of the DC National
Guard stated, the US Military is now in control. Some version
of the truth about the election fraud must be given to the
public for the Presidency to return to the rightful election
winner, but just what steps the junta will take is unknown
and, as we repeatedly say, in the hands of man.
Meanwhile there is intense chatter on the message boards and
alternative media about a change over from the US as a
Corporation, sold in essence to various parties when the
District of Columbia and the Federal Reserve were established in
1871, 1913, and 1933. What is clear is that the National Debt is
primarily funds owed to private bankers when they were allowed
to print US dollars and then charge interest when they loaned it
back to the US. There are also Executive Orders written by
President Trump that allow seizure of assets when foreign powers
interfere with a US election. Is this the reason for all those
troops in DC?

- Trump Ode to the Corporation
January 20, 2021
- Washington DC was established as a
city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871.
When they did the broker deal to get the loan
from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. At
that time, they transferred all the property in D.C.
Columbia over to the Corporate entity of D.C. a foreign
corporation. When President Trump signed an executive
order in 2018 on Election Interference/Fraud for entities
both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assets would be
- District of Columbia Organic Act of
- The passage of the Residence
Act in 1790 created a new federal district that would
become the capital of the United States. Congress passed
the Organic Act of 1871 to create a unified territorial
government for the entire District of Columbia.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/31/2021: The
District of Columbia was established in 1790 to free the
federal activities from undue influence from a state. Laws
could only affect DC, which set their own laws. By law, only
Congress oversees the laws that apply to DC. Due to the
election theft, it is assumed that Congress could make DC into
an independent country, a city-state, a Freeport, where no one
could be arrested and corruption could proceed. Thus the
arrests of traitors by the National Guard and the military
occupation which are stopping that.
The theory that the Vatican or
the Queen secretly own the US is baseless because any
paperwork held in secret does not affect current events. The
Declaration of Independence voided any claims the Queen might
have had to the colonies. Likewise with any promissory note
the Vatican might hold, which would have to have a basis to be
honored. A President cannot sell the US or any part of it
without the backing of Congress, which is public record. At
best there might be a note in the Treasury that money is owed
to this or that party.
But by seizing and occupying
DC by the National Guard, President Trump’s EO on foreign
interference with elections takes effect. Any foreign entity
claiming a stake in the US, or claims of debt slavery of the
citizens by a national debt scheme, would thus be null and
void. It is assuming control of the Federal Reserve that is
key, the foreign entities that have their fingers in the Fed
and profit from its operation. The Fed was established by an
act of Congress in 1913 and thus is in force until Martial Law
supplants it, which has occurred. Coming out of this period of
Martial Law, the Fed will be a different entity.

- The City Of London’s Re-Colonization
of America
October 30, 2016
- The City of London (COL) is where
the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) private
Fiat Banking with pernicious usury system is centered.
This COL/RKM Bankster system was able to hijack the
American monetary creation and distribution in 1913. The
purpose of this was to begin the process of recolonizing
America. The COL/RKM private Banksters specialize in
creating debt-slaves all over the world by making money
from nothing that is backed by nothing, and by charging
the public pernicious compounding interest in order to use
what should have been theirs in the first place.
- Who owns the Federal Reserve?
- The Board reports to and is
directly accountable to the Congress but, unlike many
other public agencies, it is not funded by congressional
appropriations. The Chair and other staff testify before
Congress, and the Board submits an extensive
report—the Monetary Policy Report—on recent economic
developments and its plans for monetary policy twice a
year. Though the Congress sets the goals for monetary
policy, decisions of the Board—and the Fed's monetary
policy-setting body, the Federal Open Market
Committee—about how to reach those goals do not require
approval by the President or anyone else in the executive
or legislative branches of government.

ZetaTalk Comment
1/31/2021: The
Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 under President Wilson was
viewed as a way to allow professionals to control the printing
of money, to avoid runaway inflation. The world was on the
verge of WW I and Germany was on the verge of bankruptcy from
inflationary practices. The Great Depression then created an
erratic Stock Market so the 1933 Act under President Roosevelt
gave more power to the Federal Reserve. Roosevelt was a Jew
and had great respect for Jewish bankers. Once given the power
to print US dollars and lend them out to US banks or the US
government, the bankers in charge of the Federal Reserve found
a way to enslave the US in debt slavery. Loan the USA
its own dollars and demand payback with interest.
The banking industry is hugely
profitable. At every step of the way they make money. First,
by controlling the Federal Reserve, they get to create money
by running the virtual printing presses. This is a pen stroke,
or a toggle switch, for the bankers. Then the Federal Reserve
loans this money out to banks, and these loans must be repaid
with interest. These banks are allowed to create loans to
consumers at 5X the original loan from the Federal Reserve,
once again money from thin air. All these loans are then
repaid with interest by consumers. The Federal Reserve is
allowed to print money from thin air, the banks expand this,
and get it returned with interest.
Why was it necessary to have
65,000 National Guard troops in DC on January 20, Inauguration
Day? This was an invasion of DC by troops loyal to President
Trump, reporting to President Trump directly. Consider the
nexus between the foreign control of the 2020 election
process, and the foreign ownership of the National Debt, and
President Trump’s EOs wherein he allows seizure of assets if
foreign interference with the election process is discovered.
This means DC, and specifically the Treasury, has changed
President Trump and the true Republic of the US now owns the
Treasury, which resides in DC, so there is no more National
Debt owed to foreign entities. This is a huge loss of assets
for the Cabal. This is not the NESARA claim. The funds
given to banks to manage will be federal funds, not Federal
Reserve funds, and thus the interest rate can be dropped to
banks, and their interest rate also reduced to actual
expenses. No more rich bankers. Since these are federal funds,
any education loans can be interest free. The Khazarians will
be stripped of their income.
ZetaTalk Twitter Ban
The @ZetaTalk twitter account joined the many who spoke the
truth about the 2020 election fraud and fake Biden inauguration.
@ZetaTalk was banned for mentioning the new ZetaTalk on the
Biden Double being inaugurated. The @ZetaTalk twitter account
has been active since 2009, a full decade, while being run by
one of the Mirror Site sponsors. Because ZetaTalk has many legs
beyond the Twitter or FaceBook accounts that can be banned or
suspended, this will not impact the ZetaTalk message. The ZetaTalk
Followers FaceBook is braced for a suspension, so has
established a new Telegram

- They just suspended our @ZetaTalk
Twitter account after my latest tweets with the Zetas
explanation on the inauguration. The Double Trouble Biden
video they likely wanted to censor as well. I wonder what
their explanation will be for suspension.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/31/2021: It
is not surprising that the @ZetaTalk twitter account was
suspended, in company with President Trump and his staunch
supporters. Those who speak the truth are banned, in these
intense End Times battles. These bans only serve to convince
the public that the ZetaTalk message is true. The ZetaTalk
message itself does not depend on twitter or FaceBook, or even
the Cabal owned media stations such as CNN and NBC and CBS.
Our advice early on in the ZetaTalk saga was to avoid Twitter
and FaceBook, advice Nancy wisely has followed. Thus ZetaTalk
has 16 Mirror Sites worldwide and is featured on the Pole
Shift ning.

Alien Presence
As the Zetas have stated from the start of the ZetaTalk saga –
there are rules governing
interaction between aliens and humans. The Earth is a self-study
schoolhouse, where young or emerging souls are able to learn
from their mistakes and experiences. Empathy is sparked and
learned not by a perfect pain free life but by tragedy. The
majority of young souls – 95% on average – move to the
Service-to-Other orientation by this route. Meanwhile, limited
and closely controlled contact between humans and aliens is
allowed. Will this change after the Pole Shift? What will the
Aftertime be like?

ZetaTalk Overview
1/31/2021: We
have addressed the Aftertime, the time after the Pole Shift,
when survivors will literally find their world upside down.
The establishment will not be in charge, but rather natural
leaders, primarily women and children, taking the helm. Women
doing their familiar household chores, and children who have
not yet been indoctrinated into expected societal roles. There
will be a separation into groups according to spiritual
orientation, with those in the Service-to-Others sharing and
caring for one another, while those in the Service-to-Self
form into gangs and take up criminal activity.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/19/2002: The
Aftertime will find most of mankind in a dearth of government
directives. Even small towns, governed by mayors well known on
the city streets to all, and traveling bands governed by
chieftains, will feel the lack. Insanity, depression, loss of
life and confusion will remove the firm hand so familiar from
governing. Families will look to their elders, the family man,
the religious leader, and find them all staring, shaking their
heads, and unable to speak. In these situations, leadership
arises from the needy, natural leaders emerging. Often they
are children, to whom most of life is startling and
strange, the unfamiliar presented almost daily. To the child,
this is more an adventure, an opportunity to act without
constant parental admonitions. They will make suggestions, and
be allowed to proceed, and often lead their dazed and
depressed parents and elders about like rag dolls. Beyond the
children, who will be inventive and energetic in the main,
women will assume command by doing daily chores.

ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: There
will be an increasing separation of Service-to-Other from
Service-to-Self. Those groups oriented to Service-to-Other
will not require the same controls that are required today.
Rather than the problem of citizens stealing from each other,
held in check only by the enforcement of law, these new
communities will share. Consideration will be the rule, rather
than the rule of law. For those groups oriented increasingly
to Service-to-Self, no laws or corps of police would hold the
self-serving actions in check. There, the rule of law is
supplanted by the rule of the strong.
The End Times are often described as Judgement Day, or a time
when the worthy will be taken up to safety via the Rapture. Per
the Zetas, this is a misinterpreted message. Yes, there will be
much die-off during the Pole Shift, an estimated 90% of
humanity, and yes the Earth is in a Transformation so that those
who are hardened Service-to-Self are taken to prison planets and
those who are undecided souls are taken to reincarnate as octopi
on water planets and only those who are highly Service-to-Other
will be allowed to remain on Earth. The Zetas call the Rapture
the Lift, a temporary reprieve.
ZetaTalk Overview
1/31/2021: There
are expectations by many that aliens - benign space brothers -
will swoop down and rescue them from the coming devastation.
This is termed the Rapture by Christians, who imagine they
would qualify because they read the Bible often, when this is
not what Jesus meant at all. Humans earn their right to
assistance by helping others, being staunchly
Service-to-Others, and the assistance they receive during the
hour of the Pole Shift is a temporary Lift to safety so that
they can continue their efforts to help others.
Those who are solidly
Service-to-Other in their orientation have been increasingly
rescued during disasters such as the Haiti earthquake, and
taken to live with ourselves and the hybrids and other aliens.
They are assumed dead, so this is not a breach of the Element
of Doubt rule. After the Pole Shift, these biodome cities will
be suddenly transported from 4D to 3D and the residents will
reach out to help human survivors. We anticipate that the
biodome concept recently patented by Nancy’s son will get
media attention so these self-sufficient cities will be a
familiar concept and not induce fear in the survivors.

ZetaTalk Explanation
10/15/1996: What
has been interpreted by Christian fundamentalists as the
rapture and by some New Agers as salvation at the hands of
their space brothers is what we have described as the lift, a
temporary removal of those humans staunchly in the
Service-to-Others orientation from the effects of the
cataclysms. Hearing in this prophecy or that of this offer to
be made to those in the Service-to-Others, the message quickly
got skewed to include the listener. If the message was heard
by a Christian fundamentalist while reading the Bible, then
those to be saved during Armageddon were Christians. If the
message was heard by humanitarian New Agers reading and
interpreting ancient prophecies, then clearly this rescue at
the dawn of a new age was the rescue of all of mankind by the
wisdom and intervention of friendly aliens. At no time was the
listener left behind.
ZetaTalk Explanation
4/2/2011: We
confirmed that highly Service-to-Other humans were rescued
during the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti,
where so many dead needed to be buried that mass graves were
the only option. Under ordinary circumstances, where these
humans were facing certain death, they would be merely moved
to their next incarnation. We can certainly confirm that the
same situation existed during the great quake that struck
northern Japan recently. Those missing are presumed washed out
to sea. No recovery is possible. Those taken in human form and
given the choice of remaining in human form are those who
would otherwise be dead. Those in the Service-to-Other long to
help others, and there will be immense opportunities in the
coming times, not only during the hour of the pole shift but
afterwards, when injury and starvation and despair will be
rampant. There are humans, incarnated by highly
Service-to-Other souls, who have chosen to locate in areas
that will be devastated, where despair will be the greatest.
Rather than seeking to save themselves, to ease their personal
situation, these souls are seeking to be of the greatest
service to others. It is these we rescue, to aid them in their
Then there is the anticipated interaction between aliens and
humans during the Aftertime. As the Zetas say, this will be
welcomed as after the world of humans has literally turned
upside down, how distressing can weird looking creatures be, in
the scheme of things. They will come bearing gifts and offers of
help to those survivor camps that are clearly operating in the
Service-to-Others orientation. Gangs of thugs operating in the
Service-to-Self will not get such help.
ZetaTalk Overview
1/31/2021: We
have mentioned other assistance that survivors in
Service-to-Others camps might anticipate. Of course, vicious
and looting gangs out to serve themselves will not qualify for
such assistance. We plan to provide what we termed a perpetual
power pack. But assisting with guided migration, food
production, medical emergencies, and the security of the camp
can likewise be anticipated. In that the majority of humans on
Earth have already become contactees, firmly in memory in
their subconscious, this will not be a shock but rather
welcomed. The Earth will rapidly become a home where those in
the Service-to-Others become galactic citizens, a very
exciting time.

ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: In
some areas life forms not of the Earth will intermingle with
the Earth's inhabitants, but these will be areas remote or
involving few people. Word of these places will spread, just
as word of the far continents of the world spread during the
past millennium. Introductions will be made during times
of tribulation. The heart is most open when all seems lost.
The mind is open to change when the world known before has
been turned upside down. It is then that progress toward an
open lifestyle will be most rapid.

ZetaTalk Prediction
5/15/1996: During
the Aftertime, those groups operating firmly in the
Service-to-Others orientation will find that in addition to
encountering aliens walking openly among them and discovering
hybrid communities as their neighbors, that they will also be
handed portable perpetual power packs. In view of the
circumstances, they will scarcely take note.
ZetaTalk Reassurance
1/12/2004: We
have often stated that those heavily into the Service-to-Other
orientation will be assisted, most often sight unseen, by
guides in the Aftertime. This will include assistance in
reuniting separated loved ones, if only via visits as
contactees on space ships, for reassurance or closure, but
often also as guided migration, to help the heart
find what it seeks.