Insurrection Act
The Insurrection Act of 1807 was invoked by President Trump in
the days following the Antifa riots in Washington DC. The media
is trying to keep this fact from reaching the public, thus the
purge on Twitter and FaceBook, which is an attempt to silence
President Trump. But trusted insiders with military connections
such as Jaco and
Monkey Werx and Simon Parks and especially the Dark
Judge have all been confirming this fact. Other valid
sources such as Joe
M and Code Monkey have also been confirming this fact, as
do the Zetas.

This announcement was accompanied by reports of blackouts
in Pakistan and Iran and the Vatican in Rome and various places
in Europe such as Germany and France and even potentially
sporadic places within the US. Per the Zetas, arrests were
facilitated under cover of darkness, because cell phones and the
Internet are silenced. Those being arrested cannot alert each
other. At some point the public will be informed, likely via an
Emergency Broadcast by President Trump, but at the least we
should expect to see fewer lies from the media and a number of
members of Congress suddenly resigning.

- Pope Arrested on 80 count Indictment
for Child Trafficking, Fraud
January 10, 2021
- Pope Francis is still in Federal
Custody in Italy, hence, he has not been seen on video.
The FBI are enroute for the interrogation, according to
sources. Pope Francis is currently being held in an
unknown prison, being interrogated by Federal Agents
working for the state of Italy and Interpol. The FBI is
reportedly making arrangements to fly in and interrogate
him once Interpol is done with him. In order to make the
arrest, police and military agents had to cut off the
power in the Vatican, as well as dim the live cam.

- What Caused the Nationwide Power
Outage in Pakistan?
- Cities and towns across Pakistan,
including capital Islamabad, were plunged into
darkness for several hours following a massive nationwide
electricity blackout. While the power was partially
restored the next day, an investigation was launched to
determine the cause of the outage. Massive power outages
were simultaneously reported by residents of all major
urban centres in the country, including Lahore, Islamabad,
Karachi, Rawalpindi and Multan. Several smaller towns and
cities, too, were left without electricity for hours.

- Near Power Grid Blackout in Europe
before Nationwide Electricity Collapse in Pakistan – What’s
Plunging Millions of People in the Dark around the World?
January 13, 2021
- A disturbance in the synchronised
European high-voltage power grid on Friday, 8 January
2021, resulted in a separation of European grid regions.
As a result, the synchronised European grid was split into
a south-eastern and a north-western part for about an hour
and grid operators had to initiate contracted load
shedding in Italy and France to keep the grid stable. In
some regions, sensitive machinery
automatically stopped working.

ZetaTalk Comment
1/31/2021: Having
sufficiently educated the public on the fact that an illegal
Insurrection was taking place, President Trump invoked the
Insurrection Act of 1807. The majority of the public now
believes that election fraud took place, and the sight of
Antifa agents with Viking horns on head standing at the podium
in the House topped it off. The arrogant Cabal - composed of
Khazarian Satan worshipers and corrupt Democrats and the New
World Order crowd in Europe – were crowing over their success
on the Electoral count on January 6, and showed their hand.
They are now rallying around
the Pelosi figurehead, who plans to attempt to impeach
President Trump and enlist the help of the US Military to
remove the powers of the Presidency from President Trump.
Given the fact of the demonstrable election fraud, there can
be no doubt that this is an insurrection. As is being reported
by various valid sources, arrests are taking place in the US
and in Europe, where allies of the insurrection reside. The
Alliance of White Hats in Europe, composed of NATO allies and
the military allies of the US Department of Defense, have been
What are the blackouts being
reported? In those regions where arrests were to be made, a
blackout can assure that communications between the traitors
of Cabal allies cannot occur. The blackout affects more than
the power grid, it also affects cell phone towers and Internet
support. Scurrying like rats, those who are being arrested are
not alerted, nor can they alert others. Where the Vatican
arrests are assumed to be over child sex abuse, the Vatican is
in fact a Satanist support group. Pope Francis was already
murdered by this group, and has been a Black Hat Double.
Meanwhile, the Democrats and the lying media continue to march
on as though all is well. The Democrats scheduled the start of
impeachment proceedings for January 11. The legality of these
impeachment proceedings is very questionable. Then there was
pressure on VP Pence to lead removal of President Trump via the
25th Amendment, whereby the Cabinet is in unison over the
President no longer fit to lead. All of this is expected to

- GOP Lawmakers Block Pelosi’s Effort to
Force Traitor VP Pence to Invoke 25th Amendment
January 11, 2021
- House Republicans on Monday block
Speaker Pelosi’s effort to force Vice President Mike Pence
to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Trump
from office.
- Pence says Invoking 25th Amendment
isn't 'in the Best Interest of our Nation'
January 12, 2021
- Vice President Mike Pence has
rejected calls from House Democrats to remove President
Trump from office using the 25th Amendment.

- Trump Impeachment ‘Clearly Is Not
Going to Happen
January 10, 2021
- Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO),
chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, said
on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that removing Trump from
office with impeachment is “clearly is not going to
- House Introduces New Articles of
Impeachment against President Trump
January 11, 2021
- Democrats are sailing ahead with a
fresh attempt to impeach President Trump, but that effort
is already hitting turbulence. Monday, the House formally
introduced impeachment articles, teeing up a possible
floor vote on the measure. Just beforehand, House Majority
Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) tried to introduce a resolution
to invoke the 25th Amendment by unanimous consent.
Republicans blocked that motion. However, the House Rules
Committee will reconvene to possibly approve a rule that
would allow further debate on the 25th Amendment bill. The
new effort won’t make it to the Senate. Due to Senate
rules, the earliest an impeachment trial could come to the
floor would be 1 p.m. on January 20. The Senate is also
currently in recess.
There are signs that a military action is indeed in process,
such as National
Guard activation in step with the Insurrection Act
activation, and the temporary disappearance of Pelosi. Ben
Fulford hints that the Federal Reserve may no longer honor the
US debt to the Khazanrian bankers of the West, ending the
Federal Reserve commitments and charter. What is the Fed after
all but a printing press, allowed to print US dollars and then
loan them back to the US to be repaid with interest. We owe them
nothing. A comment by Pompeo seems to align with that.

- National Guard Inauguration
Deployment: Twice as Large as Troop Levels in Afghanistan
and Iraq Combined
January 11, 2021
- The Defense Department has
authorized as many as 15,000 troops to be deployed to
Washington, D.C., for the inauguration of President-elect
Joe Biden.
- Khazarian Mafia Seeks to Surrender as
Second American Revolution Underway
January 11, 2021
- The U.S. military is now
officially on the warpath. Multiple U.S. warriors
like Generals Michael Flynn and Thomas McInterney are
among the many who have gone on the record to say a Second
American Revolution is underway. Remember these are
the hidden families who privately own such institutions as
the UN, the IMF, the BIS, and the World Bank. That
is why arranging an orderly transition cannot be expected
to take place overnight. Anything that replaces it
must be democratic, meritocratic, and visible to all.
People are asking where Pelosi and Adam Schiff and Nadler and
other prominent Democrats were during the week after the
Insurrection Act was invoked. The Dark Judge hints we should
take note, as this is not a casual absence. Based on President
Trump’s Executive Order, Military Tribunals started in January,
2019. Numerous people began disappearing and when they returned,
they looked a bit different. The Dark Judge would note this, and
I, Nancy would do a Doubles analysis and find the “tell” showing
they had been switched out. The Zetas would confirm.

ZetaTalk Insight 11/30/2019: As
noted by Fulford on November 4, Pelosi has been replaced by a
Double. This occurred after she presided over the impeachment
rules on October 31, so the Pelosi being interviewed by CBS on
November 15 was a Double. Thus Pelosi disappeared from
Schiff’s side during the impeachment hearings. Pelosi was
guilty of treason as was noted by Brazil last January when she
and Schiff fled the country to evade arrest, should things go
wrong. She was aware of assassination plans more than once,
giving the signal again on October 15 by pointing to
her bullet bracelet.
Thus by the Fall of 2019, Pelosi
had become a Double, after she and Adam
Schiff were caught in an attempted coup against President
Trump, their plane turned back. That same Fall Schiff was
photographed with a House Arrest ankle lock. By August, 2020 Nadler
became a different person, due to his role in the Mueller
investigation. Liars all. Attacking the President on false
charges or participating in coup attempts, they had been
replaced by Doubles.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/31/2020: Schiff
was arrested on November 26 at the Burbank City Hall, where he
was called to attend to usual business. Burbank is in his
district. This maneuver was done deliberately to force
exposure of his arrest, as he was dazed and confused and
called for a ride, standing on the front steps. He was out of
sight that week due to the Congressional week off for
Thanksgiving. Schiff was involved in the dual coup attempts to
replace President Trump with Pelosi, and as is known she is
now a Double. Schiff tried to arrange a plea bargain, but
failed to live up to any promise. He is now a Double.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 8/31/2020: Jerry
Nadler returned to the now-reopened House looking different.
Being replaced by a Double requires some plastic surgery on
the Double but primarily a very similar bone structure and
facial features. After being absent from the cameras for a
period of time, the public is assumed to have a fading memory
of what the individual looked like, but during her analysis
Nancy uses carefully dated photos to identify the differences.
What was Nadler’s crime? He was arrested and is awaiting trial
for treason, being fully aware of the crimes being committed
during the Mueller investigation and complicit in the cover-up
of these crimes.

These Doubles are actors, under contract, and the contract is
not expected to run forever. At what point is the Double
released? At the present time, under the Insurrection Act, many
guilty of treason are being arrested and held for the Tribunals.
The public will be informed of the attempted takeover of the US
by election fraud, with assistance from China and Italy and
other foreign entities. Perhaps the script the public is going
to be shown will be these Doubles, actors all, confessing and
being hauled off for the Tribunals at Gitmo where the dead
bodies of the real treasonists are being held, on ice.

Art of War
From the start, the 2020 election was a sting operation. The
Zetas stated this when the Black Hat Biden Double was taken out
to be replaced by a White Hat Biden
Double last August. The Biden Campaign officially became
an under-cover sting operation.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2020: Our
list of options for the Junta presented last July included
having the Junta take over the Biden campaign. This has
happened. Is this legal? The Biden campaign is now officially
an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI, and thus is
legal. The Biden campaign has been running a fraud on the
American people, which is illegal. FBI investigators caught
the Biden campaign setting up illegal mail-in ballot schemes
in several states – bribing postal workers and securing signed
voter rolls from poll workers. This was enough to arrest all
involved for treason.
ZetaTalk Insight 11/30/2020: A
massive election fraud sting operation is in process. Will
these crimes be brought to justice in the public eye?
Unlikely, as this would diminish public confidence in the
voting process.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/31/2020: We
stated when the Junta chose to allow the 2020 election to
proceed with the Biden Double on the ballots as the Democrat
candidate that a “massive election fraud sting operation” was
in process. Because the US is presently under Martial Law,
those arrested are sent to Gitmo for Tribunal trials. But
because the Junta does not want the American public to learn
of its Martial Law status as yet, these proceedings are kept
It is often mentioned that President Trump reads the Art of War,
and many of the tactics used by President Trump to cause the
enemy to fall on their sword are due to the advice given by Sun
Tzu. The Deep State and the Khazarian Satanists and their allies
in the Democrat Party have taken over the media so the public
never learns the truth. China is interested in essentially
invading the N American Continent too, via the theft of the 2020
election so that their allies in the Biden camp can assume
command. These battles are still going on, but per Sun Tzu we
should not make assumptions.

- The Art of War
- The Art of War is an ancient
Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and
Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is
attributed to the ancient Chinese military
strategist Sun Tzu is composed of 13 chapters.
Each one is devoted to an aspect of warfare and
how it applies to military
strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it
was the lead text in an anthology that was formalised as
the Seven Military Classics by Emperor
Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of
War remains the most influential strategy text in
East Asian warfare and has influenced both Eastern
and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal
strategy, lifestyles and beyond.