Herd Immunity
In early March the Zetas
predicted that by mid-Summer 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic
would be dramatically easing. The middle of Summer is
approaching, but the news seems filled with reports of
increasing numbers of Covid-19 Positives and worry. But there
are many factors to consider, including increased testing, false
numbers, deliberately infecting the US public with fomented
protests, and the desire of the Democrats in the US to hold back
recovery and force the 2020 elections to require mail-in
ballots. The Zetas explain.

- De Blasio Shamelessly Bans all Large
Gatherings except BLM Protests after Painting its Moniker on
the Street
July 10, 2020
- Mayor Bill de Blasio announced
that only one group in New York City will be allowed to
exercise its First Amendment rights over the summer. The
Democrat told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that, although
all large events in the city are canceled through
September, Black Lives Matter protesters can keep marching
and demonstrating because they are too important to
ZetaTalk Clues
7/18/2020: We
stated in early March that the Covid-19 pandemic would be
“dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020 due to aggressive
quarantined practices and the emergence of effective
anti-virals and several new vaccines”. Summer technically runs
from the June 20 Solstice to the Fall Equinox on September 22,
so we are approaching the mid-point. Many anti-virals have
emerged and are in use throughout the world. And though
several vaccines are now in the human-trial stage, they are
not yet in use to reduce the pandemic. Are there signs on this
July 18 that the pandemic is about to dramatically ease?
The normal course of a
pandemic is a sharp upward peak with a drop that mirrors the
climb. This is obviously because almost all the population is
infected and either survives or is immune. When lockdowns and
quarantines are put in place, this “flattens the curve” so
that it takes longer for this state to arrive. Instead of a
mountain, the peak, there are a series of foot hills, but
eventually the same state arrives. The pandemic is past. In
the US a deliberate resurgence was engineered during the Floyd
and Black Lives Matters protests and fomented riots.
The Covid-19 pandemic is notable for being mild in the young,
but devastating for those who are older and have an immune
memory for coronavirus infections. The cytokine storm, the
body’s over-reaction by an aggressive immune response, gets
stronger with age as the immune memory increases. Thus nursing
homes are hit the hardest. At first there was virtually no
testing in the US, then limited testing, but when testing became
more widespread it was startling how much of the population had
survived the virus but was unaware. Too mild to be

- Texas Health Department Removes
Thousands of ‘Probable’ COVID Cases from Total
Positive Count
July 17, 2020
- The Texas Department of State
Health Services has seen to it that some 3,600 “probable”
coronavirus cases have been removed from the state’s total
positive COVID case count.
- Fatal Motorcycle Crash listed as
‘Covid-19 Death’ in Florida
July 17, 2020
- A man who died in a motorcycle
accident in Florida was listed as a Covid-19 death,
according to a state official, adding to the growing
skepticism over Florida’s “record” numbers after hundreds
of labs in the state claimed that every person who was
tested was ‘positive’ for COVID-19.
ZetaTalk Clues
7/18/2020: The
Democrats, who desperately want to unseat President Trump,
hope a continuing pandemic will ensure an economic collapse.
Thus, with much statistical and empirical evidence, several
Democrat states put Covid-19 Positive individuals into nursing
homes amid the vulnerable elderly. Democrat states allowed
Black Lives Matter protests without restrictions, which was
certainly the cause of the renewed outbreaks that followed. To
inflate the disaster, anyone who dies is counted as a Covid-19
death, and test results are as manipulated as the polls.
It is evident that with the lifting of the lockdowns and the
riots and protests encouraged in many cities that the Covid-19
pandemic is now being allowed to run its course in the US. Other
countries such as Brazil who were late arrivals to the pandemic
are now also having their peak and the reduction that follows.
Tourism has returned. Business and industry are returning to
their normal rhythms. So given the political hype in the US, how
to determine the resolution of the Covid-19 pandemic?

- Coronavirus in Italy 'Clinically no
Longer Exists'
June 3, 2020
- The head of a hospital in
Milan, Italy claims the
novel coronavirus no longer exists in the
country — clinically speaking. “The swabs that were
performed over the last 10 days showed a viral load in
quantitative terms that was absolutely infinitesimal
compared to the ones carried out a month or two months
ago.” In other words, the disease has weakened in Italy.
- Cuomo Advises Vigilance amid COVID-19
Hospitalizations Drop
July 18, 2020
- Daily statewide statistics show
New York with 754 newly confirmed cases, representing
1.08% of all tests performed. The number of people
hospitalized Friday was down 22 from the previous day. New
York, once a pandemic hotspot, has so far avoided a surge
in new cases like those plaguing other states in the South
and West. Cuomo announced Friday that New York City
is set to begin a scaled-down version of the fourth phase
of the statewide reopening process.
- Georgia’s COVID-19 Hospitalizations
Drop by a Third
May 21, 2020
- Current statewide hospitalizations
for COVID-19 dropped by about a third in the
last two weeks, according to an Atlanta
Journal-Constitution analysis of data published by the
Georgia Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Agency. Georgia began to re-open at the end of April.

ZetaTalk Clues
7/18/2020: What
are the true trend lines to watch? Hospitalizations and
legitimate Covid-19 deaths. President Trump took extraordinary
measures at the start of the pandemic to ensure that hospitals
had sufficient ventilators to treat those who were afflicted
with a cytokine storm, the body’s overly aggressive immune
response. He achieved that, and has even assisted other
countries in this regard. Hospitals in the US are thus able to
treat their Covid-19 victims. The rise in overall Positives
are thus obviously due to increased testing.
Resolution of the Covid-19 pandemic will, as with all pandemics,
rely upon herd immunity, which is now building worldwide.
Covid-19 is estimated to require a herd immunity of 60%. Per the
Zetas, the US is at 50% and most of the rest of the world far
higher. Even with the Democrats pushing to have the pandemic
worsen and last longer, herd immunity in the US is spreading
among the population. Relief is at hand.

- The Tricky Math of Herd Immunity for
July 12, 2020
- While much about the Covid-19
pandemic remains uncertain, we know how it will likely
end: when the spread of the virus starts to slow (and
eventually ceases altogether) because enough people have
developed immunity to it. At that point, whether it’s
brought on by a vaccine or by people catching the disease,
the population has developed “herd immunity.” In June the
journal Science published a study that
incorporated a modest degree of heterogeneity and
estimated the herd immunity threshold for Covid-19 at 43
percent across broad populations. We’re getting to the
conclusion that the most affected regions, like Madrid,
may be close to reaching herd immunity.
- COVID-19: Achieving Herd Immunity may
Occur Sooner than Previously Thought
June 26, 2020
- The classical model that
epidemiologists use to predict herd immunity estimate that
the threshold for COVID-19 is around 60% of the
ZetaTalk Clues
7/18/2020: Herd
immunity is already greater than 50% in the US and far greater
in those parts of the world where the pandemic first emerged.
New York City is reopening, and tourism worldwide is
proceeding during the Summer in the Northern Hemisphere as
though the worry about infection were a figment of someone’s
imagination. With the pandemic finally allowed to run its
course and with the pending advent of proven vaccines, mankind
will soon see Covid-19 dramatically easing, perhaps even by
mid-Summer 2020.
Doubles Lists
Lately there has been a splash of interest on the Internet to
determine who has or has not been replaced by a Double. For
months, the Dark Judge has tweaked curiosity with his comments,
and many replacements are obvious to the public. ZetaTalk has
confirmed 45 Doubles. As the numbers have grown, many Doubles
lists have appeared. The Dark Judge, who has a direct line to
Tribunals in process, has stated that “half of Hollywood is
gone” or words to that effect. The Zetas state that the Doubles
are in the hundreds. The list of sealed indictments keeps
growing, space at Gitmo was increased to house more prisoners,
and air traffic to and from Gitmo has been heavy.

As of mid-July, Kamala Harris has started to look very different
during her interviews. What was her crime? Maxine Waters
likewise appeared different during the Covid-19 lockdowns. What
was her crime? Satanism? The plethora of celebrities on
speculative lists could be explained by Satanist practices in
Hollywood. It should be recalled that Hillary went to Hollywood
regularly when she was the wife of Bill as the then Governor of
Arkansas, as she was a member of a coven of witches there, per
Bill. Satanism and Moloch child sacrifice in Hollywood has a
long and deep history, apparently.

- Maxine Waters Net Worth: 5 Facts about
the Politician
February 6, 2018
- As of 2018, Maxine Waters net
worth is estimated to be around $1 million. Her net
worth is still a question of debate as she has many assets
as well as liabilities whose value is very volatile and
subject to change on a daily basis. Along with her
husband, she currently owns property in Los Angeles, Palm
Springs, Kern County and Washington D.C. Maxine Waters Net
Worth compared to fellow Democrats: Nancy Pelosi Net Worth
$120 million.
ZetaTalk Clues
7/31/2020: We
at ZetaTalk have no desire to be used to verify every
suspected Double, to satisfy curiosity. We have privately told
Nancy that there are hundreds of Doubles in use at present,
and this includes those run by the Tribunals in the US, by the
European equivalent of the Tribunals, and by the Black Hats
installing their own replacements. The 2020 Presidential
election is significant in that the US Military is as large as
all others in the world, combined. Thus control of the US is
desired, and the 2020 candidates and their backers are key to
the Earth’s future.
What does it mean, legally,
when the current Biden Double, who is a Black Hat Double, is
running for the position of President of the US? His handlers
have the real Biden in hand, in case a DNA sample is demanded,
and could claim that the Double is only a stand-in and the
real Biden in charge. But this is all certainly a fraud on the
public, and thus illegal. Kamala Harris is highly ambitious,
and willing to do anything to promote herself. But it is not
her ambitions that doom her, it is her past as a prosecutor.
She took funds to bend the law, which is a crime. In that she
was being considered by the Biden campaign for the VP
position, her criminal past became an issue.
Maxine Waters is famous for
her constant cries to “impeach 45”, but this is not a crime.
As the ranking member of the House Financial Services, she
controlled the outcome of US finances approved by the House.
The issue is not her professional track record, but her
personal finances. Where her public net worth is modest, given
her long career in Congress, this account is deceptive. She
and her husband used front companies to hide their stolen
funds, which were directed to her slush funds by her actions
as ranking member. Though hidden, these moves were bold and
obvious, and quite illegal.

The crimes for this plethora of Doubles includes Satanic child
sacrifices or support of this practice, treason, attempted
coups, sedition, theft of public funds, crimes against the state
or against humanity, or criminal behavior by an official. In the
case of Black Hat Doubles the person replaced was merely in the
way, not cooperative, or about to leak a secret. Some Doubles
such as Soros or Erdogan emerge because they are considered
necessary for a criminal enterprise to continue. And some
Doubles are a stand-in to protect an individual from

The Doubles extravaganza has been confirmed by the Zetas since
August, 2019, and relevant ZetaTalk and images can be found in
the Newsletter Archives. See Issue707
for an overview on 23 individuals including Obama, Pelosi,
Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, John McCain, Ruth Bader Ginsberg,
Queen Elizabeth, Meghan and Harry, Prince William, Prince
Charles, Gloria Vanderbilt, Elijah Cummings, Madonna, Elton
John, Bibi Netanyahu in hiding, Dutch King and Queen in hiding,
Soros and Erdogan heart attacks, Bill and Melinda Gates, and

See Issue708 for Tom
Hanks and Marina Abramovic; Issue709
for Boris Johnson, Jeb and George W Bush, and Prince Phillip; Issue710 for VP Pence, John
Kerry, and Jared Kushner; Issue711
for Angela Merkel, John Podesta, Princess Beatrice, and Buhari;
Issue714 for Elon Musk;
Issue715 for Lindsey
Graham and Poroshenko; Issue717
for Don Lemon; Issue719
for Chuck Schumer; Issue710
for Joe Biden and Pope Francis; and now this Issue723
for Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris.
Crop Circle Season
2020 season started off with a bang with an analysis of a Hooper’s
Wood design discovered on June 11. A Caltech Phd stated
this looked like a drawing done by an ET
electrical engineer. Crop Circle Connector was sure it
represented a lineup of the planets and the coming Solar Eclipse
on June 21. The Zetas gave all this a thumbs down and stated the
design was a hoax designed as a clever lure.

- Hooper's Wood, Dilton Marsh, Wiltshire
June 11, 2020
- We see in this elegant crop circle
a representation of the alignments Sun, Moon and Earth
within the period of the June eclipses, namely, lunar
eclipse (5th of June) and solar eclipse on the 21st of
June. We see the central Sun, the sequence of two orbits
(Mercury and Venus) and the Earth, followed by the Moon
(in crescent shape). Evaluating the map of the solar
system for the day of the solar eclipse, we notice that
most planets are reasonably aligned in a single direction
of space. Breaks representing faults in the magnetic
field. And the angle between the two breaks may represent
that shift from the pole from Canada to Russia.

ZetaTalk Clues
6/30/2020: Clues
that this is a hoax are the placement along the rows. The
exact center of each circle can be placed in a row, which
makes running equipment in an exact circle possible. The
second clue is the lack of woven grain, which hoax masters
have never mastered. The grain in this hoax is mashed in many
directions. And third, the symbolism in this hoax encourages
various human interpretations. The goal of such hoaxes is to
confuse the public with a non-message, thus discouraging the
public from pondering valid circle designs.
This was followed with a couple more hoaxes with a Smeathe
Plantation design on June 25 and a Cheesefoot
Head design on June 29. The Zetas lost no time pointing
out how one could tell they were frauds. Frauds have improved
over the years. At first they were crudely laid with boards, the
grain smashed down. Then they graduated to designs where a rope
was fixed in the center of an intended circle, so the perimeter
could be evenly drawn.

ZetaTalk Clues
7/31/2020: The
Stonehenge and Solstice designs were so compelling, and so
well understood by those contactees who viewed them, that
those in the establishment who would deny mankind knowledge of
the alien presence and knowledge of Nibiru set out to turn
heads. Both these designs are frauds. One clue is the utter
regularity of the design. This, during a time when the Earth
and her daily rhythms are anything but regular. The sunrise
and sunset times are off. The compass is off. And the seasons
have become jumbled.
A second clue that this is a
hoax is that the center of the circle is basically on a
tractor line, and thus the initial footprints can be hidden at
the start. The third clue is that the grain is crushed rather
than woven. For Cheesefoot, it is as though a man stepped into
the center of a smash point, twirled around, and then swept
the edges of the smash point with a broom. Not woven. For
Smeathe the grain has been raked in one direction but is
sticking up all over, not perfect.
The frauds may have arrived on the scene first, but they did not
get the last word. On July 14 a legitimate design was laid at Cley
Hill which was neither boringly regular nor showing
crudely smashed grain. Per the Zetas, this design shows the
halted orbits of Earth, Venus, and the Dark Twin, and a clash
point that will occur when Nibiru crowds them close together.

ZetaTalk Analysis
7/31/2020: This
legitimate design is showing the effects of the stopped orbits
that occurred in 2003 when Nibiru entered the inner Solar
System. It came inward from the direction of the Constellation
Orion, to arrive within the orbit of Venus by the Spring of
2003. It then proceeded to round the Sun in a retrograde
manner, clockwise, pushing the Earth and Venus back in their
respective orbits. The Earth is currently at its August
position, and Venus is being pushed back and forth in front of
the Sun to simulate the orbit that humans on Earth would
expect to see. Mercury escaped being blocked, and continues as
What is clear from Cley is a
sense that a clockwise blockage occurred, growing larger as
Nibiru is coming into Earth’s orbit now. This is represented
by the sweeping blades coming from Nibiru in the center of the
design, with the largest blade aligned with Earth’s orbit.
Venus is represented as a smaller planet as with Nibiru
leaving its Orbit it will be free to escape, moving along in
its orbit. The Dark Twin is shown as a notch approximately 3
months behind the Earth in their shared orbit. When the clash
point occurs during the Last Weeks it will be forced to escape
by ducking behind the Earth, into the break shown at this
clash point.
Then on July 16 another stunning design was laid at Luxenborough.
This one also spoke to the halted orbits. Of note is the
impeccably woven circles and half circles, where the grain is so
closely interwoven in an over and under cloth weave that it
could not have been done by human hand. Take that, fraudsters!

- The Over & Under of Cloth Analysis
April 3, 2009
- To begin, determine the direction
of warp versus weft. The warp yarns will not stretch as
readily as the weft yarns. Next, find the epi and ppi.
This step is important for finding the ratio between the
warp and filling systems, which maintains the pattern

ZetaTalk Analysis
7/31/2020: Luxenborough
is making several statements. Due to the number of frauds
lately, this legitimate design has woven grain in several
places that simply could not be matched by the human
fraudsters. The message is that Nibiru has affected the Solar
System from one side to the other. As an interloper with a
retrograde orbit, it pushed 3 lesser planets back in their
orbits. The Earth, Venus, and the Dark Twin are currently
blocked and halted. The 2020 Crop Circle season has emphasized
these blocked orbits because this fact will soon become
evident to the public, who have been denied the truth by their