Blame Trump
Within hours of each other, mass shooting attacks in El Paso
and Dayton occurred on August 3, 2019. These attacks were
quickly followed by media claims that Trump was somehow
responsible. But both were incited by the Cabal in an attempt to
blame President Trump for increased violence. Both the shooters
were life-long Democrats,
and attempts to paint another picture quickly became
pathetically obvious. The Zetas explain.

- Dayton, Ohio, Shooting that Left 9
Dead, 27 Hurt Halted 'in Under a Minute' by Cops who Shot
August 4, 2019
- Nine people were killed and
dozens were hurt when a suspect wearing body armor opened
fire outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio, before responding
officers shot the armed assailant to death less than a
minute into the rampage. The shooter had extra magazines.
The Oregon District was filled with "thousands" of people
out on a weekend night at the time. Officers were
stationed in the neighborhood and were able to halt the
- Dayton Ohio Shooting – Faces of
Victims Murdered by Connor Betts, 24, who Shot Dead 9
including his Own Sister
August 4, 2019
- The 24-year-old, from Bellbrook,
opened fire with a high-powered rifle outside a bar in the
town of Dayton in the early hours of this morning - just
12 hours after another gunman shot dead 20 in a Texas
Walmart. Police formally identified as Connor Betts and
named all nine victims - including his own 22-year-old
sister Megan Betts. The gunman used a "high-powered rifle"
with .223 calibre high capacity magazines and extra
magazines - suggesting the attack had been premeditated.

- Mass Shooting that Killed 20 in El
Paso Investigated as 'Domestic Terrorism'
August 4, 2019
- He wanted to shoot as many
Mexicans as possible. The Walmart is located at the Cielo
Vista Mall, one of the city's most popular malls,
particularly among Mexican tourists who cross the U.S.
border to shop there before returning to Mexico.
- ‘Very much a Loner’: What we Know
about Patrick Crusius, the Suspect in the El Paso Massacre
August 3, 2019
- Crusius briefly attended Liberty
High School and went on to graduate from Plano Senior High
School. In 2017, he started to attend Collin College. The
manifesto spoke about the “invasion” of Latino immigrants
and said the writer agreed with the shooter who killed
worshipers at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. That
document was posted by an anonymous user who posted
another document under the file name “P._Crusius.”
ZetaTalk Insight
8/31/2019: That
two massacres occurred on Saturday August 3 – one in El Paso
and a second in Dayton – was not a coincidence. This was part
of a deliberate campaign by those threatened by the pending
DOJ revelations. We are on the cusp of DOJ investigations
going public, showing the world that during the Obama
administration both the FBI and DOJ were frankly criminal in
their efforts to put Hillary in the White House, and frankly
treasonous in their attempts to unseat a duly elected
The two mass shootings on
August 3, 2019 were more than a distraction, they were a
threat. They were an ultimatum, to stop the Tribunals, stop
the prosecution of these criminals, or suffer more bloodshed.
It should be noted that both the shooters had much hatred
toward their specific targets. Such hatred can readily be
stoked by methods long used by the CIA, such as themes and
emotions relayed by remote viewers. The El Paso shooter drove
from the ultra-right enclaves of Plano to the border town of
El Paso to kill Mexicans. The Dayton shooter shot his own
sister, who was indeed the target.
But the campaign run by the
Cabal being cleaned up by President Trump and his Junta has
different targets. One was clearly President Trump, who is
clearly winning the 2020 race, as anyone watching the crowds
he draws can see. Another was Q, a team so remarkably accurate
that their fame has spread worldwide. Q has rightly pointed
out that the negative coverage in the media is due only to
their success. The El Paso shooter did not post his Manifesto
on 8Chan, nor did he even write that Manifesto, but his likely
“suicide” will stop the truth from emerging.
In this war of good vs evil
there are many aspects, from those trying to start
a Holy War by torching Notre Dame and the most sacred
Muslim Mosque, to Erdogan and his cronies fomenting a war with
Iran in the Straits of Hormuz, to
disgruntled NATO members trying to start a war between the US
and Russia by targeting the Losharik.
But there are Angels in attendance to assist. Those seeking to
enslave mankind in debt slavery, or using pedophilia as
blackmail, or sacrificing infants and toddlers during Satan
worship are their targets. This is the Transformation,
and the good guys are winning.
After the initial attempt to frame Trump and the Republicans,
the truth quickly emerged. The El Paso shooter was a life-long
Democrat, and only registered as a Republican (by someone)
virtually on the day of the shooting. The Dayton shooter was a
Sanders and Warren fan. And the El Paso shooter did not
post his “Manifesto” on the 8Chan
forum, as this likewise was done after the shooting (by
someone). Nor can the media claim that the “Manifesto” was
written by the El Paso shooter, and thus they hesitate to make
that claim. Other than being in synch with Trump on the border
wall, the El Paso shooter was a Democrat, as are most
mass shooters, statistically.
- Dayton Shooter was Apparently a
Self-Professed ‘Leftist,’ Warren & Sanders Fan
August 5, 2019
- Connor Betts, who has been
identified as the gunman who killed nine people outside a
Dayton bar on Sunday, allegedly ran a Twitter page under
the handle @iamthespookster, in which he expressed
anti-fascist, left-wing views, mostly by means of
retweeting, with occasional original tweets. A brief scan
of Betts’ alleged Twitter feed shows that he was a
supporter of the Democratic Party, and not a fan of
President Donald Trump. He urged people to “vote blue” and
rallied behind Democratic presidential hopefuls Elizabeth
Warren and Bernie Sanders.
- Owner of 8chan Says the Manifesto Was
Not Uploaded by the El Paso Walmart Shooter
August 6, 2019
- The owner of the anonymous
message board 8Chan, Jim Watkins, has unequivocally stated
that the manifesto which was said to have been posted by
the El Paso Walmart shooter on his website was not
actually posted by the killer. Just moments before the
deadly shooting in El Paso on Saturday, a sinister four
page long manifesto was posted to 8Chan by someone who
claimed to be the shooter.

ZetaTalk Insight
8/31/2019: Contrary
to what the controlled media and Democrat controlled House of
Representatives is telling you, the Q discussion boards are
not dead nor are they responsible for the Cabal induced
massacres in New Zealand,
Gilroy, El Paso or Dayton. Evidence attempting to link 8Chan
to these massacres was done deliberately by the Cabal in an
attempt to blur the truth. 8Chan is being framed, in an
attempt to frame Q. As in the 1984
Ministry of Truth, the Cabal and their allies in the
Deep State are preaching lies as truth, and calling the truth
a lie.
The accuracy and timeliness
of the Q team’s postings have gained them a worldwide
following, and like the Internet itself this cannot be
suppressed or stopped. Every attempt to stamp out the truth
only increases the fervor of the angry public, which has
sensed the cold hand of the Illuminati and Nazi family line
and Khazarians with their debt slavery and Satan
worshipping and the pedophile blackmail of politicians.
It is obvious why Q and 8Chan and other valid discussion
boards are under attack, and this will all backfire on the
elite and their puppets in the media and Deep State.

Has the visibility of the Nibiru complex increased? Boy has it!
If it was predicted by the establishment that by January, 2021
Nibiru could no longer be denied, someone forgot to tell Nibiru.
He’s not waiting. Examples are the recent blog by Mr
MBB333, titled “What he
saw just seemed IMPOSSIBLE or there was something REALLY BIG
out there!“. Mr MBB333 seems to be unable to say the
word Nibiru, but the comments on this blog say it loud and
clear. Of the first 50 comments posted a full quarter included
the word “Nibiru”. The other three quarters were equally divided
between Biblical references, joking around, and personal

- Nibiru. It's Nibiru. Getting
closer all the time. … Call it what it is – Nibiru …
Planet X behind chemtrails .... It’s Nibiru … It's part of
the Nibiru system, what is actually causing, climate
change … It’s very easily explained and has been talked
about for centuries now. It’s the planet Nibiru or also
referred to as Planet X. It’s returned after over a
millennia. Google it and learn … 2 suns = Nibiru ?! …
Without a doubt other light source is Nibiru … Nemesis
star (and Nibiru is the outermost planet) … Maybe the
first one is Nibiru? … The Nibiru system … Planet X is
here. Ample evidence … Shoot maybe Nibiru is real? …
Nibiru. To the right of its tail is a moon it also carries
… Mr. M you know darn well that's the Nibiru system! …
Would it be Nibiru or Planet X coming to graze the earth?
… Yep Planet X … Planet X stellar cores …. This is the
brown dwarf star that Nibiru orbits. This system has been
predicted for thousands of years. The gov knows about it.
The destruction that is coming is inevitable. Can’t be
stopped … Nibiru is waiting aka Planet X … They are using
the artificial sun to hide the fact that the real sun is
being eclipsed by Nibiru ... Every 3600-3650 years, Earth,
Terraforms and resets. Period … Come on!! Its Nibiru!! One
big reason for all the fake clouds they are creating to
keep it hidden … I posted a video last year of a sunrise
in southern Thailand last year, called Nibiru just might
be true …
How about all the Second Sun sightings, with dual reflections
on the water, so numerous and obvious that the Strange
Sounds website could not hold back? They too cannot say
the Nibiru word, which is likely to bring nasty repercussions to
any media outlet breaking the cover-up over Nibiru. Like
Voldemort in the Harry Potter series, one does not mention its

- I Wonder if it’s True
August 7, 2019
- Sometimes people capture 2 suns
in the sky!
The Pole
Shift ning has a continuous stream of examples on their
photos blog. For example, the twin suns reflecting off Air
Force One recently. And the almost daily
webcam captures which lately have begun to show the Double
Helix of Nibiru.

Then, finally getting with the program, Mr
MBB333 posted a video about the Earth Wobble - titled “What is GOING ON with the Moon
AND the Sun? People starting to notice“ - but he did
not call it that. The comments went wild. Sun and Moon not where
supposed to be, so many have noticed. Here is a sample of the
comments just hours after the vid was posted. And this rolls
right into the assumption that the government knows, but is
withholding the truth from the public.

- I'm glad you are talking about
this. I thought I was the only one who had noticed this
... Inuit people noticed this a few years back. It’s been
like this for a while now … Nibiru returns. Something
isn't right and we all know it … I live in Montreal. The
sun most DEFINITELY doesn’t set where it used to. From my
balcony I used to observe the sunset clearly in the west.
Now, an apartment complex (built 40 years ago) prevents me
from seeing what I’ve seen for the previous 32 years.
Something is going on. Being in denial isn’t going to move
the sun back to its proper position through wishful
thinking … Sun and moon WAY OFF from where I live in
Panama City Beach Fl. Also sunrise is occurring up to an
hour "late" as well as at different degrees. Have been
observing from this location for over 3 years … Yep, the
Sun rise is off. The Moon rise is off. Our planet is
definitely off axis. Earth is wobbling like a drunkard … I
have noticed this for years. Ever since the 2004
Indonesian Earthquake the sun has moved … I just did a
compass check and yes, on the East Coast of Australia the
sun is rising further north. I'd been thinking something
was different. Now I know it is … I live in Birmingham,
AL, I notice about 2 yrs ago that the earth had moved. For
19 years the sun blinded us at the breakfast table. About
2 yrs ago we sat at the table with the sun streaming into
the den … I've also commented on the moon's craters being
in different positions and the terminator being horizontal
as opposed to vertical. People look at me like I have 2
heads … I`m from Germany. In the first week of August
sunrise was approximately at 4 am in the morning and
sunset at 10.30 pm. Now, one week later, sunrise at 5 am
and sunset at 9 pm.
Epstein Suicides
On July 24 Epstein was found in a fetal position in his cell,
blue in the face and with marks on his neck. He was put on a
suicide watch, but on August 10 he was removed from his cell on
a gurney, supposedly dead from a successful suicide attempt. Per
the Zetas, Epstein’s injuries on July 24 were due to a murder
attempt and he was not
killed on August 10 but was instead taken into protective
custody. Are there Epstein clients that want him silenced?
Countless high profile individuals, yes. The Zetas, as usual,

- Jeffrey Epstein on Suicide Watch
after Accused Sex Trafficker is found Injured in New York
July 24, 2019
- Accused sex trafficker Jeffrey
Epstein is on a suicide watch after the wealthy financier
was found mysteriously injured in his cell in a federal
jail in New York City. Epstein was on the floor of his
cell in a fetal position when he was discovered, sources
told NBC. He was semi-conscious and had marks on his neck
when he was found.
- Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC
Jail Cell after Possible Suicide Attempt
July 24, 2019
- Investigators questioned
Tartaglione, and the former cop claimed not to have seen
anything and insisted he did not touch Epstein. They are
in the same unit and doing well. Tartaglione and Epstein
have been complaining about conditions inside the MCC
including flooding, rodents and bad food.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/31/2019: We
predicted recently that Epstein would be poisoned to silence
him. A bribed or distracted guard can easily be arranged, so
many could have had access to Epstein. An assassin - an
unregistered visitor during off hours - called Epstein over to
the bars of his cell, for a clandestine chat. Epstein was
grabbed and strangled until he dropped, but the cord not left
behind. The intent was to place blame on other prisoners in
the cell block. Under suicide watch, Epstein’s cell will be
watched more closely, but his life is still in danger.
Meanwhile, details about Epstein’s relationship to public
figures continue to spill forth. One example is the Obama State
Department’s approval of the DynaCorp
license, giving it a military tag to evade plane
inspection from Colombia. This FAA
tag was then used on Epstein’s planes! Just how deep does
this go? No wonder Trump’s Junta took Epstein into protective
custody, to be a witness during their Tribunals. And questions
about the so-called
body have emerged, the shape of the ear and a hooked nose.

- Aircraft N-number N474AW shared by
Jeffrey Epstein, DynCorp, the State Department and the CIA
- One of Jeffrey Epstein's
suspected trafficking aircraft shared the same tail number
(N474AW) as a State Department Bronco used under contract
by DynCorp. This would mean that Jeffrey Epstein
trafficked underage girls using a tail number registered
by DynCorp and during the same time period as DynCorp when
they trafficked minors in Bosnia and other parts of the
Balkan states.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/31/2019: President
Trump is not a pedophile, nor did he visit Epstein’s “pleasure
island”, as Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew repeatedly did,
though the Cabal controlled media is attempting to paint a
different picture. The Cabal is frantic to hide the
relationship between Bill Clinton and Epstein. Their pedophile
connections are starting to appear in the press, from the
Nxivm prosecution and its relationship to Democrat candidate
Gillibrand, whose father was a member of this cult. Torching
the evidence on Epstein Island will not suffice. President
Trump knew Epstein socially, as they were both billionaires in
the social swirl in New York City. But when Trump learned of
Epstein’s tendencies he banned him immediately from Mar-a-Lago
golf course. Epstein’s Mossad connections are also steadily
coming to light, allowing the final phase of the
Khazarian demise. Epstein is likely to be poisoned to
silence him.

- Jeffrey Epstein Dead in Apparent
August 10, 2019
- A gurney carrying a man who
looked like Epstein was wheeled out of the Manhattan
Correctional Center around 7:30 a.m. The ambulance went to
New York Downtown Hospital. The incident comes two weeks
after Epstein, 66, was placed on suicide watch after he
was found nearly unconscious in his cell with injuries to
his neck.
- Jeffrey Epstein Dead by Suicide,
found in Manhattan Jail Cell
August 10, 2019
- Epstein's death comes a day after
thousands of documents were unsealed in connection with a
defamation cause against his alleged recruiter that
revealed dozens of high-profile names including former
Maine Sen. George Mitchell, ex-New Mexico Gov. Bill
Richardson and Prince Andrew, Duke of York.

ZetaTalk Insight
8/31/2019: How
is it possible that Epstein, under suicide watch, could commit
suicide? This begs the question, is he really dead or has he
been taken into protective custody by the Tribunals. Now that
the list of names from the unsealed docket from Epstein’s
first trial has been published the media feast can begin. Very
timely for a false report of an Epstein “suicide” to hit the
news, and the media, so well controlled by the Cabal, cannot
fail to refer to the list of names. Hollywood, so very liberal
and a solid Hillary backer in the past, is well represented.
Democratic politicians are likewise prominently featured.
Epstein has chosen to sing
like a bird rather than be thrown to the machinations of those
who want to silence him. Many of the issues before the
Tribunals – treason, attempting to remove a duly elected
President on false charges, and a lawless FBI and DOJ in
collusion with the Obama White House – will link to blackmail
via the Epstein network. Israel and the Mossad are likewise
linked as an attempt by a foreign government to control the
US. As with McCain, Tribunal determinations are not public,
except by the disappearance or death of those executed.