Cascade of
As the Daily Wobble becomes more violent, slinging the Earth up
and down and from side to side, more than earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions occur, as recent news shows. The atmosphere,
the blanket of air wrapping the Earth, is jerked around too as
the Earth moves under this blanket. Temperature extremes,
rapidly changing, and storms caused by high and low pressure
areas building and colliding suddenly. Drought and deluge
result. Plate stress results in water and gas main breaks. And
each of these issues starts a cascade.

Torrential rainfall does more than cause flooding, it can cause
to breach in a cascade
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/18/2009: All
dams will break either during the pole shift or in the months
leading up to the hour of the shift. Look at the structure of
the dam! It assumes that rock holding both sides of the dam
will remain in place and not move. Of course these sides will
move. They will pull apart, slide forward or backwards, but in
any case the water will find its way around the dam.

- Dramatic Moment the Floodgate Breaks
on 90-Year-Old Dam at Lake Dunlap in Texas spilling Tons of
May 17, 2019
- The middle spill gate is the
portion of the 90-year-old dam that collapsed.
- Quebec Issues Evacuation Order in
Grenville-sur-la-Rouge as Dam could Burst
April 26, 2019
- Residents between the Chute-Bell
dam and the Outaouais River are asked to leave the area
- Dam with Mine Waste Collapses in
Brazil; 7 Dead, 200 Missing
April 6, 2019
- A dam that held back mining waste
collapsed in Brazil, inundating a nearby community in
reddish-brown sludge, killing at least seven people and
leaving scores of others missing.
Increasing illness is another cascade
event, as the Earth Wobble causes opportunistic
germs to migrate to warmer regions. Untreated sewage
caused by flood breached treatment plants likewise pose dangers
to disease outbreaks such as cholera. As these breaches
increase, many parts of the world used to clean water may have
to adjust to raw sewage in the vicinity.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/15/1998: Increasingly,
as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. The
germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move.

- Jefferson County Advises Residents to
Avoid Bayview Lake after 80,000 Gallon Sewage Spill
May 17, 2019
- The spill was approximately
80,000 gallons and has ceased, but the water should be
avoided until water testing is complete. Note that this
overflow does not affect public drinking water.
- Millions of Gallons of Sewage Spills
into Niagara River
May 13, 2019
- Heavy rains pushed more than 19
million gallons of raw and partially treated sewage and
storm water into the Niagara River at the Rainbow Bridge.
The flows bypassed the Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment
derailments can be caused by a number of issues, and are
on the increase as a cascade
event but are seldom explained as can be seen by the “under
investigation” excuses offered. The ground can shift or
tilt, temporarily, during the Earth Wobble, particularly in
stretch zones where rock layers are pulled apart. Nibiru can
also cause havoc if EMP messes with the electronic signals, or
the train exceeds the speed limit when going around a curve.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/1/2005: What
happens to rock layers under a diagonal pull, or being pulled
apart? As can be seen during recent years, this has resulted
in derailing trains, sinkholes suddenly appearing, gas and
water main breaks, torn roadways and separating bridges.

- At least 16 Injured after Train
Derails in Boksburg
March 12, 2019
- Three carriages of the locomotive
went off the track at the Elandsfontein Railway Station
near Jet Park Road. It’s unclear what led to the
- Toll Rises to 32 Dead, 91 Hurt as DR
Congo Train Derails
March 18, 2019
- There was a large number of
children among the dead when the train veered off the
tracks in central Kasai province. The goods train veered
off the tracks as it was crossing a bridge over a river.
- Freight Train Derails between
Palmerston North and Napier Spilling Six Wagons of Logs
April 4, 2019
- An investigation is underway
after a freight train travelling from Palmerston North to
Napier derailed last night spilling six loads of logs. The
Transport Accident Investigation Commission is
- Trash Train Derails, Spilling Garbage
along Tracks in Berks County
April 17, 2019
- The cause of the derailment
remains under investigation.
Both intractable drought and deluge lead to crop failure, as
the drought shrivels the crops and the baked ground is too hard
to accept the rain, when it comes. Increasing droughts also lead
to increasing wildfires. Flooding kills seedlings. A late frost
kills the buds on fruit trees. An increasingly violent Daily
Earth Wobble creates erratic
weather - a cascade
event. Tornado
spates are likewise on the increase.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/29/2005: We
warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995,
that unpredictable weather extremes, switching about from
drought to deluge, would occur and increase on a lineal
basis up until the pole shift. We explained the increasing
weather irregularities in the context of the global wobble
that had ensued - weather wobbles where the Earth is suddenly
forced under air masses, churning them.

- State of Emergency for Canada with
some Water Levels expected Once every 1,000 Years and the
Worst is Yet to Come in Unprecedented Flooding
April 28, 2019
- Brian Streatton, engineering
manager at the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, told
CTV News Channel that the river is the highest it's ever
- The UK has Already had More Wildfires
in 2019 than Any Year on Record
April 24, 2019
- The UK has been hit by
nearly a hundred large wildfires in 2019, making it
the worst year on record already.
- Tornado Outbreak of March 3, 2019
March 3, 2019,_2019
- Overall, this outbreak produced
41 tornadoes and killed 23 people.
Shifting ground can put stress on water
and gas mains, which snap or leak. Rock layers slide over
each other, or sag or heave. These issues are explained as old
pipes giving way, but why the increase just now? As the Earth
plates are under pressure or stretch, this is yet another cascade event.

- Water Line Repaired; Pressure Returns
to Normal in Manhattan Neighborhood
May 12, 2019
- A six inch water main that had
broken and was sending water over 40 feet into the air on
Connecticut Avenue.
- Water Main Break rips apart Sidewalk,
Floods Street in Downtown Pittsburgh
April 24, 2019
- A water main break sent water
rushing out from under a sidewalk, flooding Penn Avenue in
downtown Pittsburgh.
- Ogden Water Main Break, now Fixed,
causes Dramatic Geyser-like Eruption
April 9, 2019
- City officials repaired the break
and say they aren't uncommon given the old age of the
UFO ‘Phenomena’
After decades of a firm cover-up over the alien presence, is
the US government inching toward disclosure? UFO displays of
late have become increasingly complex
and bright, appearing on flight trackers which can document
their speed, giving pointed telepathic
warnings to those down below, caught on camera zipping
by the ISS, rumored to be hidden at
Area 51, and inspiring famous
stories that just won’t die. Will the US government
finally just admit that they are here,
and real? Perhaps,
like changing the term Global Warming to Climate Change, it will
now be possible.

- U.S. Navy Drafting New Guidelines for
Reporting UFOs
April 23, 2019
- To be clear, the Navy isn’t
endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien
spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough
strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained
military personnel that they need to be recorded in the
official record and studied — rather than dismissed as
some kooky phenomena from the realm of
science-fiction. Establishing a more formal means of
reporting what the military now calls "unexplained aerial
phenomena" — rather than "unidentified flying objects" —
would be a “sea change.”
- Why Is the Pentagon Interested in
May 16, 2019
- During a military mission,
whether in peace or in war, if a pilot or soldier can't
identify an object, they have a serious problem: How
should they react, without knowing if it is neutral,
friendly or threatening? "Situational awareness" is
the military term for having complete understanding of the
environment in which you are operating. A UFO represents a
gap in situational awareness.

ZetaTalk Comment
4/30/2019: Beyond
reducing the fear of reporting UFO incidents, what is the
point of this new Navy rule change? Instead of reporting a UFO
they will be reporting an “unexplained aerial phenomena”. What
the public is not seeing is the plethora of rules related to
UFOs. Anyone reporting a UFO, either by claiming to be a
witness or just passing along information, is liable to be
demoted or put under a mental health evaluation! How else to
keep the alien presence a secret all these decades? This is
still the case for the much restricted Air Force, however.
Is disclosure being expedited
by this move? Without question, as UFOs can now be written
into the official record, and ultimately accessed by the
public. Where other countries have opened their UFO files,
such as France and Chile by 2007
and China by 2009, the US has yet
to do so. Project Blue
Book was an elaborate
cover-up, capturing reports by the public in order to
squelch them. Though the Air Force officially opened the Blue
Book files in 2015, the conclusions are comical. This
move by the Navy is a fresh start.
Meanwhile, benign aliens are busy contacting curious Earthlings,
and allowing themselves to be photographed,
as in this famous
episode filmed in Turkey, a highly Muslim and thus
skeptical country, when solid witnesses were at hand to document
the episode. Why 3 little aliens in the cockpit of the craft?
Per the Zetas, this is routine, 3 to break a tie during any
disagreement that might arise. Just one of an increasing number
of incidents where alien bodies are being filmed. Might this be
called an “unexplained aerial phenomena” or should we go with
the old Blue Book terminology – swamp gas.

- The shots were captured by night
guard Yalcin Yalman in a compound in Turkey. The
42-year-old and a number of residents claim the UFOs were
spotted over a four month period between May and September
near the compound in Istanbul. Almost two-and-a-half hours
of footage was filmed featuring a variety of objects
ranging from incredible flying saucer-type 'craft' to
clustering orb-like lights hovering in the night sky. The
clips were handed to the Sirius UFO Space Science Research
Centre in Turkey who interviewed witnesses and
painstakingly combed through the footage frame by frame.
International UFO researcher Haktan Akdogan said: "In this
amazing video footage, physical forms of UFOs and their
metallic structures are clearly noticeable. What is more
important is that in the close-up of some footages of the
objects, entities in them can be distinctly made out. We
have spoken with all of the witnesses and had detailed
analysis conducted on all two-and-a-half hours of footage.
After conducting all of the analysis we came to the
conclusion that this video footage is 100 per cent
genuine. It has earned the seal of approval from British
experts. “
- Turkey UFO Clearly Shows Aliens – Dr
Roger Leir
January 27, 2011
- Dr. Roger Leir, author of “Aliens
and the Scalpel,” has been said to be one of the world’s
most important leaders in physical evidence research
involving the field of Ufology. He and his surgical team
have performed nine surgeries on alleged alien abductees.
This resulted in the removal of ten separate and distinct
objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects
have been scientifically investigated by some of the most
prestigious laboratories in the world. Their findings have
been baffling and some comparisons have been made to
meteorite samples. Dr. Leir anticipates performing more
surgeries in the future and will investigate the
physiological and biological aspects of the abduction
phenomenon. He has also formed a non-profit organization
for this purpose called “A & S Research Inc.”

ZetaTalk Comment
4/30/2019: These
photos are the result of genuine UFO sightings in Turkey. The
site for this Awakening
boost was chosen because of the intense skepticism among
Muslim countries. Thus, if it passed scrutiny in this country,
the rest of the world would take these sighting seriously. The
craft was piloted by three aliens, two of which can be seen in
the cockpit. As we have noted, the visitors often operate in a
team of 3, a triad, so
disagreements can be quickly settled.
In keeping with the cascade of Earth changes afflicting the
Earth, UFO displays, accompanied by a telepathic message
directed at Earthlings viewing the display, are also on the
uptick. Here are some recent examples from
Egypt, Helsinki,
and Poland
- all countries which can expect tsunami action on their

ZetaTalk Comment
3/31/2019: We
have predicted that a European tsunami will occur when the N
American continent experiences its New Madrid adjustments.
These adjustments will be a series of quakes along the New
Madrid Fault Line and its related fault lines, but there will
be a massive quake in finality. It is that quake that will
cause the N American Plate to adjust such that the plate
border in the mid-Atlantic tears open, allowing the water to
pour into the crevasse and rebound toward Europe. Even though
the 7 of 10 plate movements have been softened by the humming
boxes, there will still be some tsunami action.
How does this affect the
African Roll? The tear in the mid-Atlantic also detaches the
African Plate’s connection to the N American Plate, thus
freeing the African Plate to roll. The Mediterranean will
slosh, with waves generated from the Atlantic as well as waves
from adjustments along the African Plate’s border running
through the Mediterranean. This UFO display, captured by an
Egyptian photographer, shows this process. First there are
regular waves, then these build to a single large wave – a

ZetaTalk Comment
31ma2019: This
legitimate UFO display shows the cross currents of wave action
assaulting poor Finland during any tsunami from the Atlantic
as a result of the New Madrid adjustment in the US. Helsinki
is centered between two bays on either side of Finland, which
as lowland has little resistance to the flood tides. An
inundation from the left is shown, spreading into both bays,
and then a backwash from the right. This backwash is uneven
and thus there is a clash and renewed flooding of the bays.
This is the telepathic warning being given to those below.

ZetaTalk Comment
31ma2019: If
Helsinki can anticipate tsunami and resulting backwash from
many directions as a result of the New Madrid adjustment, what
can Poland expect? We have predicted a tsunami 100 foot high
striking Denmark, and due to a clash of water from the English
Channel and the North Sea, this water will be directed
forcefully over and around Denmark and thus into the Baltic
Sea. Sweden is high land but the countries to the east are
lowland. What happens to this massive amount of water pouring
into the Baltic Sea? It will dissipate but not before sloshing
Countries such as France and
Norway and the UK anticipate Atlantic storms, and brace for
them. The Netherlands and even the city of London have storm
doors. But the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea do not
think in these terms and assume they are protected from the
Atlantic. UFO warnings, pointed and unmistakable, are being
given to those below, so they are at least mentally prepared
for what is surely to come. The 7 of 10 plate movements are
finalizing in Indonesia and S America, and the African Roll is
picking up the pace. The New Madrid will be next.