Atlantis Found
Has Atlantis been found? It appears so, and in the general area
outlined by the Zetas. Atlantis has been speculated to be in the
Caribbean, in the Mediterranean, and in Antarctica but all
speculation lacked evidence and certainly lacked proof. The
Zetas however were never confused about the issue, and
consistently stated it was near Europe.

- Atlantis: Examining the Legendary
Tale of Plato
April 21, 2016
- Today, popular theories place
Atlantis in locations like off the coast of Cyprus in the
eastern Mediterranean, around the Azores islands in the
middle of the Atlantic, somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle
off the coast of the United States, or even in more exotic
locations such as Antarctica and Indonesia. It seems that
11,000 years ago, according to Plato the story of Atlantis
took place.
ZetaTalk Statement
8/15/1995: Many
cities in and around the European continent went under the
waves during the past few pole shifts. This is because the
Atlantic, as a widening ocean, tends to drag down the shore
lines and outlying islands during each shift. The floor of the
Atlantic drops, pulling its perimeter with it. Atlantis was
not a human society, but a society composed, dominated, by the
ZetaTalk Statement
2/21/2009: We
have stated in the past that Atlantis was not in the Caribbean
nor was it in the Mediterranean. It was off the coast of
Europe, in the lands routinely drawn down under the waves when
a pole shift rips the Atlantic further apart.
Plato stated that it went under the waves, and the
Oahspe, a true channeled work, confirms this, stating that
it was stomped under the waves by aliens on a mission from God.
In fact, the stomp point was discovered via imaging, and the
Zetas confirm this was formerly the site of Atlantis. There was
an underwater pyramid discovered near the Azores, built to slow
the African Roll, as was a compressed triangle of land off-shore
from Spain, but these were done by the Annunaki. But Atlantis
itself was nearby, along the shore of Spain, where two distinct
stomp points can be seen.

- Oahspe: Book of Aph, Chapter II
- By power and wisdom of God, the
continent of Atlantis is to be cut loose and submerged ...
the ships of fire formed in line, extending from my place
down to earth. And every ship was contracted 10,000 fold,
which was the force required to break the crust of the
earth and sink a continent.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
6/15/1997: Atlantis
was land near the current continent of Europe, which was
pulled into the Atlantic during the continental rip that
accompanies violent pole shifts and thus disappeared
dramatically under the sea. This demise was assisted by
extraterrestrials, who took advantage of the natural cataclysm
to adjust the balance in spiritual orientation influencing
developing human spirits, in line with a determination by the
Council of Worlds that such an adjustment was needed.
Atlantis had been essentially
invaded by the giant hominoids from Nibiru, who prior to the
quarantine that is now in effect were considered simply
another hominoid race within your Solar System. Interactions
between humans and these hominoids were allowed to proceed
without interference, but increasing slavery of humans by
these giant hominoids was tripping the balance so that humans
were less and less free to choose their orientation based on
their true feelings and increasingly influenced by feelings of
helplessness. Thus, an adjustment was required.
ZetaTalk Description
9/28/2013: We
stated early in the ZetaTalk saga that Atlantis was located
off the coast of Europe, which is land that is regularly
pulled down under the waves as the Atlantic is pulled apart
during Pole Shifts. In 2004 a compressed triangle in the rock
was found just off the coast of Spain and west of Gibraltar,
clearly not a natural formation. This huge formation was
touching the plate border there between the African Plate and
the Eurasian Plate.
Where the Annunaki did not
have the technology to effect this stamped triangle in the
rock just to the west of Gibraltar, the Service-to-Self aliens
who were influencing the Annunaki and assisting them in
building the pyramids and seamless walls out of huge rock did
this for them. The purpose? To slow the African roll, and thus
slow the slippage of Atlantis into the sea, as these aliens
wanted the Annunaki to continue to be present, oppressing
mankind for the harvest of souls they anticipated in the
future. This likewise is not the location of Atlantis,
but was a navigational pyramid like the Great Pyramids.
Now this Atlantis site has been discovered. The discovery just
west of Gibraltar and along the coast of Spain has evidence and
proof, with the added advantage of matching Plato’s
descriptions. This recent discovery is not all of Atlantis,
however, for the most of it was a bit further west of Gibraltar
and well sunk under the sea.

- Ancient Underwater Ruins found off
Coast of Spain
November 16, 2018
- Ancient ruins examined using
satellite imagery provide evidence that the city's huge
harbour walls once stood in southern Spain. Many of the
sites studied by the team were already known to
archaeologists, and are thought to have been constructed
by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Atlantis was recorded in
the writings of Greek philosopher Plato, who in 400 BC
described an advanced island civilisation that ruled a
vast maritime empire, some 9,000 years before his own era.
The city of Atlantis at the centre of this empire was
described as having an enormous harbour wall, huge
entrance pillars, a temple to the god Poseidon and massive
circular pieces of land carved out by the Atlanteans to
live on. It is thought a cataclysmic natural disaster,
such as a tsunami or volcanic event, eventually wiped out
the Atlanteans, consigning their legacy to legend.
- Atlantis
- For at that time this ocean was
passable, since it had an island in it in the front of the
strait that you people say you call the ‘Pillars of
Hercules.’ [Strait of Gibraltar]. Everything here inside
the strait we’re talking about seems nothing but a harbour
with a narrow entrance, whereas that really is an ocean
out there. Sometime later excessively violent earthquakes
and floods occurred, and after the onset of an unbearable
day and a night, your entire warrior force sank below the
earth all at once, and the Isle of Atlantis likewise sank
below the sea and disappeared. (Timaeus, 24e-25e, transl.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
11/30/2018: We
stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga that Atlantis had
been on the Atlantic side of Europe, and had sunk into the sea
during a past Pole Shift; that Atlantis was an Annunaki city;
that its demise was assisted by Service to Other aliens as had
been described in the Oahspe; that an undersea pyramid near
that Azores had been constructed by the Annunaki to prevent
the African Roll, but the stomp taking “thousands of tons” of
pressure sinking land just off-coast from Spain shows the
proximity of Atlantis.
Plato also described the
location of Atlantis as being just west of Gibraltar, which
coincides with the location previously confirmed by ourselves.
Now details have emerged of a seawall at the Donana National
Preserve, also described by Plato, and circular bases for
large housing structures. There is little left of Atlantis for
mankind to explore, as whatever the water did not wash away
was removed by the Annunaki who did not like to leave their
technology behind for mankind to discover. A clue to the
timing of the demise of Atlantis is Plato’s estimate, placing
the demise 3 Pole Shifts back.
Earth Cracks
As the 7 of 10 progresses, the progress can be measured in land
cracks and crevasses, as noted on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to this matter. This can be
seen, for instance, at the primary point where India
is tilting and pushing under the Himalayas. This of course
rumples and cracks the country of India. This tilting of the
Indo-Australian Plate allows the Sunda Plate to push under the
curve formed by Sumatra and Java. There was a spate of land
cracks and crevasses in July for India
and in October and early November for
Indonesia. Why would this occur in a cluster, unless the
plates themselves were moving? The rock underground is
destabilized and shifts.

The S American Roll, the next major 7 of 10 plate movement
predicted by the Zetas in 2010, also shows land cracks in spates
along the Andes where the Nazca
Plate is pushing under the Andes, in
Argentina which is pulling apart near Buenos Aries, in
Central America which is being pushed westward by the
Caribbean Plate, and into southern
Mexico where the bowing of the N American Plate allows
Mexico to be pushed westward. Once again, all this activity
occurred in a spate between late September to late October.

The Africa Roll, next in the 7 of 10 progression, has been
picking up the pace, ripping open the land along the
African Rift which is dropping toward the Indian Ocean.
Land from the Afar Triangle to Kenya and Uganda to S Africa to
the pinch point in Nigeria show the land cracking open from
duress. Iraq and Iran and Arabia also have their share of land
cracks, as the African Roll causes the African Plate to push
against these countries. What’s next? The New Madrid adjustment
on the N American Continent is pending. As the Zetas predicted
in 2010.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
7 of 10 scenarios describe plate movements, and for this to
occur something has to release the deadlock, the current
stalemate where the plates are locked against each other. Once
the deadlock is broken and the plates start moving, sliding
past each other, new points where the plates are locked
against each other develop, but these are weaker locks than
the one at present. The current lock, as we have so often
stated, is the Indo-Australian Plate which is being driven
under the Himalayans. This is no small lock, as the height of
the Himalayans attests.
Meanwhile, S America is
showing signs of a roll to the west. As the Indo-Australia
Plate lifts and slides, this allows the Pacific plates to
shift west, which allows S America to shift west also. This is
greatly increased by the folding of the Mariana Trench and the
Philippine Plate. But it is the Indo-Australian Plate that
gives way to incite change in these other plates, and this is
what is manifesting now to those closely following the
changes. Once the folding of the Pacific has occurred, Japan
has been destabilized.
Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has
not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The
Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San
Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic
Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When
S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it
tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows
Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the
Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N
American continent together has thus eased, and the New Madrid
gives way.

Snake Man DNA
The mummies of Snake Man found in
a Peru cave in 2017 have been analyzed, and found to be
non-human and unlike any other Earth creature. An international
group of scientists presented their DNA results at a conference
on November 19, 2018.

- Researchers Present new state of the
investigations of the "white mummies" of Nazca
November 22, 2018
- Journalists, researchers, and
scientists presented the previous and most recent results
of a large number of investigations as part of an almost
five-hour presentation. The DNA tests on genetic material
of the small mummies show no relationship to known human
forms or animals. The bones of the mummies are hollow but
stable and strong, similar to the structure of bird bones.
There are clear signs of wear and tear on the joints,
suggesting that they are advanced age beings and that they
have actually lived, and that the mummies were not later
so prepared by different animal or human parts.
3D scans of the inside of the mummies show that the bones,
organs, muscle and fat tissues, and in the case of one of
the small mummies, the eggs, are at the correct anatomical
positions in the body and were functional parts of once
actually living beings. The data obtained do not
correspond to any life form known to us, which is why it
is very likely a species that has developed independently
of us humans. The characteristics within the body of the
mummy known as "Josefina", which appear like eggs, vary in
size, so it is suspected that they are eggs at different
stages of development."

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/31/2017: Were
the Peru mummies partially reptilian? They were indeed, and as
implied by anatomical analysis the reptile was a snake. The
jaw reveals it could not chew, and snakes swallow their prey
whole. The rib cage went down the trunk from top to bottom as
occurs in snakes. These mummies likewise laid eggs, as
reptiles do in the main.
Flat Earth
Among the many illogical theories mankind holds are the Hollow
Earth, the Flat
Earth, and the Mandela Effect where the past can be
changed by a wish. Some have their basis in the past, where man
did not have the ability to see the view of Earth from space or
did not have scans of the Earth’s core, but when such errant
beliefs are still held by a faction of mankind one has to ask
why? Why do they cling? The Zetas, yet again, explain.

- Hollow Earth
- The Hollow Earth is a historical
concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow
or contains a substantial interior space. In ancient
times, the concept of a subterranean land inside the Earth
appeared in mythology, folklore and legends. The idea of
subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became
intertwined with the concept of "places" of origin or
afterlife, such as the Greek underworld, the Nordic
Svartálfaheimr, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol.
The idea of a subterranean realm is also mentioned in
Tibetan Buddhist belief. According to one story from
Tibetan Buddhist tradition, there is an ancient city
called Shamballa which is located inside the Earth.
ZetaTalk Comment
12/2/2006: The
heat of the molten lava melts all that it contacts, melts
rock, certainly melts metal, so just how would those in a
hollow Earth manage to maintain pathways to the surface? In
addition, your own scientists tell you that imaging or sending
rays through the Earth sense a solid core, which is true of
almost all planets except some that are gaseous. The theory is
simply ridiculous, on its face.

- Flat Earth
- The flat Earth model is an
archaic conception of Earth's shape as a plane or disk.
Many ancient cultures subscribed to a flat Earth
cosmography, including Greece until the classical period,
the Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations of the Near East
until the Hellenistic period, India until the Gupta period
(early centuries AD), and China until the 17th century. In
the modern era, pseudoscientific flat Earth theories have
been espoused by modern flat Earth societies and,
increasingly, by unaffiliated individuals using social
ZetaTalk Comment
3/15/1996: Coming
out of the Dark Ages, man believed the Earth was flat, and
that the heavens revolved around the Earth. Evidence that
contradicted these assumptions was ignored until the weight of
evidence became so heavy that the comfortable assumption was
eroded. How could such a theory as the flat Earth even evolve?
To man today, this theory seems laughable, but when it
evolved, the edges of the horizon always seemed at the edge of
a flat plane, so this was the newborn child's first
conclusion. The toddler assumes the world revolves around him,
and is loath to let this go. The alternate explanation, that
the heavens were dancing for his amusement, fit his mind-set.
Did not the Sun rise when he felt refreshed, and set when he
was weary? All to serve his needs, he had no doubt.

- Mandela Effect
- The Mandela effect is the
pseudoscientific belief that some differences between
one's memories and the real world are caused by changes to
past events in the timeline. Many Mandela effect believers
believe it is caused by accidental travel between
alternate universes, although some others propose that
history has been deliberately altered after the fact by
malicious extradimensional beings within the same timeline
or by experiments at CERN. What truly distinguishes a
Mandela effect from a run of the mill error is that the
discovery of this particular error was so profoundly
disrupting to the person's basic sense of life, liberty
and the pursuit of tentacle porn on the internet that it
triggered a panic attack. The idea of the Mandela effect
is mostly pushed by people who like to think the whole
world revolves around themselves, so obviously if they
remember anything differently from others then the world
must be wrong, not their memory.
ZetaTalk Comment
11/30/2018: We
have often warned that humans have a great capacity for denial
in the face of the obvious. One does not have cancer despite
what the doctor is showing on x-rays. One’s spouse is not
having an affair despite the lipstick on the collar. We have
warned that fully half of mankind will refuse to believe that
Nibiru is trending toward a passage, even when this fact has
been officially admitted by the establishment. Amnesia,
forgetting unpleasant facts, is another facet of denial. One
clings to the facts that comfort, and denies discomfort.
- Thus we have the Flat
Earth theory that prevailed in the past in Europe,
China, and Asia. It was based on the fact that the horizon
can be seen in the distance. Here we have a central aspect
to silly theories – a core belief. Other concepts and
memories are structured around the core belief and rather
than rearrange it all, which would take time and effort, the
holder simply refuses to budge.
- This is likewise the
case with the Hollow Earth
theory, which is absurd on its face as how can molten magma
and a hollow space coexist. But memories of cave dwelling
during past lives and the need
to confabulate, to fill in the blanks, overrules
- The Mandela Effect is
surrounded with the notion that one can change the past if
one wishes it so, as though all of humanity in its pain and
travails would not have already agreed on a new outcome.
Would not all those starving in drought ridden countries
already have agreed to change their past, if this were so?
This notion has been ascribed to faulty memory, but those
clinging to a wrong notion are dealing with more than that.
They fear facing a future they cannot control.
In all of these matters
the problem lies with mankind’s need for comfort and
reassurance, for control. When silly theories appear to flood
social media, appearing on message boards and email, it is a
deliberate campaign to test gullibility. There are a multitude
of excuses for Nibiru, from the Earth wobble being caused by
uneven ice at the poles to the red dust all coming from the
Sahara to earthquakes caused by fracking to the Second Sun
being caused by solar simulators in the sky to California
fires being caused by DEW lasers. The cover-up over Nibiru
hopes you believe!