666 Dow Plunge
On Friday February 2, 2018 – the day the FISA memo was released
by the House for public viewing - the Dow plunged by 666 points.
665.75 points to be exact. The enigmatic intel
leaker Q implied that this was a deliberate plunge,
orchestrated by the arms of the Deep State being threatened by
the memo and the hunt for those who broke laws in an attempt to
get Hillary elected in 2016. Q pointed to the dropping market
shares in the Apache corporation in Texas and the sale of a de
Rothchild estate in Austria. Per the Zetas, this was indeed
another public warning to those pursuing the Deep State cleanup.

- Dow Plunges 1,175 Points in Wild
Trading Session, S&P 500 goes Negative for 2018
February 4, 2018
- The Dow fell 665.75 points on
Friday — or 2.5 percent — notching its biggest one-day
sell-off since June 2016.
- Executive Order 666: Stock Market
Plunge Globalist Signal to Trump?
February 6, 2018
- The globalists were behind the
market shakeups because the FISA memo story is gaining
steam and they need to hurt Trump where he’s strongest:
the economy. The Rothschild banking family has been
selling off their properties and investment holdings like
Apache Co.at about the same time as the recent market

- Rothschild Family Sells Large
Austrian Hunting Estate
February 2, 2018
- The Rothschilds have sold an
Austrian hunting estate almost the size of Manhattan that
the storied European banking family has owned for 143
years. Rothschild heirs Nancy Clarice Tilghman and
Geoffrey R. Hoguet, who live in the United States, sold
Langau—which includes two power plants and a
grand Tyrolean-style lodge—to the owners of a paper
manufacturing firm, Prinzhorn Holding, in what is being
heralded as a historic European land sale.
- Why Is Apache Corp. Stock Tumbling?
October 11, 2017
- Apache Corp. (APA) reported
strong levels of cash flows last year, but the company has
recently confirmed that it will face a large cash flow
deficit of more than $1 billion in 2017. The update has
fueled a sell-off in Apache stock.
ZetaTalk Analysis
2/28/2018: The
DOW drop of -666 points on the day the FISA memo was released
was not an accident nor a coincidence. It was deliberate, as
hinted by the enigmatic Q who openly pointed to the recent
sale of a Black Forest estate and the dropping stock value of
the Apache corporation. If the Greenbrier Amtrak train crash
was manipulated, intending to kill a number of Republicans in
Congress on the day after the well-received State
of the Union address, the S Carolina derailment of
another Amtrak train a day later was also manipulated,
intending to send a message to Trey Gowdy.
The battle between the White
Hats and the Black Hats is convulsing in the last stages, so
it has become public at long last. We have regularly been
reporting on the steps and stages, from the failure of Obama
to announce the presence of Nibiru by October 20, 2015 (due to
the wealthy elite resisting and insisting the cover-up
continue) with Trump and the Transition Team of White Hats now
shoveling out the Deep State swamp. The Black Hats - composed
of the Bush/Clinton/Soros criminal cabal and the IMF and
Jewish bankers imposing debt slavery on the world – are
fighting for their lives.
In the past, intimidation and
bribery were considered sufficient. Blackmail in the form of
pedophilia evidence, almost always a deliberate entrapment,
was used extensively. If all of this did not suffice, then
individuals would be assassinated. This would be reported as a
suicide unless a message was to be sent, as was the case with
Seth Rich. Money laundering, as with the Clinton Foundation
cash slush, flourished. Using dirty nukes to murder millions
as a threat has also been part of the arsenal, ergo the recent
missile threat against Hawaii. None of these maneuvers have
worked to stop the White Hats, so now a new maneuver is being
The Black Hats are in essence going public with their threats.
If the Republicans controlling Congress insist on pursuing Deep
State draining, exposing those in the FBI and DOJ and State
Department who have committed treason, then the Black Hats will
murder their families, including the children that were on the
Greenbrier train. If Gowdy continues his pursuit, then his home
state of S Carolina will be maimed. And if Trump insists on
freeing the American people from the debt slavery the Black Hats
had imposed, then the cabal will use their wealth hoards to
embarrass him. The DOW crash was deliberate, and -666 was not an

Indeed, the FISA memo showed lawbreaking galore within the FBI.
The FISA courts were misused, not given the full picture, with
the fact that the Hillary campaign was behind the whole fake
Russian Dossier claim, thus the requested wiretapping of Trump
Tower was a political fishing trip. Many hands within the FBI
and DOJ were behind the repeated requests for renewal of the
FISA warrants, including former FBI head Comey and the current
DOJ second in command Rosenstein.

- Read the Controversial Devin Nunes
Memo on the FBI
February 2, 2018
- The White House declassified a
GOP memo on the Russia probe Friday, clearing way for the
House panel to release allegations of FBI misconduct.
- The GOP Memo Proves the ‘Deep State’
is Real
February 3, 2018
- The Washington swamp — the deep
state — is bigger, more vicious and more dangerous to
American liberty than even a cynic could have imagined.
Swamp creatures are embedded in the top of the FBI and the
Department of Justice. They conducted a sham investigation
of the Democratic candidate and misled federal judges to
spy on at least one associate of her Republican
challenger. Thanks to the battle over the memo, we also
know with 100 percent certainty that the mainstream media
is part of the swamp. The efforts by The New York Times
and The Washington Post, among others, to keep the memo
from ever seeing sunshine were appalling.
- House GOP: More Memos to Come
February 4, 2018
- The House Intelligence chair and
his team have told members and associates they've found
other examples of politically motivated "wrongdoing"
across various agencies, including the FBI, the broader
Justice Department, and the State Department. Republicans
close to Nunes say there could be as many as five
additional memos or reports of "wrongdoing."
Gowdy Amtrak
If the Greenbrier Amtrak crash
(which happened the day after the State of the Union address by
Trump) was an attempt to kill as many members of the Republican
Congress as possible, what of the S
Carolina derailment the day after the FISA memo was
released? Per the Zetas, this was a pointed warning to Gowdy -
the pit bull prosecutor who currently sits as head of the House
Oversight Committee and aggressively investigated the Benghazi
matter in the past. Clearly intentional, the S Carolina crash
was due to a padlocked switch sending the Amtrak train into the
rear of the parked CSX train.

- The Latest: 'Screams and Crying'
Followed Amtrak Train Crash
February 4, 2018
- A switch was turned to force the
passenger train onto a side track and into a parked
freight train. The switch was padlocked to send trains on
the main line to the side track, which conductors are
supposed to do when they change lines.
- Amtrak Blames Freight Train firm for
Deadly South Carolina Crash
February 5, 2018
- Amtrak Train 91, carrying nine
crew members and 136 passengers, was traveling from New
York to Miami when it hit the CSX Corp freight train that
was stopped on a side track. CSX was responsible for the
tracks and signals, including one that had a lock attached
to it and diverted the Amtrak train onto the side track.
- Amtrak Blames Freight Train firm for
Deadly South Carolina Crash
February 4, 2018
- Amtrak blamed a freight rail
operator for causing a crash that killed two people and
injured more than 100 others when one of its passenger
trains was diverted onto a side track and slammed into a
parked, unmanned freight train in South Carolina.
ZetaTalk Analysis
2/28/2018: Amtrak
Train 91’s derailment in S Carolina was clearly not an
accident. A padlocked line switch was incorrectly set, sending
the Amtrak train into the rear of the parked CSX cargo train.
Trey Gowdy had just days before announced his retirement from
Congress, an inexplicable decision given that he sits as
Chairman on one of the most powerful committees in the House.
Since Gowdy represents S Carolina, was this a message? All
those courageous enough to tackle the Deep State during the
current End Times battles are being threatened, regularly.
This message will not stop
the Deep State prosecution, or the removal of the hundreds of
sleeper cells within the US federal government. Those who
supported the treason of the Black Hat cabal - which includes
the Bush and Clinton administrations of the past, the Hillary
campaign, the Soros organization, and Netanyahu and Jewish
bankers – have been discovered by the secret military courts
run by Dunford and Trump’s Junta. They are cooperative, else
prison in Gitmo or Diego Garcia ensues. They are tagged and
monitored and forced to assist the prosecution of the rest of
the Cabal.
The current phase is
informing the public. Releasing the FISA memo is one such
example. This will all accelerate so the public will awaken to
the realization that the only Russian collusion was between
Hillary as Secretary of State during the sale of Uranium One
and Hillary as a candidate with the false Russian Dossier and
Hillary as a candidate attempting to lure
Carter Page into contacting the Russians to secure
promised dirt on Hillary. In a frantic attempt to stop this
turn of events, the Cabal is trying to openly intimidate those
at the helm. Will this work against the White Hats in
Congress? It is likely only to harden their resolve.

Wobble Tsunami
Are buoy tests malfunctioning, sending out erroneous tsunami
warnings, or are wobble waves on the increase? Fingers pointed
in all directions when a tsunami warning went out early on
February 6, 2018. But an examination of the buoys off New York
City indicate that the waves were indeed irregular! This is
certainly not the severe wobble sloshing the Zetas warned about,
but does not appear to be just a mistake, as the National
Weather Service claims.

- False Tsunami Warning sent to the
East Coast, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean
February 6, 2018
- A tweet from the National Weather
Service (NWS) in Charleston, South Carolina, said the
alert was sent around 8:30 a.m. ET. "We have been notified
that some users received this test message as an actual
Tsunami Warning," the NWS tweeted, adding that a tsunami
warning was "not in effect."
- After Sending Bogus Tsunami Warning
in coastal South Carolina, AccuWeather Blames NWS for Error
February 6, 2018
- Intended as a test of a National
Weather Service warning system, the alert appeared to some
users of AccuWeather applications as if it were real. It
was distributed to phones and other mobile devices linked
to AccuWeather's network on the East Coast, the Gulf of
Mexico and the Caribbean. Though the original alert was
labeled as a "test," the private forecasting company said
an underlying coding error by the Weather Service prompted
its computers to send out the message as a real warning.
ZetaTalk Prediction
8/25/2011: The
severe wobble that starts the Last Weeks is a flinging back
and forth of the N Pole of Earth. The N Pole of Earth thus
flings away when the magnetic N Pole of Earth comes up over
the horizon, and then rebounds back 12 hours later when the
magnetic N Pole of Earth disappears again over the horizon at
dusk. The severe wobble, thus, will merely be an exaggeration
of the existing wobble, where the magnetic N Pole is pushed as
its current location in the Arctic near Siberia rolls over the
Thus as the globe is pushed
violently northward, the waters in the Pacific will slosh
southward, and waters in the Atlantic will slosh in the
opposite direction, northward. Hold a globe in your hands with
the Pacific Ocean facing you, and push the N Pole forcefully
away to see how the land will move under the ocean. It is
essentially that for the Pacific, the northern coastlines will
be pushed under the ocean, and for the Atlantic, the southern
coastlines will be pushed under the ocean. Then, 12 hours
later, this reverses. The sloshing will be in a N/S direction,
back and forth. In that the severe wobble slosh will be
200-300 feet high, this will scarcely be noted.
Beaches facing South have been notably dry, at odd times, on the
Atlantic side of the globe. If the buoys off the East Coast of N
America are signaling a sudden drop in water, a precursor to a
tsunami wave, is there a sudden drop in water level elsewhere?
What about the high and dry Gondolas in Venice? Or the South
facing beaches in Rushikonda beach, India? This drop in the
water level was simultaneous to the East Coast buoy drop in
water level.

- Where’s the Water Gon-dola? Venice's
iconic Canals run Dry after Weeks without Rain
February 1, 2018
- A combination of high atmospheric
pressure in the upper Adriatic, cold weather and low tides
left the famous canals dry. Water levels have been
reported to be up to 60cm lower than normal levels. The
retreating waters mean gondolas and water taxis have been
unable to navigate the city’s elegant canals. It is the
second year in a row that Venice's canals have been left
without water despite being prone to heavy flooding
several times a year.
- Receding of Sea Creates Panic
February 5, 2018
- The visitors of Rushikonda beach
had a different experience when the sea has receded to
about 100 metres exposing all the sharpened stones.
Rumours spread out fast that a tsunami would be expected
anytime. Some of the fishermen predicting that the city
would be hit by something like a tsunami and the sea will
be receded over 50 to 100 metres.
As noted in Issue 560 of this
Newsletter on June 25, 2017 the wobble has been increased in its
violence and scope, bringing atypical temperatures and causing
ships to collide at sea. In Issue 552
of this Newsletter in April, 2017 we noted the Arctic currents
had changed direction due to the wobble. By January 4, 2018 the
weather wobbles had become
undeniable. The Zetas had warned of this increase in the Polar
Push of the wobble, and it is now upon us.

ZetaTalk Comment
6/3/2017: This
legitimate Crop Circle design is depicting the daily Earth
wobble caused by the near presence of Nibiru. The Figure 8,
well established in 2004 when the wobble first began, has
changed. The Figure 8 originated with what we called the Polar
Push, an increasingly violent push against the Earth’s
magnetic N Pole. This occurred when the Sun was over the
Pacific and the N Pole rose over the horizon to face the Sun
and Nibiru. Then the Earth would recover by the N Pole
twisting first to one side and then the other and finally a
bounce back into position.
The four parts of the Figure
8 were considered a quadrant arrangement – the four positions
of the axis during the day. We noted in November 2016 that the
wobble had moved from this quadrant arrangement to a duality,
a back and forth aggressive swing – the Polar Push and the
bounce back. This WhiteHorse design is showing the quadrant
arrangement of the original Figure 8 as well as how the daily
wobble has changed. The axis tilt to this and then that side
is now incorporated into the position of the N Pole when in
the midst of a Polar Push.
In the past, prior to Nibiru’s entry into the Solar System,
temperatures were determined by latitude, the distance from
the Equator. During the Figure 8, Siberia and those parts
around the Arctic pushed away from the warmth of the Sun
during the Polar Push were colder. During the lean to the
right and left, Alaska and Europe had unusually high
temperatures. Now parts around the Arctic will remain in the
Polar Push position, while waiting for the bounce back that
occurs when the Sun is over the Atlantic. In the meantime,
high temp spikes will result in Europe, Central Russia, and in
Russia’s Far East.