Antarctica Cities
Antarctica has been in the alternative media lately because of
reports that a city under the ice has been discovered. Based on
information from an obscure
website and supported by author David Wilcock and
purported secret government agent Corey Goode, an alien city has
been discovered 2 miles under the ice in Antarctica. All manner
of claims are being made, including claims that Trump is about
to make an announcement, tombs of giants have been discovered,
alien technology has been found, and the city includes healing
chambers. Note the images below are artistic renderings, not
actual photos.

- Flash Frozen Alien Civilization
Discovered In Antarctica
January 29, 2017
- The first scientific excavations
of ruins from an ancient frozen civilization buried under
two miles of ice started in Antarctica earlier this month.
It involved a civilization led by 10-12 foot tall
“Pre-Adamites” with elongated skulls. The Pre-Adamites
were aliens who had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years
ago, a fact determined with the discovery of three
oval-shaped motherships, about 30 miles in diameter, at
the site. Immediately after being unearthed, one of the
three ships has been found to have many smaller
spacecrafts inside. The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least
part of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen due
to a catastrophic event, roughly dated back 12,000 years
- The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient
Alien Ruins
December 13, 2016
- Have recent discoveries of a
"Pompeii on Ice" in Antarctica just proven the existence
of Atlantis? Ancient Alien Ruins have been secretly
excavated and the Elite are going on tours. Please read
our latest update on the recent Intelligence surrounding
this and other mysteries. David Wilcock and Corey Goode
released a joint article that covers this suppressed
discovery as well as other related topics.
This was all supposedly discovered in 2002 by US satellites,
and investigated. A magnetic anomaly was discovered. Per the
Zetas, this is a magnetic signature that would be associated
with metal in a city, so you heard it first
from ZetaTalk that the excitement around Lake Vostok was due to
a city under the ice.

- Whats Happening in Antarctica?
July 13, 2011
- During April 2001 one of the
world’s great secrets was revealed: an ancient structure
or apparatus that lay encased miles under the hard
Antarctic ice was detected by a roving spy satellite. The
US military immediately moved to quash the reports and the
mainstream news media dutifully complied. Despite the news
blackout, reports still surfaced that a secretive
excavation project had commenced on the heels of the
discovery. A magnetic anomaly formed, intensified, and
spread to the vicinity of the Russian Vostok base.
Meanwhile, the American military airfield buzzed with
activity as flights came and went at a dizzying pace.
Heavy machinery–some pretty exotic–appeared on the bleak
Antarctic ice sheet. Unverified reports claimed that the
nuclear-powered earth borer Subterrene arrived. The
strange vortex phenomenon–a highly magnetic tunnel to the
past–was code named The Time Gate by military

ZetaTalk Comment
8/13/2011: Feeding
conspiracy theories, the Lake Vostok magnetic anomaly remains
unexplained. Is this a crashed ship, an ancient city such as
the lost city of Atlantis, or is there a simple geological
explanation for the anomaly? Because exploring the lake would
ruin its pristine condition, the mystery remains. It is known
that iron ore deposits and hardened lava from volcanoes or
spreading plates will show up as magnetic anomalies. Cities
likewise have this signature due to the bulk of metal in their
interior. The interior of plates is often thick crust, which
likewise can give this magnetic signature. Antarctica is old
rock and Lake Vostok lies along a rift running deep through
this rock, thus showing a pattern of volcanic rupture when the
continent was pulled from its attachment to India in the past.
Then there was a flap in 2012 because a spaceport entry was
imaged by Google Earth. The Zetas at that time stated this port
was not used by humans. They were vague about whether the aliens
were Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self. They were also vague
about whether the spaceport was used by the Annunaki, which
would by definition not be human. They stated emphatically that
the ancient spaceport was not used by man.

ZetaTalk Comment
10/27/2012: What
is the clearly manufactured entrance into Antarctica rock, in
the shape of a space ship? It is what it seems to be, an
entrance for space ships. This port is not currently in use,
nor would curious man find anything laying about that might be
useful or educational. Who lived there? We have explained the
plethora of alien life forms currently visiting Earth, and the
myriad worlds they come from. It matters not what alien group
found Antarctica convenient, as the history of visitations as
explained by ourselves has covered the basics. Antarctica has
never been inhabited by early man, so the space ports there
were never under threat of discovery. This port nor any
underground facility in Antartica was not, at any time,
utilized by mankind, despite myths about Admiral Byrd or the
Nazis to the contrary.
Antarctic was certainly habitable in the past, as per ancient
maps such as the Piri Reis map, it
was not an ice continent. The past several Pole Shifts changed
that, moving Antarctic into the frost zone. Annunaki were all
over the world, evidence of their past on every continent, so
they certainly could have gone to Antarctica in the past.

ZetaTalk Comment
5/15/1997: An
unanswered puzzle that cartographers struggle with is the
presence of ancient maps that indicate the equator and the
poles were not always where they are today. The accuracy of
these maps, detailing land masses and their placement as they
are essentially known today, cannot be denied. These were not
fantasy maps, but were drawn with markings that relate to the
placement of stars and compasses, the guides sailors use when
far out at sea. There is no ready explanation, as the detail
and consistency do not indicate confusion, and a matter as
central to map making as the placement of the equator and
poles would not likely be confused. Pole shifts occur often,
have occurred in recent time, and could occur again!
The traditional media has reported that the Russian Orthodox
Patriarch Kirill visited Antarctic a year ago, John Kerry went
to Antarctica in November, per the Zetas to plant the US flag,
and that Buzz Aldrin the 86 year old former astronaut also took
a tourist trip there in December. We know that Antarctica will
be prime real estate in the Aftertime, lying on the new Equator,
but is there more to this picture? Were these visitors
going down for a peek at what the city buried under the ice

ZetaTalk Comment
11/12/2016: Last
February the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill visited
Antarctic, and per photos chatted with penguins. Now the US
Secretary of State John Kerry is traveling there, leaving on
November 7, the day before the elections, and returning days
after. Supposedly this visit is to publicize climate change,
but there is another agenda. Kerry has gone to plant the US
flag and claim this pie slice!

ZetaTalk Comment
12/3/2016: Why
was Buzz Aldrin so intent on getting to the S Pole, in a group
of tourists seemingly so intent on getting to Mars? Of course
he could be considered to be enthusiastic about travel to
Mars, just as he was about travel to the Moon, being by nature
a buoyant and enthusiastic person. To say the trip is ill
advised for someone at 86 years of age is an understatement.
The trip was being pushed by Elon Musk and other Mars
opportunists, who are looking for a massive infusion of funds
to their endeavors.
Ben Fulford mentions these Antarctica discoveries and mentions
“healing chambers’ that elite humans in the Service-to-Self have
been trying to access and be allowed to use. Ben Fulford reports
info from many sources, and thus has been colossally wrong on
occasion. He had Hillary Clinton dead after the 911 memorial in
2016, had Neil Keenan dead too which Keenan explained was due to
Fulford drinking too much, and stated that MH 370 would soon be
found in Japan. So where Ben Fulford has the trends right, and
many of his reports are spot on, one must also consider
Fulford’s sources.
- Benjamin Fulford Report
January 9th 2017
- If what these people are saying is
true, then in the near future the benevolent galactic
forces will open a wormhole in Antarctica and allow the
surface population of humanity contact with the universe
at large. That may be why religious, political and science
luminaries have been visiting Antarctica recently. This
month Russia’s Vladimir Putin is expected to be the latest
bigwig to visit there.
- Benjamin Fulford Report
January 23, 2017
- The source, who is a direct
relative of a famous World War 2 Admiral, also had some
X-files stuff to say namely that: “Two timelines are
converging now and when that convergence is finished we
will have full disclosure. This is why all of the major
world leaders went to Antarctica, and continue to arrive
every day. The ancient lost city is already in view. This
is what I have been calling ‘The Base’ in earlier
transmissions and discussions. Everything is there and the
elites have been arriving by their special craft not only
to seek protection from being arrested, but also to try
and make a deal with the Galactics who are in control of
the entire area now. There are those in the top ranks of
the elite who are in “The City” now and attempting to make
a deal to get into the healing chambers. Kissinger
Per the Zetas, Fulford’s Antarctica source is wrong. The Zetas
explain that they could not comment earlier on these Antarctica
rumors as to do so would have required them to engage
Service-to-Self aliens who had a disinformation operation going.
Engagements between Service-to-Others and Service-to-Self groups
are time consuming and the Zetas must consider their other
endeavors. Per the Zetas, now that the 2016 US elections have
been completed, the Service-to-Self aliens have nothing more to
gain from investing their
time, and have abandoned the op. Thus, the Zetas can now comment
ZetaTalk Comment
2/4/2017: Despite
disinformation being spread by Corey Goode and his cohorts
under the influence of Service-to-Self liars, there will be no
alien technology made available to mankind by any such
discoveries. Treat this like Egyptian tombs, or Tibetan
artifacts – revealing of past civilizations but not technology
waiting to have a switch thrown. For the Service-to-Self to
leave technology lying about, even abandoned on an ice covered
continent, would be against the Council of Worlds rules, as we
have stated on many occasions. Do the artifacts include
Annunaki bodies? Awaiting cremation, yes, and abandoned during
a past Pole Shift when evacuation became an emergency.
Ben Fulford reported what a
source told him, and Ben has on occasion failed colossally in
his reports from various sources. He had Hillary Clinton dead,
Neil Keenan dead, MH 370 found in Japan, and now reports about
the Antarctica find. It is true we could not formerly comment
on these finds, as to do so would be to engage the
Service-to-Self. They have since abandoned the scam, which was
to entice many humans such as Kissinger and the Clintons,
operating in the Service-to-Self, into close consulting
relationships with the aliens conducting the scam. Since
Hillary lost the election and is under house arrest, and
Kissinger is unwelcome everywhere, no more time is being
devoted to them.
Dr Zakharovich
A brouhaha over a Russian astronomer’s statements has recently
erupted in the media. Dr Zakharovich states that NASA is lying
about an asteroid scheduled to pass by the Earth on February 25,
saying it will arrive on February 16, and is not an asteroid but
debris from the Nibiru entourage. This hit the press on
January 26th and was the subject on the open lines on Coast
to Coast on January 27th. Asteroid
2016 WF9 is also located at present just above the
Constellation Cetus, along the Ecliptic and just to the left of
the Sun.

- Is Asteroid Due to Crash into Earth
Sparking Mass Tsunamis Next Week?
January 26, 2017
- The object, known as 2016 WF9, is
hurtling towards Earth and is being tracked by NASA. NASA
says the object, which could be a comet or an asteroid,
will safely pass Earth at a distance of nearly 32 million
miles on February 25. But Russian astronomer Dr Dyomin
Damir Zakharovich has said the space agency is wrong. Dr
Zakharovich believes the object could hit on February 16
sparking catastrophic tsunamis and causing the planet’s
seas to boil. The Russian says the mysterious object comes
from the rogue planet Niburu, also called Planet X, on the
edge of the solar system. The object they call WF9 left
the Nibiru system in October when Nibiru began spinning
counter clockwise around the sun.

If the public bothers to look for asteroid 2016 WF9 they are
highly likely to notice all the Moon Swirls of Nibiru which blow
in that direction. But the moons in the Moon Swirls are many,
not a single asteroid, so this would raise questions and
discussion on the Internet. Per the Zetas, that’s the idea! The
Sky Live
site provides exacting coordinates for viewing, so amateurs can
line up their scopes and peek away! After all, this asteroid is
supposed to pass close to the Earth. Let the viewing begin!

In addition to bringing up the word Nibiru, this brouhaha also
brings in the concept of a retrograde orbit, that Nibiru has a
retrograde orbit. The angle of the fireballs screaming into the
Earth’s atmosphere matters, as asteroids do not
come directly from the direction of the Sun. Asteroid 2016 WF9
is indeed an asteroid, but the fireball that was heading into
Chelyabinsk in February, 2013 came directly from the Sun, and
was a bolide from the trash in the tail of Nibiru.

ZetaTalk Comment
2/16/2013: Clearly
not an asteroid, the Chelyabinsk meteor came from the
direction of the Sun, where Planet X, aka Nibiru, is wafting
its vast debris ridden tail. Does the Chelyabinsk meteor usher
in a new era of larger and more devastating fireballs
descending upon the Earth? Without a question, and all will be
coming from the direction of the Sun.
So why the emphasis in Dr Zakharovich’s opinion on Asteroid 2016
WF9 changing direction from
a retrograde orbit. Is it even relevant? It is now coming in a
normal counterclockwise orbit. The emphasis is to present yet
another term in the discussion that will lead to ZetaTalk. The
Zetas Path diagram, presented in 1997, shows this turn in
direction for Nibiru as it came inbound. The Zetas described the
reason for the turn to
a retrograde orbit. Dr Zakharovich is confirming
ZetaTalk thus, as well as confirming that Nibiru exists. Per the
Zetas, this is all part of the gradual awakening that is part of
the announcement process.

ZetaTalk Comment
1/28/2017: We
stated early in the ZetaTalk saga, even before Nibiru became
visible in observatory sightings in 2001, that it has assumed
a retrograde orbit. It did so to evade what we have called the
Sweeping Arms of the Sun,
which reaches out from the Sun as it rotates in a
counterclockwise motion. The Sun rotates in this direction,
and forces all the planets in the inner Solar System to orbit
in this direction. Thus asteroids from the Asteroid Belt are
likewise impelled to travel in a counterclockwise manner.
Debris in the tail of Nibiru is on the increase, and after
struggling to claim it is space junk returning to Earth or
annual meteor showers or perhaps an asteroid, the media fell
Why would a Russian astronomer
state that a passing asteroid is an escapee from the tail of
Nibiru? By whatever means, the awakening of the public to the
existence of Nibiru and thus the pending passage of Nibiru
will not be blunt and direct. There will more than likely be
an increasing awareness of the signs that Nibiru has arrived.
One of these signs, of course, is the plethora of bolides and
fireballs screaming to Earth since 2004. As in the case of the
Chelyabinsk bolide, which
came from the direction of the Sun, vs Asteroid 2012 DA14,
which tracked in on the Earth’s orbit just behind the Earth,
both in their counterclockwise orbits, this discussion will
tend to prove Nibiru’s presence near the Sun.
As can be seen by photos of
the Nibiru system, this tail curves out from Nibiru in a
clockwise manner, a retrograde manner, curling under the Sun
and thence up to the left. Nibiru itself also has a retrograde
rotation. What will be the result of this Russian astronomer’s
claims? More headlines with Nibiru in the title. More
discussion on just what rotates in a retrograde manner in the
Solar System. More awareness that the rash of fireballs and
bolides afflicting the Earth are retrograde at their arrival.
More examination of the history of asteroid WF9 in October to
the present, and more “discoveries” in the news.
Bigfoot Encounters
To date, scant evidence of Bigfoot has emerged, other than a
few still photos or a brief video. Careful analysis of the
stride and physique in some of the video captures presents
compelling evidence that the walking harry hominoid is not a
human. No bodies or bones have been
found. There are a handful of documented cases of human/Bigfoot
hybrids that survived in the past, as most such
crossbreeds reportedly die in infancy. No DNA analysis was ever
done on these few hybrid survivors.

Per the Zetas, Bigfoot is a version of early man, and is
incarnated with transplanted souls from another world looking
for peace and reflection. The Zetas have recently stated that
BigFoot encounters will increase and be more obvious, as after
the Pole Shift human survivors will likely be encountering
Bigfoot groups and thus, a good relationship between Bigfoot and
humans needs to be fostered. Has this increasing contact already
started? Perhaps so! Remarkable footage of a Bigfoot family from
a Yellowstone webcam has even hit the press in Russia.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/7/2015: As
the Earth’s Transformation is now, and due to the pending
upheaval and crowded living spaces man and his peers in 3rd
density may encounter each other, the Council of Worlds is
allowing contact among these groups. Thus man may encounter
Bigfoot, increasingly.

- ‘Compelling’ Video of 'Bigfoot Family’
at Yellowstone Divides Web
January 16, 2017
- A so-called “bigfoot family” has
been caught on camera walking around Yellowstone National
Park in Wyoming. The footage, which was filmed on
Christmas Day, is a cellphone recording of a live camera
feed near the Old Faithful geyser at the famous park.
Although the video begins with two of the mysterious
figures sitting down, they’re then joined by four others.
Having clocked up almost 20,000 views, a vast number of
people are of the belief that this particular sighting is
indeed legitimate.