On October 13, 2016 the Earth’s magnetosphere collapsed,
shrinking the magnetic field about the Earth, hugging the Earth
so closely it did not extend out into space. This was an
astonishing occurrence not seen before. It took days to return
to relative normalcy. As shown by the BATSRUS
charts provided by the US government, within an hour, the
collapse occurred.

Compare this to BATSRUS charts collected earlier in 2016. While
BATSRUS has not shown a normal field for some time, and
frequently shows a red magnetic blast from Nibiru hitting the
bowshock or a curling eddy flow behind the Earth, the Earth’s
magnetosphere has never collapsed.

Then, on October 13, 2016 as the hours passed, the magnetic wash
that had destroyed the Earth’s magnetosphere gradually reduced,
putting the Earth in a reduced magnetic bath so that the field
lines emitting from the Earth’s poles began to cautiously emerge
again. What on Earth was causing this? The Zetas explain.

- Magnetosphere Eddy
- Magnetosphere way off today
October 14, 2016. … The following BATSRUS Y-Cut images
recorded on Sept 22-23 show an extraordinarily long
magneton eddy flow that persisted for 11 hours. … BATSRUS
magnetic field image feed resumed today after a 3-week
hiatus. Even with a fragmented image feed provided
retroactively between April 7 and April 20, magneton eddy
flows and severe compression resulting in loss of both
magnetic poles are amply apparent.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
10/22/2016: Clearly
the US government monitors the magnetic storms coming from the
magnetic N Pole of Nibiru and the charge in the charged tail
as it wafts toward Earth. They know what is coming before it
strikes the Earth. The BATSRUS chart from October 14 shows the
Earth’s magnetic field literally hugging the Earth, closed so
tightly around the Earth that it is not visible out in space.
The Earth’s magnetosphere could be considered to have taken to
the bunkers! Those wanting the cover-up over Nibiru to
continue would like to point the finger at Russia somehow, who
is blameless, but Obama and Dunford intend otherwise.
Obama’s 120 Days
If the Earth’s magnetosphere has taken to the bunkers, what
about mankind’s electric grid? Increased electro-magnetic pulse
(EMP) has huge ramifications for mankind’s infrastructure.
Significantly, in the hours before the Earth’s magnetic field
disappeared, an Executive Order (EO) signed by Obama was posted
on the White House site. This was dated October 13, showing that
it had been compiled well ahead of the dramatic impact on the
Earth’s magnetic field. Yes, all those probes peeking at Nibiru,
measuring its progress and where the magnetic hosing from its N
Pole was aimed, had sent a warning. They knew before it
hit. Thus the Earth’s loss of its magnetosphere and Obama’s EO
carried the same date
– October 13, 2015. The Hillary-hugging media, NBC, promptly
suggested Russia might be involved.

- Executive Order -- Coordinating
Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
October 13, 2016
- Section 1. Policy. Space weather
events, in the form of solar flares, solar energetic
particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, occur regularly,
some with measurable effects on critical infrastructure
systems and technologies, such as the Global Positioning
System (GPS), satellite operations and communication,
aviation, and the electrical power grid.
Section 5. Implementation. (a) Within 120 days of the date
of this order, the Secretary of Energy, in consultation
with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall develop a
plan to test and evaluate available devices that mitigate
the effects of geomagnetic disturbances on the electrical
power grid through the development of a pilot program that
deploys such devices, in situ, in the electrical power
- CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber
Strike Against Russia
October 14, 2016
- The Obama administration is
contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against
Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in
the American presidential election. Current and former
officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the
CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House
for a wide-ranging "clandestine" cyber operation designed
to harass and "embarrass" the Kremlin leadership.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
10/22/2016: What
do these intersecting events have in common, as a nexus. On
October 13, 2016 Obama writes an EO seeking to mitigate
electro-magnetic-pulse (EMP) destruction of the electric grid
in the US. EMP caused by the charged tail of Nibiru has been
on the increase for several years, the latest example the
Hoboken crash. Then on October 14, 2016 the BATSRUS charts
paint an astonishing picture of the Earth’s magnetosphere,
which seems to have virtually disappeared. Then on October 14,
2016 NBC news reveals that the CIA has been planning cyber
attacks against Russia, who has been accused by the Clinton
campaign of being behind the release of hacked Wikileaks
Of course blaming the Sun, the standard cover for Earth changes
caused by Nibiru, was instantly employed by the media, despite
the fact that “space weather” covers the region between the
Earth and the Sun, that region currently inhabited by Nibiru and
its vast charged tail.

- Obama Orders Government Plan for
‘Extreme Space Weather’
October 14, 2016
- The space weather referred to in
the order also includes temporary disturbances to the
Earth’s magnetic field caused by solar activity, as well
as something known as solar energetic particles, which are
ions and electrons ejected from the sun.
- President Obama calls for a Plan to
Deal with Extreme Space Weather
October 16, 2016
- As President Barack Obama's
administration enters its final stages, he's paying more
attention to what's going on way, way above us than
expected. The famous Carrington event of 1859 started when
a large burst of solar plasma -- called a coronal mass
ejection -- caused a huge geomagnetic storm.
The popular GodlikeProduction
forum lost no time in pointing out that there was a
relationship between the 120 days, which ends on February 10,
2017 and the Inauguration date for the new President, which
occurs on January 21, 2017. How does President Obama expect to
be reviewing the options for this plan in February, when he will
presumably no longer be President? It speaks to his intent to go
into a Third Term.

- President signs Executive Order to
Prepare in the next 120 Days for Space Weather Event
October 14, 2016
- In Utah they are installing
electromagnetic cages around all of the substations. Maybe
ET has EMP side arms. … Guess we know what the new Russian
super weapon is. … There are no pending space storms
incoming that merit this inauguration timed threat. … Yup.
It's Nibiru. Duck and cover. It's also why the Russians
are testing out their shelters. … Hmm so King O could say
US is under attack and stay. … Look to the sky today. Our
magnetosphere is collapsing as we speak. … That’s it.
Cancel the election and roll out martial law. … "Space
weather" means variations in the space environment between
the Sun and Earth (and throughout the solar system) that
can affect technologies in space and on Earth. The primary
types of space weather events are solar flares, solar
energetic particles, and geomagnetic disturbances. …
Interestingly, this order calls for actions to take place
both days before Obama is slated to leave office, and
months afterward. Why, it's almost as if he expects to
still be in charge.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
10/22/2016: We
have been saying for many months that the Council of Worlds
would provide cover to Dunford, if necessary, so that he could
prevent the Clinton/Bush crime family from marching into the
White House. This would likely be an event such as a severe
wobble or the New Madrid adjustment but the Council has many
options at its disposal. Blackouts and EMP would certainly be
one of them. We have also been saying for many months that to
prevent a Clinton stolen election, the 2016 election would
likely be deferred or delayed, allowing Obama a Third Term.
Countering election fraud by the Clinton/Bush crime family
would otherwise present Dunford with a combat zone in all 52
states, an impossible task.
What is the purpose of the
Executive Order requiring a plan to combat EMP, giving the
Department of Energy 120 day to produce this plan? This date
lands after the inauguration date for the new President on
January 21, 2017. But both Obama and Dunford know that date
would not be reached before action to halt the 2016 elections
occurs. This EO is to provide the media with material during
discussions on what is likely to be increasing magnetic
storms, blackouts, power outages, and the chaos that follows.
Meanwhile, the fact of Nibiru as a near and present danger
will likewise become obvious.
Assange Escapes
High drama ensued at the Ecuador Embassy in London where Julian
Assange had sought asylum lo these many years. There were rumors
of a scuffle, someone being led away with a black hood over his
head. Rumors that the Embassy was going to be entered with
Julian taken away, or perhaps he was dead. Rumors that a
visitor, Paula Anderson, had poisoned Assange with a sandwich.

- Julian Assange Assassination Attempt
Fears after Man Spotted Scaling Ecuadorian Embassy Walls
August 22, 2016
- People panicked after Wikileaks
revealed that an unknown man had climbed the building
where Assange has been holed-up for four years.
- Where is Julian Assange? Rumors Swirl
over Whereabouts of WikiLeaks Founder
October 17, 2016
- Reports showed a removal van
being loaded outside the Ecuadorean embassy, prompting
rumors that Assange was to be evicted.
- WikiLeaks - Julian Assange's Internet
Cut and Arrest Rumors Fly
October 17, 2016
- Rumors have started doing the
rounds that Julian Assange has been physically removed
from the Ecuadorian embassy by the London Metropolitan
police. A man, with a black bag over his head, had been
escorted from the building by police. They alleged that
this occurred just 30 minutes after the WikiLeak’s
founder’s internet was cut.
What was clear is that Assange was no longer in communication
via Internet, cut off by a “state party” which was soon
identified to be the Ecuador Embassy itself.

- WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Isn't Dead,
Just Offline
October 17, 2016
- On 16 October 2016, WikiLeaks
posted a series of cryptic numeric tweets, leading many
onlookers to conclude that founder Julian Assange was in
danger and likely dead (and thus a dead man's switch had
been activated). Not long after the mysterious tweets
appeared in October 2016, a Twitter account associated
with Anonymous asserted that they were not indicative of
harm coming to Assange — he was presumably, fine and the
tweets were a form of data integrity verification.
- Wikileaks: Julian Assange's internet
Access 'Cut'
October 18, 2016
- Wikileaks says that Ecuador has
shut down internet access for its founder Julian Assange.
- Mystery Swirls around Assange's
Status at Ecuadorean Embassy
October 18, 2016
- Midway through releasing a series
of damaging disclosures about U.S. presidential contender
Hillary Clinton, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his
hosts at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London abruptly cut him
off from the internet. The news adds another layer of
intrigue to an extraordinary campaign. "We can confirm
Ecuador cut off Assange's internet access Saturday, 5pm
GMT, shortly after publication of Clinton's Goldman Sachs
(speeches)," the group said in a message posted to
Twitter. Had Ecuadorean diplomats lost patience with their
famous Australian houseguest? Had there been some other
kind of confrontation? WikiLeaks said unspecified
"contingency plans" were in place and its Twitter account
was still active. It released the latest tranche of emails
from senior Clinton ally John Podesta, suggesting that,
for now at least, the group's ability to publish has not
been compromised.
Wikileaks tweeted an explanation that the source of the
pressure for Ecuador to stop the Wikileaks was none other than
US State Department Secretary John Kerry.

- Report: John Kerry Demanded Ecuador
Stop Wikileaks Publishing Clinton Documents
October 18, 2016
- Secretary of State John Kerry
demanded that Ecuador stop Wikileaks from publishing
documents damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign back in
September, according to a bombshell claim by the
whistleblower organization.
In that it seemed clear that Assange was in danger, and the
normal diplomatic rules about Embassy security were to be tossed
to the wind in deference to US State Department demands, the
series of codes tweeted by Wikileaks was taken at first to be a
“dead man’s switch”, ie codes to release insurance files which
held the most damming information.

- Dead Man's Switch
- A dead man's switch is a switch
that is automatically operated if the human operator
becomes incapacitated, such as through death, loss of
consciousness, or being bodily removed from control. A
more extreme version is Russia's Dead Hand program, which
allows for automatic launch of nuclear missiles should a
number of conditions be met, even if all Russian
leadership were to be killed. A similar concept has been
employed with computer data, where sensitive information
has been previously encrypted and released to the public,
and the "switch" is the release of the decryption key, as
with WikiLeaks' "insurance files".
- WikiLeaks
- If anything happens to Assange or
the website, a key will go out to unlock the files. There
would then be no way to stop the information from
spreading like wildfire because so many people already
have copies. On 17 August 2013, WikiLeaks released another
three insurance files. Like previous insurance files, the
contents of these three insurance files are still unknown.
On 3 June 2016, WikiLeaks released an 87.6 GiB AES-256
encrypted insurance file.
Had Assange been killed? If still alive, was he still at the
Embassy? No one seemed to know for sure, although Wikileaks was
assuring the public that he was indeed alive and well and the
Zetas confirm.

ZetaTalk Insight
10/22/2016: Is
Assange dead? No. Is he still at the Ecuador Embassy in
London? No. One of the rumors floated early during this
current kerfuffle was that a man with a black hood over his
head had been led from the Embassy. This was Assange, and he
is long gone from the UK, with friends, and quite safe in an
undisclosed location. Assange cannot be reached via Internet
at the Ecuador Embassy as this was part of the escape plan.
Until he communicates from a new location, or as a disembodied
entity seemingly in outer space, they will not reveal that he
has vacated the Embassy.
Cutting the Internet
connection was to relieve pressure, giving the impression that
his hosts had now caved to the Clinton crowd. But like the
mythical Hydra, who had an infinite number of heads so that
cutting one off only resulted in more heads growing, attacking
Assange was a bad move by the Clinton criminal family. Assange
forsaw this day, when the pressure from powerful entities he
was threatening became so desperate they would resort to
anything - drones or bombing the entire block of houses or
poison gas affecting even nearby residents. This move by
Assange protects those who had been so hospitable to him, at
danger to themselves.
This Assange drama depicts
the present End Times battle between good and evil that is
taking place in the US at present. The Clinton crime machine
includes the entire Bush crime family as well as Jewish
bankers struggling to maintain dominance in the world, and the
Wall Street gamblers known as Hedge Fund managers. Soros is a
Hedge Fund billionaire. At a time when BRICS and the
China/Russian financial alliance has pulled most of the world
into using other than Western loans and dollars, this crime
family has resorted to any crime necessary - assassination and
election fraud to name but a few.
Assange is aware that though
the Clinton crime family is being fought on many fronts, that
this well planned election cycle is such that it is a powerful
machine operating on many fronts. Almost the entire US media
is in their pocket, so that CNN and NBC cannot be trusted a
wit. Election fraud in ALL states is in place, in the counting
rooms, so that for Dunford to attempt to counter this fraud on
November 8 would be impossible. State law allows states to run
their elections, so even federal oversight would have a
minimal impact on the election results.
Look to Michigan during the
Democratic primaries. Sanders won the caucus states where
counting was done in public, but Hillary won the rest. In
Michigan, where the polls had her ahead of Sanders by 20
points, he won by 2 points in the sole primary vote done
honestly. The shock can be seen on Hillary’s face, the day
after Easter Sunday. She had obviously had another minor
stroke, the left side of her mouth out of control. Assange
recognized that the risk of Hillary and the Clinton crime
family securing the White House was too great, and put his
escape plan into action.
Indeed, there is no other way to explain the dramatic win
Sanders achieved in Michigan, where all the polls showed Hillary
up by 20 points, yet she lost to Sanders by 2 points in the
Primary. Poll rigging has been demonstrated in the race between
Hillary and Trump too, where pollsters mix in far too
many Democratic voters until the desired status for
Hillary is reached.

- What the Stunning Bernie Sanders Win
in Michigan Means
March 9, 2016
- He won the Michigan primary over
Hillary Clinton, 50 percent to 48 percent, when not a
single poll taken over the last month had Clinton leading
by less than 5 percentage points. In fact, many had her
lead at 20 percentage points or higher.