Bolides are Back
As the vast and debris ridden tail of Nibiru turns toward the
Earth, fireballs screaming across the skies have returned. Each
waft of the tail brings these bolides back, afresh. Recently, on
September 29, 2016, a bolide seen from Montana to Washington
State landed in Idaho. In that Yellowstone is just to the south,
in Wyoming, the fact that some
residents smelled sulfur was a concern. The bolide cracked
the ground open when it landed.

- They are saying helicopters are
in the area where people are smelling the sulfur. The
light was seen in 3 states, but the light and smells are
coming from Priest River, Newport and surrounding cities.
A lady in Diamond Lake Washington smells and tastes sulfur
in the air.
Not two days earlier, on September 27, 2016 a bolide fell off
the Gold Coast of Australia. This was enough of a thud to
register as an earthquake. Per the Zetas, more to follow. Until
the passage of Nibiru has come and gone, we can expect incoming
debris. Their advice is to stand against a cliff, a rock wall,
during the passage, as debris always comes in at an angle and
will deflect and not drop straight down.

- 'It Lit Up the Beach': Reports of
large Meteor Crash off Queensland Coast
September 27, 2016
- Central Queensland residents have
reported bright lights and a loud boom in the night sky,
sparking speculation of a meteor strike. A spokesperson
for Geosciences Australia confirmed there had been a
“tremor” around Gladstone about 8.30pm on Monday and that
it wasn’t caused by an earthquake.
- Mysterious Flash Over Australia was
Likely a Meteor Crashing Offshore
September 27, 2016
- A thunderous boom and a bright
flash over the coast of northeastern Australia Monday
night may have been a “big meteor” strike, according to
local media.
ZetaTalk Advice
7/15/1995: The
best defense for humans is to huddle near cliffs, out of the
wind, not in open fields, as most missiles that crash to
Earth, large boulders, will not drop straight down! They come
in at an angle, and will glance off hilltops, bouncing about.
Thus, those in ravines are unlikely to experience a direct
ZetaTalk Advice
7/17/2010: When
Planet X begins its outbound passage over the head of the
hapless Earth, is has turned its N Pole toward the Earth once
again and the tail wraps around the Earth and coils in all
directions. It is not interacting with the Earth, in this
regard, but with itself. During the hour of the pole shift,
when the tail will whip the Earth, the direction to be
concerned about is primarily the direction of the hurricane
force winds! Debris in the air will be affected by this more
than any trajectory it has upon entry into the atmosphere. The
second factor will be the direction the earth is moving during
the hour of the shift. Think of the fireballs that have been
screaming into view lately in Canada, Scandinavia, the
Midwest, and New Zealand. The trajectory is primarily from
east to west! This is because the Earth is turning in that
direction, when it encounters this debris, and thus this is
the angle of descent. During the hour of the pole shift,
Brazil will be moving up toward the current N Pole, and India
will be moving down toward the current S Pole. It is from this
direction that large debris will arrive.
Fight or Flight
Anger is on the increase. Waiting in line, dealing with little
frustrations normal to everyday life, have lately resulted in
unwarranted anger. What’s causing this? Is it the Earth changes,
affecting the populace? This seems to be on the increase. Here
are a couple pertinent reports.
- Had a discussion at work today in
Arizona and we were all commenting on how upset everyone
seems to be. Easily flying off the handle, ready to fight
in a minute, or stressed to the max and breaking down
sobbing. Is it electro-magnetic or are we being purposely
bombarded with some weird energy? Is it the influence of
Nibiru getting closer? Solar storms? I can't sleep
although I am exhausted.
- I work at a store in Canada in
the checkout lane and fights are breaking out all the
time, for no reason. One woman threw her deli meat almost
at me and at the last minute threw it onto the belt of the
till and stood ready to fight because she wanted to be
served almost immediately. Another guy came in and wanted
water and he just lost it as soon as he was told there
were government taxes on top of what he had to pay. He
started screaming and swearing. He didn't leave the store
until he found he wasn't being listened to. People also
stand impatiently at the till tapping their fingers
waiting to be served as if we're super speed tellers, or
they stand there waiting to be served but do nothing to
help but snap at us and tell us how to pack their stuff
and when we do it's not good enough and they start
yelling. Recently we've had tellers walking out on us. One
last week didn't bother to turn up, most unusual for her,
and another just walked off the job without so much a by
your leave type of thing. This is in the last two weeks,
but these incidents have also occurred during the last few
Uncontrollable rage is epitomized by The Hulk, a fictional
character who turns green and powerful when angry. The Hulk
rages until his anger is spent, like the blind rage known to
occur in cornered animals. Per the Zetas, its origins were
survival, a survival mechanism, but it lingers in our DNA
causing societal problems.

ZetaTalk Insight
7/15/1995: Violence
is often a necessary ingredient for primitive life. Depending
on the environment, violent tendencies may in fact be crucial
to survival. Your Earth was such an environment. First off,
species eat each other. As has been often stated, the species
on your planet generally use fight or flight when confronted
with this possibility. If the defensive posture does not
succeed in deflecting the attack, taking the offensive in a
parry is undertaken. The defensive posture is dropped and
replaced with what is termed blind rage. The one under attack
is now the attacker. Savage fury is unfurled. Everything in
sight is devastated, without remorse or hesitation.
In the US, the term Going Postal emerged to describe unfocused
frustration taken out on co-workers or employers. During the
Great Depression, farmers finding the banks foreclosing on their
farms were known to charge into banks and shoot the bankers, but
this was directed rage. Going Postal is considered undirected
rage, an explosive release of anger striking at everyone in the

- Going Postal
- Going postal, in American English
slang, means becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry,
often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace
environment. The expression derives from a series of
incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal
Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow
workers, and members of the police or general public in
acts of mass murder. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40
people were gunned down by current or former employees in
at least 20 incidents of workplace rage.
- Mass Killings: Why American Men are
"Going Postal"
January 31, 2013
- American white men and Asian men
have lost the family wage and with it their hegemonic
positions in what was once secure employment. The have
simultaneously lost their dominant positions in intimate
and family life. The key figure in the economic and social
disempowerment of US workers was Ronald Reagan, who began
his presidency by firing the mass of striking air traffic
controllers and destroying their union. With the
destruction of the Air Traffic Controllers Union, Reagan
shot his first round into the body of labor. The chance to
negotiate union wages and job conditions was gravely
wounded. More shots followed.
Frustrated by lack of jobs for black youth, whose unemployment
hovers around 50%, and frustrated by what is viewed as unequal
educational and work opportunities, riots result. Black Lives
Matter is an inherently peaceful protest, but triggered by what
is viewed as the recent shooting to death of unarmed black men,
riots have ensued. The rage can lash out at what is viewed
as the enemy – white people.

- How Black Lives Matter-Style Activism
Is Ruining America
September 30, 2016
- Here’s the basic reality. Crime
rates in America have gone down quite a bit since the
1980s and 1990s. Nevertheless, we still have relatively
high rates of violent crime compared to other Western
nations, and our murder rate has ticked up a bit over the
past year. There are places where murder is rampant, and
places where it’s shocking and rare. That’s partly related
to gangs, which are turf-oriented such that you pretty
much know where to find them.
- ‘Black Lives Matter’ Rioters Target
Whites For Beat Downs
August 14, 2016
- Video footage shows violent mobs
of ‘Black Lives Matter’ rioters targeting white people for
brutal beat downs during unrest in Milwaukee. Another clip
shows a man trying to justify the violence by claiming
that rich people don’t give blacks enough money.
Per the Zetas, increased irritability and anger in the
populace is due to many factors, but primarily the sense in the
populace that they are being lied to by the establishment, who
continue to collect taxes and protect their own livelihoods
while lying to the common man. A second factor is the stress in
the rock, generating electronic screech which animals take as a
signal to flee. Mankind does not listen to these clues, unlike
their pets who leave home at these times, fleeing. Unable to
flee, and not even acknowledging the distress these signals are
causing, mankind takes it out on others in the vicinity.

ZetaTalk Comment
10/8/2016: Is
the populace on edge? Even if not consciously noted, the
populace is subconsciously aware. They see the Sun rising or
setting in the wrong place and at the wrong times. The Moon is
not where expected. The weatherman cannot predict the weather,
which is atypical and erratic with extreme wildfires and
floods. The price of food keeps rising and shortages noted. In
N America the tension in the rock is so extreme that pets and
domestic animals feel they must flee, and even though humans
suppress their awareness of the electronic screech in the
rock, they also feel this urge.
We have mentioned in the past that the populace senses they
are being lied to, that both the establishment and the media
under establishment control are feeding them lies. Election
theft has become the norm in Western countries, the supposed
Democracies of the world, and the populace can see this, are
not fooled. When the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia dropped
during the 7 of 10 plate movements, their establishment lied
about it, claiming rains had brought the sea water inland.
While Russia tries to keep ISIS from invading Europe, the
populace in the West is being told by NATO and the EU that
Russia is the villain.
The USGS has once again
dialed down the sensitivity of their seismographs so the
populace feels quakes and shaking that is denied. Where Nibiru
is not visible to all, at every glance, the number of people
who note an orb or many light orbs around the Sun increases
daily, and chatter about Nibiru fills the Internet. What does
the common man do in such a circumstance? They feel powerless,
as any complaints to the establishment get ignored. They do
not have control of the media, and can only use the Internet
or social media to complain. Thus, with a sense of doom, and
without any guidance from the establishment, they can only
wind up like a spring, waiting to snap. And snap they do.
What to do in these circumstances? Turn the urge to take action
– fight of flight – into positive action. Be a modern
day Noah and build an arc. The Zetas have long advised
that action plans be at the ready for the hours after the pole
shift. If not, the distress of what the human perceives was an attack will be turned to
fist fights or anger turned inward, ie depression. These action
plans can be simple, as simple as collecting dishes not broken,
food from refrigerators that will spoil, and preparing a
neighborhood barbeque. What about making make-shift shelters
from junk strewn around in the high winds, and getting those
mattresses out of the rain. Be ready to turn rage into positive
action, is the Zeta advice.

ZetaTalk Suggestion
12/1/2002: Throughout
the world, survivors of the shift will react in different
ways. Survivors might be angry at themselves for lack of
proper preparation, or angry at the gods for delivering the
storm, or angry at the authorities for not issuing an earlier
warning, or angry at the insurance companies for not replacing
lost goods, but anger is the mode. Thus, survivors, even in
camps where all were mentally prepared, will be angry, red
faced, and wanting to explode on some excuse or another. What
to do with all that anger? Direct it into activity, productive
ICANN Control
Control of ICANN, which assigns domain names the unique numbers
needed to navigate on the Internet, has finally been transferred
from the US to an international consortium. This transfer had
been many years in process, and was resisted by some in the US.
Per the Zetas, this is a positive move. The danger is not the
international consortium, it is the Bush/Clinton crime family
potentially gaining control of domain name management.

- US Hands Internet Control to ICANN
October 1, 2016
- The long-planned turnover takes
place, but not before triggering an outcry from critics.
The transfer involved the internet's domain name system,
or DNS, which translates the Web addresses you type into
your browser, like "," into the numerical language
that net-connected computers use to communicate. Under a
plan that's been in the works for years, the US Department
of Commerce shuttled control of the DNS to a nonprofit
called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN), whose multiple stakeholders include
technical experts, as well as representatives of
governments and businesses.
- The Internet Was Just Taken Over by a
Global Monopoly, and No One Even Noticed
October 1, 2016
- The United States ceded oversight
of one of the Internet’s most basic and fundamental
functions — the so-called “root zone,” which governs new
domain names and addresses — handing it over to a small
non-profit group by allowing a 47-year contract to
expire. For decades, the U.S. Commerce Department
held a contract with the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN) — whose executives and board of
directors must now report to an Internet “stakeholder
community,” loosely comprised of academics, activists,
engineers, government officials, and corporate interests.
In theory, this advisory panel could revoke ICANN’s
authority entirely should it not live up to expectations —
but all actions “are supposed to be done by consensus.”

ZetaTalk Comment
10/8/2016: What
does ICANN control, and what does this ownership change imply?
Most in the public do not understand that the Internet
actually works via numbers, so every website or email address
is known by an internal number string, not the popular name
the public associates with or, etc. When
you request to browse CNN’s website, your Internet Service
Provider (ISP) whom you connect to via a wifi or cable or
phone line converts your request into a number string,
and does so via a database called a Domain Name Server (DNS).
There are many DNS in the
world, but a particular domain, such as, will use only
one of these servers, so their numeric address will not be
repeated on other DNS. The user’s IPS will seek for,
and when it is found amidst the DNS will convert to the
numeric identification, and make the web browser connection.
That said, what control is actually being transferred to the
international consortium now in charge? There are a limited
number of numeric identifications to serve the burgeoning use
of the Internet, and parsing them out must conserve the
availability. Requests could be refused.

A second source of control
over the Internet could be refusal to approve a new domain
request. At present there are multiple domain name agents, who
interface with the public and assign new domain names. GoDaddy
is an example, encouraging the public to get their own domain
name, based on their personal name, and setup a little website
based on his domain name at the same time. This type of
seemingly unlimited domain name availability could cease, so
reuse of existing domain names and their assigned numbers
might become a new business.
Could the new ICANN owners
shut down the Internet? We have repeatedly
explained that the nature of the Internet resists this
type of takedown. It was designed to flow like water around
blockages, so the packets keep moving even if they find an
electrical outage or a broken transfer point. Control must
then be exerted at the ISP, the first point of connection made
by the public, as was recently attempted by FaceBook and
Israel in Africa. This takeover was abruptly and pointedly
stopped by the Council of Worlds when the FaceBook
satellite launch exploded.
A third point of control is
assignment of unique numbers to new domain names, as each
request must be approved. In general, entities such as
Go-Daddy are given a block of numbers to use, but if these
become restricted, new domain names could be slow in being
approved. There are also a host of DNS at work as satellites,
worldwide, so that rapid internet connections can occur. These
servers are owned and maintained by numerous business
entities, hosted in many different countries. If these were to
be restricted by new regulations, forced into a single DNS
arrangement, then access to the Internet could be suddenly
lost. A single change in the DNS can break the connection, so
that no longer delivers the website.
Should the public fear the
loss of control by the US government over ICANN? They should
rather have feared continuing control by the Bush/Clinton
crime family, who are so ensconced in election fraud
techniques that George W Bush became the President in 2000 and
2004 when his opponents actually won. So practiced in election
fraud methods that Sanders in fact won the Democratic Primary,
but was only allowed to claim his win in caucus states where
there were too many witnesses for the Hillary theft to be
successful. If Hillary cannot be stopped in the US, George
Soros and the Hillary crime family would indeed use the
Internet in their attempts to take over the world. Thus, this
ICANN move was timely and necessary.