Zika Virus
The Zika virus, hardly a new virus, is striking fear in
tropical areas because it feeds on nerve and brain tissue,
causing microcephaly and an auto-immune reaction to nerve virus
activity - Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). I, Nancy, am acutely
aware of what GBS is, having been quadriplegic for months with
this when 21 years old, and still afflicted with muscular
weakness due to the permanent damage to nerves in my spinal
cord. Zika is related to other virus that is attracted to nerve
cells, such as the encephalitis virus. But what is particularly
upsetting is its affect on the developing fetus – microcephaly,
a small head with reduced brain size.

- Zika Virus
- In humans, it initially causes a
mild illness known as Zika fever, Zika, or Zika disease,
which since the 1950s has been known to occur within a
narrow equatorial belt from Africa to Asia. In 2014, the
virus spread eastward across the Pacific Ocean to French
Polynesia, then to Easter Island and in 2015 to Central
America, the Caribbean, and South America, where the Zika
outbreak has reached pandemic levels. Zika virus is
related to dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis,
and West Nile viruses. There is a possible link between
Zika fever and microcephaly in newborn babies of infected
- British Medics warn Pregnant Women of
Risk from Virus which leaves Babies Deformed
January 26, 2015
- There is an unprecedented
outbreak in Brazil, where in the past 12 months there have
been nearly 4,000 cases of babies being born with
abnormally small heads. Pregnant women have already been
officially warned to avoid travelling to South America.
It's an emerging virus. Clinically it is very similar to
dengue and it has the potential to spread wherever there
is dengue. Health professionals should also be vigilant
for: any increase of neurological and autoimmune
syndromes, congenital malformations in new born infants in
patients with a history of travel to areas where Zika
virus transmission is known to occur.
- Local Zika Cases in 33 Nations as GBS
Numbers Climb
February 5, 2016
- Countries and territories
reporting local transmission of Zika virus now number 33,
with 6 more showing indication of such transmission and 7
experiencing a parallel rise in cases of microcephaly
(small heads in infants) or the neurologic condition
called Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), the World Health
Organization (WHO) said.
There have been conspiracy theories about Zika being a
manufactured virus, to reduce the population, but per the Zetas
none of this is true. However, those elements among the elite
hoping to reduce the number of what they call “useless eaters”
might try to be opportunists in some manner. But Zika itself is
not new, and not spreading at the hand of man.
ZetaTalk Comment
1/30/2016: When
we first wrote about anticipating increasing illness – in man,
animals, and all fauna and flora – we stressed that the spread
of germs new to mankind should not be interpreted as a
deliberate act, genocide of some kind. Extinctions occur
during Pole Shifts, in the animal kingdom and in all life
forms, due to the extensive die-off that a sudden and radical
climate change brings about. Then there is the issue of a
depressed immune system, which is not the issue with the
spread of Zika, but will certainly be a factor as mankind
becomes depressed about their changing lot in life. Zika has
marched across the globe due to mankind’s desire to travel to
tropical locations while on vacation.
The spread of Zika is quite logical, given that man is
traveling about via airplane regularly. They assume this as
their right. We have explained that Ebola used to infect a
village in Africa, an infection from the local creatures that
crawled out from the swamps or were bushmeat eaten as food,
and the entire village would die. That promptly stopped the
epidemic. Nowadays the villagers go into town, infect a
waste swath of the populace, and sell the infected meat to the
town’s butcher. Man’s lifestyle will spread more than the
horrific Zika virus, as the Earth changes progress, with
horrors greater than the deformed brains of the unborn. These
babies will die, rather quickly, but some infections linger
and are painful.
The Zetas warned that during the Earth changes, the climate
changes, opportunistic germs would migrate.
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/15/1998: Increasingly,
as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This
will take the form of known illnesses occurring more
frequently, seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also
appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen before in the
memory of man. What is going on here? The germs are on the
move. Their carriers are on the move. And thus humans are
exposed to diseases that are so rare as to be undocumented in
medical journals. You will see increasing illness, odd
illnesses, microbes that travel because an insect is
scattering about and spreading germs in places where it
normally doesn't travel. This does not mean that the illness
has been spread deliberately.
Syria Ceasefire
The battle against ISIS in Syria has many fronts and many
agendas. First there is the religious differences among some of
the major players – Sunni or Shia. Iran and Syria’s current
leader, Assad, are Shia. Saudi Arabia and ISIS are Sunni. Then
there is Turkey’s proven role in brokering stolen Syrian oil for
ISIS, thus funding ISIS. The Kurds have been highly effective in
fighting ISIS but Turkey considers them terrorists as they want
their territory back from Turkish control. Israel’s view on the
battle is that Assad should be removed, because he supports
Palestinian independence. The US had formerly supported this
position, arming Syrian rebels fighting Assad, but then the
rebels joined ISIS and thus the US found that it had armed ISIS.
Enter Russia into the fray, which has proven to be the solution.
ISIS is no longer on the move but instead is losing territory,
with many key battles along the Turkey border.

- Turkey ‘Won’t Let’ Azaz, Syria, Fall
to Kurdish Militia
February 15, 2016
- Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed
Davutoglu said Ankara will not allow the town of Azaz in
northern Syria to fall to the Kurdish YPG. He warned the
YPG not to move east of its Afrin region or west of the
Euphrates River. The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a
statement that Turkish strikes on Syrian territory breach
the UN Security Council’s resolution, and called on Ankara
to cease immediately the ongoing "military provocations."
Washington and Paris have called on Turkey to cease its
massive artillery bombardment against Kurdish targets and
de-escalate tensions on all sides.
- Syrian Army Advances into Raqqa in
Major Anti-ISIS Assault
February 15, 2016
- Syrian government forces and
Palestinian armed militia captured the strategically
important Tal Masbah hilltop, the last entrenched Islamic
State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) position.
- Syrian Forces Start Offensive in
Southern Aleppo, Russia and Iran Provide Support
October 16, 2016
- According to the reports the
pro-Assad forces captured 4 check points of the
terrorists. The Russian warplanes carried out at least 6
air raids on the terrorists’ positions to support the
pro-government forces’ actions. Six senior military
officers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are
also there.
Russia has as its partners Iran, France, the US, the Kurds,
Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This horrifies Turkey, which is
a NATO member and thus supposedly a partner with the US, and the
Saudi’s, also supposedly an ally of the US, and Israel, which
considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The fact that the
San Bernardino attack in the US had a Saudi connection was
obvious. It was funded by the Saudis. With friends like this,
who needs enemies? Saudi Arabia has mustered their military and
partnered with Turkey to counter Russia’s influence in the
region, moving their jets to a Turkey base. Thus we have Ben
Fulford predicting that Turkey and Saudi Arabia will be carved
up, as covered in Issue 480 of this
newsletter recently. They are taking on Russia
in all of this, kicking the big bear, to defend their interests
and ambitions, and banking that the US will rush in and rescue
them. Obama won’t do this, and thus ultimately, Turkey and the
Saudis will be carved up, and the Palestinians will get their
statehood, just as Ben Fulford predicted.

- Saudi Jets to Fly Missions in Syria
from Turkish Base
February 13, 2015
- Saudi Arabia is to deploy
military jets and personnel to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base
in the south of the country. The base is already used by
the US Air Force for their sorties in Syria. Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain and the UAE voiced their readiness to contribute
troops for a ground operation in Syria on the condition
that the US would lead the intervention. The US, Turkey
and Saudi Arabia have shared goals in Syria, as all three
want the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad to be
toppled by rebel forces. On other issues they differ. For
example, the US supports Kurdish forces in Syria who
scored significant military victories against IS, but
Turkey considers them terrorists and is targeting them
with airstrikes.
- Hezbollah Vows to 'Slaughter Saudi
forces' if they Try to Invade Iraq
February 15, 2016
- Amid Saudi Arabia's declarations
that it is ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight
ISIS, a military spokesman for Hezbollah in Iraq claimed
that "the servants of the Saudi entity will never be able
to deal with Hezbollah's fighters."
What role does the proposed ceasefire in Syria have in all of
this? This is a Russian proposal, showing the steady hand and
good judgement of Russia. They are not seeking to invade Turkey
or Saudi Arabia while fighting ISIS. ISIS is flooding millions
of immigrants into Europe, via the land bridge provided by
Turkey, threatening to destabilize Europe. ISIS has turned Iraq
blood red with beheadings and the slaughtering of innocents who
they considered to be of the wrong religion. The US trained
Iraqis proved powerless to stop them, with only another US led
war seemingly the solution, but Obama has vowed to stop the
cycle of endless boots on the ground in the Middle East that the
Bush administration started. Where will this proposed ceasefire
lead? Per the Zetas, this mess will arrive right where Ben
Fulford predicted.

- Syrian Endgame: Saudi Arabia and
Turkey Poised to Invade?
February 7, 2016
- As we speak, the most decisive
battle in the Syrian Civil War is being waged, and it’s a
make or break moment for the Assad regime, and for Putin.
Forces allied with the Syrian Army such as Hezbollah and
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, have surrounded Aleppo, a
hotly contested rebel stronghold and previously the
largest city in the country. Thousands of civilians are
fleeing the city en masse as these forces close in, while
the Russian Air Force pummels the area day and night. If
the Syrian government takes the city back, it will be a
devastating blow for any rebel forces in the country, ISIS
or otherwise. It will be marked in history as a major
turning point for Assad and the Kremlin, and a massive
rebuke to the demands of the United States and her allies.
As for those allies, they may not be willing to take this
defeat sitting down. Under the guise of fighting ISIS,
Saudi Arabia has announced that they intend to put boots
on the ground in Syria, if the US agrees to it. But
Saudi Arabia may not be the only anti-Assad country to
join the fray, at least if the Russians can be believed.
They claim that Turkey, which has long been accused of
supporting ISIS, may be preparing to invade the country.
- Syria Crisis Plan: Cessation of
Hostilities, Humanitarian Airdrops, Peace Talks laid out in
February 12, 2016
- An ambitious plan to end
hostilities in Syria with verifiable results within a
week, revive the Geneva-3 peace talks, and immediately
begin delivering humanitarian aid to civilians has been
unveiled in Munich, Germany after talks including the US,
Russia, and the UN. Russia is counting on the US and other
ISSG countries to put pressure on the Syrian opposition to
cooperate with the UN. The main objective that everyone
agrees on is to destroy Islamic State. Operations against
all groups designated by the UN as terrorists will
continue, including the fight against Islamic State and
Al-Nusra Front.
ZetaTalk Opinion
2/13/2016: The
ceasefire proposed jointly by Russia, the US and the UN will
succeed, in parallel with the mopping up operation which will
result in the defeat of ISIS and the Middle East reconfigured
as Ben Fulford has predicted. Turkey and the Saudis may indeed
try to engage, sending troops into Syria, but this will not be
to defeat ISIS but to protect their interests and maintain
ISIS. Thus putting themselves at risk to being engaged by
Russia, they will find themselves carved up and defeated as
Fulford has predicted. The Syrian migrant flood will turn
around and return to their homeland, a key goal of the
ceasefire, and Israel will finally be forced to return land to
the Palestinians.
Gravity Waves
Gravity Waves burst onto the stage with the announcement that
they had been “discovered” when two black holes collided. The
astronomers involved had visual and even claimed auditory proof
of the waves.

- Gravitational Waves Detected,
Confirming Einstein’s Theory
February 11, 2016
- Scientists say they heard the
faint chirp of two black holes colliding a billion
light-years away, fulfilling Einstein's general theory of
- Einstein's Gravitational Waves 'Seen'
from Black Holes
February 11, 2016
- Scientists are claiming a
stunning discovery in their quest to fully understand
gravity. They have observed the warping of space-time
generated by the collision of two black holes more than a
billion light-years from Earth. The international team
says the first detection of these gravitational waves will
usher in a new era for astronomy. It is the culmination of
decades of searching and could ultimately offer a window
on the Big Bang. The research, by the LIGO Collaboration,
has been published today in the journal Physical Review
Letters. The collaboration operates a number of labs
around the world that fire lasers through long tunnels,
trying to sense ripples in the fabric of space-time. The
black hole merger was picked up by two widely separated
LIGO facilities in the US. The merger radiated three times
the mass of the sun in pure gravitational energy.
Gravitational waves are prediction of the Theory of
General Relativity.
Where the astronomers cite that this fits perfectly with
Einstein’s theories, this also fits perfectly with the Zeta’s
description of gravity particles and how a day in the life of a
graviton plays out. In other words, Zetas Right
Again! Indeed, from the start of the ZetaTalk saga some 20 years
ago, they went on record.

ZetaTalk Repulsion
Force 9/15/1995:
The repulsion force is
generated as a result of two bodies exerting a gravitational
force on each other. Humans have calculated the force of
gravity, which at first they assumed was equal for all objects
but lately have come to understand is stronger for larger
objects. They have formulas for the force of gravity which
have proved accurate on the face of their home planet. These
formulas are incomplete, and would not work as expected
elsewhere, however. The repulsion force is infinitesimally
smaller than the force of gravity, but has a sharper curve so
that it equals the force of gravity at the point of contact.
ZetaTalk Gravity
Flow 5/15/1998: Gravity particles, in their
motion, do not affect what they move against or through, the
effect being in essence mechanical. The upward drafts push
aside other matter, letting it return upon completion of the
updraft, leaving no trace of the temporary tear. The downward
push of gravity particles returning to the large mass they are
attracted to, the core of the Earth for instance, spread out
upon objects they encounter, taking some time to drift through
these object and with a constant downward press during the
motion of this drift.
ZetaTalk Wave
Form 2/15/1997: What all matter seeks is a static
state where all parts of it are equal and none moving, like a
jell, but as equality in matter can never exist due to
inherent differences in particle size and nature, motion never
ceases. Always trying, but never succeeding. Subatomic
particles move in a wave pattern due to this attraction and
desire to equalize crowding. Two particles move apart from
each other to reduce crowding but then find they are attracted
to each other when crowding has been reduced and move toward
each other again.
How does the new discovery of gravity waves confirm the Zeta
gravity concepts? The Zetas point to a 1998 argument with human
astronomers and mathematicians on sci.astro about why the
massive Moon of Earth remains in the sky, when by all logic it
should fall to Earth. In this argument, they used mankind’s
Inverse Square formula and Newton’s Centrifugal Force theorem.
During this debate with
the Zetas, the humans involved could not admit that the Zetas
won, even when the Zetas beat them with their own math.

Article: <6l912i$715@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Challenge to Jim Scotti
Date: 5 Jun 1998 14:58:26 GMT
In article <356F1C21.25F1@spammers.of.the.world.unite.etc>
M.C.Harrison writes:
> I'll express the inverse square thing as simply as possible.
> Given an orbiting object, with distance (d), period (p) and
> mass of primary (m), we expect p^2/d^3 to be constant for
> a given primary. And we also expect mass of primary to
> define acceleration force, so we expect m * p^2/d^3 to be
> constant for all orbits.
And then goes on to compare the orbit of the Moon around the Earth
versus various other orbiting objects in our Solar System with closely
estimated distances, periods, and mass to show that m * p^2/d^3 all
equals about 80, implying that the formulas are correct.
The formula used meters, days, and I would assume some standard metric
for mass such as metric tons. LOOKS pretty impressive. But
the Zetas want to speak to this.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Basically, the closer an orbiting object moves to its gravitational
giant, the faster it must move to stay aloft. This formula does indeed
describe a phenomena in nature. However, this formula PRESUMES that
all factors are known and taken into consideration. Only a few
centuries ago your astronomers were describing the Sun and heavens
orbiting the Earth! They too thought they had the right formulas,
which they worked up to describe what they observed, but were missing a
big piece. The Earth was NOT flat, the Sun did NOT orbit the Earth,
regardless of how nicely their math described what they observed. The
child might deduct the Postman rule, stating that each day for each
household a Postman arrives, except on Sundays. In his small world,
this is correct, but would you say he had a Universal formula there?
We have demonstrated, though your and Eric's contributions, that your
inverse square law put together with Newton's rule balancing gravity
pull and centrifugal force would have the equivalent of a million,
trillion metric ton Moon up where your satellites and Concord position
themselves, moving at only twice the speed of the Concord or 1/4 the
speed of your stationary satellites. Intuitively, the common man
understands that something is wrong! What is wrong is what is MISSING.
The Moon fails to fall to Earth, in spite of having this great pull
toward Earth with scarcely any orbiting speed, because it is being
pushed UP by exiting gravity particle flow, what we have termed the
Repulsion Force.
If you state that this is NOT so, then you must explain how the Moon
could have an equivalent weight of a million, trillion metric tons
Earth surface weight, while only moving at 1023 m/s, twice the speed of
the Concord and 1/4 the speed of your stationary satellites. Would you
stay smug about your formulas when they have been shown to be absurd?
(End ZetaTalk[TM])
Last week, in article <6kl07u$ga5@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com> The Zetas
stated: > The theatre of the absurd is about to open. And it has!
And now, the Zetas explain how the gravity waves show the
Zetas Right Again.
ZetaTalk Analysis
2/13/2016: From
the start of the ZetaTalk saga we have been asked to explain
gravity, which man tends to describe as a “force” as his lack
of understanding about this phenomena is so great.
Gravity is a particle flow, and as with most particle flows
the gravity particles are both attracted to each other and
explode apart from each other when crowding occurs. Why God so
structured his Universe in this manner is not known, but what
it causes is constant motion. Electrons chase each other and
run away from each other, for instance, as do magnetons.
Gravitons are a mystery to mankind as where the attraction
part is clear, the blowing apart, ie the Repulsion Force, has
only been explained by ourselves, the Zetas. Man is still
floundering and groping toward this understanding.
During the sci.astro debates,
Nancy presented our description of the Repulsion Force to
astronomers on the sci.astro Usenet to much ridicule. She
proved this to them with a simple exercise – computing why the
Moon remains up in the sky
using two of mankind’s favored math theorems – Newton’s
Centrifugal Force and the Inverse Square Law of gravity
attraction. To quote the
result “These figures showed a massive Moon, per the
Inverse Square law, of millions of trillions of metric tons of
equivalent weight if on the surface of the Earth, moving at a
rate of only 1023 m/s.” Would an object of this weight be able
to stay above the surface of the Earth due to Centrifugal
Force, moving barely faster than a Concord Jet?
Faced with this demonstration
that the Repulsion Force of gravity exists, the arrogant
astronomers of sci.astro increased their ridicule of ZetaTalk.
Now, with the capture on film of two black holes colliding,
proof of two concepts is at hand – Gravitational waves
predicted in Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity and proof
of the ZetaTalk Repulsion Force. Of course the intense gravity
particle clumping at the center of black holes would be
increased during a collision. Of course this would result in
the particles blowing out to escape this crowding. Thus, what
are being called gravity waves, each escape of particles
creating a void behind the wave, thus encouraging the next
wave to follow.