Iowa Election Fraud
Let me count the ways. MicroSoft wants to count the votes.
MicroSoft is a supporter of Hillary and Rubio, two apparent
beneficiaries of the recent fraud in Iowa. Shades of the Diebold
theft for Bush in 2000 and 2004, where there was no paper trail.
Lob the counts into
the cloud and let MicroSoft tell you who won.

- Sanders Campaign Worried Microsoft App
Will Misrepresent Iowa Caucus Vote
January 28, 2016
- The reporting apps may be used in
every precinct in Iowa by both parties. The results will
be securely stored and managed in Microsoft’s Azure cloud
computing platform. In addition to taking money in the
past from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and George
Soros, Clinton has connections to Microsoft through Mark
Penn, a former top advisor to both Bill and Hilary
Clinton. In 2012, he was named Corporate Vice President
for Strategic and Special Projects at Microsoft.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
2/5/2016: MicroSoft
absolutely intends to assist Hillary in the Iowa caucuses, in
a similar manner to the Diebold theft
of elections for Bush in 2000 and 2004. This is patently
obvious and Sanders is taking the right steps to make a fuss
and get this issue into the media. It has appeared both in
print and on TV, and will result in a simple cross checking
being instituted in Iowa by the parties so in fact, theft will
not occur. When the claims were made by Sanders, Iowa put into
place a double check via phone calls, so a theft will be
instantly obvious. This stopped MicroSoft in their tracks.
Enter the Iowa primaries on February 1, 2016. Was there election
theft? Let me count the ways. Clinton supporters were reporting
erroneous numbers to the caucus captains, as was caught on
video in Polk County. Or the captains were missing altogether,
allowing whomever to run the caucus. 90 Caucus sites did not
even report. The MicroSoft app kept
crashing. And for some mysterious reason Hillary
apparently won all 6
coin tosses known to social media, allowed by Iowa rules
to break a tie in such cases. Hillary obviously expected the fix
to be in, announcing she had won before the counting completed.

- Clinton Ekes Out Win in Iowa Against
February 2, 2016
- Hillary Clinton edged out Bernie
Sanders in Iowa after a long, suspenseful night of
vote-counting, ending the closest race in the history of
the state's Democratic caucuses. With 100 percent of
precincts reporting, Clinton had 49.9 percent of delegates
and Sanders had 49.6 percent. Clinton was awarded 699.57
state delegate equivalents, versus 695.49 for Sanders.
- Iowa Democrats Push Back on Sanders
Claim of Lost Votes
February 2, 2016
- The Iowa Democratic Party is
denying accusations from Bernie Sanders's campaign that it
failed to staff scores of caucus sites. The party did not
send impartial staffers to 90 caucus sites and is now
reaching out to candidates for help reporting the data.
The Iowa Democrats did not elaborate as to why the
campaigns may have a better handle on where the party's
precinct chairs are than the party itself.
- Coin Toss Broke 6 Clinton-Sanders
Deadlocks in Iowa — and Hillary Won Each Time
February 2, 2016
- Official state rules lay out the
procedure. Iowa’s Democratic caucus guide says: “Note: In
a case where two or more preference groups are tied for
the loss of a delegate, a coin shall be tossed to
determine who loses the delegate.”
ZetaTalk Comment
2/5/2016: On
the Democrat side, the Clinton campaign is known to have
instructed their supporters to ensure that O’Malley got at
least 15% if the count was close, to prevent his supporters
from crossing over to Sanders. The MicroSoft app to be used to
toss the counts into the cloud, where MicroSoft supporters of
Clinton could massage the data, was not used for theft after
Sanders loudly complained in the media about his suspicions.
Iowa instructed the captains of their caucus sites to keep
their own counts, a paper trail, and call in the counts as
well as using the MicroSoft app, a double check, and Sanders
supporters were likewise expected to stand witness.
But wherever possible,
mischief was afoot, with Clinton supporters reporting wrong
head counts. Some of these situations were recorded on video,
where caucus captains eager to get home in the bad weather
refused to validate the counts they were provided.
Discrepancies as high as 60 heads were accepted with the
excuse that the caucus goers had gone home. As Sanders has
stated, the true counts will likely never be known. The
6 coin tosses, where allowed by the rules, are also
questionable - statistically improbably that Clinton won
all. A coin can be weighted on one side, but unless the actual
coins used are in hand, this cannot be challenged.
Though the Des Moines Register had endorsed Clinton, they backed
Sanders in calling for an investigation. At first resisted by
the Clinton supporter in charge of the Democratic caucuses in
Iowa, the recount did finally proceed.

- Iowa's Nightmare Revisited: Was
correct Winner Called?
February 2, 2016
- Team Sanders had its own app
that allowed supporters and volunteers to send
precinct-level results directly to the campaign. At the
same time, caucus chairs sent their official results to
the state party, either over a specially built Microsoft
app or via phone. Sanders aides asked to sit down with the
state party to review the paperwork from the
precinct chairs.
- Editorial: Something Smells in the
Democratic Party
February 3, 2016
- The Sanders campaign is rechecking
results on its own, going precinct by precinct, and is
already finding inconsistencies. The campaign seeks the
math sheets or other paperwork that precinct chairs filled
out and were supposed to return to the state party. They
want to compare those documents to the results entered
into a Microsoft app and sent to the party.
- Missing Precinct Scrambles to Report
Sanders Won
February 2, 2016
- With Des Moines precinct No.
42's results, Clinton's excruciatingly close lead narrowed
further, making the final tally for delegate
equivalents in the Democratic Iowa caucuses:
Clinton: 699.57
Sanders: 697.77.
On the Republican side, things were not much better. The
GodlikeProduction forum was abuzz about the obvious voter
fraud, about the difference between the polls and the results.
Trump’s advantage went to Rubio for no obvious reason and to
Cruz, at odds with all the polls before hand. The MicroSoft
reporting app was considered highly suspect. YouTube
videos erupted on the issue. The GOP’s frustration with
their inability to control Trump was likewise suspect, thus the
promotion of Rubio, the chosen one.

- On the ground with the trump
campaign. Buzz here is that the numbers don’t line up with
our internal surveys which are normally close. Results
don't line up with entry-polls or any polls. I saw one
caucus "leader" who said she couldn't "send the votes to
the APP" because her "phone died". This is different where
a corporation is calling the shots. It's strange because
Rubio gained 8 points from nowhere, and took away from
Trump. Rubio gained 10% out of nowhere and barely
campaigned in the state. Entry-polls showed Trump leading
by 5% and Rubio way behind. The whole election is a farce.
Sorry, Iowa was voter fraud. It was absolutely in
your-face, brazen, chaotic, busing in of Mexicans type of
- Donald Trump blasted opponent
Senator Ted Cruz over his campaign's dishonest tactics in
Iowa, including his campaign sending out a message telling
his supporters to tell Ben Carson's supporters that Mr.
Carson had dropped out of the race.
- GOP Establishment Rallies Behind Rubio
February 2, 2016
- With his strong showing in the
caucuses here, Marco Rubio is growing closer to
consolidating the establishment wing of the Republican
ZetaTalk Comment
2/5/2016: On
the Republican side, where paper ballots were submitted and
counted, ballots could simply disappear, or a wrong count be
reported. The results, when compared to consistent polls and
the enthusiasm of Trump supporters, shows that this obviously
occurred. Trump was gracious in his loss, knowing that a
recount would likewise be fraudulent and the voting could not
be redone. The Cruz campaign’s lie about Carson dropping out
is an example of mischief, but more mischief occurred to
support Rubio, the desperate GOP’s choice as an alternative to
Trump. Thus Trump was assaulted and diminished on two sides.
What does this bespeak for the rest of the primary season, or
the general election? With this much fraud occurring for the
first state to vote in 2016, whether the nation? More scrutiny
of the election process and less trust is surely in order.
Sanders has called to see the raw data, the counts that were
reported from the 1,700 caucus sites. Trump may yet go there
too, though at first he seemed in shock at the outcome. The
Zetas predict that Hillary will indeed be indicted, and Biden
return to the race. That is, unless the announcement makes all
that moot, as the 2016 election would then be delayed.

- Bernie Sanders wants Raw Vote Count
Released after Tight Finish in Iowa Caucuses
February 2, 2016
- Bernie Sanders has called on the
Democratic party to release a raw vote count in Iowa. He
threw little light on an unfolding controversy over
certain Iowa precincts that did not have enough Democratic
party volunteers to report delegate totals for each
candidate but did call on officials to take the unusual
step of revealing underlying voter totals. Sanders’
campaign director, Jeff Weaver, told reporters he did not
“anticipate we are going to contest” specific results but
hoped there would be an investigation into what happened.
ZetaTalk Comment
2/5/2016: Was
mischief afoot in Iowa during the primary on February 1?
Absolutely, and had it not been closely watched, it would have
been worse. There were, after all, some 1,700 polling places,
all staffed and attended by individuals with various agendas
and determination. Clinton even announced herself the winner
before the counts were in. She knew. Both Trump and Sanders
were gracious, and are unlikely to challenge the counts as
Iowa has few delegates and fussing would not change the
result. Both Trump and Sanders will be more aggressive about
installing poll watchers in the future, as a result of the
obvious fraud in Iowa.
We have predicted that
Clinton will be indicted for her handing of state secrets
while Secretary of State and for selling her influence to
enrich the Clinton Foundation. We have predicted that
Obama will delay the 2016 elections, as a result of panic and
shock after the Nibiru announcement. Given that the
announcement and the resulting delay in the 2016 elections is
all in the hands of man, what are the alternative outcomes?
Clinton’s floundering campaign will sink so badly that Biden
will return to the field. And Trump will effectively gut the
GOP with his threat to go independent. The GOP is damned if
they do, and damned if they don’t. Biden, thus, would win.
6.4 magnitude quake my foot! The Zetas have stated that quakes
are now being under-reported by almost a full 2 magnitude
points. This was a magnitude 8, for sure. Compare what is
expected for a 6.4 to what is expected for an 8. All I can say
is “Liar liar pants on fire”.

- Plucked from the Ruins: Devastating
6.4 Magnitude Earthquake strikes Taiwan
February 6, 2016
- Buildings in nine other locations
in the city of 2 million people had collapsed and five
were left tilting at alarming angles. The initial quake,
which struck just before 4am, was very shallow, at depth
of 6.2 miles (10 km), which would have amplified its
effects, the United States Geographical Survey said.
- At Least 2 Dead after Magnitude 6.4
Earthquake Hits Taiwan
February 5, 2016
- A powerful earthquake toppled a
17-story apartment building in southern Taiwan. A complex
of towers whose floors pancaked down onto to each other
when the 6.4 magnitude tremor hit at around 4 am.
Elsewhere in the city of 2 million people, several
buildings tilted at alarming angles. The quake was
centered 27 miles (43 km) southeast of Tainan, at a depth
of 23 km (14 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said.
Several aftershocks shook Tainan.
Buildings slumped on their foundations. Reinforced concrete
failed everywhere, tearing apart, not just cracking. The news
here is not the injuries and rescued babies, which are certainly
a concern, but the level of lies the USGS has been instructed to
issue. Can we just have the truth?

Of course this was due to the Philippine Plate tilting and
shoving under the eastern edge of the great Eurasian Plate,
which ends off the China coastline just beyond Taiwan. More to
come as the 7 of 10 plate movements have lately picked up again,
and will complete.
ZetaTalk Prediction
3/19/2011: The
Philippine Plate is tilting, plunging under the Philippine
Islands and lifting slightly on the other end near the Mariana
Islands. The Mariana Plate is also tilting and plunging under
the Mariana Islands.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/27/2010: The
folding of the Pacific plates that accompany the sinking of
Indonesia during the 7 of 10 scenarios involves, as we have
explained, the Mariana and Philippine plates tilting and
flattening westward.
It is always too little too late, with establishment alerts. Be
prepared by having your own
earthquake prediction scheme in place. Electronic screech in the
rock precedes big quakes, usually by a couple days and certainly
hours ahead. The electronic screech will create obvious static
on AM/FM radio stations, so keep your car radio on when driving
about, and keep the radio on in the kitchen. Plus pets and
domestic animals will try to flee. They get frantic. I remember
Mildred, a Peking duck in the hydroponic lab in my basement, a
decade ago. Two day ahead of the 4.5 quake in Chicago, she was
inconsolable, quaking and dashing about. Rocking her in my arms,
singing to her, nothing changed her panic. Then the quake. Then
no more quacking! The Chinese use their Peking ducks as
earthquake predictors, and that’s a fact! So get a duck!

- White House Rallies Public, Private
Efforts to Prepare for Devastating Earthquakes
February 2, 2016
- The scene in Valdez, Alaska, after
the Great Alaska Earthquake brought devastation on March
27, 1964. With a magnitude of 9.2, it was the
second-largest earthquake ever recorded. Private
foundation grants will fund new research at universities
in California and Washington state, the Forest Service
will streamline the placement of seismic monitoring
stations and a presidential order will tighten standards
for new federal buildings.
Inner City Heroes
The CNN Heroes series provides a wealth of examples on how
Service-to-Other individuals can inspire community activity, act
as role models for others, and change hopelessness and hunger
into a positive outcome! Don’t wait to be rescued, be
the rescuer. From Queens to Chicago to San Diego to LA these
angels of mercy working in the inner cities in the US show how
easy it can be. Just do
it! Inspire others. Give them leadership to follow! Many
wonder what to do, so be the leader who gets things started.

Munoz, feeds the hungry homeless in Queens, New York.
Jorge has a day job driving a school bus, but then cooks and
delivers food to those seeking day labor wages, but unable to
get a job that day. He asks them, “Are
you hungry?” Jorge gets donations and contributions of
food from others, who have joined in this effort. Helping those
in need is contagious!

Latiker, a mother of 8, grandmother to 13, keeps kids off
the streets in her community in Chicago. She purchased a
community center used by some 1,500 kids. She talks a positive
future, presenting alternatives. Diane says “If
our young people knew how much power they had, they’d be

Serato, who grew up poor in Italy but became a chef in San
Diego, makes sure hungry kids in his city don’t go to bed
hungry. He calls them Motel Kids, living on welfare in local
motels. He says “Mom and Dad
always tell me, never forget where you come from”.

Burton, herself having had a struggle with drug addition,
established a network of homes in LA to help recovering addicts.
Those she helps say “Watching
Ms Burton makes you want to give back. We’re going to hold
hands and go together.” Susan says “You’re
not alone. I believe that all of us have a gift, and a
purpose. And when we find that purpose, we become heroic.