Instant Karma
2015, the year in review, shows that 2015 was a year of stolen
elections abroad, well documented and confirmed in
Israel in March. What are the facts? Netanyahu was
losing in the polls going into the election, losing in all the
polls, and this was the steady trend just days ahead of the
election. Historically accurate exit polls, taken by numerous
Israeli media, showed a tie between Netanyahu and Hertzog.
Netanyahu was desperate early in the day on election day. He was
pleading with the ultra-right to help him. He was making firm
promises to deny the Palestinians their land rights but to
rather increase Israeli settlements. He looked crest-fallen, but
then hours before the polls closed, he suddenly brightened and
despite what the exit polls showed, declared victory. Per a
post-election review, the election was rigged for Netahanyahu,
the worst case of election fraud Israel had ever suffered.

- Massive Voter Fraud, Intimidation
Uncovered in Israeli Election
March 19, 2015
- The review’s findings show that a
staggering 23.4% of ballots were submitted illegally.
“Roving gangs” were intimidating voters at various polling
stations as well, particularly in districts that showed
heavy support for the opposition Zionist Union party, who
were running against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
conservative Likud party. The most we’ve ever seen prior
to this was 8%. This is nearly three times as bad as that
election was.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
3/21/2015: Of
course there was fraud. Netanyahu was furious and frantic on
election day, but then this was replaced by a confident
swagger even before the results swung to his favor, even as
the exit polls absolutely showed a tie between he and Herzog.
What did he know that his desperation was suddenly replaced by
arrogance? How difficult would this be for the Mossad, which
is famous for their skill? Those who refused to cooperate
could look forward to a painful death or maiming if they
So where was Netanyahu after this great success? Begging
and pleading with Obama in November, as the videos and
photos taken during their joint presser show. What could the
issue be? Since the stolen election in March, Russia entered the
fray in Syria, halting the illegal oil trade that funded ISIS.
This illegal oil trade also benefitted Netanyahu.

- ISIS Oil Trade Full Frontal: "Raqqa's
Rockefellers", Bilal Erdogan, KRG Crude, and the Israel
November 29, 2015
- Israeli refineries and oil
companies imported more than 19m barrels of Kurdish oil
between the beginning of May and August 11. A handful of
oil companies ship the oil from the Turkish ports of
Mersin, Dortyol and Ceyhan to Israel. Some buyers
took tankers to Ashkelon, Israel, where it was loaded into
storage facilities to be resold later to buyers in Europe.
Another stolen election in 2015 was in
Britain in May, when it was clear that Cameron had not
legally won his Prime Minister post. Per the Zetas, Cameron and
his associates took care to tweak the exit polls as well as the

- Pollsters another Casualty of Stunning
UK Election
May 8, 2015
- It's extraordinary that 11 polls
on the eve of the election should get it so wrong. For
months, the main survey-takers had the two parties
neck-and-neck, flatlining at around 35 percent each.
ZetaTalk Insight
5/16/2015: Clearly
the recent elections in the UK were fixed, as can be seen by
the long running polls showing the tight race, virtually even
between Labor and the Tories. The election fraud in the UK
took a page from Nethanyahu’s election fraud, where the race
was likewise a dead heat. There exit polls showed that
Netanyahu had not won, so Cameron took pains to ensure his
exit polls matched the fraudulent result. How is this
accomplished when the pollsters are running about like mice in
a grainery on election night? If there are many pollsters, the
point where the exit polls are consolidated is a single point,
usually at a computer, usually with a single person at the
controls, and the threat of a painful maiming or the offer of
a substantial bribe seals the deal.
But Cameron’s victory was short lived as 2015 was also a year
when a “revolution of the heart”
occurred, per the Zetas. Within days of each other in September,
two astonishing and unexpected election results occurred in
Australia and England - both Commonwealth countries. Tony Abbott
was replaced as Australia’s Prime Minister by the very liberal
Malcolm Turnbull, and the very liberal Jeremy Corbyn was elected
to represent the Labor party in England.

- Malcolm Turnbull ousts Tony Abbott to
become Australia's 29th Prime Minister
September 14, 2015
- One minute you are in the office,
and the next you are not.

- Labour Leadership: Jeremy Corbyn
Elected with Huge Mandate
September 12, 2015
- Election of backbench MP and
anti-war campaigner means party now has one of the most
leftwing, anti-establishment leaders in its history.
Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the British
Labour party, in a stunning first-round victory that
dwarfed even the mandate for Tony Blair in 1994.
ZetaTalk Insight
9/19/2015: The
conservative establishment, used to supporting their cronies
over the rights of the many, is finding they can no longer
enforce control. Wealth and the influence wealth brings bought
control, as for instance an election could be rigged if enough
money crossed sufficient palms, or an official could be
convinced to look the other way if the inducement was
sufficient. If money did not pave the way, then subtle threats
would be used, peppered with an actual “suicide” or maiming of
a loved one as an inducement. What was never expected, among
the conservatives assuming they are in political control, was
a rebellion of the heart! It is the spiritual Transformation
we outlined at the start of the ZetaTalk sage.
Yet another stolen election in 2015 was in
Turkey in November. This election was clearly stolen by
Erdogan’s AKP. Faced with rising support of the Kurds by Russia
and the US, Erdogan’s administration feared losing control of
the country.

- Turkey Election: Why do these Polls
Matter and will there be Another Hung Parliament?
November 1, 2015
- According to, a
blog which covers Turkey and elections extensively, an
average of the polls on October 26, AKP will win 41.7 per
cent of the vote, only 0.8 per cent more than in June.
But right after Erdogan smugly stole the election, he and his
son were in the media, worldwide, for funding ISIS via brokering
oil stolen from Syria and Iraq!

- Meet the Man who Funds ISIS: Bilal
Erdogan, the Son of Turkey’s President
November 26, 2015
- Turkey is either not fighting ISIL
at all or very little, and does not interfere with
different types of smuggling that takes place on its
border, be it oil, phosphate, cotton or people. One name
keeps popping up as the primary culprit of regional demand
for the Islamic State’s “terrorist oil” – that of Turkish
president Recep Erdogan’s son: Bilal Erdogan.
ZetaTalk Comment
11/28/2015: Russia,
France, and the US have lately been a coalition against ISIS.
Enter Turkey. The Kurds, a Turkish minority, have been the
most effective boots on the ground fighting force against
ISIS. Erdogan stole the last election and resents the
rising Kurdish minority in Turkey. The Erdogan family has been
profiting from acting as a broker for ISIS oil trucked into
Turkey from Syria and Iraq. The US had been looking the
other way as they have a base in Turkey, a NATO member, and
did not want yet another fight among allies. Russia has
entered the fray against ISIS, aggressively attacking them on
all fronts. Turkey expected their oil profits to continue.
And it is not just the new international military press against
ISIS, the bombing and blocking of their oil revenue flow. It is
also Anonymous working against them. Erdogan’s profits be
damned, says Anonymous, who took out 20,000
ISIS twitter accounts in a single whack in November. Per
the Zetas, Anonymous cannot be located as they are using
contactees, who are working with the Council of Worlds. In most
cases, these contactees are not even consciously aware that they
are doing this work, nor are they at home on their PCs when they
do this work. Untraceable!

- ‘You’re a Virus, We’re the Cure’:
Anonymous Takes Down 20,000 ISIS Twitter Accounts
November 20, 2015
- The international hacking group
Anonymous claims to have taken down 20,000 Islamic
State-linked Twitter accounts as it wages “total war”
against the terrorist organization. Their #OpParis
operation is in revenge for the deadly attacks on November
13. While Russia, French and US bombers are targeting
Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) positions from the sky,
Anonymous are carrying out their very own devastating
campaign against the terrorist organization. They are
using computer code rather than high-powered weapons and
say the hacktivist group has built tools that “might be
better than any world government's tools to combat ISIS
ZetaTalk Insight
11/28/2015: Is
Anonymous acting under the auspices of the Council of Worlds?
They are indeed, hand in hand so to speak, team members, and
given protection by the Council too. To qualify, the top
leaders and those in control of the actions that Anonymous
takes must be highly Service-to-Other, battle hardened and
trustworthy. Individuals who do not qualify are simply not
accepted into the organization, regardless of claims that
might be made by braggarts. There are also contactees, highly
Service-to-Other individuals, who assist during campaigns but
do not know consciously that they are part of anonymous. The
network, thus, is utterly off the books. Will they have a role
during the coming announcement? Without a doubt.
Obvious Intervention
When Malala survived her assassination attack in 2014, the
Zetas stated her survival had been assisted, the trajectory
of the bullet slightly altered so her brain was not damaged nor
her brain stem severed. Injury yes, but recoverable. Malala went
on to be the brave saint she is in the media, worldwide, a force
against the brutality of the Taliban. Did something similar
happen in the recent aborted massacre aboard a high speed train
in France by Spencer and his buddies
in August? Those fearing ISIS infiltrating Europe and the US are
overwhelmed anxiety. Thus, per the Zetas, the Council of Worlds
granted an exception to the Rule of Non-Interference. Spencer
and his crew were assisted.

- US Soldier: How We Stopped Train
August 22, 2015
- We just did what we had to do. You
either run away or fight. We chose to fight and got lucky
and didn't die.
ZetaTalk Admission
8/29/2015: Were
the heroes assisted? Intervention is not unknown, as we
recently reported on the matter of the apparently miraculous
rescue of infants, or protection of some individuals from
assassination. The world is polarizing, with acts of sadistic
control such as ISIS displays and touts almost daily balanced
by heroism. The four heroes on the French train did not think
of themselves, but knew that unless the attacker were disarmed
all on that train would be massacred. Unlike the train staff
who barricaded themselves and turned a deaf ear to the
passengers they left to be slaughtered. Now we will have
Spencer’s light. An example for others to follow.
Was the rescue of an infant, the
only survivor of an accident in Utah last March, assisted?
Without a doubt, say the Zetas, as this infant desires a role
during the Aftertime, and as a highly Service-to-Other soul is
entitled to an assist. Assistance is given to a highly
Service-to-Other soul, regardless of age. Such intervention
seems to be on the increase lately, or at least is more obvious
in 2015.

- Moment 'Miracle' Baby was Saved from
Car Wreck after 14 Hours by Cops who Heard her Dead Mother
'Calling from Beyond the Grave'
March 14, 2015
- Did a dead mother save her baby
from beyond the grave? Three US cops claim mystery
'woman's voice' called to them from flooded car where they
found baby alive beside her mother's body. The four
officers who rescued an 18-month-old toddler from the
wreck of a submerged car said they launched into their
heroics when they heard desperate pleas for help coming
from a woman inside.
ZetaTalk Comment
3/14/2015: In
that the quality of the soul is known, and a human infant can
hold a mature Service-to-Other soul, an infant can and will be
given the offer of a lift during the hour of the Pole Shift so
their physical life not be ended.
The Veil Drops
In 2015, the veil dropped, exposing long-kept secrets about how
911 was an inside job orchestrated by the Bush Administration,
in particular Cheney, and how Tony Blair in Britain

- ‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’
November 12, 2015
- Over the past eight months, in
more than a hundred hours of interviews, I talked with
Tenet and the 11 other living former CIA directors for The
Spymasters, a documentary set to air this month on
Showtime. Tenet, who is perhaps the agency’s most
embattled director ever, can barely contain himself when
talking about the unheeded warnings he says he gave the
White House.
- Tony Blair could face war crimes trial
over 'illegal Iraq invasion'
August 4, 2015
- Tony Blair could be made to stand
trial for war crimes.
- Bush Administration Gave 'False
Presentation' of the True Intelligence
September 20, 2015
- It wasn't that the intelligence
community was giving the administration wholesale faulty
intelligence. It was that the administration was lying to
the American people about what the intelligence actually
showed. In two key areas Cheney gave out false
information, both on the connection between Saddam
Hussein's regime and al Qaeda, and on Iraq's pursuit of
nuclear weapons.
The veil continued to drop on pedophiles
in 2015. From Pope Francis’ steady resolve to prosecute
pedophiles in the church, to the continuing patter on forced sex
with underage girls by Epstein associates such as Bill Clinton
and Prince Andrews, to the rape of young boys by associates of
Margaret Thatcher in the UK in the past – investigations were in
the news and no longer hush-hush and under wraps.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/25/2015: When
we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war
with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the
tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent.
Exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill
Clinton required nothing more than encouraging contactees to
step forward.

- Jozef Wesolowski: Former Catholic
Archbishop found Dead ahead of Child Sexual Abuse Trial
August 28, 2015
- The former ambassador to the
Dominican Republic would have been the first church
official to go on trial for child sexual abuse. His case,
which had attracted a significant amount of international
attention, was the first under a Vatican system
reinvigorated by Pope Francis following widespread
accusations of abuse within the Church.
- Leaked Docs Prove MI5 Covered Up for
Pedophiles Among Thatcher Government
July 23, 2015
- Britain’s MI5 security service
covered up for pedophile members of the UK government
under then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to avoid
political embarrassment, local media reported, citing a
recently unsealed trove of Cabinet files.
- Royal Household Scrutinized in child
sex Abuse Inquiry
July 10, 2015
- The Royal household has come under
scrutiny in recent years following several allegations of
child sexual abuse. The Duke of York (Prince Andrew) came
under the media spotlight in January after being accused
of having forced sexual relations with an American
teenager who was underage at the time.
In October, 2015 Jewish bankers lost control of the US
Federal Reserve. Per the Zetas, this was a result of a
behind the scenes war against the cover-up. The website
was down. This represented the private management of the Federal
Reserve. The US government management of the Federal Reserve, on was
firmly in place. Numerous banking scandals were also in the
press – HSBC, Swiss accounts, and Forex – contributing to the
loss of control by the bankers.

ZetaTalk Confirmation
10/17/2015: What
is going on behind the scenes? Like most quiet revolutions,
the public only sees the tip of the iceberg. A shark moving in
the water shows itself only by its fin. And thus in this
manner the Council of Worlds has destabilized the corruption
in control of the western banking system.
ZetaTalk Insight
4/25/2015: This
was likewise the case for a stepped up prosecution of
off-shore tax havens and Swiss bank accounts. New information
in the hands of contactees, threatening to go public, pushed
prosecutors to act.
- SEC a Stumbling Block in Banks' Forex
Guilty Pleas
May 14, 2015
- Banks want assurances from U.S.
regulators that they will not be barred from certain
businesses before agreeing to plead guilty to criminal
charges because criminal pleas trigger consequences such
as removing the ability to manage retirement plans or
raise capital easily.
If Anonymous was behind the scenes, stripping away the veil,
so was Wikileaks, doing their part. The Transformation is a time
when there will be no secrets, and we are well on the way to
that point.
- WikiLeaks Releases 500K U.S. Cables
from 1978 on Iran, Sandinistas, Afghanistan, Israel
May 28, 2015
- WikiLeaks added more than half a
million U.S. diplomatic cables from 1978 to its Public
Library of US Diplomacy database. The documents include
diplomatic cables and other diplomatic communications from
and to U.S. embassies and missions in nearly every