Trump’s Agenda
The Donald burst onto the scene, entering the 2016 presidential
race as a Republican. The GOP needs to attract Hispanic voters
to win the White House. So first, The Donald attacked
immigration from Mexico. He implied that all immigrants were
rapists. All illegals should be deported. Never mind the $165
billion estimated cost of deportation. Having “Anchor Babies”, a
term used to describe a technique whereby the parents can stay
in the US when they have a child born in the US, should be
illegal. If the 14th Amendment guarantees citizenship to those
born on US soil, this will be changed, and never mind the 2/3 of
Congress and the 2/2 of the States needed to ratify a change.
The fence to keep illegals out? He’ll get that built and make
Mexico pay for it. Trust Trump, all this improbable stuff will
happen. His poll numbers immediately shot up, leading the pack.

- 23 Ridiculously Offensive Donald Trump
July 23, 2015
- "When Mexico sends its people,
they're not sending the best. They're not sending you,
they're sending people that have lots of problems and
they're bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing
drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. ... And
some, I assume, are good people." "I will build a great
wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me
—and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a
great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make
Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
- This Is How Much Donald Trump’s
Immigration Plan Would Cost America
August 18, 2015
- The U.S. already has in place more
than 650 miles of border fencing. That project was
estimated to have cost $2.4 billion in 2009 and will
continue to cost billions to maintain. But Trump's plan
calls for a better border fence. Assuming the existing
fence is scrapped and replaced with one as secure as
Israel's security barricade meant to deter terrorists, the
cost of building a fence along all 1,989 miles of the
southern border would come to more than $6 billion.
National Journal once estimated it would cost $6.4
billion when all is said and done. The Center for American
Progress, a liberal think tank, estimated in 2010 (when
the illegal population was smaller) that it would take
$200 billion to "arrest, detain, legally process and
transport the undocumented population over a five year
period." That did not include the $85 billion it tallied
for keeping up with enforcement in the subsequent five
During the Fox debate, The Donald was center stage, having
polled almost twice as much as any other candidate. Despite the
fact that the GOP feels they cannot win without the woman’s
vote, being on the wrong side of the abortion issue and equal
pay for women, The Donald promptly insulted the host, Megan
Kelly. He implied that she was testy with him because she was
having her period. Then he acknowledged his former insulting
statements about Rosie O’Donnell. His poll numbers rose yet
again, even among women. Then he continued with his misogynist
theme by openly rating women as a 10 or less than a 10.

- Donald Trump: Megyn Kelly 'Blood'
Comment 'Wasn't Meant' to be an Insult
August 10, 2015
- Trump derided Kelly's job as a
moderator and said, "You could see there was blood coming
out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — whatever."
Trump said it wasn't a reference to menstruation, as many
have alleged.
- 23 Ridiculously Offensive Donald Trump
July 23, 2015
- “You know, it really doesn’t
matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young
and beautiful piece of ass.” "If I were running 'The
View,' I'd fire Rosie [O'Donnell]. I mean, I'd look her
right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I'd say, 'Rosie,
you're fired.'" “Rosie O’Donnell’s disgusting both inside
and out. You take a look at her, she’s a slob. She talks
like a truck driver, she doesn’t have her facts, she’ll
say anything that comes to her mind.”
- Heidi Klum Slams Donald Trump's Sexist
Ranking Comment: "Every Woman Is a 10"
August 19, 2015
- The model turned Project Runway
host is speaking out about the presidential candidate's
comments about her in a recent New York Times interview,
in which he said, "Sadly, she is no longer a 10."
Having trashed the GOP on the Hispanic and women’s vote, he
was not about to leave other politicians alone. John McCaine,
long revered and honored as a war hero because he refused early
release until his fellow prisoners were released, and due to his
permanent torture injuries, was insulted. He was, per The
Donald, just a loser, coasting passively while talking hawkish.
Politicians can be bought, said The Donald, and he had bought
not only Clinton in the past but everyone else on the debate
stage with him. Soon the other GOP candidates, desperate
to rise in the polls, were on board with trashing the 14th
Amendment. Almost half the field quickly announced they were on
board with the plan. Was The Donald leading the GOP pack off a
cliff? His poll numbers continued to climb. What is Trump’s
agenda? The Zetas explain.

- 23 Ridiculously Offensive Donald Trump
July 23, 2015
- "He's not a war hero. He's a war
hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't
captured, OK, I hate to tell you."“Hillary Clinton was the
worst Secretary of State in the history of the United
States. There's never been a Secretary of State so bad as
Hillary. The world blew up around us. We lost everything,
including all relationships. There wasn't one good thing
that came out of that administration or her being
Secretary of State.”
- GOP debate: Best Zingers, Laugh Lines
and Trumpisms
August 7, 2015
- On Hillary Clinton: “To Hillary
Clinton, I said be at my wedding, and she came to my
wedding. You know why? She had no choice. I gave to a
foundation that frankly, that foundation is supposed to be
used for good. I didn’t know her money would be used on
private jets all over the world.”
- Donald Trump Quotes: 50 Of The Best
Sayings From The Republican Presidential Candidate
August 5, 2015
- "If Hilary Clinton can't satisfy
her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy
America?" "Rick Perry, I don’t think even understands
what he is saying." "I would bomb the hell out of those
oilfields. I wouldn't send many troops because you won't
need 'em by the time I'm finished."
ZetaTalk Insight
8/22/2015: There
has been a concerted push to get either Hillary or Jeb
elected, the two “legacy” families. As we have stated, both
the Clinton and Bush families were well aware of the theft of Gold
from Fort Knox, and
those in on the theft want this secret guarded until the Last
Weeks. With bank failures increasingly likely and demands for
Gold to be delivered to creditor countries, this secret is
likely to rupture into the news in the near future. Trump’s
backers feel that rather than bank instability, prosecution of
the thieves should be the outcome. Thus both the
ambitious Hillary, with friends on Wall Street and a daughter
married to a Hedge Fund founder, and the reluctant Jeb are
being pushed by the same backers – those who stole the Gold
from Fort Knox.
Trump is not a serious
candidate but is in the game at the request of those concerned
about the outcome of the 2016 elections. Trump is neither
Republican or Democrat, as his past has shown. His campaign is
extremely clever, asserting policy that would be attractive
enough to a large swath of those who vote Republican so that
his polls are frightening the GOP. Thus the GOP cannot openly
rebuff him for fear he will go Independent, ruining the GOP’s
chances. Meanwhile, he is doing just that, by pointing out the
bold-faced truth about all the other contenders. Candidates
can be bought (but not he).
Trump is also embracing
embarrassing policy of the GOP, forcing the other candidates
to follow his lead or lose media attention. The GOP needs the
Hispanic vote, yet is anti-immigrant to its core. War mongers
within the GOP shout this rhetoric but take no action, as the
majority of the public does not want to go back into the
Middle East, yet Trump is laying out action plans. All this
forces the GOP candidates to shout more and more extreme
rhetoric, which may attract a sizeable segment of the
Republican voters but would be rejected by the majority of
Trump will stay in the race
long enough to destroy the GOP, even to the point of becoming
the Republican nominee, knowing he could not win the general
election. If Hillary persists he will turn his attention
there, saying things about the darling of the liberal media
that the media would not dare say. Is Hillary a lesbian?
Trump’s backers want the crowd who stole the Gold from Fort
Knox and who got the US into wars in the Middle East to be
blocked and exposed. These are battles far from the public’s
eyes, battles the public is unaware of, behind the scenes. We
predict that neither Hillary nor Jeb will be the nominee,
thus. Meanwhile, The Donald is having great fun.
September Rumors
The Internet has been abuzz with rumors of the End of the
World, all converging on the last week of September. Humanity
will be raptured, an asteroid will strike near Puerto Rico, and
the “500 days” slip of the tongue by French Foreign Minister
Fabius on May 13, 2014 surely points to this time period. Or so
the rumors would have you believe.

- NASA: Earth not Facing Threat from
August 20, 2015
- Dear Earthlings, stop worrying
about an asteroid collision in September. That's the
message from NASA, which countered a viral rumor Wednesday
with a news release.
- NASA: There is No Asteroid Threatening
August 19, 2015
- NASA detects, tracks and
characterizes asteroids and comets passing 30 million
miles of Earth using both ground- and space-based
telescopes. The Near-Earth Object Observations Program,
commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers these objects,
characterizes the physical nature of a subset of them, and
predicts their paths to determine if any could be
potentially hazardous to our planet. There are no known
credible impact threats to date -- only the continuous and
harmless infall of meteoroids, tiny asteroids that burn up
in the atmosphere.
- Relax! The World will NOT end Next
August 20, 2015
- In response to a rumor that has
gone viral around the world, the US space agency has
insisted claims that an asteroid will hit the Earth in
September have 'no scientific basis'. The predictions were
first made by an online community of biblical theorists
who claimed the space rock will hit sometime between 15
and 28 September. Internet rumors based on a 2010 prophecy
by a self-proclaimed prophet have predicated an asteroid
will hit the ocean near Puerto Rico in September.
According to its Near-Earth Object Observations Program,
which scans the skies for potential threats, there are no
asteroids or comets that could impact the Earth anytime in
the 'foreseeable future. In fact, of all known potentially
hazardous asteroids, there is a 0.01 per cent chance one
of them will impact Earth in the next 100 years.

- Asteroid Impact Apocalypse 2015: Mass
Anxiety As Conspiracy Theorists Predict Catastrophe
February 4, 2015
- Following a series of warnings
from doomsday prophets, there is increasing convergence of
opinion among believers that an asteroid apocalypse will
occur in September, 2015. The growing mass hysteria
appears to have originated with a self proclaimed
“prophet,” Rev. Efrain Rodriguez, who claimed he sent a
letter to NASA on Nov. 12, 2010, titled “Letter to the
Space Agency… meteor heading toward Puerto Rico.” In the
letter, he claimed he had received a message from God that
an asteroid that would “soon be seen in the alarm systems
of NASA” was approaching. He said the asteroid would hit
the ocean near Puerto Rico and cause a massive earthquake
and tsunami that would devastate the East Coat of the
U.S., Mexico, Central, and South America. With the
conspiracy theory community looking out for “signs” of the
impending catastrophe, the statement by the French Foreign
Minister Laurent Fabius, in May, 2014, that the world had
only “500 days to avoid climate chaos” was interpreted
widely as a veiled asteroid impact disclosure statement.
Soon enough, a full blown end-time prophetic statement
that originated from a number of sources in the end-time
conspiracy theory community had identified September
23-24, 2015, as the asteroid impact apocalypse day. The
prediction was directly inspired by Fabius’s purported
“veiled warning” that the asteroid apocalypse would occur
in about 500 days. A number of “prophets” had simply
grabbed their calculators and with the help of a calendar,
and an estimate of 500 days to the apocalypse, determined
that the asteroid impact would occur around the time of on
the Jewish Day of Atonement in 2015, that is, on September
23-24, 2015.
- 2014 Archangel Michael
- Over the last ten years we have
raised the Schuman Resonance which is the frequency of the
Earth. 1/3 of humanity will be at dimension 5 on 9282015!
The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Insight
8/29/2015: What
is the intent behind the prophecies and interpretations being
pushed on the Internet about a September 23, 2015 asteroid
strike? The soup of disinformation includes:
- A self-proclaimed
prophet, Efrain Rodriguez, with zero accuracy prediction
claiming in 2010 that an asteroid would hit the Atlantic and
swamp the East Coast and Puerto Rico. No date for this
disaster was given. Nothing has been heard from Rodriguez
- French Foreign Minister
Laurent Fabius mumbling something on May 13, 2014 about “500
days”, which computes to September 23-24, 2015. As we
explained, the 500 days was the number of days agreed to by
and Obama when they
met in California re the announcement plans, not the date of
the presser with Kerry where Fabius made the slip of the
- A self-proclaimed
channel claiming that 1/3 of humanity will ascend on
September 28, 2015.
- The 2015 Jewish Day of
Atonement occurs on September 23-24, 2015.
- The Pope is coming to New
York City to address the UN on September 23, 2015.
All this was rolled into a
pie and baked on the Internet. By whom, and why? NASA
periodically talks about Near Earth Orbit (NEO) asteroids and their plans for defense, and
have brought this down on themselves thus. In the past they
have used asteroids
as a cover for the
debris in the tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru, and in step with
the tenacious cover-up over the pending passage of Nibiru,
were not about to tell the truth. Now the announcement is
pending, perhaps even scheduled for late September, and the
asteroid fear mongering is being used against NASA.
The people actively promoting
the September 23 asteroid rumors seek to cloud the
announcement over a legitimate threat – Nibiru’s pending
passage – with this nonsense. No asteroid will strike nor pass
close, and they hope that by confusing an asteroid threat with
Nibiru itself, that the announcement will be belittled and
cast aside. Oh, that, the public will say, it was only an
asteroid hit that did not occur. Thus the real threat, which
the public should take seriously, will be ignored. The group
pushing this disinformation is identical to the cover-up
crowd. This group wants the public to remain ignorant until
the end for the convenience of the elite.
Why would the cover-up crowd think that the announcement is
going to happen during the last week of September? Let us count
the clues. Pope Francis is going to address the UN in New York
City on September 23. Putin is rumored to be attending also on
that date. China’s Premiere Xi is meeting with Obama at the
White House for a state dinner and will be at the UN on
September 28. Since Obama’s partners on the announcement include
Putin and Xi, might this be an announcement of the announcement
date in some way?

- Obama to Host Pope Francis at White
House in September
March 26, 2015
- The meeting with the president and
first lady will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 23,
apparently near the start of a visit — the first to the
U.S. by the Argentine pope — that will take Francis from
the U.S. Capitol to New York and the United Nations and
will conclude with a huge outdoor Mass in Philadelphia.
- Russia's Putin would Consider Meeting
Obama at U.N.
August 19, 2015
- Russian President Vladimir Putin
will attend next month's U.N. General Assembly in New
- Obama invites Chinese President to
State Visit in Sept.
February 11, 2015
- Chinese President Xi Jinping will
visit the United States in September to appear at the
United Nations and attend a state dinner with President
- China Elevates UN Events, Downplays
Obama Meeting for Xi Visit
August 3, 2015
- While initial state media reports
did not mention the UN celebrations, they appear now to be
presented as the main purpose of Xi's visit, also noting
that Xi will be making a key speech at the events in New
York on September 28.
What else is happening at the end of September? There is the
2016 campaign, which has been waiting for VP Biden to make his
decision on whether to jump in or not. He has been stating for
months that he will make his decision “by the end of Summer”,
which sounded like late August until his campaign staff
clarified that end of Summer meant “September” and now we hear
that the last day of Summer is September 22, and that his
decision might even be pushed into October. What if the
announcement were to happen, at the UN, during the last week of
September? Obama, Xi, and Putin on hand to add weight. The Pope
on hand to put the right spiritual perspective on it, and
perhaps to admit that the Vatican has known about Nibiru all
along. This then might be followed by an Executive Order from
Obama delaying the 2016 elections for a few months, as was the
speculation in Issue 463 after
Obama’s chatter about a Third Term. This would account for
Biden’s delays, until after
the announcement, so he could reserve his energies to helping
Obama post announcement. Perhaps all this is known by the GOP,
which would account for Jeb Bush’s odd slip of the tongue during
the first GOP debate. What did he mean, “whenever” you get to

- Annotated Transcript: The Aug. 6 GOP
August 6, 2015
- I humbly ask for your vote,
whenever you're gonna get to vote, whenever the primary
ZetaTalk Observation
8/1/2015: What
is Obama hinting at? Obama made a statement during a speech to
the African Union on July 27 that alluded to a third term.
This was in the context of discussing African presidents who
refused to step aside when their terms had completed, but he
was clearly hinting. Might Obama delay or cancel the 2016
elections and continue, under some kind of Executive Order,
into what would be called a third term? Then there was the
Executive Order joke on Jon Stewart’s show on July 21,
implying he could reach outside of normal government actions
via his Executive Orders, requiring Jon to continue his show
and not retire. Put all this together and it is a pretty
strong hint of what is to come!