X-Files Returns
The X-Files, the longest running sci-fi series in US television
history, has announced it will return, briefly, to US
television. All the familiar faces will return. But what is the
agenda? Per the Zetas, the original series accurately reflected
the struggle for secrecy within the US government.

- The X-Files
- The X-Files is an American science
fiction horror drama television series created by Chris
Carter. The program originally aired from
September 10, 1993 to May 19, 2002 on
Fox, spanning nine seasons and 202 episodes. The series
revolves around FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder (David
Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigating
X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal
phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and
the paranormal while Scully, a skeptic. By the end it was
the longest-running science fiction series in U.S.
television history.
- The X-Files to Return to TV after
13-Year Absence
- The US broadcaster Fox has
confirmed that a six-episode series will begin production
in the summer. The broadcast date has yet to be revealed.
- The X-Files: I Want to Believe
- Chris Carter said that if the
movie proved successful at the box office, a third
installment would be made going back to the TV series'
mythology, focusing specifically on the alien invasion and
colonization of Earth foretold in the series final.
ZetaTalk Comment
12/15/1995: The
X-Files premise is that agencies such as the FBI and CIA
encounter and investigate the paranormal, the
extraterrestrial, and keep files on such encounters. This is
quite true, but they are not termed X-Files. This data goes by
many names, all designed to avoid drawing attention. The mazes
within the intelligence agencies cause even their leadership
to get lost. The series has been wildly popular, in no small
part because the producer does not shy away from controversy -
he embraces it. Thus, the series has been encouraged to be
more and more bold, as MJ12 wishes the public to adapt to the
reality of the alien presence and their government's role in
this. Where at first the series flirted with abduction and
human experimentation and only alluded to the cold hand of the
CIA in suppressing information, the series was encouraged to
get graphic and to make the CIA the villains they have, in
truth, been. The secret government is multifaceted, and many
parts did not participate in the brutality that the CIA
presumed that secrecy called for. They wish to be
disassociated, and where the true story will in all likelihood
never be told, the X-Files is coming darn close to it.
Reportedly the return to the series will be brief, and will
involve the original focus on a cover-up over the alien presence
and the alien agenda. An alien invasion was implied, with humans
being implanted to morph into alien bodies and the elite in the
secret government having an antidote. The X-Files depicts the
secret government handing over citizens to the alien invasion,
to buy time for the elite to develop the antidote. A black oil
is dripped onto victims faces while they are restrained, to slip
into their bodies and begin the transformation. Per the Zetas,
for the Fox network to present aliens as evil and determined to
take over the Earth fits with the overall agenda of the
ultra-right and the CIA focus over the years. They don’t want
mankind getting cozy with the visitors, and scare tactics via
Hollywood have been the tool of choice over the years.

- Colonist (The X-Files)
- According to the series mythology,
an extraterrestrial lifeform, known in the series'
mythology simply as the Colonists, were originally present
on Earth in the early stages of human evolution. They
highly resemble the well-known "grey aliens" in their
mature form. In their immature stage, they are more
yellowish colored, tall, and very aggressive, possessing
fangs, claws and scale-like texture of their skin. This
immature form is a protective stage, able to viciously
defend itself from birth. This outer skin is eventually
shed when the alien develops into its mature form. The
immature form resembles that of a reptilian
extraterrestrial and is referred to as the "long-clawed"
form. The aliens were forced to abandon the planet during
the last ice age as their viral lifeforce is deactivated
by extreme cold. Upon their departure, they left behind
underground deposits of the black oil virus, in
preparation for their return. The virus apparently
contains the aliens' genetic blueprints, awaiting
reconstitution when the master species returns to Earth.
ZetaTalk Insight
3/28/2015: The
ultra-right establishment has long used Hollywood
to spew its version of how the common man should interact with
aliens. Movies such as War of the Worlds, Independence Day,
Falling Skies, Aliens, and Signs show aliens intent on landing
and colonizing the Earth. Human are either eaten or enslaved.
Despite the attempts of the ultra-right establishment to
influence the public, more than half the Earth’s population
have become contactees and are happily chatting away with
aliens, having made contact.
The X-Files director, Chris
Carter, has made it clear that any future sequels will deal
with the original mythology, which was the intent of aliens to
infect mankind and colonize the Earth. This should be no
surprise coming from 20th Century Fox, given the nature of Fox
News and the man at its helm, Rupert Murdock. The tired theme
that mankind should be wary of aliens will be used once again.
But unlike the 90’s, when contactees could be counted as a few
thousand rather than billions, mankind is now savvy. The much
hyped sequel will become a pop-fiction item, like the movie Mars
Attacks, watched only
for a laugh.

- War of the Worlds
- As Earth is invaded by alien
tripod fighting machines, one family fights for survival.
- Independence Day
- The aliens are coming and their
goal is to invade and destroy. Fighting superior
technology, Man's best weapon is the will to survive.
- Falling Skies
- Survivors of an alien attack on
earth gather together to fight for their lives and fight
- Aliens
- The commercial vessel Nostromo
receives a distress call from an unexplored planet. After
searching for survivors, the crew heads home only to
realize that a deadly bioform has joined them.
- Signs
- A family living on a farm finds
mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests
something more frightening to come.
Nibiru Daily
Elusive images of Nibiru, aka
Planet X, have been captured as a Second
Sun at dawn or dusk when the angle of sunlight striking
the vast dust cloud shrouding Planet X reflects directly toward
Earth. Images have been captured during the day when filters
that filter for light
in the red light spectrum allow more
of Planet X to come through. These filters include the inserts
in floppy discs and mylar. Images have been captured as a Monster
Persona when the light from Planet X bends outward and
then back toward the gravity pull of Earth, making the monster
seem larger than it is in reality. But primarily, photos of the
Planet X complex have been of the brilliant Moon
Swirls which are formed into tubes and funnel sunlight
down the tubes like a flashlight.

Webcams have their eyes on the view for hours at a time, and
would seem to offer an ideal opportunity to catch images of the
Planet X complex, but as with hand-held cameras, the glare of
the Sun almost invariably blocks any light from the Planet X
complex. Webcams also can deal with reflection issues,
where the light from the Sun bounces off a glass enclosure. But
one webcam in Italy has proven to be a Godsend, providing
regular images of the Planet X corpus itself, with its double
helix, almost on a daily basis.

But why does it seem that the corpus can be seen even when the
clouds are present? Posting on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to these issues has raised that
question. As everyone has noticed, clouds overhead during the
day can be wispy overhead but appear dark when on the horizon.
When viewing the horizon, one is looking through layers of
clouds, viewed horizontally, picking up every dust particle
without the scattering effect that white light from directly
overhead can provide. Wispy clouds overhead can appear as
nothing more than mist but when on the horizon at dusk can
appear gray and dark. In fact, if dense clouds were present, the
Italy cam would show the typical orange/red sunset, not a clear
light sunset.

- The Colors of Sunset and Twilight
- The most memorable sunsets tend to
be those with at least a few clouds. Clouds catch the last
red-orange rays of the setting sun and the first light of
the dawn like a theatre screen, and reflect this light to
the ground. Some of the most beautiful sunrises and
sunsets feature solid decks of middle or high clouds that
cover the entire sky except for a narrow clear strip near
the horizon. The entire landscape takes on a surreal
saffron hue as the clouds reflect the fading sun's red and
orange glow, allowing very little blue (scattered) light
from the upper levels of the atmosphere to reach the
- Atmospheric Optics
- When the angle between the sun and
the horizon is less than 10 percent, as it is just
after sunrise or just prior to sunset, sunlight becomes
too red due to refraction for any colors other than those
with a reddish hue to be seen.
ZetaTalk Comment
4/11/2015: Light
can shine through clouds or fog. It is very dense clouds that
block sunlight, and even then not completely. These Italy
webcam images are taken at dusk, and clouds in the distance at
these times appear more dense than they in fact are. They are
wispy. The darkness at sunset in distant clouds is due to the
lack of white light bouncing around in the clouds, but they
are thin, wispy. The Second Sun sightings occur at dawn or
dusk, when the curve of the Earth facilitates the bending red
light to become dominant. The clouds in this Italy region and
the time of day are your clues. What are the clouds like
during the day, overhead by the Sun? Has this been researched?
Drought and Deluge
From the start of the ZetaTalk sage the Zetas predicted the
erratic weather the Earth is experiencing today – increasing
drought and deluge, switching about unpredictably, and
temperature extremes. The Zetas knew the Earth wobble would
commence when Planet X, aka Nibiru, arrived in the inner solar
system in 2003. And it did. And the predicted weather extremes
followed, as predicted. This issue was last covered in 2012 in Issue 304 of this newsletter and back
in 2009 in Issue 151.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: Areas
of the world which have been deserts throughout mankind's
memory will become swamps under constant and repeated rains.
Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will
suffer intractable droughts. Then this will switch about, for
no apparent reason. All the trends and signs will only
acerbate, with the oceans warmer still, the weather more
erratic and unpredictable still.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/29/2005: We
warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable
weather extremes, switching about from drought to deluge,
would occur and increase on a lineal basis up until the pole
shift. Where this occurred steadily, it has only recently
become undeniable. ZetaTalk, and only ZetaTalk, warned of
these weather changes, at that early date. Has the lineal
increase we predicted in 1995 reached its climax? We are not
here with good tidings, nor were we here with good tidings in
1995. ZetaTalk, blunt and honest, is not for the faint at
heart, but for those willing to take a serious warning and act
on it. The coastlines will get increasingly inhospitable, as
storms formed over the oceans can develop into a howling rage
that dissipates over land. In some places around the globe,
this will make coastlines uninhabitable, a place where crops
are grown or fish harvested but where humans do not reside or
sleep soundly. Temperature extremes, and in particular
temperature swings, will increase, so that the seasons almost
blend into one another. The key will be the unpredictability,
as a looping jet stream and increasing extremes of high and
low pressure over land will force the atmosphere into
unexpected directions.
While California is in an intractable drought due to a low
snowpack in the mountains, the Atacama Desert in Chile has
experienced the worst deluge in memory.

- Gov Jerry Brown: Californians to Be
Heavily Fined for Long Showers
April 5, 2015
- This executive order is done under
emergency power. It has the force of law. Very unusual.
It’s requiring action and changes in behavior from the
Oregon border all the way to the Mexican border. It
affects lawns. It affects people — how long they stay in
the shower. How businesses use water. If they don’t
comply, people can be fined $500 a day. Districts can go
to court to get a cease and desist order.
- Aerial Photos Reveal the Modern Oases
of Drought-hit California - Surrounded by Parched Earth
April 5, 2015
- Calfornia Gov. Jerry Brown ordered
a 25 percent overall cutback in water use by cities and
towns in the golden state on Wednesday but as these photos
taken on Saturday show, the ongoing drought is already
taking its toll on once Technicolor landscape of lush
yards, emerald golf courses and aquamarine swimming pools.
The crackdown comes as California and its nearly 40
million residents move toward a fourth summer of drought
with no relief in sight.

- Swept Away
April 2, 2015
- I was born in this area of Chile
considered the driest in the world. We have never had
rains of this magnitude in the past 80 years and our towns
and cities now have a meter or more of mud.
- Heavy Rains Cause flooding in Usually
Bone-Dry Chile Desert
March 25, 2015
- Communities in a desert region of
northern Chile struggled to cope with rain-provoked
flooding that has claimed the lives of at least seven
people, knocked out power and cut off roadways.
Thunderstorms with torrential rains moved into the Atacama
desert region, causing the Copiapo River to overflow its
banks. The flooding is the worst rain disaster to fall on
the north in 80 years. The government declared a state of
emergency, putting the region under military control.
While a polar express descended on the eastern half of Canada
and the US, breaking temperature records everywhere it touched,
Alaska continued to melt and virtually swelter! Both temperature
extremes are wobble related.

- Siberian Express: Record Cold Attacks
East, South
February 19, 2015
- A ferocious blast of bitterly cold
air straight from Siberia was set to roar through the
eastern and southern USA, dropping temperatures to
historically low readings as far south as Florida. "This
could be some of the coldest weather since the mid-1990s
for parts of the Southeast US.
- Baked Alaska
March 11, 2015
- This year’s Iditarod has been
rerouted—twice—due to the warm weather. Last year
was Alaska’s warmest on record and the warm weather has
continued right on into 2015. A recent shift toward warmer
offshore ocean temperatures is essentially adding more
fuel to the fire, moving the state toward more profound
tipping points like the irreversible loss of permafrost
and increasingly violent weather.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
2/28/2015: This
is a result of the Polar Push, where the magnetic N Pole of
Earth is shoved away daily when it comes up over the horizon
to face the Sun and the approaching Planet X, aka Nibiru. The
magnetic N Pole of Earth is now positioned over eastern
Siberia, which is bitterly cold while Norway and Sweden, just
as far north, are warm. The magnetic N Pole of Earth receives
less sunlight, and as the globe then leans to the right the
northeastern part of N America likewise is cold. The lean to
the left, next in the Figure 8 wobble, gives Europe more
sunlight while the magnetic N Pole is on the far side of the
globe, as does the bounce back from the Polar Push which gives
Alaska its warm temps.