Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse on October 23, 2014 occurred as anticipated,
the Moon and Earth where expected, unimpeded by the daily Earth
wobble or tilted orbit of the Moon. This has been true of past
eclipses, where to avoid undue panic the Council of Worlds
decreed that the Moon should be pushed into proper position, and
the Earth wobble stayed temporarily. Official sites as expected
declared it all a success and completely uneventful.

- Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014,_2014
- A partial solar eclipse occurred
on October 23, 2014. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon
passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or
partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on
But as has been the case in past eclipses, truth about the
presence of Planet X in the vicinity emerged. Moon Swirls
of Planet X crossed the Sun in the vicinity of prominent
sunspots, as more than one dramatic video showed. AstronomyLive
caught the Moon Swirls on his cam from Florida, an image that
was repeated on numerous
other videos as well as several GodlikeProduction
threads which captured discussion on the enigma. This was the
best capture and the public is encouraged to view this video.
Since it was seen from more
than one cam, and more than one location, it was not balloons or birds or an
airplane. In any case, it moved too slowly to be an airplane,
and the ISS is not in pieces. It was moving in the wrong
direction to be a satellite, nor do satellites lump together and
circle each other. The ultimate conclusion was that it was a
lumpy UFO. Huh?

- UFO's Filmed During Partial Solar
Eclipse, Satellites?
- They are going in the wrong
direction to be satellites and you never see 2 together.
Plus, they are moving around each other. … They are going
the wrong way to be a geosynchronous satellite. … Looks to
me like 2 clusters of several objects, my best guess is
birds! Especially the way it looks like with the bottom
cluster an object seems to pull away from the pack then
conjoin back in creating an arrow or triangular shape?
- Come Watch Today's Partial Solar
Eclipse Live Right Here! *Spotted a UFO
- Not ISS. Even at low altitudes it
wouldn't take a minute and a half. Plus that's not what it
looks like. … I saw the same dots from Louisiana. I was
looking at it with a welder’s hood. We couldn't figure out
what they were. … Starting at 40:26, you capture a plane,
traveling in the same general direction as the UFO
objects. The plane appears to be smaller, and much faster
than these other objects. I suggest that this rules out
satellites. … I still maintain that these were NOT
balloons tied together. The orbs seem to be interacting
with each other and that they were "flying around each
other." Also, at one point they form a perfect "V" going
off to the right of the screen. If those were just
balloons in the wind, the strings would have been all
tangled together by then and there would be no way for
them to be able to form a symmetrical "V" shape! Just
Per the Zetas, the answer is obvious but not one those in
denial about the presence of Planet X would espouse. Their
description of Moon Swirls exactly fits the October 23, 2014
ZetaTalk Explanation
11/1/2014: Clearly
not sunspots, as they are moving more rapidly than the highly
visible and distinctive sunspots. These are also not airplanes
or satellites caught by the cam, as the shape is wrong and
changes during the passage. These are Moon Swirls in the tail
of Planet X, which has been wafting about between the Earth
and Sun for years, caught in all its drama by the SOHO
cams and by amateur
photographers such as Alberto. The Moons are attracted to each
other, and cling to each other in the roiling swirl, which
constantly changes as the Moons are constantly on the move!
ZetaTalk Description
2001: Why
would such a moon pattern perpetuate itself? Does Planet X not
come to a virtual stop at the mid-point between its two foci?
Having established a swirl behind the planet, the moons have
two factors preventing a return to the normal orbital pattern
of moons around a planet. First, their swirl perpetuates
itself. The speed is dictated not only by the normal rotation
around a gravitational master that attractants in the vicinity
would create, it is dictated by the need to move away from the
other moons in the swirl. Second, the larger moons in the
cluster are perpetually trying to reach a closer proximity to
their planet, the point where the repulsion force between the
moon and its planet creates a stalemate. Being the larger
moons, they push smaller moons away from their path, but this
pushing action, in space, has the effect of causing them both
to move, thus not only increasing and perpetuating their
swirling motion, but also pushing the larger moon away from
the planet it seeks to come closer to.
Inactive Volcanoes
What do two awakening inactive volcanos along the
Colombia/Ecuador border have to do with the S American roll?
Both volcanos last erupted 160,000 years ago, per mankind’s best
guess. Both are at the bottom tip of the North Andes Platelet, a
small platelet bordering Central America.

- Colombia-Ecuador Border Earthquake
Sparks Concern of Possible Imminent Volcano Eruption
October 21, 2014
- Colombia-Ecuador border earthquake
sparks concern of possible imminent volcano eruption.
October 21, 2014. Colombia’s Geological Service have
changed the alert level of two volcanoes from yellow to
orange. The two volcanoes are Cerro Negro and Chiles, both
active on Colombia’s southern border with Ecuador.
The orange alert level is defined by the Geological
Service as “probable eruption in term of days to
weeks.” Neither one of the volcanoes have erupted in the
past 160,000 years.t
- Thousands Evacuated Near Colombia
October 23, 20014
- Authorities in southwest Colombia
ordered the evacuation of around 12,000 people living near
the Chiles and Cerro Negro volcanoes on the border with
Ecuador, amid fears that recent volcanic activity may
result in an eruption.
The general guide from the Zetas is that all volcanos active
within the past 10,000 years should be assumed to awaken during
this forthcoming Pole Shift. They have also stated that this
forthcoming Pole Shift will be the most severe in the past
50,000 years, over more than a dozen passages of Planet X.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2002: We
have stated that all volcanoes active within the last 10,000
years can be considered candidates to blow, or ooze during the
ZetaTalk Statement
6/15/1996: Human
written and verbal history will not serve man well in
preparation for the forthcoming pole shift, as a shift as
devastating as this one will be has not occurred even within
the past 50,000 years.
But neither of those statements compute to 160,000 years. But
the S American roll is well in process, with quakes all up and
down the Andes and with Central America battered. The two
regions of the world most covered by quakes lately are the
lifting edge of the Indo-Australian Plate, which the Zetas have
referred to as the brake holding back plate movements worldwide,
and the plate clashing involved in the S American roll.

- M7.3 - 67km WSW of Jiquilillo,
October 14, 2014
- The October 14, 2014 M 7.3
earthquake off the coast of El Salvador. The Cocos plate
is converging with the Caribbean plate.
Central America and S America along the Andes are likewise
riddled with volcanoes, which have become active of late.

- Ubinas Volcano Recorded an Explosion
this Morning
September 18, 2014
- Arequipa, set. 11. Ubinas volcano,
located in Moquegua, posted this morning an explosion,
after which an eruption column that reached the 3500
meters high on top of the crater formed.
- Explosions Generate Lava Flows at
Ecuador's Tungurahua Volcano
August 30, 2014
- The eruptions took place between
18:23 and 19:00 local time, and are the first occurrences
of pyroclastic flows since the start of the new eruptive
phase that started on 27 July.
But why would inactive volcanos, asleep lo these past 160,000
years, awaken? Why now? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Explanation
11/1/2014: We
have stated that the forthcoming Pole Shift will be
devastating, the level of devastation not seen for the past
50,000 years, not in over a dozen passages. The anticipated
devastation is one reason the Council of Worlds has scheduled
the Earth’s Transformation into a world for those in the
Service-to-Other, as the death rate will sculpt the Earth’s
population, created an anticipated death rate of 90%
worldwide. This of course speeds the Transformation, at the
hand of nature. Why is this passage different?
Each passage differs as when
Planet X does not encounter planets in its path, it can zip
through the solar system quickly. This time around, the Earth
and her sisters – Venus and the Dark Twin – arrived promptly
to slow that process. The Earth is now trapped in front of
Planet X, and all of this creating a violent daily wobble for
the Earth and planetary battering. Every Pole Shift moves the
crust to some degree, and during these moves the plates are
positioned for the next passage. At present, the ongoing S
American roll will progress further than in the past, due to
the Indo-Australian Plate able to tilt and sink India further
than in the past.
What does this mean for
volcanoes? We have stated, as a general guide, that all
volcanoes active within the past 10,000 years are likely to
erupt or ooze. Many inactive volcanoes have already become
active since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in
2003. What is different this time that inactive volcanoes
asleep for 160,000 years are threatening to blow? These two
inactive volcanoes are on the edge of the North Andes Palette
at a time when the S American Plate and the Caribbean Plate
are on an unstoppable roll. It is destiny!
Secession is on many lips these days. The concept of secession
is not new. In recent times Scotland
tried unsuccessfully to break away from the UK and the Crimea
and eastern part of the Ukraine did successfully separate from
Kiev. Europe
has several active secessionist movements at the present time.
And the breakup of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War
shows how easily a large country can shatter into pieces. The
Sudan in Africa recently deal with secession, as did India where
they have 400 different casts creating divisiveness and several
different religions wrangling for supremacy.
- Secede
- To withdraw formally from an
alliance, federation, or association, as from a political
union, a religious organization, etc.

- Dissolution of the Soviet Union
- The Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics ceased to exist on December 26, 1991 by
declaration no. 142-H of the Soviet of the Republics of
the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, acknowledging the
independence of the twelve remaining republics of the
Soviet Union, and creating the Commonwealth of Independent
- Why Secessionism is on the Rise in
August 14, 2014
- Secessionism is on the rise all
across Europe. According to rough estimates, there are 100
groups in 29 countries that are seeking greater autonomy
from the central government or self-determination from
their motherland.
- Scotland 'No' Fails To Stop Catalan
Independence Push
September 19, 2014
- The prospect of an independent
Scotland had captivated European separatists. Besides the
Catalans, their ranks include pro-independence Basques in
northern Spain; Corsicans who want to break away from
France; Italians from several northern regions; and
Flemish speakers in Belgium demanding more autonomy,
independence or union with the Netherlands.

- Sudan Secession: Factfile
January 5, 2011
- Sudan is holding a referendum on
Sunday that will give the semi-autonomous south the chance
to remain united with the north or choose independence.
- Bharat and India: Armed Rebellion and
Mental Secession
October 16, 2009
- The Maoists, as the Naxalites are
popularly called, are engaged in an armed struggle against
the present Indian state because they believe that it has
failed to empower millions of Indians who continue to
suffer unbearable poverty and exploitation.
The Civil War in the US was over a secession issue, the
Southern states wanting to break away from the Union, which some
think should have been allowed. The map showing the desire to
secede today is not much different from the map during the Civil
War in 1865. Per recent surveys the United States is ripe for

- Liberal Democratic Donor Wants
Southern States Kicked out of the United States
August 13, 2014
- There was also an implicit
assumption that the new southern nation would not have
civil rights, perhaps even bringing back slavery. Part of
the Saperstein project involves allowing African Americans
time to flee the new southern nation to the presumably
more progressive north, now to be entirely made up of
blue, liberal states. Nothing was mentioned about
Hispanics and other minorities who would presumably also
face oppression in the new southern nation.
- Residents In More Than 30 States File
Secession Petitions
November 13, 2012
- Residents in more than 30 states
have filed secession petitions with the "We the People"
program on the White House website. Petitions to strip
citizenship of individuals signing onto petitions to
secede and exile them have also been submitted. A
threshold of 25,000 signatures must be met within 30 days
for petitions to be reviewed.
- Exclusive: Angry with Washington, 1 in
4 Americans Open to Secession
September 19, 2014
- The urge to sever ties with
Washington cuts across party lines and regions, though
Republicans and residents of rural Western states are
generally warmer to the idea than Democrats and
Northeasterners. Long-running Washington gridlock had
prompted them to wonder if their states would be better
off striking out on their own, a move no U.S. state has
tried in the 150 years since the bloody Civil War that led
to the end of slavery in the South. Republicans were more
inclined to support the idea, with 29.7 percent favoring
it compared with 21 percent of Democrats. By region, the
idea was least popular in New England, the cradle of the
Revolutionary War, with just 17.4 percent of respondents
open to pulling their state out. It was most popular in
the Southwest, where 34.1 percent of respondents back the
Per the Zetas, after the Pole Shift and well before in regions
where there is turmoil, we are likely to see government not at
the federal level, not at the state or province level, but at
the local level. This will not be from secession, but caused by
the disasters of the Pole Shift.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: Consider
what constitutes the government of the United States, which we
will use as an example, as it is indeed the strongest
government, and the first and foremost democracy. This
government, by and for the people, is founded by elections.
How would all this take place in a world having undergone a
cataclysm such as we describe? The concept of legislature even
at the county level would be difficult to maintain, much less
at the state or federal level. How can the polls be sure who
is to vote when the survivors will wander, in search more of
others living than anything else. We are not describing a
world where the established government is likely to continue
as it was. We are describing a world where new forms of
governing will emerge. Consideration will be the rule, rather
than the rule of law. For those groups oriented increasingly
to Service-to-Self, no laws or corps of police would hold the
self-serving actions in check. There, the rule of law is
supplanted by the rule of the strong.
How will the governments take
being so supplanted? Will they attempt to collect taxes, order
cooperation, or demand allegiance? Some lone individuals will
attempt to do so, perhaps in small bands, but where there is
no food, and the citizenry is essentially homeless, these
attempts will turn about on the so-called representatives of
the people. Where is the government assistance? What does the
government anticipate doing for its citizenry? Why, when the
government was assuring the populace that they should not be
alarmed by the approaching comet, should the populace now give
any heed to the so called government? Any attempt to continue
federal or state level government will in all likelihood be
short lived. On the local level, there may be some
continuance, according to the competence of the local
government. Leadership will have to be earned.
Per the Zetas, leadership will have to be earned, so that
elected officials may not end up being the leaders. Per Ron
Paul, this concept is to some degree inevitable. Has he been
reading ZetaTalk?
- Ron Paul Says Secession in US
September 30, 2014
- Dr. Paul wrote an essay on the
subject on the website of his organization, the Ron Paul
Institute for Peace and Prosperity, in which he applauded
secessionist movements due to the fact that they allow for
the possibility of smaller government. Supporters of
freedom, he wrote, should applaud the growth of
secessionist movements because they promote smaller
government and greater individual freedom.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/19/2002: The
Aftertime will find most of mankind in a dearth of government
directives. Even small towns, governed by mayors well known on
the city streets to all, and traveling bands governed by
chieftains, will feel the lack. Insanity, depression, loss of
life and confusion will remove the firm hand so familiar from
governing. Families will look to their elders, the family man,
the religious leader, and find them all staring, shaking their
heads, and unable to speak. In these situations, leadership
arises from the needy, natural leaders emerging. Often they
are children, to whom most of life is startling and strange,
the unfamiliar presented almost daily. To the child, this is
more an adventure, an opportunity to act without constant
parental admonitions. They will make suggestions, and be
allowed to proceed, and often lead their dazed and depressed
parents and elders about like rag dolls.
Beyond the children, who will
be inventive and energetic in the main, women will assume
command by doing daily chores. It is often said that men, who
have single tasks in society, suffer when retiring, but women,
who had the many tasks keeping the household going, are
without retirement. Thus, women see what to do with their
time, and proceed, and being useful live longer and in greater
health. In like manner, after the shift, women will wash and
clean, gather and cook a meal, and thus be looked upon as
someone who can direct activities. When the depression clears,
and survivors begin looking about them, determining if they
should seek out a government rep or make a report, perhaps
seek help from their government, a different conclusion will
arise. Each initiating, others observing and offering to help,
and sharing, has taken place. This is the Service-to-Other
society of your future, and once established by survivor
groups, should not be supplanted by ego driven directive by
the power hungry. Tell them to sit back down and fall silent,
as you did so much better before they found their tongue.