Ebola Outbreak
Ebola, a hemorrhagic virus, is indigenous to Africa and has few
outbreaks, but they are greatly feared. It has a 90% death rate,
untreated, with survival even when treated less than 50%.
Deadly. And no vaccine exists. Per the Zetas, Ebola came from
the swamps of central Africa. The 2014 outbreak is the most
serious, the death rate the highest, and involves the most
aggressive strain of Ebola.

ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: It
is indigenous in Africa, but the spate of recent flare- ups
are because it is now also widely dispersed. No longer lying
in the swamps, infecting lizards and snakes which have little
contact with humans as they are not the food of choice. Now
resident in other hosts, such as rats and cockroaches, which
mingle freely among humans. Why did Ebola not spread in this
manner earlier? It did, but in an area not frequented by
humans. Its original home was swamps, the last place humans
live in when they are given a choice. Water logged, full of
snakes and lizards, crawling with bugs, humid and unable to
grow crops. The virus spread in its normal method, but as the
insects and rodents indigenous to these swamps were not
adapted to others biospheres, the virus stayed in the swamps.
This virus not only refused to be tamed, it also is now
running free. Too late to put the cork back in the bottle.
Africa is having her revenge on those who would own her. She
has made herself undesirable. She has placed poison in her
It did not historically spread to mankind’s cities as when a
village became infected, all died. But once out of the swamps,
it can be spread. Per the Zetas, this is primarily through
feces. There are also traditions in Africa where the grieving
are to touch the dead. Ebola is spread through body fluids, and
requires moisture to survive.

- Ebola Virus Disease
- Symptoms typically start two days
to three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever,
throat and muscle pains, and headaches. There is then
typically nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, along with
decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys. At this
point, some people begin to have problems with bleeding.
The disease is usually acquired when a person comes into
contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected
animal such as a monkey or fruit bat. Fruit bats are
believed to carry and spread the virus without being
affected by it. Once infection of a human occurs, the
disease may be spread from one person to another. Men who
survive may be able to transmit the disease sexually for
nearly two months.
- Deadliest Ever Outbreak of Ebola Virus
July 30, 2014
- It began with a just a handful of
cases in Guinea in March. But it spread quickly to two
other countries and is now the deadliest outbreak of Ebola
virus on record. Since it takes between 2 and 21 days
before someone infected with Ebola begins to show
symptoms, there's little health officials can do to stop
an infected but non-symptomatic person from flying to
another country. It is a highly infectious virus that can
kill up to 90% of the people who catch it. There is also
no vaccination against it. An outbreak is considered over
once 42 days - double the incubation period of the disease
- have passed without any new cases.
- Ebola Virus Outbreak
July 31, 2014
- Some of those in infected areas
were not seeking medical treatment as they thought the
disease was the work of sorcerers. Belief in witchcraft
and traditional medicine is still prevalent in parts of
west Africa, particularly the remote rural areas of Sierra
Leone, Guinea and Liberia where the outbreak has been
concentrated - a part of the world where people are still
touching the bodies to bury them.
ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: This
virus is most virulent in fecal matter, not the blood or blood
serums, and is not at all spread through the breath. Of
course, if one handled blood or blood serums with open cuts on
their hands, infection would occur. However, it is the
horticultural practices in Zaire that have contributed to the
outbreaks. Defecation is the primary route of spread, as in
Africa the diet is fibrous and defecation occurs several times
a day. Even a quickly dying victim, one dying within hours, is
likely to defecate at least once. In Africa, as in most
primitive countries, sewage is not treated but rather is left
to stand or used as fertilizer or swept into a river to
hopefully float away and become someone else's problem. Not
infrequently, sewage is used to fertilize. In Africa, where
the heat reduces fecal matter to soil within hours, it is left
to stand where it was placed. Ignored, but not by insects, who
are adapted to host on all manner of material, however
disgusting this may be to humans. Each fresh meal is thus
consumed and the insects move on - to be eaten by other
insects or small rodents such as rats. And these carriers
defecate in areas where their defecation can be included in
human food, in food preparation areas. In Africa, hygiene is
the least of anyone's worries. This is a bitterly poor
continent, and the constant wars distract the populace.
Containment is the goal during any outbreak, but containment has
not happened during the 2014 outbreak, or is late being
instituted. Patrick Sawyer, returning to his home in Minnesota
after visiting a sick sister in Liberia, was allowed to hop by
plane through several countries before becoming too sick to
travel in Nigeria. Thousands of people likewise traveling in
airports are now feared exposed. Is containment now too little
too late?

- Ebola: Spider's Web of Infection is
July 30, 2014
- The hunt for people in contact
with deadly Ebola was dramatically escalated tonight as
the risk of infection spread across the globe like a giant
spider’s web. Initially health officials wanted to trace
only a few hundred passengers on two planes which had
carried victim Patrick Sawyer, 40. But the search was
widened to find up to 30,000 people who could be hosting
the organism which kills 90% of sufferers. Despite
vomiting and suffering from diarrhoea, he was allowed to
get on a plane in Liberia, stop over in Ghana, change
planes in Togo and then fly on to Nigeria. The list
includes anyone at one of four airports visited by Sawyer,
and those in contact with him in Nigeria’s capital Lagos,
home to 17 million, where he died five days ago. Several
airlines have now stopped flying to Liberia and Sierra
Leone over concerns about the spread of the disease from
- Ebola Virus Outbreak
July 31, 2014
- The only case in which an Ebola
case was known to have left Africa and made it to Europe
via air travel was in 1994 when a Swiss zoologist became
infected with the virus after dissecting a chimpanzee in
Ivory Coast. The woman was isolated in a Swiss hospital
and discharged after two weeks without infecting anyone
else. Sierra Leone's president has also banned all public
meetings not related to Ebola and launched house-to-house
searches to trace and quarantine suspected patients in
Ebola hot-spots. The US Peace Corps announced it was
pulling hundreds of volunteers from Guinea, Liberia and
Sierra Leone due to growing concerns over the spread of
the deadly Ebola epidemic raging in West Africa. SIM USA,
a North Carolina missionary group providing assistance to
those suffering with Ebola in Liberia, and Samaritan's
Purse, are evacuating workers.
Will Ebola spread to other continents? Per the Zetas, it will
ZetaTalk Comment
8/9/2014: Ebola
has not mutated to become airborne, nor is this ancient virus
prone to mutations, unlike the common flu where new strains
appear every year. What has changed since the last outbreaks
to make this one have a larger impact? More humidity due to
the Earth changes, more air travel due to the interest in
Africa as high land after the Pole Shift, more population
growth, and thus more crowding in the cities. Will Ebola
spread to other continents? This is unlikely, except for a
sporadic case quickly eliminated, because Ebola is indiginous
in the wildlife in Africa, but would kill the wildlife in
other countries, including any insects it infected.
The Zetas have predicted that the Earth changes will increase
the threat that Ebola holds for mankind, as constant drizzle
will be present for years after the Pole Shift, and the Ebola
virus cannot live without moisture. A percentage of humans can
naturally survive Ebola, perhaps 10%. They may inherit Africa!

ZetaTalk Prediction
2001: The
Ebola virus and its cousins live in swamps, passed among the
creatures that live there, and these creatures will find all
of Africa to their liking during this continuous wet season.
Where the earthquakes that devastate cities in industrial
countries will have little effect on the primitive structures
most Africans call home, crop failure will drive survivors to
eat what they can find, and these meals will infect them. Soon
all but a tiny fraction of the populace, those with natural
immunity to Ebola type viruses, will be gone.
Taiwan Sinking
The Zetas predicted a 20 foot loss of elevation in Taiwan, as a
result of the 7 of 10 plate movements. The Sunda Plate is
attached to the Eurasian Plate, and as the Sunda Plate is pulled
down, it drags down the south China coast and portions of
Taiwan. Taiwan is also affected by the tilting of the Philippine
Plate, which sinks on its western edge during the tilt, as
Taiwan is situated on the western edge of the Philippine Plate.
This would explain why Taiwan is experiencing sinking while the
south China coastline has not, as yet.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: The
southern coast of China was likewise warned that they could
experience loss of elevation. How much will their coastline
drop, that they needed this warning from the Hangzhou UFO?
This coastline, in general, can anticipate losing 20 feet in
elevation, which will likewise afflict Taiwan though Taiwan is
high land and will not be as devastated.
ZetaTalk Prediction
3/19/2011: The
folding of the Pacific plates that accompany the sinking of
Indonesia during the 7 of 10 scenarios involves, as we have
explained, the Mariana and Philippine plates tilting and
flattening westward. This is nothing more than an existing
trend, so is just a matter of the plates moving along faster
in the direction they are already going. The Philippine Plate
likewise tilts its eastern side up, dropping its western side

Reports from Taiwan indicate the island has already experienced
significant elevation loss along its southwestern coastline, as
this Pole
Shift ning blog details. Note that the portions of Taiwan
predicted to experience elevation loss ARE the portions in this
article - the southwest and west coastline region - Changhua
County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County and Pingtung County. By
comparing MODIS satellite images from July, 2010 to July, 2014,
one can see inundation is indeed more widespread.

- Land Subsidence May Threaten
Enterprises, Homes, People
July 29, 2014
- The Water Resources Agency (WRA)
said yesterday that concerns over land subsidence issues
in Taiwan are rising, with the collective depth of
subsidence reaching around 286.47 kilometers in areas such
as Changhua County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County and
Pingtung County. Hong has been living in Changhua County
with her husband for over 60 years. Hong told local media
that their family could only use 45 percent of their vast
land to grow crops for a living, since 55 percent of the
land had long since been rendered useless by floods that
resulted in regular land subsidence.
The “collective depth” of 285.47 kilometers quoted above
equates to 936,581 feet, so the average depth of subsidence as
of 2014 cannot be discerned. But historically
(1980-1999) the southwestern coast of Taiwan only lost a
maximum of 5 inches over a 20 year period. The Philippine
Plate has obviously tilted!

- Taiwan Sinking: Subsidence or Global
Warming Induced Sea Level
May 10, 2010
- When worshippers built a temple
for the goddess Matsu in south Taiwan 300 years ago, they
chose a spot they thought would be at a safe remove from
the ocean. They did not count on global warming. Now, as
the island faces rising sea levels, the Tungshih township
is forced to set up a new temple nearby, elevated by three
metres (10 feet) compared with the original site.
- The Coastal Environmental
Characteristics of Taiwan
September 24, 2006
- Along the western coast of Taiwan,
the long-shore current mainly flows northward along the
southern section, and southward along the northern
section. in the last one hundred years, in general, the
coast has been eroded along the northern and southern
sections of western coast, and some reclaimed lands were
formed in the middle section. Recently, erosion in some
coastal zones is quite serious because of excess
groundwater extraction, especially along the southwestern
coast. Groundwater extraction might also induce land
subsidence. There are some areas near the coast which
suffer serious land subsidence problems.
Double Helix
Once again Nibiru, aka Planet X, has been captured in an
unfiltered photo at the 4 o’clock position. This is a photo on a
website, captured July 28, 2014. That Planet X is
increasingly showing up in unfiltered photos was detailed
recently in Issue 409 of this
newsletter on August 3, 2014. And the fact that the corpus of
Planet X is increasing visibility in filtered photos was
recently detailed in Issue 404 on
June 29, 2014. The double helix appearance of the corpus has
also become apparent recently, as detailed in Issue
402 of this newsletter on June 15, 2014. How long will it
be before the common man can just look up and point to this
passing planet, visible in the sky to all?

Crop Circle Messages
The Earth wobble has been predominant in crop circle designs
this 2014 season. Hod
Hill on June 1, 2014 and Badbury
Rings on June 17, 2014, both in the UK, have the Earth
wobble as their focus.

ZetaTalk Analysis
6/14/2014: Most
notable in this 2014 design is the pendulum like swing in the
center. This design is relaying the ferocity of the Earth
wobble, which will ultimately evolve into the severe wobble of
the Last Weeks. The Earth, in the center of the design, will
flop its N Pole from top to bottom and back again in an
attempt to evade and then align into opposition with the
approaching magnetic field of Planet X. The Hod Hill design is
relaying the approach of Planet X as an oppressive and
unstoppable force, surrounding the Earth which will thrash in
its attempts to evade this force. The Earth wobble has
recently worsened, and will worsen yet more steadily as the
Pole Shift approaches.

ZetaTalk Analysis
6/21/2014: The
Banbury design is indeed a legitimate design subsequently
altered by hoaxers who added maze wings. The focus of Banbury
is the Earth wobble, and the forces that drive it. We have
described the pincher hold that Planet X has on the Earth as
catching the Earth “in the cup”, so it cannot escape in either
direction due to the eddy flow of particles coming round from
behind Planet X. The Earth wobble has many facets, depending
upon where Planet X is in its dither and depending upon
whether the N Pole of Earth is leaning away from Planet X or
toward it, during an opposition lean. Ultimately, during the
Last Weeks, the wobble patterns fixate on a stopped rotation,
the Earth frozen, with a subsequent release during the
Two circle designs laid in July also have the Earth wobble as
their focus, per the Zetas. Tetbury
Lane on July 8, 2014 in the UK and Ammersee
on July 18, 2014 in Germany are similar, and per the
Zetas, both legitimate designs.

ZetaTalk Analysis
7/26/2014: The
August Magnetic Trimester is approaching, and it will be a
doozy. The Magnetic Trimester, a time when earthquakes and
plate movements increase, will compound the already increased
wobble, magnifying both. The Earth wobble is at its core
magnetic. The magnetic N Pole of Planet X pushes the Earth
when the Earth’s magnetic N Pole comes up over the horizon to
encounter the hose of magnetons from Planet X. The violent
push away requires a violent adjustment later in the day, the
polar push and pump that has been in place since 2004. Note
how similar these two legitimate crop circle designs are to
those that presented in 2004, a triad theme frequently
repeated by the circle designers.

Hoaxes were present also. In addition to the maze wings on
Banbury. Marocchi
in Italy on June 21, 2014 is a solid hoax.

ZetaTalk Analysis
6/28/2014: There
are no field reports available as of this day but if they
were, they would show yet more evidence that this design is
entirely manmade. No bent node grain. How difficult is it to
quickly make concentric circles? One walks along the field
tracks and plunks down a circling device that is positioned
repeatedly for rings. Thus having established a walkway around
the circle, little details are within reach of the team.
Professional teams have been employed over the past decade or
more to effect professional hoaxes, designed to mislead the
public. This has obviously inspired competition, and inspired
designs being used to promote products, of late. There is,
thus, no message from aliens here, in this simplistic and
sloppily made fraud done for bragging rights.
Farm in the UK on June 14, 2014 is likewise a hoax with
numerous clues to this, per the Zetas. It purports, on its face,
to be featuring the Ingress
- The back-story of Ingress is that
there is an alien race known as Shapers, which are seeding
the world with Exotic Matter through the use of Portals
around the globe. The portals are located at various types
of locations including works of art, libraries, post
offices, places of worship, historic buildings, the
Pyramid of Giza and more. You have to choose a side: The
Enlightened, who believe Exotic Matter and the Shapers are
for the benefit of mankind and are trying to claim portals
to bring more and presumably, the Shapers, to Earth, and
the Resistance, who think The Shapers are malicious and
are trying to claim portals to stop Exotic Matter from
getting here.

ZetaTalk Analysis
6/21/2014: The
Ingress crop circle is not legitimate, though the hoaxers have
gotten more skillful of late. There are three clues that this
is so. The first clue is that the design could hardly be
mistaken as anything but the Ingress game. The circle makers
are not into providing profits for game makers, though using
false crop circle designs to promote products has become a
trend of late. The second clue is that Service-to-Other circle
makers would not find worth in the premise of the Ingress
game, that rather than free will for mankind the future will
bring the opposite – loss of control. This would be a
Service-to-Self message, but those in the Service-to-Self are
not allowed to lay crop circle designs. The third clue is that
the product is sloppy, the lines irregular.
New Video Clips
Two new video clips added August 2 and 12, 2014 – Exopolitics
Interview and Conscious Contact.
Interview - How
ZetaTalk began, early contact, different life forms, genetic
engineering of man, 7 of 10 vision, methane gas, tidal waves
expected, raising goats and chickens, nukes, China and Russia
plans, the ZetaTalk website, Starr's outreach, and the New
Madrid adjustment. On YouTube.
Report 65 - Glimpses
of alien bodies are increasingly captured on video. This trend
was predicted by the Zetas. What’s next? Will they walk up and
shake your hand? On YouTube.