At the start of the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas described the 6
Races of Man that were genetically engineered in the past
- Northern White Man, African Black Man, China Man, Indonesian
Man, Gypsy Man, and Angola Man. They had different base apes,
and during genetic engineering projects the assumption was that
the races would eventually interbreed and mix, thus blending
ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: China
Man was developed to offset the ruthlessness of the
inhabitants of Planet X, who interbred with humans during
their mining operations. The Oriental is slight, and given to
ponder and consider the feelings of many before proceeding. It
was foreseen that Earth's humanity would grow and eventually
blend, as it has, so the ultimate Earthling was the target,
and China Man was engineered accordingly. The hominoid stock
used to build China Man was from those least likely to be
impulsive, where deliberation brought rewards and had thus
been selected for survival during evolution. In addition, a
different ape was chosen as the base, one with a placid
nature, where the apes selected for the other races did not
have this quality at the fore. These qualities can be seen
today in the descendants of China Man, who consult with one
another, proceed only when there is consensus, and succeed
best at those endeavors that require group dedication.
Where much is made of digs in Africa, supporting the current
assumption that man emerged from Africa, there is evidence that
Neanderthal was only in
Europe and Siberia, and that Homo Habilis ranged as far as
the Himalayas. The Hobbits
of Indonesia show that versions of early man can and have
lived until recent days. Is there evidence supporting the Zeta
assertion that Chinaman was independently engineered? Per the
Zetas, this evidence is at hand, and even points to the base ape
for Chinaman.

- 'Enigma Man' may be New Human Species
that Lived Until 11,000 Years Ago
June 19, 2014
- The study of ancient human remains
found in a remote cave in South-west China looks at the
idea there may have been another species of human existing
alongside our ancestors as recently as 11,000 – 14,000
years ago.
- Red Deer Cave People
- Fossils dated between 14,500 and
11,500 years old were found in Red Deer Cave and Longlin
Cave in China. Having a mix of archaic and modern
features, they are tentatively thought to be a separate
species of humans that became extinct without contributing
to the gene pool of modern humans. The Red Deer Cave
dwellers had the following distinctive features that
differ from modern humans: flat face, broad nose, jutting
jaw with no chin, large molars, prominent brows, thick
skull bones, and moderate-size brain.
- Red Deer People of Sundaland
March 14, 2012
- One partial skeleton, with much of
the skull and teeth, and some rib and limb bones, was
recovered from Longlin cave in Guangxi province. More than
30 bones, including at least three partial skulls, two
lower jaws and some teeth, ribs and limb fragments, were
unearthed at nearby Maludong, or Red Deer Cave, near the
city of Mengzi in Yunnan province. The discovery of the
Red Deer Cave people shows just how complicated and
interesting human evolutionary history was in Asia right
at the end of the ice age. We had multiple populations
living in the area, probably representing different
evolutionary lines: the Red Deer Cave people on the East
Asian continent, Homo floresiensis, or the 'Hobbit', on
the island of Flores in Indonesia, and modern humans
widely dispersed from northeast Asia to Australia. This
paints an amazing picture of diversity, one we had no clue
about until this last decade.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/12/2014: Genetic
engineering projects always had individuals that became
isolated from the main pool, and thus remained at an earlier
stage. Such isolated instances almost invariably die out,
losing out during the competition for food and territory to
the more advanced version of early man. Was the Red Deer
Caveman essentially early Chinaman? Yes, though there was
scant interaction between the two groups, as there is scant
interaction between modern man and Bigfoot today. We stated
that the six races of man all had a different base ape, though
most of these base apes have morphed or died out over time.
But in looking at the distinctive flange on the cheekbones of
the Red Deer Cave hominoid, one can only see one candidate
that would apply as the base ape for Chinaman. The Chimp has
these flanges but evolved in Africa, and is too belligerant.
Likewise the Baboon. The Gorilla has a placid temperament but
does not have the flanges. But look at the Orangutan, an ape
from southeast Asia, with distinctive flanges, a broad jaw,
intelligence, and a placid nature!
8 of 10 Evidence
The 8 of 10 phase has begun, though is overlapping with the
completion of the 7 of 10 plate
movements, which are hardly complete. The sinking of the Sunda
Plate and tilting of the Philippine and Mariana Plates is close
to completion, the S American roll can be seen on earthquake
sites almost daily, aggressively pushing the Caribbean Plate
westward and creating mountain building along the Andes, and the
African roll has begun. To allow the announcement team time to
alert the public that Nibiru is real, and nearby the Sun lo
these many years, the Council of Worlds slowed the effect of the
7 of 10 so that mankind would have time to react. Thus, the
overlap in phases. What was predicted to occur during the 8 of
ZetaTalk Prediction
2/2/2013: The
8 of 10 is a long and oppressive phase, not over quickly
within months. We have described an increased visibility
of Planet X, aka Nibiru and its components during the 8 of 10.
During the 8 of 10, the Earth wobble will become so extreme,
on a daily basis, that none can deny it. The sinking of the
Sunda Plate and the folding of the Philippine and Mariana
plates is approximately 70% complete, but the final moves will
occur in conjunction with further progress on the S American
roll. Though the cover-up has found it necessary to kill
almost all the buoys on the Nazca and Cocos plates, the S
American roll has barely begun, perhaps 13% of the overall
changes expected. And the African roll is barely twitching, at
present, perhaps 5% into the process. Continuous plate
movement in some areas will occur, along with a changed
relationship of the continents to one another. The
predicted explosions in Iraq as the oil fields are ruptured
will also only occur during the 8 of 10 phase. But the major 8
of 10 scenarios will be sociological, with riots and rebellion
on the increase as food shortages increase and people realize
the impact the Pole Shift will have on their lives.
So where are we on the “increased visibility of Planet X, aka
Nibiru”? In April, 2014 Nibiru was identified with concentric
rings. In early June, 2014 Alberto was able to capture
the corpus of Planet X at both sunrise and sunset using
mylar or the insert from a floppy disc that filters for
light in the red spectrum.

But by July visibility had taken another step forward. On July
7, 2014 these photos were taken without such filters for
light in the red spectrum, only one of the photos using the
standard solar filter which reduces glare. A Moon Swirl above
the Sun can be seen as a Monster Persona, but also the corpus
itself at the 4 o’clock position. Without filters. Increased
visibility indeed!

Where are we on the prediction that the “Earth wobble will
become so extreme, on a daily basis, that none can deny it”? We
are certainly not there yet, but the Earth wobble has become the
subject of chatter on the Internet, even among those who are not
aware of ZetaTalk predictions as this Pole
Shift ning blog attests. Other reports indicate that over
Texas, per
careful measurements, the Sun reaches its zenith overhead
too quickly.

- Earth's Axis has Changed
July 2, 2014
- An update on the Sun position. For
the first time since the significant axis shift in 2004
which we’ve been tracking since 2006, the 2014 Summer
Solstice measurements on June 21, 2014 have shown another
increase of the Sun position to the north. Where it was
setting about 10:00 to the north on a clock face. It is
now about 10:15 to 10:45 toward the north from where I
measured it in TX and 10:00 from Salt Lake’s viewpoint. I
had expected the Salt Lake City latitude to be closer to
9:00 so that means the Sun is much farther north of the
Tropic of Cancer than the 1200 miles I estimated. More
like 2000 miles north of the mid Mexico Tropic of Cancer.
Perhaps north of Washington State. I wish we had heard
from someone in Seattle or anywhere on that
latitude. The top of the photo is true north.
The red lines indicate the sunrise and sunset positions
from DFW Texas region on the June 21st Summer Solstice
between 2006 and 2013. The yellow line shows the new
sunset position for June 21, 2014. A significant change
for the worse.
The sun reached zenith 3 hours
earlier, today [July 7], with no delay in angling to the NW.
Sunrise and sunset do not rise straight up, but angle,
producing a delay. The wobble is easy to observe by the
shadows on the ground. I am seeing the sun rise roughly, NE,
(should be due E), until acquiring zenith at noon, then
shift approx. 45 degrees, setting in the NW. A total of 90
degrees, 12 hours, (approx). Not even a gentle parabolic
curve, but a > shaped path.
These measurements fit the Earth wobble which has the N Pole
pulled down when the Sun is high over the N American continent,
thus putting the Sun to the North and high in the sky in the
view from Earth.

The Earth wobble also has emerged in an analysis of a
time-lapsed SpaceWeather photo, taken to focus on sunspots but
inadvertently providing proof of the wobble! From Australia, the
Ecliptic should curve up to the North as the day progresses from
dawn to mid-day, but the curve is curling back to the South.
The Zetas explain.

- Spotty Sunrise
- Astrophotographers around the
world are snapping pictures of this week's large sunspots.
"After taking some sunspot images yesterday afternoon, I
was thinking that it would be nice to capture the spotty
Sun at sunrise," says Stephen Mudge of Brisbane,
Australia. "And then I thought it would be even nicer if
that sunrise was behind the city buildings. So after a bit
of time studying Stellarium and looking at maps, and then
a quick reconnaissance drive, I settled on Green Hill
Reservoir as a suitable location for a photo shoot." This
was the result.
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/12/2014: Since
the Earth is tilted at an angle, the Ecliptic, the Sun’s
middle, is not seen as a line straight across the sky except
perhaps at high noon. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun may
rise in the East and set in the West, but during the day the
Sun is found further to the South in the sky than where it
rises and sets. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is reversed.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun may rise in the East and
set in the West, but the Sun will veer to the North for its
apex. In the photos, placed against a static backdrop, the Sun
can be seen holding too far to the South from what is
expected. The Earth wobble is such that when the magnetic N
Pole of Earth comes over the horizon the globe gets a polar
push, pushing the N Pole of Earth away to avoid the blast from
the N Pole of Planet X. This is when the Sun is high over the
Pacific, or dawn in Australia. Thus as Australia is moving
North at that time, the Sun overhead seems to be curving too
far to the South. Those familiar with these mechanics know
they can check with a planetarium program such as Skymap to
ascertain the expected angle of the Ecliptic from any place,
at any time, which is what Nancy has done to examine the
time-lapse photo from Australia. The Sun rising along the
Ecliptic shows the Earth at an improper angle – the wobble
captured in action.
More evidence of the Earth wobble hit the press when more data
on the increasing ice at Antarctica was published. This is of
course contrary to the Global Warming theory, which states that
the air is warmer and the poles are melting. The conundrum for
the Global Warming theory is that this is a glaring example that
the Earth wobble and not
CO2 emissions are responsible for the Earth changes, as detailed
in Issue 322 of this newsletter in
December, 2012. The wobble is worsening!

- Global Warming Computer Models
Confounded as Antarctic Sea Ice Hits New Record High
July 5, 2014
- The levels of Antarctic sea-ice
last week hit an all-time high – confounding climate
change computer models which say it should be in
decline. America’s National Snow and Ice Data Center,
which is funded by NASA, revealed that ice around the
southern continent covers about 16million sq km, more than
2.1?million more than is usual for the time of year. It is
by far the highest level since satellite observations on
which the figures depend began in 1979. It represents the
latest stage in a trend that started ten years ago, and
means that an area the size of Greenland, which would
normally be open water, is now frozen. The Antarctic surge
is so big that overall, although Arctic ice has decreased,
the frozen area around both poles is one million square
kilometres more than the long-term average.
- It's Politics, not Science, Driving
Climate Mania
July 5, 2014
- For years, computer simulations
have predicted that sea ice should be disappearing from
the Poles.
Now, with the news that Antarctic sea-ice levels have hit
new highs, comes yet another mishap to tarnish the
credibility of climate science. Climatologists base
their doom-laden predictions of the Earth’s climate on
computer simulations. Vast swathes of the data are
actually from ‘zombie’ stations that have long since
disappeared. This is bad enough, but it has also
been discovered that the US’s National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration is using estimates even when
perfectly good raw data is available to it – and that it
has adjusted historical records.
- Global Warming is Creating More Ice
July 4, 2014
- Scientists believe the shift is
caused by water melting from beneath the Antarctic ice
shelves and re-freezing back on the surface.

ZetaTalk Insight
5/17/2014: The
wobble is not a static thing. As Planet X draws closer, the
daily push against the Earth’s magnetic N Pole becomes more
violent, and the swing to the right and left that the
geographic N Pole then takes during its daily Figure 8
likewise becomes more eccentric. We have explained that the
daily polar pump forces warm Pacific water up through the
Bering Straits into the Arctic and then later forces the
Antarctic Plate under the warm Pacific. During the tilt to the
right and left that the N Pole takes, some parts of Antarctic
also receive less sunlight. This paints a confusing
picture, with Antarctica both melting on one side and
accumulating extra ice on the other.
Elite Karma
The Zetas have had much to say about what will happen to the
elite, the wealthiest 1%, as the Earth changes increase in
intensity and the Pole Shift and Aftertime unfold. Not a pretty
picture as contrary to their expectations, their militias will
turn against them, their goods be taken from them, and the
common man will be the survivors.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/15/1995: Tumultuous
times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers. Where
in stable times the strong and/or clever take from the weak
and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during
turmoil the playing field is flattened. Human nature tends to
blunt the full reality of what will occur and what life will
be like afterwards. The short term is considered, with the
depressing long term scenario avoided. Thus food and water are
stocked and batteries aplenty, but the wealthy do not consider
what to do after these supplies run out. They have all their
life relied upon the services of others, and comfort
themselves with some vague notion that civilization and its
administrators will right itself shortly afterwards and they
will be able to return to shopping. The impoverished
individual may find himself without goods or services, but as
this is his status quo under normal circumstances will
mobilize himself more effectively during the Aftertime. He
will grieve less and ponder his options more, and take risks
where the wealthy sit on the remnants of their toys until
death overtakes them.
But the elite continue to make plans, smug in their
expectations. The Pope scolds the 1%,
calling for a “redistribution of wealth” to the poor. Drudge
issues a warning to the elite to “have an exit
plan”. Karen Hudes explains
how bankers maneuver to control the world via their lending
practices. Sir Richard Branson is
planning to escape into space (or hunker down in S Africa). And
lately, Nick Hanauer, a self-professed multi-billionaire,
suggests that the 1% should push for a higher minimum wage. It
would be to their benefit, says he, as they will in the end make
more money.
- The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us
July/August, 2014
- Our country is rapidly becoming
less a capitalist society and more a feudal society.
Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class
will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century
France. Before the revolution. No society can sustain this
kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in
human history where wealth accumulated like this and the
pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a
highly unequal society, and I will show you a police
state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None.
Revolutions, like bankruptcies, come gradually, and then
suddenly. One day, somebody sets himself on fire, then
thousands of people are in the streets, and before you
know it, the country is burning. And then there’s no time
for us to get to the airport and jump on our Gulfstream Vs
and fly to New Zealand.
The elite, the 1%, just don’t get it. This charming video
called Unsung
Hero show how kind acts, with no expectation of return,
bring their own reward via karma. Pulling a potted plant under a
water spout, and seeing it blossom. Helping a poor child get a
uniform so she can go to school, and seeing her beaming face.
Helping a surly street vendor with her heavy cart, and being
rewarded seeing her gradually turn to smiles instead of snarls.
Anonymously leaving bananas for an old woman, and being rewarded
with a hug when discovered. And sharing his lunch with a
homeless dog and gaining a buddy. Now that’s karma!
