Suddenly robots are all the rage. Amazon plans to deliver
packages with an octocopter, and has a working model. As long as
the GPS coordinates are correct, boom, here’s your package!

- Amazon's Drone Delivery: How Would it
December 2, 2013
- Imaginations everywhere have been
stoked since Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced his company
plans to start offering 30-minute deliveries via
drone-like "octocopters." The company will get approval to
start Prime Air in other countries before the United
States. The octocopters will have a 10-mile radius. So,
it's likely that folks in big cities near Amazon
distribution sites would be a lot more likely to qualify
than those in more remote areas. Drones the size of the
octocopters have a battery life of about 30 minutes, and
the weight of their cargo could make that even shorter.
The drones will need to fly at an altitude of at least 300
feet for as long as possible to avoid attracting pot shots
from target shooters or thieves.
Then there is the Google rush to purchase robot makers, most
recently the acquisition of Boston Dynamics, a company working
with the Pentagon. Its robots are sturdy, can go through rough
terrain, can keep their balance even when pushed, and can run as
fast as a person.

- Google Adds to Its Menagerie of Robots
December 14, 2013
- BigDog, Cheetah, WildCat and Atlas
have joined Google’s growing robot menagerie. Google
confirmed on Friday that it had completed the acquisition
of Boston Dynamics, an engineering company that has
designed mobile research robots for the Pentagon. The
company, based in Waltham, Mass., has gained an
international reputation for machines that walk with an
uncanny sense of balance and even — cheetahlike — run
faster than the fastest humans. It is the eighth robotics
company that Google has acquired in the last half-year.
Executives at the Internet giant are circumspect about
what exactly they plan to do with their robot collection.
- Google Search and Destroy: Can its
Ethics Survive?
December 16, 2013
- The computer search giant has
completed the purchase of Boston Dynamics, the maker of a
cutting-edge menagerie of walking and crawling robots
including Big Dog, which counts America’s Department of
Defense (DoD) among its major sources of income. The
robotics firm is the eighth company in the same field to
be snapped up by Google in the last six months. But what
is as yet unclear is just to what use Google, whose motto
is famously “Don’t be evil”, plans to put its new stable
of walking, sprinting and rock-throwing machines. With
inventions such as Big Dog, which is primarily designed to
carry loads over rough terrain and has the uncanny ability
to recover from a human kick, Boston Dynamics could move
into the sphere of transporting weaponry rather than
producing it.
What is Google up to? Google is not yet saying how it plans to
use robots in its business, but the Zetas see a potential market
among the wealthy elite during and after the coming cataclysms.
ZetaTalk Comment
12/21/2013: Google
is automating its order fulfillment lines, and Amazon claims
they plan to deliver packages directly to customers via drones
within a few years, but is there more behind this than
admitted? The wealthy elite envision the world of the future,
after our predicted Pole Shift, when they will be trapped in
their enclaves by starving hoards clamoring to gain entry.
There is a risk to opening the gates so that fresh produce or
fish can be bartered for items the wealthy have in stock.
Items such as vitamins, medicines, and alcohol are being
readily stocked by the wealthy in anticipation of these times.
To avoid contact with shifty and desperate survivors, send out
the robots!
Robots in the movies are shown as sentient beings, falling in
love in Wall-E and doing the right thing in I, Robot. But per
the Zetas, robots cannot be programmed to function in this
manner. They cannot have souls, thus.

- I, Robot,_Robot_%28film%29
- In 2035, anthropomorphic robots
enjoy widespread use as servants for various public
services. They are programmed with the Three Laws of
Robotics directives: First Law: A robot must never harm a
human being or, through inaction, allow any human to come
to harm. Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given to
them by human beings, except where such orders violate the
First Law.
- In the distant future, a small
waste collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space
journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind.
ZetaTalk Comment
7/15/1997: Confusion
over whether robots are alive, make choices, or might be
incarnated with spirits lies in understanding what is seen
versus what is unseen on the surface. On the surface, humans
see robots able to entertain focus on a task at hand to the
exclusion of all possible distractions, and thus, for
instance, win at a game of chess over a human chess master. Is
the robot not thinking? Yes and no, depending upon how one
classifies thought. Robots, however, are bounded in what they
can address. Even where robots are designed to repair
themselves and make minor adjustments to their surroundings,
they are still operating within their original
programming. What is unseen is the spiritual struggle,
the pondering of the workings of the Universe, or the
multiplicity of factors that go into a single decision to walk
down the street or stay in the house! A robot arrives at its
decision quickly because it does not ponder. Robots are
utterly boring, as they have an inability to ponder.
Russian Rip
The Zetas predicted that a new seaway would emerge on the
Eurasian Plate during the Pole Shift. They detailed this as
ripping up between Afghanistan and Iran and thence up above the
ZetaTalk Prediction
4/15/2002: The
movement of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia, and Asia
to the east also is expected to rip this plate along the
Himalayas, as we have stated, creating an inland bay into the
Russian lands just to what is now the north of the Himalayas.
The Zetas have detailed where this inland bay will develop.

ZetaTalk Description
12/11/2007: The
new Eurasian Plate seaway is anticipated to run just to the
east of the Iran border, going up through western Pakistan and
Afghanistan and thence round along the eastern borders of
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan where the lowlands are skirting
the foothills of the Himalayas. It cannot run up through
Karachi as Pakistan runs into the Himalayas and there are rock
bonds that will not pull apart. Yet rip it must as the
Eurasian Plate has lost any friction preventing movement where
the African Plate formerly snugged up against it through the
Mediterranean and down through the Red Sea. The Atlantic Rift
has pulled apart, pulling the great Eurasian Plate to the
west. To the east, where the Himalayas are glued to the
Indo-Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate, there is glue and
resistance to move. Thus, moving in the direction of least
resistance, the Eurasian Plate rips through the lowlands
skirting along the highlands, a stretch zone adjustment that
is silent and only deadly to those directly above the point of
tear. This has happened before to the great Eurasian Plate, as
the lowlands through his middle attest.
On December 12, 2013 the Global
Incident Map hinted at this stress line when quakes lined
up from Afghanistan up into Russia. Has the ripping begun?

S African Assassin
There have been several assassination attempts against
President Obama during 2013. On March 14, 2013 Obama refused to
eat during a Republican luncheon and per the Zetas though the
lobster salad was from a communal bowl, the tableware set for
Obama had been poisoned. Then on
March 20, 2013 there was the rather obvious fuel mixup in
Israel, where diesel rather than petrol was put into Obama’s
bullet-proof car. Per the Zetas this was to force Obama to
change cars out on the open road where a sniper’s bullet
could find him. Then on May 11, 2013 there was a fire in
the West Wing of the White House, forcing an evac. On June 7,
2013 during the Chinese Premiere Xi’s visit with Obama in Santa
Monica there was a sudden shootout, which per the Zetas was to
create a distraction and force a
different route for Obama, once again affording a sniper’s
bullet a chance. Once again on September 16, 2013 an attempt to
distract security personnel and give
the snipers a chance was tried, this time at the Navy Yard.
Obama had been scheduled to give a press conference out in the
open at the White House, but moved this indoors when the Navy
Yard brouhaha started. A common theme during the Santa Monica
and Navy Yard attempts was for a mental patient, someone on
medications, going on a rampage. Black ops can easily arrange
this by swapping pills. Now we have yet another such attempt on
December 12, 2013 in S Africa.

- ‘Fake’ Sign Language Interpreter said
he had Schizophrenic Fit during Mandela Ceremony
December 12, 2013
- Thamsanqa Jantjie said he suffered
a schizophrenic episode and feared turning violent during
the event at FNB stadium in Johannesburg — where he stood
alongside several world leaders, including President
- Interpreter at Mandela Event says he
was Hallucinating, has History of Violence
December 12, 2013
- He hallucinated that angels were
entering the stadium, suffers from schizophrenia and has
been violent in the past. His hallucinations began while
he was interpreting.
- Mandela Memorial Interpreter Asks
Forgiveness, Calls Himself Champion
December 12, 2013
- The government was looking into
the vetting of Jantjie's security clearance at the
memorial. The government tracked down the company Jantjie
worked for, but the owners seemed to have vanished.
Jantjie named his employer as a company called SA
Interpreters. As outrage over his interpretation skills
have grown, so have questions about who hired him. The
deaf community is in outrage. He is not known by the Deaf
Community in South Africa nor by the South African Sign
Language interpreters working in the field.
- Mandela Signer Faced Murder Rap in
December 13, 2013
- According to South African news
network eNCA, Thamsanqa Jantjie has “faced rape
(1994), theft (1995), housebreaking (1997), malicious
damage to property (1998), murder, attempted murder and
kidnapping (2003) charges.” It was not clear whether the
murder charge against Jantjie from 2003 was ever properly
resolved because the court file against him is
mysteriously empty.
Everyone is disavowing responsibility in S Africa, where SA
Interpreters, the company employing Jantjie cannot be located
and the woman who called him to this job has no name. Nor can
the pills he took on that day be assayed, having been
metabolized by Jantjie. Had Jantjie gone berserk, requiring the
armed guards around the podium to shoot him, how easily would a
bullet have found its way into Obama? This was another,
extremely blatant assassination attempt to prevent Obama from
making his planned announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru
and the pending passage.
ZetaTalk Analysis
12/14/2013: How
is it possible for a translator known to have violent
schizophrenic episodes to be positioned mere feet from Obama
and other world leaders, during Mendela’s memorial? Was this
another assassination attempt? The clues are screaming that
this was the case. Jantjie was not a legitimate translator for
the deaf. He received a phone call from an unknown person for
the assignment from a company apparently no longer in
business. Who would have to be bribed for this to happen?
Someone on the memorial team. And someone would have to alter
Jantjie’s medications to reduce the effect or create the
episode, an easy matter for black ops to arrange. Those in the
know will be quickly killed to break the trail, so the truth
will not come out. What was the goal? To create violent
thrashing about by Jantjie, during which Obama would be hit by
a bullet meant for Jantjie. This would be called an accident,
of course, during the flailing and confusion.
Wobble Obvious
The Figure 8 of the daily Earth wobble is showing up in a
rather obvious manner on the quake map page provided by the Global
Incident Map site for December 8, 2013. During the polar
push when the Sun is over New Zealand, the N Pole of Earth is
pushed away, giving eastern Russia, the Kamchatka region, a
clearly colder climate than the N American coast at the same
latitude, or further west into central Russia at the same
ZetaTalk Explanation
12/21/2007: Planet
X has turned in place so that it is now pointing its N Pole
out toward Earth. The wobble has consequently become more
severe because the interaction between Planet X and the Earth
is driven by a N Pole push. Each day, when the Earth's
magnetic N Pole comes over the horizon so that it is facing
the Sun and the bully magnet Planet X, the Earth receives a
shove from Planet X, pushing her magnetic N Pole away.
Then the Figure 8 swings the N Pole first to the right and then
to the left, causing the globe to lean in this or that
direction. In the lean to the right, the region of central
Russia is getting more Sun, as can be seen from the lack of
snow. Yet land to the east and to the west is covered by snow.
Moving west for the Figure 8 lean when the Sun is high over
Italy, one sees the same warmer temps in eastern Europe and
Sweden. Yet the coast of Norway on the same latitude does not
enjoy that. The final leg of the Figure 8 wobble occurs when the
Sun is high over the Americas. This is the bounce back, recovery
from the polar push. Here the N American continent gets more Sun
than expected, and Alaska and western Canada are virtually
roasting in the heat! Yet eastern Canada has snow and cold at
the same latitude.

Setting aside the influence of oceans on coastal temps, look at
what is happening in the center of large land
masses! There’s your proof. The wobble has become
so very obvious, an issue covered in recent newsletters such as
Issue 372 on November 17, 2013 and Issue 359 on August 18, 2013 and Issue
357 on August 4, 2013 and Issue
343 on April 28, 2013. On December 13, 2013 the world was
shocked when Cairo and Jerusalem were blanketed in a rare
snowstorm. From some account, this has not happened in 100
years. Nor was this a weather wobble affecting only the Middle
East, as Vietnam was astonished with a snowstorm on December 17,

- Biblical Snowstorm: Rare Flakes in
Cairo, Jerusalem Paralyzed by Over a Foot
December 13, 2013
- Some reports suggest it’s the
first snow in Cairo in over 100 years – although they are
not substantiated. The Weather Channel notes even rain
isn’t all that common in Cairo, which averages less than
an inch a year.
- Snow Closes Roads in Israel, is a
Source of Wonder in Egypt
December 13, 2013
- Nearly three feet of snow closed
roads in and out of Jerusalem, which is set in high hills,
and thousands in and around the city were left without
power. The inclement weather worsened the situation
for tens of thousands of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, where
many live in makeshift camps, abandoned buildings and
other temporary sites lacking heat and protection from the
- Freak Snowfall Hits Vietnam
December 17, 2013
- It’s strange enough that
torrential downpours have been lashing Vietnam during its
dry season, stranger still that temperatures in the north
have dropped below the freezing point and blanketed the
region in snow.
Per the Zetas, this should be compared against the usually
warm temps in Alaska at a simultaneous time, as noted on the
Alaska weather map for December 18, 2013. Nor is this a
phenomena affecting only the Northern Hemisphere, as the Earth
wobble is very much a global affair.
- 136 below: Shockingly Low Temperature
Report from Antarctica
December 13, 2013
- Recent frigid air across the U.S.
is like a heat wave compared to the unimaginable chill in
Antarctica. The -135 to -136 temperatures sensed in 2010
and 2013 are simply interesting data points about how cold
it can get on Earth.
ZetaTalk Comment
12/21/2013: Weather
extremes are due to the Earth wobble, as where there are
places of extreme or unusual cold, there are likewise
simultaneously places of extreme or unusual heat! While the
east coast of the US is experiencing extreme December cold,
Alaska is almost in a thaw. And where the Middle East is
shocked to be under snow, much of Europe seems to be
experiencing an early Spring. The wobble is more violent,
swings farther North and South, and parts of the Earth
affected by this are getting, thus, more or less sunlight. The
effect of this can be clearly seen in the snow cover evident
on global maps.