Stress in the Americas
Sinkholes occurring above karst formations in limestone are not
uncommon. The swath across China where
such limestone formations exist has horrific sinkholes, for
instance, as do some parts of Florida. Since Planet X arrived in
2003, the area north of the St. Lawrence
Seaway has experienced them. Texas
has karst and consequently has sinkholes. And one of the
worst swallowed an entire city block in Guatemala.
The Zetas have long warned that the stress on the plates, in
particular the North America bow, will increase the incidence of
such sinkholes. The US is laced with karst limestone, and
the bow is tightening.

ZetaTalk Explanation
7/14/2007: We
have mentioned that N America is being bowed and pulled on a
diagonal, and at some point large quakes along the New Madrid
will occur. Mexico is being pulled to the West, while New
England is being pulled to the East. In addition, the West
Coast is being pulled into a bow near the Southern California
area, which will create cracks in the Arizona area. The recent
sinkhole in Mexico is only more evidence of this.
ZetaTalk Explanation
2/24/2007: N
America pulls diagonally, a situation that will soon erupt
creating quakes and sinking ground and disaster in almost
every State of the Union. For Central America, such a horror
as a 330 foot deep sinkhole, hardly caused by a broken sewer
line, is just the start. The question for those trying to
placate their nervous heart over this matter should ask, 'what
caused the sewer line to break, in the first place?'
Kansas is not known for their sinkholes, but as noted in this
Pole Shift ning blog, a big one opened up recently in
Sharon Springs, in western Kansas. Karst territory indeed.

- Large Sinkhole Draws Curious to
Western Kansas
August 6, 2013
- Sheriff Larry Townsend said the
void is surrounded by cracks, suggesting that it is
getting bigger, and at this time, there is no telling when
it will stop expanding. ‘Man had nothing to do with
this. This is a God thing,’ the sheriff stated. ‘
There's no oil well around here, there are no irrigation
wells anywhere near. This is something that just
happened.’ It remains unknown what caused the ground to
open up in the first place, or how to prevent the sinkhole
from swallowing more land.
Meanwhile, the sinkhole as Assumption Parish in Louisiana
continues to grow, and has even developed waves generated from
some activity deep within. Experts are stumped, but the one
factor they are not
considering is the stress from the North American bow. Last
covered in Issue 347 of this
newsletter on May 26, 2013.

- Waves Recorded at Louisiana Sinkhole
Which is now More than 500 Feet (150 meters) Deep
July 19, 2013
- Assumption Parish Police Jury blog
reported abundant surface water movement and burp
event in the center of the sinkhole starting early on July
19, 2013. Video released on the same day shows sudden
water movement at sinkhole area with tidal wave
characteristics. At Assumption Parish public briefing
held on July 16, 2013 Gary Hecox, CB&I
hydrogeologist stressed that they have talked to
some of the leading experts in the world as too what could
be causing the problem. Here is his short statement from
the briefing: "Nobody’s ever encountered anything like
this in the history of mankind. I’m not kidding,
what’s going on with that cavern where it’s going up
several hundred feet and down several hundred feet, we
don’t know if it’s some equipment issues or if there’s
something going on in the cavern that we don’t understand.
The pressure in the cavern continues to slowly increase.
It’s up now to almost 600psi in the wellhead, that’s brine
pressure not gas. I don’t even have a good hypothesis
to tell you. The world experts have looked at this
and we don’t know.
Oil eating bacteria, which deplete the oxygen in the water,
have created the largest ever “dead zone” around this sinkhole,
showing how much oil is leaking from that cavern and perhaps
others nearby that have been breached. This likewise was noted
when the BP gulf oil spill occurred in 2010, but not to this
extent. Thus the Louisiana sinkhole, as an oil leak, is worse
than the BP oil spill!

- Newly discovered oil-eating microbe
'flourishing' in Gulf
August 24, 2010
- Scientists discovered the new
microbe while studying the underwater dispersion of
millions of gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf following
the explosion of BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig.
Their findings are based on more than 200 samples
collected from 17 deepwater sites between May 25 and June
2. They found that the dominant microbe in the oil plume
is a new species, closely related to members of
Oceanospirillales. The bacteria may have adapted over time
due to periodic leaks and natural seeps of oil in the
Gulf. Scientists also had been concerned that oil-eating
activity by microbes would consume large amounts of oxygen
in the water, creating a "dead zone" dangerous to other
life. But the new study found that oxygen saturation
outside the oil plume was 67-percent while within the
plume it was 59-percent.
- This Year’s Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
Could Be the Biggest on Record
June 19, 2013
- According to an annual estimate
from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) sponsored modelers at the University of Michigan,
Louisiana State University and Louisiana Universities
Marine Consortium, this year’s dead zone could be as large
as 8,561 sq. miles—roughly the size of New Jersey. That
would make it the biggest dead zone on record. And even
the low end of the estimate would place this year among
the top 10 biggest dead zones on record. Barring an
unlikely change in the weather, much of the Gulf of Mexico
could become an aquatic desert.
Per the Zetas, these dead zones are caused by oil eating
bacteria, which reduce the oxygen in the water when they
flourish and feed. And this is likely just the start!
ZetaTalk Comment
8/10/2013: How
coincidental that the largest dead zone ever in the Gulf is
clustered around the coast where the Louisiana sinkhole has
been burping and burbling oil! What might be happening nearby,
in that fractured oil filled salt dome, to cause this? Despite
the excuses provided by the frantic establishment, the dead
zone is not caused by fertilizer runoff. It is caused by oil
eating bacteria which reduce the available oxygen in the water
when they are feeding. This will only get worse, even if the
US oil reserves are pumped out and stored elsewhere. The Gulf
was leaky before the BP spill, and this will all exacerbate
during the bowing of the N American continent and the
rupturing of the New Madrid Fault line.
During the S America roll, the continent of S America is
likewise put into a bow. The top part pulls to the West, while
the lower portion is blocked along the Andes by bumping into the
Nazca Plate. During a recent violent water main rupture in Rio,
as depicted in this Pole
Shift ning blog, this was once again shown to be the
case. Quakes along the southern Andes, and stretch zone
accidents to the East.
ZetaTalk Explanation
1/15/2011: S
America is tugging to the west, along its top side. But as
much as there is stress along the northern Andes where the S
American Plate slides over the Nazca Plate, there is more
stress along the southern Andes. Why would this be? The rolls
that S America and Africa will do is primarily at the Equator,
where the spreading apart of the Atlantic and the compressing
of the Pacific is at an accelerated pace. The tip of S America
does not roll, but remains nailed in place. For the top
portion of S America to roll to the west, something must thus
give, and to some extent this is the southeastern portion of S
America. There is already a seaway developing at Buenos Aires.

- Burst Water Main Causes Giant Fountain
in Brazil
August 7, 2013
- The burst water main released a
torrent of water over a residential area in Campo Grande
just after 5:00am on July 30. Cars were tossed like toys
by the powerful torrent of water which swept away numerous
homes. The cause of the rupture was not immediately clear.
Power to the neighborhood has been cut.
The Zetas were asked about a new crop
circle in Ipuacu, Santa Catarina, Brasil and described it
as depicting the S American bow. This was depicted in Issue
269 on November 27, 2011. Note the correlation in
location! The bow stress described by the Zetas in 2011 is where
this recent massive water main break in Rio occurred! Zetas
right again!

ZetaTalk Analysis
11/19/2011: Where
the S American continent can anticipate a 90° crustal shift,
the 7 of 10 scenarios, the S American roll, will alter the
landscape. S America is bending, pulling apart so that the
seaway at Buenos Aires will be expanded. But as the flooding
along the Rio Parana shows, this area is being stretched also
and will stretch along the curve south of Rio de Janeiro, the
30° swatch on the crop circle. The large circle to the right
is the Buenos Aires stretch, and further south along
Argentina, the next circle to the right. Will there likewise
be a stretch in the Amazon? This too is indicated by the
circles to the left, but not as significant as the coastal
More Wobble Proof
More wobble proof from webcams, comparing same date and time
over the years. The wobble is getting worse! An astonishing
series of photos from a Vancouver
cam show the Sun steadily setting earlier as the wobble
worsens. Comparing years 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2012 one can see
the Sun steadily setting earlier, until it disappears behind the
mountain, and then no longer even putting an orange glow in the
sky. This is during the time when the Earth wobble puts the Sun
over the Pacific, the polar push, so Vancouver has been moved North to a higher latitude
and thus the Sun sets earlier.
- The camera faces west toward
English Bay, the mouth of False Creek and the Burrard
Bridge, with the West Side and UBC (Canada) endowment land
at the left edge of the shot.

Last week in Issue 359 of this
newsletter we detailed how Denver is getting an earlier sunrise
because of the Italy tilt during the Earth wobble, which is
giving Colorado a lower latitude at dawn. But there is a pivot
point during the Earth wobble, between the time when the Sun is
high over the US at noon and when the Sun is high over the
Pacific at noon. The globe moves from a bounce back, shifting
the N Pole down, to another polar push, pushing the N Pole back
up. A webcam at Long
Island is catching this pivot point at dusk. Facing East,
this cam shows barely a twitch in the shadows from year to year.
The wobble may have gotten worse, the North/South swings more
severe, but this median point is holding during the swings.

Thermal Image
The Red Filter Revolution, wherein
mylar or the insert from an old floppy disc is used to filter for light in the red
spectrum range , is one excellent method of uncloaking Planet X
and its components. Using an infrared scope is another, but very
few in the public have access to such a scope. Infrared was the
means by which the IRAS team discovered Planet X in late 1983,
and was used at several
observatories in 2002 when Planet X was inbound. A new
Pole Shift ning member from New Zealand has discovered that he
can capture Planet X and its components using a thermal image.
Bearing in mind that New Zealand is under the Ecliptic, and
Alberto’s location in Italy is well above the Ecliptic, note how
these recent photos, using different methods, mirror each other!

Magnetic Trimester
Magnetic Trimesters have been a stock ZetaTalk subject from the
start of the ZetaTalk saga. The Zetas have given the dates when
the trimesters change, citing the August change at approximately
August 12 to be the strongest during the year.
ZetaTalk Description
6/6/2004: Summer
Trimester (May-Aug) Normally
a time when the outburst is strongest. And as can be seen by a
comparison for the Summer of 2003 to the year before, the
influence of Planet X coming into the inner solar system
created a conflict for the Earth. Fall
Trimester (Sep-Dec) Normally
a time when the annual outburst is diminishing. Spring Trimester (Jan-Apr)
Normally a quiet time when the
outburst is quiescent, just ahead of the yearly burst during
the Summer Trimester.
ZetaTalk Dates
7/17/2010: Were
we to estimate more precisely the point when the pulse
changes, it would be more akin to December 17, April 20, and
August 12. But there is a slight period after the end of a
phase when a particle crowding has not yet subsided, or an
increase in particle flow has not yet registered. Thus, the
end of those months is most accurate as a guide.
The Magnetic Trimesters are also a frequent focus of crop circle
designs, as this design at Monument
Hill in the UK on August 6, 2013. Note that the trimester
change for one of the
trimesters is emphasized. Which one? In that the Zetas have
given the dates of the trimesters as August 12, December 17 and
then April 20, it would seem that there is a slightly shorter
time between April and August (114 days ) and a slightly longer
time between August and December (127 days more) with the last
trimester to April 20 close behind (124 days). The spacing on
the 12 month edging of the Monument Hill crop circle thus seems
to indicate this crop circle is pointing to the August
trimester change. Is this giving us a heads up?

ZetaTalk Analysis
8/17/2013: This
design is legitimate, as shown by the weaving of grain. It is
also an obvious reference to the Magnetic Trimesters due to
room for 12 evenly spaced scallops along the periphery of the
circle and 3 points touching this periphery from the center.
The trimesters, shown by what look like squashed rectangles,
are not identical, as the touch points along the periphery are
not even. The trimester dates have been given as August 12,
December 17, and April 20. Thus it is clear that the August 12
trimester change is being emphasized in this design, and of
course being laid on August 6 this is close in time to the
August trimester change. The Magnetic Trimesters cause an
adjustment in the Earth, and as with all such adjustments
there are consequences. Major earthquakes tend to occur
clustered around a trimester change. A trimester change will
tend to exacerbate any magnetic instability the Earth might be
experiencing, as a trimester change is by nature a magnetic
influence. This crop circle is an explanation of the Magnetic
Trimesters, and also a warning.
At least half the great quakes in the past decade have been
clustered around a magnetic trimester. The Indo-Australian Plate
is, per the Zetas, the brake point. Movement in this plate allows
a domino effect in all the other plates around the world. Thus
that most of these great quakes happened along the edge of the
Sunda Plate and Indo-Australian Plate is not surprising. The 9.1
quake in Sumatra on December
26, 2004 was a trimester cluster. The 8.6 in Sumatra on March
28, 2005 was a trimester cluster. The 8.6 in Sumatra on April
11, 2012 was likewise a trimester cluster. But the 8.5 in
Sumatra on September
12, 2007 and the 8.8 in Chile on February
27, 2010 and the 9.0 in Japan on March
11, 2011 were not. Per the USGS, at least a third of the
great quakes that have occurred in the past century occurred in
this past decade, since Planet X arrived in the inner solar
Grabbing the Stage
The Zetas predicted that false prophets, those trying to make a
buck on trying to be first, or right, about the coming passage
and approach of Planet X, would proliferate.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/21/2012: ZetaTalk
has been on target since its birth in 1995, even tracking
Planet X into the inner solar system in 2003 with documented
evidence, it cannot be disputed. It is also too widely known
to be eliminated and has proven resistant to being
discredited. But there are dozens of individuals, generating
their own prophecies and garnering their own following, who
will try to grab the stage.
ZetaTalk Prediction
11/24/2012: Prophets of every color will try
to grab the stage. The circus is about to begin and there is
no avoiding it.
The list of people who not
to trust in this regard has been noted, on the Who
to Trust video and matching Pole
Shift ning blog. This included people trying to get into
position as being the one
who predicted the arrival of Planet X, correctly, just ahead of
Obama’s planned announcement admitting the presence of Planet X,
aka Nibiru, in the inner solar system. Where Nancy is banned
from Coast-to-Coast by the ultra-right owner of that station,
Marshall Masters has been enjoying repeated recent visits, most
recently August 7, 2013. Never mind that he cannot be trusted
for facts, as noted in a recent ZetaTalk
newsletter detailing his claims that space objects “Yogi”
and “BlueBonnet” are seen in a volcanic webcam, when they are
quite obviously a dust spec and smear on the webcam glass cover!
They do not move as
the Earth rotates, and even stand in front of a black cloud of
volcanic gasses at one point. Masters has always claimed that
Planet X is not in the inner solar system, and is now
desperately trying to arrange for Planet X to arrive, under his

Now we have another, Pattie Brassard, who claims to be a NASA
ex-contractor and allowed to provide all manner of high security
information without repercussions. The Zetas ask, does Snowden
get this freedom? If she were real, in what she claims, she
would have been shut down from the start. Per the Zetas, they
warned us about this circus. Pattie isn’t the first, and she
won’t be the last.

ZetaTalk Comment
8/10/2013: Pattie
Brassard is a false front, and not as claimed. A real name
with a false résumé, never a NASA subcontractor. Has the
extreme silence over the years from NASA employees not
indicated the strictures they are under? National security
rules, on issues related to Planet X, on issues related to the
alien presence, and all who break their contract are severely
punished. Whomever is selected to work for NASA has likewise
been stringently controlled, with only those inclined to be
obsessive rule followers selected. Pattie does not qualify in
personality, nor would an ex-NASA associated individual be
allowed to blather about what they have learned. Is Snowden
allowed to have his own Internet show and FaceBook page? Pattie is an opportunist who has
sensed via trends and news releases that the announcement is
close, and is trying to grab the stage and make some money. We
warned in 2012 that the circus is about to begin, with old and
new false prophets trying to compete with or plagiarize
ZetaTalk in their desire to grab the stage.