Sun North
and Bright
Way too far North, way too high in the dome, and way too
bright. This has been observed and documented recently from
America and Europe, as documented in this Pole
Shift ning blog. This implies a lean into opposition,
where the N Pole of Earth is pointing consistently more toward
the Sun and Planet X. Leaning into opposition places Earth in a
comfortable position, along the magnetic flow lines of Planet X,
aka Nibiru.
ZetaTalk Explanation
8/6/2011: As
Planet X moved closer still, enveloping Earth in its
magnetosphere, a type of flipping about also began, where the
Earth would tilt its N Pole away or flip in the other
direction, into opposition along the magnetic flow lines of
Planet X. The Earth will attempt to placate the dominant
magnetic field of Planet X by lying in opposition, actually
pointing its N Pole toward the Sun.
Late afternoon on June 9, 2013 at 4:30 pm the Sun was “virtually
overhead” in Blackpool, UK as determined by the shadows. The Sun
should have been casting long shadows at that time, about
one-third way up in the dome (Altitude 30), closer to the
horizon than the top of the dome, per Skymap. Yet from the
angle, it appears to be twice that, two-thirds of the way up in
the dome. In Wisconsin, I, Nancy, had a chance to take a couple
readings when the Sun was quite visible. In both cases the
measure was 20? or more too far to the North. The Sun was also
rising early and too high in the dome by about that same
measure, 20?.

- June 9: The Sun at 16.30 hrs in
Blackpool North West UK. Note the shadows under the cars
on the road - Sun virtually overhead! [and from another]
June 11: I just took a measure here in Wisconsin at 6:55
am DST. By my measure the Sun was at Azimuth 53 in the NE
and Altitude 40, Per Skymap it should have been Azimuth 73
and Altitude 17. This is fully 20d too far to the North
and fully 20d too high in the dome! I have had these
readings pretty consistently, during sunny days, which are
few and far between in our lingering cold spring here. [and from another] June
17: Sun way too far North. Skymap says it should be
at Azimuth 68, but it is at Azimuth 43, a full 25d too far
Another phenomena is also apparent – a sunrise occurring for
hours before the Sun is scheduled to rise, with the sunrise
seeming to last for hours. This is the Second Sun, sunlight
bouncing off the vast dust cloud of Planet X so it appears two
suns are rising, one after the other. A webcam capture in Sweden
on June 15, 2013 shows the Sun rising hours too early. The
Second Sun was captured on the webcam at 00:55 am. Predawn light
is traditionally evident only the hour or at most two hours
before sunrise.

- Wayne Wasere's Photos
June 15, 2013
- Why is the Sun rising in the sky
over Stockholme right now? It’s been rising since about
1.20 am and it’s only 1.50 am in the morning in Sweden.
It’s not supposed to rise until 3.30 in the morning.
In the UK, in a cam looking out over the water at
Whitby, there can be no confusion about just where the
horizon lies, one can see by the reflections that the Second Sun
rose on the water at 3:42 am, an hour before the actual Sun
comes up over the horizon at 4:55 am. Reflections don’t lie!

This was likewise noticed in Italy on June 16, 2013 where a
webcam shows the dawn
breaking hours earlier than the expected time. The
ecliptic stretches from lower left to upper right at dawn, in
the Northern Hemisphere, thus Planet X “rises” first. If this is
the case, then the true Sun will be rising a bit to the left of
the Second Sun. Where a rising Sun in the Northern Hemisphere
would move steadily to the right
while rising, the light from the “Sun” is rather appearing first
on the right and then
an hour later, appearing on the left.
This shows the first appearance to be Planet X, the Second Sun.

This extended pre-dawn brightness also goes hand in hand with
what many are reporting, an ultra-bright Sun. The fact that the
Sun seemed to go from a yellow orb to a white orb has been noted
since 2003, since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system. It
has been noted that sunburn occurs more rapidly. Since the
presence of Planet X, aka Nibiru, has been under a cover-up,
such topics are rarely discussed in the media, but having the
twilight start 3 hours early in Sweden and Italy, as recorded on
the webcams, snuck around the cover-up. Why is there extra
light? Per the Zetas the Sun’s rays are now bounced off and
through the tail of Planet X, and thus bounced are arriving from
the side as well as directly from the Sun – an increased

ZetaTalk Explanation
12/11/2005: What
causes the Sun scald, the intense brightness that does not
translate into increased heat and cannot be correlated to
solar activity or sun spots? A fog bank, with a light shown on
it, appears to be evenly lit, because the light is scattered
and bouncing back to the observer. The Sun's rays, scattered,
are presenting the same mix to your eye that high noon
presents. Likewise with the rays that created sunburn, which
normally are not bent toward the observer at sunset or at
other than high noon, but now are scattered to arrive at one's
skin. The time of day is no longer a protection from sunburn.
This will only get worse, as the tail continues to turn toward
the Earth.
Title 14 Expose
Part of UFO lore, and the long running battle with NASA to
admit to the alien presence, is the story of Section 1211 of
Title 14, which spelled out the quarantine of those having
contact with alien life and imprisonment of those who refused to
cooperate with NASA’s rules. This statue was put into law by
Congress in 1969 (the year the Andromeda Strain was published),
mentioned as a threat by the Pentagon in 1982 (the year the
movie ET hit the theaters), and not removed from the books until

- Federal Law Prohibits Any Contact
Between U.S. Citizens an Space Aliens or UFOs
- Title 14 is the part of the code
dealing with aviation and space and sections 1211 through
1299 specifically regulate the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA). Section 1211 was added in
1969 when the U.S. would be bringing a space vehicle and
astronauts back to earth from a mission to the moon.
The section was designed to protect the earth from any
contamination that may have been picked up during the
- Alien Contact Law
- The Extra-terrestrial Contact Law
1211.100 Title 14 – Aeronautics and Space
Part 1211 – Extra-terrestrial Exposure
1211.100 – Scope
This part establishes: (a) NASA policy, responsibility and
authority to guard the Earth against any harmful
contamination or adverse changes in its environment
resulting from personnel, spacecraft and other property
returning to the Earth after landing on or coming within
the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body; and (b)
security requirements, restrictions and safeguards that
are necessary in the interest of national security.
- Alien Contact Laws- $5,000 Fine And
October 3, 2003
- On October 5, 1982, Dr. Brain T.
Clifford of the Pentagon announced at a press conference
that contact between U.S. citizens and extra-terrestrials
or their vehicles is strictly illegal. According to a law
already on the books, Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code
of Federal Regulations, adopted on July 16, 1969. It is
certainly not a coincidence that Dr. Clifford held his
press conference during the period when the popularity of
the film E.T. was at its peak. The NASA administrator is
empowered to determine with or without a hearing that a
person or object has been "extraterrestrially exposed" and
impose an indeterminate quarantine under armed guard,
which could not be broken even by court order. There is no
limit placed on the number of individuals who could thus
be arbitrarily quarantined. The definition of
"extraterrestrial exposure" is left entirely up to NASA
administrator, who is thus endowed with total dictatorial
power to be exercised at his slightest caprice, which is
completely contrary to the Constitution.
- Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
- NASA revoked the rule in 1977 and
the rule was formally removed from the Code of Federal
Regulations in 1991.
Per the Zetas, Title 14 Section 1211 showed the great paranoia
that existed within the CIA and the DOD over contact, the basis
of their influence on so many Hollywood movies showing aliens
rampaging and eating or destroying mankind. Per the Zetas, the
Title 14 law actually gave NASA the power of life or death over
citizens having contact with aliens. The definition of the word
“quarantine” does not exclude the need to potentially nuke or
incinerate those infected if required for complete “isolation”
or to “prevent the spread of disease”.
- Quarantine
- quar•an•tine (?kw?r ?n?tin,
?kw?r-, ?kw?r ?n?tin, ?kw?r-)
n., v. -tined, -tin•ing. n.
1. a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of
2. a period, orig. 40 days, of detention or isolation
imposed upon ships, people, animals, or plants on arrival
at a port or place, when suspected of carrying a
contagious disease.
3. a system of measures maintained at ports, frontiers,
etc., for preventing the spread of disease.
4. a place or station at which such measures are carried
out, as a place where ships are detained.
5. the detention or isolation enforced.
6. the place, as a hospital, where people are detained.
7. social, political, or economic isolation imposed as a
8. a period of 40 days.
9. to put in or subject to quarantine.
10. to exclude, detain, or isolate for political or social
ZetaTalk Comment
6/15/2013: The
Andromeda Strain book was published in 1969, the year Title 14
was amended by NASA to cover infection by germs from space.
Yet in those days, MJ12 was regularly meeting with aliens!
During contact, protection from infection is handled by the
aliens, who must worry about such contamination moving in
either direction. NASA knew they did not have this capability,
thus worried. Was their worry warranted? We have confirmed
that the
red rain falling near
India includes cell structures from space, so the possibility
of such encounters absolutely exists. But the Earth is
bombarded constantly with dust from space, and immune systems
on Earth developed accordingly. There is no worry, within your
solar system, of such a plague descending upon Earth.
The Title 14 brouhaha is yet
another example of NASA shooting themselves in the foot. At
the writing, NASA was anticipating a potential scenario as
occurred in the Andromeda Strain, where the populace at large
might be infected and a sudden need to quarantine and even
destroy towns and large numbers of citizens would be required
to contain the infection. Title 14 gave absolutely authority
to the head of NASA, and was vague enough so almost any steps
might be pre-authorized by Congress. Would they need to drop a
nuke on a town to contain the infection? Done, no hesitation
required. “Quarantine” means preventing the spread, and does
not specify the means.
Eventually, the absurdity of
the Title 14 Sections 1211-1299 became an embarrassment. NASA
denied intelligent life elsewhere existed, yet had a law on
the books covering contamination from “spacecraft” arriving on
Earth. Since Title 14 clearly mentioned person to person
contamination, it was not limited to astronauts or NASA
personnel. Thus UFO buffs and contactees feared this law would
be used to prosecute them. Such a threat was implied in 1982
when the movie ET was released, as though the public was being
given a warning not to seek contact. Having lost the bid for
credibility and influence, NASA quietly removed this Title 14
section in 1991. Meanwhile, the number of contactees has

- The Andromeda Strain
- Publication date: May 12, 1969.
When a military satellite returns to Earth, a recovery
team is dispatched to retrieve it; during a live radio
communication with their base, the team members suddenly
die. Aerial surveillance reveals that everyone in
Piedmont, Arizona, the town closest to where the satellite
landed, is apparently dead. The base commander suspects
the satellite returned with an extraterrestrial organism
and recommends activating Wildfire, a protocol for a
government-sponsored team that counters extraterrestrial
biological infestation.
Canadian Disclosure
An outcome of the Citizen
Hearing ongoing in Washington DC was testimony by the
Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Helyer. He addressed the
number of alien races interacting with the governments of the
world, but surprisingly was courageous in addressing the desires
of those in mankind trying to create a New World Order. He
is describing those among MJ12 who wished to use their knowledge
to gain power. He was not alone in stepping up to the mic. How
far we have come since the days when NASA was given the
authority to quarantine, imprison, and perhaps kill whomever had
unauthorized contact.

- Transcript for Paul Hellyer’s Speech
at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
June 1, 2013
- The cabal comprises members of the
Three Sisters, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission,
international banking cartel, the oil cartel, members of
various intelligence organizations, and select members of
the military junta (?), who together have become a shadow
government of not only the United States but of much of
the Western world. The aim of the game is a world
government comprising members of a cabal who are elected
by no one and accountable to no one. And according to Mr.
Rockefeller, the plan is well advanced.
- Canadian Minister of Defense Delivers
Info on Known Alien Races
June 1, 2013
- Former Special Assistant to the
Executive Director of the CIA Victor Marchetti: The US
government, in collusion with the other national powers of
the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the
general public. Sworn Affidavit by Lieutenant Walter Haut
concerning his experience of the 1947 UFO crash at
Roswell, NM: Haut describes seeing the UFO and the
occupants consisting of alien bodies as well as a
high-level meeting with Col. William Blanchard and General
Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force.
Astronaut Scott Carpenter: There was a constant
surveillance by UFOs. Colonel Joseph J. Bryan III,
founding member of the CIA's psychological warfare staff,
advisor to NATO: These UFOs are interplanetary
devices systematically observing the Earth, either manned
or under remote control, or both. Information on UFOs,
including sighting reports, has been and is still being
officially withheld.
Per the Zetas, what is more remarkable than the testimony is
the fact that these individuals have not been killed!
ZetaTalk Comment
6/15/2013: The
current association of the former MJ12 members is now no more
significant than the Bilderberg Group, though these
individuals have certain knowledge of aliens and the pending
passage of Planet X, and some have met aliens in the conscious
contact allowed in the past for MJ12 members. What
changed that Paul Hellyer was able to describe the composition
of what he calls a Cabal or Secret Government? The rules are
loosening, and the actual membership of the Cabal growing to
include others who were never under the Governing Boards of
MJ12. The actual MJ12, in the past, required any new members
to sign
an agreement that they
could be put to death for either revealing the existence of
MJ12 or profiting from their membership. Paul Hellyer was
never a member.
The original goals of MJ12 did
not include a New
World Order or world
government. There were of course many agendas, each individual
holding his own agenda. Military members wished to gain
control of alien
technology and others
wished to learn the date of the pending passage of Planet X
while keeping the public ignorant. Due to the publicity
the courageous Paul Hellyer’s testimony has received, others
will be emboldened to question the actions and influence of
members of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign
Relations, and the Tri-Lateral Commission. The influence of
big oil companies and military industrial complex interests
will likewise be increasingly scrutinized. All to the good.
Bleeding Trees
Appearing the Apocalypse of Ezra, bleeding trees are supposed
to be a sign of the approaching Apocalypse. Why would
trees bleed, and is this on the increase? They certainly are appearing in
videos. But I Googled the issue and it appears that
bleeding trees are nothing new, have appeared worldwide, and are
not a hoax at all. Per the Zetas, they are
on the increase as the immune systems of trees are being
affected by Planet X, just as the immune systems of all
creatures are being affected these days.

- Bleeding Trees: An Apocalyptic Sign?
The Apocalypse Of Ezra Predicted It
- According to the Apocalypse of
Ezra, one of the signs of the approaching ‘Apocalypse’
will be trees bleeding; does this video show just that or
is this merely ‘sap’?
- The Ezra-Apocalypse
- And blood shall trickle forth from
wood, and the stone utter its voice. The people shall be
in commotion, the outgoings (of the stars) shall change.
ZetaTalk Comment
6/15/2013: Blood
red sap, either sticky of liquid, is not uncommon in trees,
and many species have shown this in many places around the
world. The sap can suddenly turn red, and can be side-by-side
with milky or golden sap. Is this a disease or indicative of
iron oxide in the water drawn from the ground? Sap draws water
up from the subsoil and delivers nutrients and oxygen back
down to the branches, trunk, and roots of the tree. Why would
it not be possible for this algae to grow in the nutrient rich
sap of trees? Why would the Apocalypse of Ezra mention
bleeding trees as a sign of the coming Apocalypse? We have
mentioned increasing illness as the time of the Pole Shift
approaches, due to stress. Trees have inherent immune systems,
resisting being eaten by all manner of pathogens, including
parasitic algae. Bleeding trees have a faltering immune