The Earth wobble can be discerned from long-exposure
photos that would normally show a perfect circle around Polaris,
the North Star. In Issue 149
of this newsletter we featured a 2007 long-exposure photo that
showed a skew in the circle. This photo was from a NASA
site so was presumably a credible source. By 2010 this
skew had gotten wider, showing what would otherwise be a circle
as an oval. These examples were features in Issue
179 and Issue 183 of this
newsletter. A recent long-exposure from India, during the night,
is in line with the latest wobble analysis in Issue
343 of this newsletter, which shows a tilt of the N
Pole of Earth first to the right and then to the left. The N
Pole of Earth is pointing to two
different places during the night, neither likely to be

- Spellbinding Star Trails Dazzle Over
India's Devasthal Peak
May 29, 2013
- Star trails shine above Devasthal
Peak in Northern India in this captivating night sky
photo. This image captures star trails over the
newly-constructed Devasthal Optical Telescope. Located
high atop the Devasthal peak in Uttarakhand, India.
ZetaTalk Analysis
6/8/2013: On
March 1, 2013 there is a new development. The center of the
focus is in two places, not just one! As Nancy pointed out in
a recent newsletter, due to Planet X more to the right of the
Earth lately, the Figure 8 has the presumed Polaris low on the
horizon and to the right in India when the Sun is high
overhead in America, and then switching quickly where the
presumed Polaris is high in the dome and more to the left in
India when the Sun is moving to be over New Zealand. This
long-exposure photo show this motion, without question. It is
not that the camera platform moves. It is not that Polaris
moves. It is that the Earth itself moves to point its N Pole
toward a different place! It is difficult in the middle of the
night to determine this, as the usual proof is to measure the
Azimuth of the sunrise or sunset. But here, we have a midnight
The Earth wobble has clearly been a forbidden subject during the
cover-up over the near presence of Planet X. Probes sent aloft
had any excuse but the truth, which was that they were peering
at Planet X, aka Nibiru. But what about NASA’s latest satellite,
which will circle the globe from pole to pole several times a
day, crossing the Equator each time? Per the Zetas, this is a
precise way to measure the Earth wobble, as the angle between
the Earth and the Sun would change. It is also a way to measure
any change in the wobble, or an increase in the severity of the

- NASA's Sun Probe IRIS is Readied for
April 22, 201
- The satellite will circle Earth in
a sun-synchronous polar orbit, which means it will fly
along the planet's dawn/dusk line, looking toward the sun.
Each orbit will take 97 minutes to complete, which will
allow IRIS to circle the planet about 14 or 15 times each
day, from an altitude of about 373 miles (600 km). This
path, which is designed to take the spacecraft over the
equator at the same local time every day, allows for
nearly continuous looks at the sun. The $181 million
mission is designed to operate for about two years.
- Polar Orbit
- A polar orbit is an orbit in which
a satellite passes above or nearly above both poles of the
body being orbited. It is common for near-polar orbiting
satellites to choose a sun-synchronous orbit: meaning that
each successive orbital pass occurs at the same local time
of day.
ZetaTalk Analysis
6/8/2013: What
is NASA trying to learn with this new satellite, which will be
positioned exactly over the Equator at the same time each day?
The satellite hugs the Earth, hugs the Equator in fact, so the
angle of view toward the Sun should change only for the slow
passing of the seasons. But during the daily Earth
wobble, the angle of view toward the Sun changes as the N Pole
is first pushed away from Planet X, then later compensates by
bouncing back. The daily Figure 8 pattern also has the Earth
first leaning to the right, then the left, a pattern that is
overlaid over the polar push pattern.
Bilderberg Plans
Whatever the members of the Bilderberg Group are up to, the
meetings infuriate those who are not invited. Composed of
royalty, the politically powerful and influential, the wealthy,
and those in charge of large corporations the Bilderberg Group
is assumed to be plotting to run the world, and plotting how to
continue to remain in power. Per the Zetas, it is significant
that they formed in 1954, just after Roswell, as they do indeed
hold secrets known only to MJ12 in those days. This includes the
reality of the alien presence and the reality of the pending
passage of Planet X.
ZetaTalk Insight
11/15/1996: The
Bilderberg Group was formed originally to deal with the issue
of the alien presence, its impact on the populations and
economies of the world. Once formed, this group of course
discussed other matters. They had inside information garnered
from MJ12 not only on the alien presence but also on the
anticipated passage of Planet X. As concern about the public's
reaction to the alien presence diminished, and the time of the
passage loomed close, this became their primary concern and
now dominates their discussions. In an economic summit
such as the Bilderberg Group, the focus is naturally on
economic issues. This is a confidence game that requires
public confidence in the system to survive. Meanwhile, the
public will increasingly move to the barter system. The
Bilderberg Group, their heads in the clouds, will continue to
operate as though they are controlling economics, even as they
become irrelevant.
What were the concerns during Bilderberg 2013, on the weekend of
June 8-9, 2013 when Obama was poised to make the announcement
admitting the near presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X? Per the
Zetas, they were struggling with how to remain in control.

- Bilderberg 2013 Comes to the Grove
Hotel, Watford
June 2, 2013
- A heady mix of politicians, bank
bosses, billionaires, chief executives and European
royalty will swoop up the elegant drive of the Grove
hotel, north of Watford, to begin the annual
Bilderberg conference. The conference is the
highlight of every plutocrat's year and has been since
1954. The only time Bilderberg skipped a year was 1976,
after the group's founding chairman, Prince Bernhard
of the Netherlands, was caught taking bribes from
Lockheed Martin. Senior politicians will be holed up
for three days in luxurious privacy with the chairmen and
CEOs of hedge funds, tech corporations and vast
multinational holding companies, with zero press
- Bilderberg 2013: White Men, Vampire
Squids and Shape-Shifting Lizard People
June 4, 2013
- It is dominated by middle-aged and
elderly white men, with Christine Lagarde, managing
director of the IMF, leading the tiny coterie of women
that can now pass muster among the financial and political
elite. Tidjane Thiam, CEO of insurance giant Prudential,
will probably be the only black face there. Meanwhile, the
sense that it is stuck in the rut of its Cold War origins
(founded in 1954 to foster dialogue between Europe and
North America) is revealed by the fact that it is yet to
recognize that the Iron Curtain crumbled over 20 years
ago. Despite having been initiated by, among others,
Polish politician-in-exile Józef Retinger, there is not a
single invitee from east of the Elbe, let alone Russia.
Here is the official list of attendees and the agenda for
the Bilderberg Group meeting at The Grove in Watford, 6-9
ZetaTalk Expose
6/8/2013: This
year, in 2013, both cover-ups are threatening to break, almost
simultaneously. It is no longer ‘what if’ but ‘now what’ that
will be discussed. The list of worries for the wealthy and
powerful is endless. As the economic slowdown grinds on, a
virtual global depression, will this mean bank failures? For
the wealthy, it is likely to mean a change in ownership.
As the poor are unable to pay their bills, banks will sell the
assets to the wealthy at a bargain price. Corporate shares,
foreclosed housing, and farm lands will go cheap, but what
will this ultimately mean? Paper ownership will mean nothing
in the Aftertime, when squatter’s rights and the ability of
hard working survival camps to feed themselves will prevail.
There will be no courts or military or police to enforce paper
rights, and thus the wealthy are fooling themselves in their
We predicted that the public
would react to an admission that Nibiru, aka Planet X, was
real and nearby, soon to pass, would result in shock amid the
public. They would go to work, pay their bills, and take some
time to react. The announcement is expected to mention that
Nibiru is not newly arrived, but has been near the Sun for
years, in order to prevent instant panic. But the Bilderberg
Group imagines the worst. They fear riots in every city,
opportunistic looting, and services maintaining power and
water collapsing. Will martial law be imposed? How long will
it take to re-establish order? Are the members of the
Bilderberg Group planning any steps to assist the public? This
comes up for discussion in the context of placating the
public. Hazard pay, employment benefits, so the public will
stay in dangerous places for a bit of extra cash. Such is the
orientation of the Bilderberg Group.
Are the members of the Bilderberg Group the only ones nervous?
Plans are being laid by many, who are more transparent in their
plans than they assume! Especially when the Zetas can read their

- Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, Oprah and Warren
Buffett Meeting at SC Island
May 10, 2013
- Other big names such as New York
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, TV host Oprah Winfrey and
Billionaire Warren Buffet flew into the Charleston
Executive airport. Other prominent people said to also be
staying there this weekend are Jeb Bush and Dan
Gilbert, owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. The famous
guests were attending a two day long conference led by
Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Officials say the meeting
was about the foundation Gates and his wife Linda run.
ZetaTalk Expose
5/25/2013: Where
Gates will discuss his foundation with the attendees, this is
not the primary purpose of the Sea Island meetings.
Politicians such as Bloomberg and Jed Bush, media
personalities such as Oprah and Dan Gilbert show this was not
strictly a meeting of the wealthy. They are laying plans to
promote their agenda after the announcement. The very wealthy
are resigned to the pending announcement by Obama and NASA.
They can also see that any plans to race to Mars or the Moon
will not succeed. Statistics on satellite damage, and inside
information on the struggle to keep the ISS operational have
shown where this race is going.
If the wealthy must survive on
Earth, and hope to prosper after the Pole Shift, what is the
plan? They want to be seen as leaders, presenting solutions
and financing survival sites. Of course, our warnings about
enslavement will apply, as these sites will be populated with
the equivalent of indentured servants, not free to leave and
not empowered with the ability to be self-sufficient.
Entertainment with sports and familiar personalities like Opra
are part of the plan, so the public lured into virtual slavery
at these sites will foolishly think their current lifestyles
will be continued.
Those responsible for maintaining order are also nervous. If
Homeland Security is buying extra bullets, what else is the
establishment doing to prevent riots and panic? Per the Zetas,
they are planning debates!
ZetaTalk Comment
5/18/2013: ZetaTalk
will inevitably be credited for their 17 years of accurate
prophecy. Faced with potential ZetaTalk mania, where the
public will avidly read and become acquainted with ZetaTalk,
the establishment has braced for the reaction to ZetaTalk
predictions on coastal flooding and sinking lands such as in
India and western Australia. They plan to counter our
predictions by pointing to prediction failures such as a
passage in 2003 (it did arrive in 2003 but did not pass). The
7 of 10 plate movements also have been slow to roll out,
though once again started on time at the end of 2010. By such
debates, perhaps with notables such as Niel deGrasse Tyson,
the public will be both presented with the ZetaTalk warnings
while simultaneously reassured that it is not likely to be
that bad by a respected astrophysicist. This is their plan.
Meanwhile, on the very same weekend of Bilderberg 2013, Obama
and China’s Xi met in California for a two day chat, and seemed
to hit it off quite well. What can we tell from the body
language? Per the Zetas, the announcement was secured and China
agreed to be a participant! China after all did a space
walk in 2008, sent an orbiter
around the Moon in 2010, and launched a space
lab in 2011. They are presumed to know what is in
space as much as the Russians and Americans! After the weekend
of June 8-9, 2013 the announcement was set to go. Clearly
everyone was getting into position. Places everyone!

ZetaTalk Comment
5/15/2013: China
cannot be bribed, intimidated, or influenced by the small
group in the US who wish the cover-up to continue. China has
already been open and obvious in their plans to move their
populace inland, away from the coastlines and into relatively
under-populated desert regions. Their Ghost Cities
are obvious, though unofficially explained, so the Chinese
people are not expected to be shocked by the announcement. Has
a date been set? Since all the face-to-face meetings and
private letter exchanges have already occurred, it would be
logical that the proposed date has indeed been set. The
feasibility of the date was one of the issues to be settled
and confirmed. Just what that date is, we will not reveal, for
obvious reasons.
Google Maps
A clever member of the Pole Shift ning discovered a way to
demonstrate and measure plate movement using Google and Bing
maps, and demonstrated this for land on the Sunda
Plate and the Caribbean
region. In that most of the images in the databases are
years old, and the 7 of 10 plate movement only began at the end
of 2010, the plate movement shown is only a hint of what has
already occurred. We are looking at the past, primarily, not at
the present. But what is shown is dramatic. Another Pole Shift
ning member assembled a four-step
procedure for how to determine the dates and get the
overlay of what should be versus what is.

Bear in mind that this tool, the dramatic proof of land
movement, will likely be taken from the public promptly. Those
assigned to deny the Earth changes will quickly have new map
borders drawn or take away features now available to the public.
This has happened in the past when the Japan Magnetic
Simulator was taken away on claims there was a budget
crunch. The replacement, NOAA’s BATSRUS, did not chart the
magnetic flux but rather focused on emissions
from the Sun.

ZetaTalk Insight
4/13/2013: The
Japan magnetic simulator was taken down by the cover-up after
April 2, 2012 because it clearly showed the Earth’s
magnetosphere twisting under the influence of Planet X,
showing the flow of magnetons from pole to pole as blue or red
wings. When this flow of magnetons, Earth’s magnetosphere, was
combined with the magnetic field around Planet X, subsumed by
Planet X’s magnetosphere, this was likewise evident on the
Japan simulator charts. This forced the public to use BATSRUS,
a NASA chart site, where it is harder to see the direct impact
of Planet X on the Earth’s magnetosphere.
Buoys have been taken off-line and
a buoy maintenance man assassinated in an effort to keep the
public from realizing plate movement under the waves.

ZetaTalk Explanation
11/24/2012: Buoys
have proven to be an embarrassment, in that they show the
ocean floor rising or falling, and in accordance with our
predictions. The death of a Malay buoy maintenance man
recently, to silence him, was considered a red flag, so buoys
are not being taken out of service when they are flagging
plate movement. Being taken out of service does not mean they
are no longer operational, it simply means the public cannot
be privy to the information. One can read past the outages to
see where plate movement is occurring, thus. Just look for the
newly deactivated buoys, and draw your own conclusions!
Earthquake data has been altered since Planet X arrived in the
inner solar system in 2003, with quakes eliminated from the
databases and reduced in magnitude.

ZetaTalk Answer
8/7/2010: Greater
than 90% of the earthquake activity is being altered by the
USGS at present, which is under orders to prevent any clue
being given to the public about the Earth changes caused by
the presence of Planet X. Over a decade ago, the approach was
to de-sensitize the live seismographs periodically, so the
displays do not turn black worldwide, and to ignore the
twice-a-day patterns showing up on these seismographs. Then
any quakes that could be dropped were dropped. This was
obvious to some who were watching the database manipulation.
Quakes in the list would suddenly disappear. This was
particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote
location, or out in the ocean. Dumbing down the magnitude
quickly followed, but in order to ensure the public did not
notice, the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake
statistics. At times, this control breaks, and discrepancies
are reported to the public. Some countries rebel. Quake swarms
are another source of control, as they pepper the databases
with many quakes and skew the statistics, and thus are pulled
from the database. Else the question is raised, why so many?
Russia TV
On June 26, 2013 Nancy Lieder, and ZetaTalk made an appearance
on Russian TV, participating in a discussion on visitations and
the development of the hybrid race between Zetas and Humans.
This is in Russian, on
the Archives, and most of what only a small portion
of what Nancy relayed is included. Mikhail Kashen, the Russian
translation coordinator, relayed what had been said. A
translation of the relevant 5
minute portion is also available.
