Do under water caves in the Bahamas carry evidence of past
passages by Nibiru? They show red iron oxide dust, solidified in
the stalagmites in caves that were above ground in the past. As
with the East Coast of the US, the Bahamas sink with every Pole
Shift as the Atlantic Rift pulls apart and weakens the edges of
the rift. Per the Zetas, the evidence of red dust appearing
every approximately 3,600 years is less astonishing than the
excuses and explanations grasped by humans who fear to
comprehend the cataclysms that have afflicted the Earth every
3,600 years.

- Climate Clues Found In Ancient
Underwater Caves
November 3, 2011
- The stalagmite samples from the
Great Blue Hole showed three periods of rapid shifts from
a wet to dry climate in the ancient Bahamas. These periods
correlate with so-called Heinrich events in the North
Atlantic, which are a well-studied phenomenon where very
cold periods are followed by a rapid shift to a warmer
climate. Curiously, the team also found high levels of
iron in the stalagmites during the Heinrich events. Iron
shouldn't be there since there are no known nearby
- No Holes Barred
Fall, 2011
- From deep within the caves, the
researchers also gathered dozens of stalagmites. These
calcium carbonate formations built up during the ice ages,
when sea levels dropped and the sinkholes were dry. The
stalagmites are solid, with layers that are basically like
tree rings related to age, so you can date them. Red iron
deposits in the stalagmites are remnants of dust that blew
across the Atlantic from the African Sahara thousands of
years ago.
- The Universal Hologram: Human Brains
Are Very Odd Places
February 13, 2010
- Here is a stalagmite that was cut
in half: It has rings like a tree. The dark lines
are iron which comes from dust blown from Africa.
The densest rings of black iron in this deposit are
actually greatest pre-54,000 years ago. There were
very, very few humans back then. But they had
something very big: fire. The use of fire to hunt
game was the big thing. We basically set Africa on
fire. The fires had the greatest effect not since
12,000 years ago but before this.
- Heinrich Event
- The events are rapid: they last
around 750 years, and their abrupt onset may occur in mere
years. Heinrich events are often marked by the following
changes: Pollen indications of cold-loving pines replacing
oaks on the North American mainland; decreased oceanic
salinity, due to the influx of fresh water; increased
grain size in wind-blown loess in China, suggesting
stronger winds. The mathematics of the system are
consistent with a 7,000-year periodicity.
ZetaTalk Comment
6/8/2013: Once
again human scientists refuse to see the elephant in the room.
The periodic nature of the Earth changes is staring them in
the face, yet they refuse to look or comprehend. It is
deliberate amnesia, because the thought is so very scary. Of
course the Heinrich events happened approximately every 7,000
years, as the periodic return of Nibiru, aka Planet X,
occurred every 3,600 years. Do the math! Does this not equate
to 7,200 years, a multiple of 3,600? The stalagmite red lines
are identified at 11,000 and 14,000 and 21,000 years – rounded
as this is not a precise business. Does this not equate to
10,800 and 14,400 and 21,600 years, a multiple of 3,600 years?
The theory that red dust,
laden with iron oxide, is blown west from the Sahara is
postulated even today to explain red dust in Europe and the
US. Absurd, beyond absurd, but any theory is better than
facing the idea that the crust shifts every 3,600 years as the
giant magnet that is Nibiru, aka Planet X, passes by. Of
course ice at whatever was the N Pole at the time melted,
increasing the fresh water in the Atlantic. Of course plant
lift in now warmer climates changed from cold loving to heat
loving plants, or vice versa. And of course newly deposited
red dust was solidified in stalagmites carrying the dust in
the drip.
Wobble Ice
The past few months have seen an increased Earth wobble, with
the result that the US has seen a colder Spring and Summer. On
May 26, 2013 – Memorial Day weekend – New York State and New
England were pelted with freezing temperatures and up to 3 feet
of snow.

- Northeast Frost, Freeze Concerns
May 26, 2013
- Since Memorial Day is typically
deemed as the unofficial start to summer, many people of
the Northeast may find it hard to believe that frost and
freezing temperatures are a concern tonight.
- Upstate New York Pelted with 3 Feet of
May 27, 2013
- The freak snowfall on the
mountain, which stands along the border between New York
and Vermont was part of a larger pattern of turbulent
weather in the region.
Lakes in Canada were experiencing piles of shattered ice along
their shores, caused by constant re-freezing during the thaw, as
this Pole
Shift ning blog details. Per the Zetas, this will prove to
be temporary as the blending of the seasons will at some point
prevent freezing at all!

ZetaTalk Explanation
5/25/2013: The
ice flows piling up on shorelines in N America are certainly
caused in the main by the more violent Earth wobble. This,
combined with repeated thawing and freezing which has been a
result of the incipient blending of the seasons. Hard frozen
lake ice does not move under the wind, but when thin due to
the Spring thaw is more mobile. Ice flows that would
ordinarily be thick, and thus bump into one another but remain
in place, are thawed to a thinness that allows them to
fracture as they are thrust against one another, thus in a
state that can be carried by waves readily. Is this likely to
get worse as the 8 of 10 blending of the seasons progresses?
It is likely to be a temporary feature, as when the blending
is firmly in place, no significant ice will form on these
lakes in the first place!
And how did the establishment explain this evidence of an Earth
wobble? In an article using the words “pole drift” and “polar
shift” and a circular “wobble” of the globe, they blame it all
on Global Warming ice melt. The evidence does not explain what
is happening to the globe, but NASA hopes you remember the catch
words and equate it all to Global Warming, such is their
- North Pole Dhifts due to Global
May 15, 2013
- The North Pole has shifted east
because of ice sheet loss caused by rising temperatures, a
new study published in Geophysical Research Letters has
found, according to the scientific journal Nature. The
pole drifted southeast toward northern Labrador, Canada,
at a rate of about 6 centimeters per year between 1982 and
2005. But since 2005, the direction and speed of the
pole's journey changed. It started moving rapidly east
towards Greenland at a rate of more than 21 centimeters
per year.
- Global Warming Causes North Pole
shift: Study
May 15, 2013
- The study was carried out using
data collected by NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate
Experiment (GRACE). Scientists have long known that the
locations of Earth’s geographic poles aren’t fixed. Over
the course of the year, they shift seasonally as Earth’s
distributions of snow, rain, and humidity change. Usually
[the shift] is circular, with a wobble. Earth’s gravity
field changes are measured by two probes by the GRACE,
which can be used to study the shifts in the distribution
of water and ice. 90% of the polar shift post-2005
occurred due to loss of ice and rise in sea level. The
study was also reported in the international science
journal Nature.
ZetaTalk Comment
5/18/2013: The
Earth wobble has been the most difficult aspect of near
presence of Planet X to disguise. Signs in the skies and
electro-magnetic disturbances are blamed on the Sun. Any
rising seas or erratic weather is blamed on Global Warming.
Earthquakes and the increase in volcanic eruptions is
suppressed in the press, and denied. Debris in the tail of
Planet X zinging through the Earth’s atmosphere is blamed on
space junk. But the Earth wobble, increasingly evident, has no
ready excuse. NASA is acknowledging this problem in this
latest GRACE study, which is liberally peppered with phrases
such as “pole shift” and “wobble”. NASA and other elites
in the cover-up have great distain for the common man, and
assume the public will be placated when they note the Sun or
Moon out of place. What the public will make note of is that
NASA addressed the obvious Earth wobble, had the opportunity
to address it, and once again lied.
Larry King on RT
Just prior to the announcement admitting the near presence of
Nibiru, aka Planet X in the inner solar system, Russian TV
stations announced changes. OTR, newly authorized by Putin to be
a station independent of political and corporate control, went
on the air May 19, 2013. Per the Zetas, this was related to what
was at that time the pending announcement.
- Russia's Ad-Free Public TV Channel
Struggling Less Than Two Weeks After Launch
May 29, 2013
- Less than a two weeks after its
discreet launch, Russia's new public television channel
OTR is already struggling financially. A pet project of
former president, now prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, the
channel secured just 700 million roubles ($22 million)
from the Kremlin for its first-year operating costs.
That's not enough to run the station, which went on air
May 19, the ministry of finance says.
ZetaTalk Comment 5/25/2013:
Putin and the Russian
government are looking beyond the anticipated announcement by
Obama admitting the near presence of Nibiru. Especially in
Russia, where ZetaTalk is well known and well respected, there
is bound to be concern over the anticipated flooding that
Siberia and eastern Russia will experience after the Pole
Shift. What will the Russian government do about this? Mass
relocation? Floating cities? Will they argue that ZetaTalk is
wrong in its prediction, while simultaneously allowing full
access to the ZetaTalk message and the accuracy of its prior
predictions? We have stressed that citizens must look to
themselves, and not their governments, for assistance during
the coming times. Self-sufficiency must be the
guideline. Merely discussing these matters will spur the
public to such action, as they sort out their alternatives.
These discussions, on this new independent TV station, are
expected to be heated and filled with information. A good move
by the Russian government.
Barely two weeks later it was announced that Larry King will
have a new show on the English speaking station RT, also Russian
RV. Per the Zetas, this move too is related to the pending

- Larry King joins Russia's RT channel
May 29, 2013
- Legendary American interviewer
Larry King is joining Russia’s English-language TV channel
RT with a global reach of over 630 million people.
- RT America to Broadcast Larry King's
New Political Show
May 29, 2013
- King’s career has spanned 56 years
and more than 50,000 interviews, but he says the show will
break new ground. The veteran broadcaster will not shy
away from causing controversy, or using his authority to
give a chance to hear voices other media ignore.
ZetaTalk Comment
6/1/2013: The
need to educate the public about the impact the coming Pole
Shift will have is paramount in many minds. But likewise the
awareness that politicians will stonewall the impact, denying
that the public must leave the coastlines or can anticipate
rapidly rising seas. Drastic climate change will likewise be
stonewalled, as where some countries will gain a better
climate, others will not. Migration is a huge worry among
politicians, who fear the populace of India and Indonesia will
flee by any means possible. How to simultaneously educate the
public with the ZetaTalk message, which the political elite of
the world fear is more accurate than not, while preventing
panic and rioting?
Larry King is expected to
challenge politicians from Russia and the US with frank
questions on his new show. If the politicians wave aside
questions about the accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions,
geological evidence of past cataclysms, and current trends
they will at least have heard what the politicians are
refusing to address. This allows the public to do their own
research. The public will be educated by this process. Is
Larry King the last such celebrity to assume such a role on
the eve of the announcement admitting the near presence of
Nibiru, aka Planet X? Anticipate other such celebrities, known
in other cultures, in similar roles soon.
Russia’s partnership with Obama was apparently also in the
mysterious exchange of letters that occurred in April and May,
2013. First a letter from Obama, and then a return message from
Putin. Doesn’t anyone use the phone? And what is the point of
having a Secretary of State if one must resort to little pieces
of paper? Per the Zetas, these messages were in code, so anyone
intercepting them would never guess their meaning.

- Obama Sends Letter to Putin to Improve
April 15, 2013
- President Barack Obama wants to
ease diplomatic tensions with Moscow and had a letter hand
delivered to President Vladimir Putin to propose new ways
to cooperate. According to Putin's foreign affairs
adviser, Yuri Ushakov, Obama's letter was "quite
constructive" and contained specific proposals regarding
arms control and economic cooperation. In return, Putin
expressed his readiness to support the "positive signals"
coming from Washington.
- Only by Hand: Barack Obama Received a
Letter from Vladimir Putin
May 24, 2013
- Secretary of the Security Council
of the Russian Federation Nikolay Patrushev brought to
Barack Obama the response message of the president of
Russia. He transferred Vladimir Putin's letter during
a meeting with the American president in the White house.
ZetaTalk Explanation
4/20/2013: Why
would one Head of State send a letter to another, rather than
get on the phone? What can be put into a letter cannot be
overheard, as even scrambled phone calls can, and can carry
coded information. Coded information can be arranged in the
order of words and letters, in the double meaning of words,
and in the emphasis placed on words by repeated use of such
words. Russia will be countering the efforts by many clinging
to the cover-up in the US by creating an Internet storm, with
ZetaTalk at the center. The cover-up crowd would like to
promote their own spokespersons, a matter Obama does not want
to succeed.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/25/2013: Why
is Obama concerned that ZetaTalk get the spotlight after the
announcement? There are several reasons. Obama wants the
populace to hear the ZetaTalk description, so they can make
their OWN choices and decisions on where to live. ZetaTalk is
considered a friendly alien face. After decades of
disinformation on the alien agenda by the CIA - Hollywood
movies such as Signs, ID4, and War of the Worlds – the
populace is likely to become fearful when faced, inevitably,
with ZetaTalk accuracy. Obama knows that self-sufficiency is
key. The majority of the public will assume rescue by their
governments, as occurs today after disasters. Most of the
spokespersons the cover-up crowd would like to promote talk
about survival but do so in the context of buying freeze dried
food or guns and ammunition, neither of which will feed
survivors for long.
Russian’s Borders
Putin has recently made trips to Kyrgyzstan and the Ukraine.
Per the Zetas this has more to do with protecting Russia’s
border than with trade issues. Russia will deal with immense
flooding issues after the Pole Shift, with most of its populace
requiring relocation. Drowning migrants from other countries
would not, thus, be welcome. Per the Zetas, this is the primary
item on the agenda with Russia’s close neighbors.

- Russian President Vladimir
Putin's Visit to Kyrgyzstan Early Next Month
May 22, 2013
- Russian President Vladimir Putin
will visit Kyrgyzstan in early June of this year. Vladimir
Putin's visit will also contribute to the development of
friendly relations between our countries.
- Putin, Yanukovych Discussing Trade,
Economic Cooperation in Sochi
May 26, 2013
- "I am happy to see you here and
have chance to discuss bilateral relations, trade and
economic ties, as well as our cooperation in the
Commonwealth of Independent States in an informal
setting," Putin said.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/1/2013: What
type of issues are discussed, and what are the bargaining
chips? First commonality is sought, as where two countries
both have the same policy on a matter. This might be assumed
for both China and Russia, who anticipate migration into their
territories from flooding regions. For China this is from the
south, and for Russia from the west in Europe, but both want
firm and well protected borders. They agree to respect each
other’s borders and thus troops do not need to be deployed
along these shared borders.
Second comes the use of
bargaining chips. The Ukraine is on the edge where some of its
land will be above the waves, but all to the east in Russia
will be flooded. Migration will flow in two directions, first
from the flooding lands in Russia to high ground in the
Ukraine, and then as Europe is likewise afflicted with
flooding, back toward Russia in the desperate search for a
land route to high ground. Russia does not want Europeans
bridging over to Kazakhstan, which will already be burdened
with migrates from Russia. Negotiations are thus in process!
Will Russia look beyond its borders, perhaps trying to establish
a foothold in the vast lands of Africa? Much of Africa was
formerly colonized by European countries, but this does not make
African control a settled issue. There are indications that
Russia is one of the competitors.

- Russia Forges Risky Ties with
May 27, 2013
- Officially intended as a
brainstorming on rising Islamist political forces in the
region stretching from the Atlantic coast of Africa to the
Gulf that is wracked by popular protest and discontent,
the conference offered Russian officials, academics and
journalists an opportunity to drive home the notion that
conservative Russian Orthodox Christians and Islamists
share a common value system. In reaching out to the
Islamists, Russia hopes to catch several flies in one fell
swoop. It aligns itself, despite differences over Syria,
with a political force that is on the rise and
demonstrates that it can still wield influence in the
Middle East and North Africa.
- Russia Seeks Africa Partnerships –
May 26, 2013
- Russia is after friendly relations
and productive cooperation with all countries in Africa.
President Vladimir Putin said this in a message to the
Addis Ababa summit marking 50 years since the foundation
of what is now the African Union. He also praised the
Union’s role in conflict management, peacekeeping and
advancing social and economic development across Africa.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/1/2013: Everyone
wants a good partnership with African countries, because as we
have so often stated Africa will be above the waves in the
Aftertime, temperate, and relatively under populated. It also
has oil reserves. The issue of AIDS and Ebola viruses is
considered minor by those wanting to inundate Africa, as
careful quarantine and hygiene is considered effective
containment. In fact, these viruses are considered a scourge
of the locals, a population reduction mechanism, rather than a
threat. European countries have a bond with S Africa,
countries in the Middle East have a bond with Islamic
countries in the northeast of Africa, and US oil interests
have tried to make inroads along the Ivory Coast. By its firm
partnership with Iran and Syria, Russia plans a firm handshake
with Islamists throughout Africa.