Tail Blast
Why do the photo and video captures by the public show such
variation? At times, the tail is blown to the side, from right
to left and curling around up above the Sun. During such times
one sees the Moon Swirls as tubes,
from the side. At times the tail is blown more directly
toward the Earth such that the Moon Swirl tubes allow sunlight
to funnel down them toward the Earth, showing a brilliant
light at the ends like a flashlight. At rare times the
Moon Swirls arrange themselves into a String
of Pearls where their relationship to one another is
obvious. In late October, the tail was blown so directly toward
the Earth between
October 16 and October
21 that the components were lost in the debris and dust
in the vast tail of Planet X, though some individual moons
within the Moon Swirls were clearly still visible. What causes
these changing views? Per the Zetas, the direction of the tail
is key.

ZetaTalk Explanation
10/27/2012: What
is happening with the vast tail of Planet X when at one point
it forms Moon Swirl orbs around the Sun, at another is slung
to the side so the Moon Swirls look like tubes, at another
tossed above or below the Sun so the Moon Swirl orbs are seen
as a String of Pearls, and at yet another blown so directly at
the Earth that the Moon Swirls are lost in the clutter of
debris so that no sunlight can funnel through them toward
Earth. Clearly, the direction of the tail is key. Brilliant,
large Moon Swirl orbs close to the Sun occur when the tail is
blown toward the Earth, with the dominant, large moons in the
swirl being most affected by the magnetic push while the
lesser moons, surprisingly, line up behind the dominant moons
seeking shelter from the magnetic push on the Earth side of
the swirl. The minor moons are hiding behind the dominant
The String of Pearls, which
are Moon Swirl orbs slung to the side rather than directly at
the Earth, occur rarely when the tail in general is blown to
the side by a dither in Planet X but the Sun’s magnetic field
affects the charged tail so that they again line up so that
sunlight can funnel through them to the Earth. This is a dual
action on the Moon Swirls, both Planet X and the Sun’s
magnetism affecting them. At other times Planet X points the
hose of magnetic particles coming from its N Pole so directly
at the Earth that the vast charged tail, which normally
spreads out over a vast area, condenses, clumping so any
sunlight that would funnel through the Moon Swirl tubes is
lost in the dust cloud and debris. One could correlate these
times with the magnetic compression of the Earth’s magnetic
Did the twisting and compression of the Earth’s magnetosphere
relate? Per the popular Pole
Shift ning blog on these matters, it did indeed. On
October 19 an unprecedented “trifecta of anomalies” occurred.

- Animation of today's magnetosphere
- an unprecedented "trifecta" of anomalies over 13
hours: multiple severe compressions, severe
turbulence, beginning with a conspicuous dipole tilt
toward Planet X at 10:57 UTC.
Would such a direct assault of the tail blow red dust into the
Earth’s atmosphere? The establishment seems to think so. Sweden
and the UK are being warned that red dust, supposedly from the
Sahara, will blow their way in the next week or so.
- "Blood Rain" Headed in Sweden's
October 19, 2012
- Blood rain, or red rain, is not as
dangerous as it sounds. In this case, it consists of a
rain cloud loaded with dust from the Sahara Desert,
heading towards Sweden.
- Watch out for 'Blood Rain' at
October 21, 2012
- Forecasters are predicting
unseasonably warm weather next week thanks to a warm band
of air from North Africa, but warned the mild conditions
won't last, with snow on its way towards the end of the
week. 'Blood rain' also expected as band carries red
Saharan dust.
But this Pole
Shift ning blog points out that dust from the Sahara is not red, but cream colored!
- Saharan Dust Changes South Florida
July 17, 2012
- The dust layer typically remains
5,000-6,000 feet above the ground and will paint the sky a
“milky” shade. We’ll start noticing that milky or hazy
Buoy Murder
What does the steady tilting of the Indo-Australian Plate and
the steady sinking of the Sunda Plate have to do with the death
of a buoy maintenance man? Plenty, per the Zetas, who say this
30 year veteran of buoy maintenance for the Malay government met
his death because he had a tendency to simply tell the truth.
How does a senior buoy maintenance man die while attending to a
buoy that had been hoisted aboard a boat? Did they drop the buoy
on him? Did he suddenly have a heart attack at the strange sight
of a buoy? Or was it what he was insisting on writing in his
report – that the buoy was not malfunctioning!
- Tsunami Buoy Maintenance Halted after
Fatal Accident
October 20, 2012
- The maintenance of a tsunami buoy
at Sipadan Island on Sabah’s east coast has been halted
due to a fatal accident while the buoy was being serviced
on board MV Pendamar, said the Malaysian Meteorological
Department. The department said Lyng, 53, a specialist
working with the buoy system for more than 30 years was
one of the most experienced engineers in this field and
had been involved with SAATNM programme since its
implementation in 2005.
The buoy in question, Buoy 53046, had shown the sea floor
rising dramatically, approximately 2300 feet within the course
of a few days. This buoy rides on the very edge of the
Indo-Australian Plate where the Sunda Plate is being pushed under the Indo-Australian
Plate. Sounds like a scenario for a sudden rise in sea level at
that point. Per the Zetas, this is what caused the rise and this
is what got poor Lyng inadvertently killed.

ZetaTalk Comment
10/27/2012: This
buoy is owned and maintained by a Malaysian company, and
Malaysia is situated on lands on the Sunda Plate, which is
sinking. They are quite sensitive that their populace not
realize their situation, and panic. Since the start of the 7
of 10 plate movements the flooding of low lying lands has been
explained as rain, or ground water extraction causing a
collapse, or rising seas that somehow only seem to affect SE
Asia. Evidence that the Indo-Australian Plate is rising
dramatically just at the border of the Sunda Plate that houses
Malaysia did create panic, but not in the general populace.
The panic was among the elite in this country.
Plate borders are not smooth,
but rough, and when pressed against each other much crumbling
occurs on all sides. The pressure of the compressing Pacific
against the great Eurasian Plate can be seen in the number of
small platelets above Australia, where that portion of the
Sunda Plate, itself a tongue of the Eurasian Plate, has
shattered into platelets. The fact that the sea floor rose
suddenly and dramatically under buoy 53046 is because a
portion of this plate border began jutting up toward the
surface. The 30 year veteran of buoy maintenance was an honest
man, and was expected to simply tell the truth to the public,
and for this he lost his life, murdered by the elite in
As pointed out on this Pole
Shift ning blog, buoys in the area are showing continuing
plate movement. Buoy 55012 shows the sea floor rising, and buoy
alerts show the entire area jolting, all the way to the Aleutian
Islands due to the steady compression of the Pacific.

Tending the Dead
The US Congress departed early during the election season,
leaving behind a passel of unfinished high-priority work.
- Congress Takes Seven-Week Election
September 23, 2012
- Lawmakers will return in about
seven weeks and face a crowded list of must-do items. The
nation will have to wait until after the election for
Congress to deal with taxes, spending cuts, the farm bill
and the cash-strapped Postal Service. It comes as no
surprise to lawmakers that their public approval has
plummeted to about 12 percent.
Yet they found time to pass HR 6566, a bill which stresses
that in any US emergency where mass fatalities are experienced,
the Jewish and Muslim rituals of a burial within 48 hours must
be given high priority!
- FEMA To Mobilize For “Mass Fatality
October 5, 2012
- The United States Congress has
passed a bill which mandates the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) to prepare for “mass fatality
planning” and funeral homes, cemeteries and mortuaries
being “overwhelmed” in the aftermath of a mass terror
attack, natural disaster or other crisis. Noting the
necessity for emergency preparedness in relation to terror
attacks, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the
bill instructs FEMA to be sensitive to the fact that Jews
and Muslims require bodies to be buried within 48 hours of
death. Should the bill be given the green light by the
- H.R. 6566: Mass Fatality Planning and
Religious Considerations Act
September 28, 2012
- Congress finds the following:
(1) Emergency preparedness often plans for how to prepare
and provide for survivors of a natural disaster, act of
terrorism, or other man-made disaster, but fails to plan
for how to prepare for and respond to mass fatalities that
result from such an incident.
(2) Funeral homes, cemeteries, and mortuaries could be
overwhelmed should mass fatalities arise from a natural
disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster.
(3) Different religions have different customs surrounding
death; for example, the Jewish and Muslim religions call
for burial of the deceased not later than 48 hours after
Are they suggesting that tending to the dead takes precedence
over tending to the living? Determining the identity of each
body, and thus the religious preference, while the injured bleed
and scream? The Zetas have described a horrific death rate as a
result of the Pole Shift – 90% of the current populace dying as
a result of drowning during ocean sloshing, flooding during
torrential rains and the backwash of rivers from sloshing,
magnitude 9 earthquakes worldwide, exploding volcanoes,
untreated injuries and infections, starvation, and depression
from loss. Of course, coastal and river bottom areas will be
more affected than the heartlands. Crowded cities with collapsed
buildings will be more affected than sparsely populated
regions. This is the expected scene as a result of the
Pole Shift, but emergencies such as the New Madrid adjustment
await the US too, and will come prior to the Pole Shift. Per the
Zetas, there will be scare time and energy to attend to the
dead, as the living are more important. Tending to the dead is,
after all, just a ritual.
ZetaTalk Advice
9/2/2003: Primarily,
the large die-off will be in places which are pleasant living
now, coastal cities, or river basin cities. These cities grew
up where commerce was available, and the heavy die-off will be
there. Since the waters rise, it will become fish food. In
other areas, cities high in the hills, obviously, this will be
a reeking mess. Nature takes care of this, in short order,
within months, through bacteria and bugs. If you really want
to know how to deal with it, get some chickens that eat the
bugs and send them out there to fill up, and then you can eat
the eggs. Just stay downwind of the stench. This is not
exactly socially proper advice, because people want to bury
their dead. Most of the dead will be under buildings or
trapped under water somewhere. You have to do a mindset to
think of the survivors. Think of the living who are feeling
pain. Your obligation to the dead is only a ritual you can put
What is the US Congress suggesting? That in a crisis, such as
the pending New Madrid Fault line adjustment, people should
attend to ritual rather than attend to the living? My guess is
that they are not using the lessons from the Haiti quake of

- 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- The Haitian government reported
that an estimated 316,000 people had died.
Port-au-Prince's morgues were overwhelmed with tens of
thousands of bodies. These had to be buried in mass
graves. At the city's overwhelmed morgue, rotting corpses
had been piling high, their arms jutting out with rigor
mortis almost as if they were reaching up towards the
tropical sun.
- Haiti Earthquake: Thousands of Bodies
are Dumped in Stench-Filled Mass Graves
January 16, 2010
- Decomposing bodies are first
picked from the ground and hurled into trucks operating as
makeshift mass hearses that are driving around the city.
The vehicles then head for the mass graves, back up to the
holes and empty out their contents. It is a grim
spectacle. The desperate measures have been introduced
amid fears that the decomposing corpses and the mosquitos
feeding on them could spread disease. But it means that
many Haitians will never know where their lost loves are
A chapter in the Finegan Fine story, called Burial
at Sea deals with this issue. Young Joey has been
separated from his parents and now grandpa has died. Finegan has
agreed to use his houseboat to return Joey and the corpse of
grandpa to Joey’s parents.
The following morning Finegan has a couple passengers
on the houseboat. Joey is sleeping at the side of his
dead grandpa, who has been wrapped in a sheet. Joey has
one arm over the chest of the corpse, his head resting
on grandpa's shoulder despite the flies beginning to
buzz about. Finegan is standing in the doorway of the
house, arms folded, looking at the scene and pondering.
Joey points across the water. “We lived over there, but
yonder, behind that hill.” Seeing the cloud of buzzing
flies, Finegan is seeking a quick solution. “You ever
heard of burial at sea?” Joey is clearly anxious about
being separated from his only flesh and blood relative
at hand, even if the flesh and blood are not too
responsive. “But then I could never go visit my granpa!”
The corpse has been moved up to the front of the boat
and positioned so it is sitting up, as though grandpa
were participating in the homecoming. The flies have
gotten thicker now, buzzing around in angry swarms.
Joey can suddenly see the spot where his home used to
be. He gets a stunned look on his face, stumbles
backwards toward grandpa and falls into his lap. Joey is
batting at the buzzing flies and starting to tear up. He
scrambles to his feet and up onto the rooftop where he
can face Finegan. “That's the house, there, in the
water!” The one-story suburban ranch house is situated
on a hillside so that the basement is developed with a
patio out into the backyard. The house is flooded to the
extent that the basement is under water by a couple
feet. The house appears to be deserted. Joey is
clamoring up the stairs in search of his family but
returns, standing at the top of the stairs. “They're
gone.” Finegan mounts the stairs. “Did they leave a
The house has an open style, so there are no walls
between the kitchen and living areas. Finegan and Joey
are looking around on table tops, the refrigerator door,
the bathroom mirror, and the kitchen counter top, but
are finding no indication of anything but disorganized
panic. Some items of clothing have been left on the
sofa. A glass of juice sits half empty on the kitchen
countertop. Finegan walks into the master bedroom but
lingers in the doorway, as though not wanting to invade
the sanctity of the marital bedroom. He notices a photo
of the couple on their wedding day, and removes the
photo from the frame, handing this to Joey. “Here. Will
come in handy. Tell folks what they look like.” Joey is
looking solemn. He takes the photo and stuffs it into
his jacket pocket.
Finegan and Joey are returning to the houseboat with
their arms full of loot. Joey is standing shock still,
staring at his seated grandpa. By now the corpse is
almost covered with flies and various insects that are
trying to find their way through the sheet that is
covering the corpse like a mummy. Joey has become
resigned. He turns to look over his shoulder toward
Finegan, who is wading back with the grappling hooks
held high. “What was that about burial at sea?”
Space Port Earth
At the start of the ZetaTalk saga, I, Nancy, reported a recall
I had about a trip to the Gobi Desert, where the Zetas took me
to one of their space ports.
NancyTalk Report:
We went there in a large ship,
larger than the usual used during routine contacts, and this
ship had a brown see-through floor and ceiling. We went into
the side of a mountain, after coming across a barren desert.
There were no trees or vegetation on the mountain range. The
entrance to the Zeta home was artificially made, and could not
be viewed from a distance. The entrance was off a canyon,
straight into the side of the canyon, and the track took a
curve. The large ship (which could have comfortably carried 50
people, throughout) locked into some kind of track in the
entrance, which guided the ship, held on all sides, smoothly
onto a landing port. I was shown, at one point, a natural
cavern filled with idle ships.
Google Earth is showing a couple entrances into solid rock in
Antarctica which appear to be similar space ports. The entrance
is shielded by an overhang, and none of this looked like a
natural rock outcropping. In the past, the Zetas have asserted
that humans such as the Nazi
did not live underground in Antarctic, nor did Admiral
Byrd have contact with aliens in Antarctica.

ZetaTalk Answer
10/27/2012: What
is the clearly manufactured entrance into Antarctica rock, in
the shape of a space ship? It is what it seems to be, an
entrance for space ships. This port is not currently in use,
nor would curious man find anything laying about that might be
useful or educational. As Nancy has explained in her report on
a trip to the Gobi Desert to one of our current space ship
ports, such entrances are carved into solid granite and
positioned so as not to be seen from an Earthly view. The Gobi
Desert port took into consideration mankind’s current use of
satellites, the entrance being at the side of a deep ravine,
whereas the Antarctic port did not have this worry.
Who lived there? We have
explained the plethora of alien life forms currently visiting
Earth, and the myriad worlds they come from. It matters not
what alien group found Antarctica convenient, as the history
of visitations as explained by ourselves has covered the
basics. Genetic engineering projects, early counseling by
ambassadors from the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, and
simple exploration by the Earthly equivalent of biologists and
sociologists have visited the Earth in the past. Antarctica
has never been inhabited by early man, so the space ports
there were never under threat of discovery. This port nor any
underground facility in Antarctica was not, at any time,
utilized by mankind, despite myths about Admiral Byrd or the
Nazis to the contrary.
New Video Clips
Three new video clips added on October 22, 2012.
The Zeta Report 52 - The fast growing Louisiana
sinkhole in Bayou Corne shows why the Strategic Petroleum
Reserves are in danger. On YouTube
The Zeta Report 53 - Obama wants to announce the
presence of Nibiru/Planet X. Why is he meeting so much
opposition? On YouTube
The Zeta Report 54 - Possession is on the increase. The
Miami Zombie and the Denver Batman are examples. On YouTube