Wobble Clouds
Yet another clue as to the existence of the Earth wobble has emerged, this one being examined by
meteorologists. We encourage the public to ascertain the Earth wobble and the nearby presence of
Planet X by verifying the location of their sunrise and sunset and the position of the Moon four times a
month. For this, one must determine geographical N/S and E/W, which is done by looking at a survey
or, if one if fortunate to live on roads laid out on a grid, by standing in the street. Get an inexpensive
planetarium program such as Skymap with which to check the expected position. The Moon is too far
to the north between New and Full, and too far to the south between Full and New. Sunrise and sunset
will be too far to the north or south, depending upon your location on Earth, as the wobble takes the
form of a figure 8.
The wobble is the cause of our erratic weather since 2003. It is also drawing pictures in the sky, calling
attention to itself.

Question: I find this very interesting also. I am a aviation meteorologist. We have been observing
clouds for decades now and I or any other meteorologist have no clue on what to classify these
clouds. Are these clouds formed by the earth wobble or turbulent winds in the atmosphere?
- The Cloud with No Name
June 2, 2009
- Whipped into fantastical shapes, these clouds hang over the darkening landscape like the
harbingers of a mighty storm. But despite their stunning and frequent appearances, the formations
have yet to be officially recognised with a name. They have been seen all over Britain in different
forms - from Snowdonia to the Scottish Highlands - and in other parts of the world such as New
Zealand, but usually break up without producing a storm.
ZetaTalk Comment 6/6/2009: We have mentioned several effects of the Earth wobble, such as jet
stream loops and extreme temperature changes. Where in general the atmosphere drags along
with the Earth's surface, there is a lag, which is what causes the prevailing westerlies. When the
Earth is pulled under an air mass of a different temperature, the air can rise or plunge, the
typical scenario of a summer thunderstorm. But what occurs when such an air mass is pulled
under another, and they returned to its former position? Instead of a thunderhead forming, the
process is aborted, leaving a layer of moisture heavy clouds instead. That this cloud formation
has only been seen recently links it to the Earth wobble, which has only been present since 2004.
Winged Globe Flight
On April 5, 2009 in this newsletter we pointed to the appearance of the Winged Globe on March 27,
Since then, the Winged Globe has made several more appearances, each time showing the tail of Planet
X drifting behind it, on May 25, June 2,.and June 5, 2009. At no time were any other planets near the
Sun, nor is the shape of the Winged Globe what is seen in pixel washouts or photon blasts. No other
explanation would account for the obvious tail drifting away from the Winged Globe.
The Zetas have mentioned that one trick used to simulate the seasons on Earth, during the halted orbit, is
to push the Earth below the Ecliptic or above the Ecliptic.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/25/2006: We mentioned earlier that pushing the globe down below the
Ecliptic is another way of maintaining the appearance of normalcy, as a lower posture vs a vs
the Sun floods the Northern Hemisphere with sunlight, and puts the Southern Hemisphere into
darker days for their Winter. Likewise bobbing the Earth up vs a vs the Sun, in the Ecliptic,
allows the reverse.
This was the case on April 21, 2009 when the video of the Second Sun was taken near Moscow. At
that time, the Earth was clearly below the Ecliptic, looking up at Planet X.
Question: I've watched the video made in Russia where the Second Sun was shown, and I am
really impressed by what I've seen. In the video the Second Sun is parallel to horizon. But in
reality Ecliptic is situated at some angle to horizon, in that case the object at sunset must be
down the Sun. But if the situation shown in the video is correct, then the Second Sun is already
above the Ecliptic.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/30/2009: At sunset, in the northern hemisphere, the Ecliptic as seen is
angled from upper left to lower right, so your statement would seem to be true. But we have
often stated that in order to simulate the seasons we use many techniques. One is to lower the
Earth below the Ecliptic or raise it above the Ecliptic. This puts Planet X at a slightly different
level than Earth, and was the case when this video was taken.
As the SOHO satellite is not bothered by the changes that a view from a rotating Earth provides, the
Second Sun should be static in relationship to the Sun unless a change in the Earth posture versus the
Ecliptic takes place. One can see that the Earth is being repositioned, versus the Ecliptic, from the
March 27, 2009 SOHO view when the Earth was above the Ecliptic, to the April 21, 2009 Russian
video view when the Earth was below the Ecliptic, to the May 25, 2009 SOHO view when the Earth
was again above the Ecliptic thence into the June 2, and June 5, 2009 SOHO views when the Earth was
moved to be at the Ecliptic.
The tail of Planet X also shows its independence from the corpus, the body of Planet X itself. It writhes
and lashes, while out in space, the many moons in the tail of Planet X in a perpetual dance with each
ZetaTalk Explanation 2001: This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is
what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red
dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.
Crop Circle Creatures
Recent crop circles have appeared with unmistakable animal shapes - a jellyfish, a dragonfly, a fish, and
now a bird. The circle makers have apparently decided to remove all chance of misunderstanding. These
diagrams are clearly not some mathematical formula or the next solar eclipse, for instance. On May 29,
2009 a jellyfish appeared. Per the Zetas, the unmistakable stingers of the jellyfish carry a clear warning.

ZetaTalk Analaysis 5/30/2009: The jellyfish is well know to the population, and this crop circle
certain to be recognized as a symbol of such a sting, often fatal. Planet X, as we have so often
described, has many moon swirls traveling behind it, swirling around and giving the complex the
appearance of a writhing dragon in the skies during the last weeks. The tail lashes the Earth,
filled with debris and red dust, peppering the ground with hail. This is a warning that even when
the monster itself seems to have passed, that the tail may continue to whip and lash the Earth for
several hours afterwards, during the passage. It is the stingers of the jellyfish that burn and
poison, not the soft head.
On June 3, 2009 a dragonfly appeared. The familiar thrumming buzz of a dragonfly immediately comes
to mind. This symbolism has appeared before, in 2004.
ZetaTalk Analysis 7/3/2004: What symbolism could the circle maker use to relay the thrumming
stuggle of this massive planetary magnet, 23 times the mass of Earth, as it attemps to punch
through the crowded Ecltipic, facing a massive headwind but driven on its path by the Repulsion
Force from the Sun. It presses forward but this creates additional crowding, so is driven back a
bit, then another press forward. Is this not the anoying buzz of an insect? It is balance that is
sought, in particle flows, and when entering a side of the Ecltiptic where this particle crowding is
absent, the Repulsion Force that has been pressing Planet X forward on its path has free reign. A
sudden, and violent, exit from the solar system!
The 2009 dragonfly differs from the 2004 dragonfly in the symbols in its tail. Per the Zetas, we are being
encouraged to think about the last weeks when Planet X and the Earth go through gyrations.
ZetaTalk Analysis 6/6/2009: The symbolism of a buzzing dragonfly has been depicted before, in a
crop circle. Our explanation was at that time that the dragonfly represented the struggle Planet
X has in punching through the crowded Ecliptic, and this still applies for this more recent crop
circle. What has changed? This time the gyrations that occur during the pole shift are depicted on
the tail of the dragonfly. Reversals, from one side to the other. Times when the Earth will have a
long night or a short night. This is what accompanies a severe wobble, which is one of the first
scenarios going into the last weeks.
On June 8, 2009 a fish crop circle appeared. The diagram depicted what the Zetas call the Magnetic
Trimesters, three sections spanning four months each and ending at the close of either August,
December, or April. HAARP documentation does indeed line up with these trimesters as described by
the Zetas.
ZetaTalk Magnetic Trimesters 6/6/2004: Summer Trimester (May-August) is normally a time when
the outburst is strongest. Fall Trimester (September-December) is normally a time when the
annual outburst is diminishing. Spring Trimester (January-April) is normally a quiet time when
the outburst is quiescent, just ahead of the yearly burst during the Summer Trimester.
Per the Zetas, the pole shift will occur at the end of one of these magnetic trimesters. This is clearly
shown in the most recent crop circle, as each fish is pointing directly at the end of a trimester. Once
again, mankind is being told to focus on the last weeks, leading into the pole shift.
ZetaTalk Prediction 11/22/2008: We have given you so much data on the steps and stages of the
last weeks, and told you that the pole shift will occur at the end of a magnetic trimester and that
the sum of the last weeks will occur within that magnetic trimester.
ZetaTalk Explanation 12/15/2007:
We stated that the last weeks would occur within a trimester, which is a 4 month period. We
stated that these last weeks could encompass:
- a severe wobble,
- a lean to the left so the Earth almost seems to lay on her side,
- the 3 days of darkness when the northern hemisphere points away from the hose of
magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Planet X which lies in the direction of the
- the 6 days of sunrise west during the time the Earth overcompensates while tipping away
during the 3 days of darkness and thence rights itself,
- the slowing to a stop over a period of weeks,
- and finally the week of rotation stoppage.
Then on June 12 a bird appeared. In fact, the circle is a bird on a bird, a pecking bird on the back of a
larger bird. Both have wings folded, and are not in flight.
ZetaTalk Analysis 6/17/2009: What does the image of a bird with a smoldering tail relay to
mankind, especially when the bird itself has a pecking bird upon its back? Some static situation,
as neither is in flight. What is the Earth enduring today? Planet X has worked its way past the S
Pole of the Sun, turned in place to point its magnetic N Pole outward away from the Sun, and is
positioned to hammer the Earth during the last weeks before it takes flight and leaves the solar
system. This is the larger bird. What of the smaller bird, pecking its back? This represents what
Earth today is enduring, small in proportion to what the larger bird would inflict. The worst is yet
to come.
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